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February 20, 1943 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-02-20

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Canned Goods 'Freeze' Explained


China Sends Troops into India


May 'Stock Up'
For 8-Day Ban
All Sales Are Halted
In Preparation For
Rationing on March 1
(Continued from Page 1)
tions for every purchase of canned
The ration coupons bearing these
point values will be distributed in a
nation-wide registration beginning
Monday. One adult of each family
will be able to get the ration books,
known as War Ration Book Number
2, from a nearby schoolhouse or other
public place by exhibiting the Num-
ber 1 ration books already teld by
his family. The Number 1 books now
are being used for sugar, coffee and
Many newsprinters are printing
copies of a "consumer declaration"
which will serve as the application
blank for the new ration books.
Householders are urged by OPA to
*~p these from their papers or ob-
tain copies from their ration board
and to fill them out Sunday in prep-
aration for the registration.
Must Report Excess
The form requires each family to
report tle number of cans (over 8
ounces) it has in excess of five for
each member of the family. Families
whih report an excess will lose from
tWeir new ration books one 8-point
stamp for each excess can.
Consumers must fill out the form
even if they do not have more than
ive cans per person.
In answer to other questions, OPA
said that people who do not use
canned goods or have a large stock
tiiat could last -for many months are
not required -to apply for Ration
Book Number 22 but would be wise to
apply anyway because the same book
will be used to ration meat. The meat
rationing date has not been set but
eficials hope to start it about March
To Even Distribution
Another question was why families
living in the country or other iso-
lated places and accustomed to keep-
ing large stocks of canned goods orr
hand will be "penalized" by the de-
duction of 8-point stamps for every
can over 5 per person. OPA's answer
is that the deduction is "not a pen-
4lty," and merely a means of even-
ing up the distribution of limited
supplies of canned goods among peo-
ple who do and don't have large
In this connection OPA reminded
consumers that regardless of how
many excess cans they have, they
cannot lose more than half of their
ration points. Also, the agency said,
no one need give up his excess cans
since the deductions will square him
with the government.
OPA also cautioned against count.
ing cans of canned fish and canned
meat, sale of which was suspended
Wednesday night. Canned fish and
sanned meat will not be rationed un-
til meat is rationed and need not be
sounted at the present time.

Ann Arbor War'
Rally to Honor
Workers Mon..
(Continued from Page 1)
As a part of the day-long cele-
bration, 50 soldiers, who may soon
see action on the battle fronts of
the world, will come from Detroit in
a jeep and truck convoy to tour every
local war plant. Sergeant Bartek and
his fellow heroes will visit some of
the larger War industries and will
give "pep" talks at the company ral-
lies, 'Lieut. Alvin Grauer, field offi-
cer for the Detroit office of the in-
The morale demonstration for
all members of the armed forces on
campus, originally scheduled for
Monday night, has been postponed
in deference to the Washington
Day rally.
dustrial services division of the War
Department's bureau of public re-
lations, indicated yesterday.
Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, chairman of
the University, War Board, said in
announcing the details of the cele-
bration that the purpose of this tour
is to allow the service men to see
where the implements they fight with
come from and how they are made.
The two jeeps and other modern
fighting equipment which the soldiers
will bring along are to be placed on
exhibition at the corner of North
University and State Street, and on
the courthouse lawn.
Ann Arbor sailors, marine3, sol-
diers, aviators, and coast guardsmen
who are home on leave have been
invited to take part in the plant tour
with the Detroit convoy troops.

War Brings New Importance
To Bureau of Visual Education

Campus Is Not
Influenced by
Buyers' Panic
ales Remain. Unifornm
In -State Street Stores
Despite Riisli in Detroit

One of the least publicized but
most widely useful departments on
campus is the Bureau of Visual Edu-
cation of the University Extension
Service. Begun in 1937 to accommo-
date schools and organizations in
Michigan with educational films, the
department has grown to a new sta-
ture with the advent of the war and
the addition of many war films to
the "film library."
At the time of its incorporation
into the University Extension Serv-
ice, the department had some 80
films of a rather limited nature, but
since that time the number of films
has grown to some 1,500, covering
approximately 800 subjects.
Films To University ,
Other than supplying films for
schools and organizations through-
out the state, the Bureau supple-
ments various departments on cam-
pus, such as the geology, geography
departments, supplying them with
films to use in connection with their
At the present time one of the
most important services that the de-
partment has to offer is to supply
films on all phases of the war effort,1
such as agriculture and the war, ci-
vilian defense, war production, and
films on the good neighbor policy.
Government Released
These films are released to the
Bureau by such government offices
as the Office of War Information,
the Department of Agriculture, the
Office of Civilian Defense, and the
Coordinator Inter-American Affairs
Some of the latest films to be
added. to the library are from the
Office of Civilian Defense and in-

Inter-Guild Will Sponsor Annual
World Day of Prayer Tomorrow

elude "A New Fire Bomb," and "The
Work of the Rescue Unit." Latest
Office of War Information films are
"Dover," "Japanese Relocation," and
"Negro Colleges in Wartime."
In order to facilitate the use of the
film library, a "Film Utilization
Guide" was compiled under the di-
rection of Ford L. Lemler, Director
of the Bureau of Visual Education
now on leave with the United States
Office of Education.
To acquaint students and the fac-
ulty with various phases of the war
effort and with the type of films
being released and circulated by the
Office of, War Information at the
present time, a series of Sunday eve-
ning programs is being planned by
the Bureau with the assistance of the
students on the Manpower Corps.
On Campus....
Piano Recital
Betty Likely, '43SM, will present a
piano recital at 8:30 p.m. Sunday in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, in
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for a Bachelor of Music de-
The program will include "Toccata
in A Major," by Purcell; "Sonata in
A-flat Major, Op. 110," by Beetho-
ven, and Variations and fugue on a
theme by Handel, Op. 24, by Brahms.
Miss Likely, prior to entering the
University, studied piano with Grace
Haffner Jones of Des Moines and
Ira Schroeder of Iowa State College.
She has continued her studies here
under Mabel Ross Rhead and Joseph
Brinkman. Miss Likely is a member
of Sigma Alpha Iota, music sorority.
Students Honored
Three February graduates of the
law school were recently elected to
the Order of Coif, a national legal
scholarship society.
Those appointed were James L.
McCrystal from Sandusky, Ohio,
Harold J. Holshuh from Sturgis,
Mich., and Ernest G. Ruddolph, Jr.,
from Sieux Falls, South Dakota.
The highest ten per cent of every
graduating class at the law school
are appointed to this honorary so-
ciety upon graduation.
* * *
Newman Club
The Newman Club is holding its
first Sunday night supper of the
second semester at 6:30 p.m. tomor-
row in the clubroom of the St. Mary's
The arrangements for the supper
and party are being made by the
Spanish students belonging to the
Chapel. Following the supper, there
will be games and dancing.
* * *
Law Review Out
The February issue of the Michi-
gan Law Review, which was released
today, is dedicated to the late Prof.
Edwin C. Goddard of the law school.
The enforceability of property con-
servation decrees of refugee govern-
ments is a problem arising from war
discussed in this issue.
Otherdarticles are "Fair Procedure
before the National Labor Relations
Board," and "Review of the Benja-
min Report.on Administrative Adju-
dication in New York."
Avukah To Hold

These Chinese troops are part of a task force assigned to India,
where the Allies have been amassing land and air forces for an assault
against the Japanese in Burma. They are marching to a railway station
in India.

French Club
To Meet Wed.
Helen Hall, Curator,
To Be First Speaker
"Quelques Peintures Francaises du
Louvre" is the subject Miss Helen
Hall, curator in the Institute of Fine
Arts, will discuss at the first meeting
of the French club this semester, to
be held at 8 p.m. Wednesday in the
Following the speech there will be
songs, games and refreshments.
To supplement her discussion of
French painters of the impression-
istic and post-impressionistic peri-
ods, Miss Hall will show the group
reproductions of paintings whose
zriginals are in the Louvre, works
by such painters as Monet, Renoir,
Degas, Cezanne and Gauguin.
Miss Hall spent her junior year in
college in two lycees in France, at
Tours and Versailles. She has also
studied several summers at the In-
stitute of Art and Archaeology in
Paris, a part of the University of
This semester Jack Vaughn, vice-
president of the French club, will be
the acting president; however, War-
ner Heineman, president, will re-
main a staff member of the club.

Parties To
By Several

Be Held Today

Heading the list of dances in cam-
pus houses is Xi Psi Phi, which will
have a formal from 9 p.m. to mid-
night today at the chapter house.
Delta Upsilon will give a radio dance
from 9 p.m. to midnight, and Alum-
nae House will be the scene of a
radio affair from 9 p.m. to midnight.


Michigan students haven't joined
the race to buy clothing that Detroit
merchants report has trebled their
sales and swamped their counters in
the last two weeks.
Buyers' panic, in spite of Donald
Nelson's assurance there will be no
general rationing of clothing, boosted
sales all over Detroit, but State Street
clothiers said yesterday that sales
have been uniform, except in a few
scattered cases, since 1943 began.
Men are demanding a few more
shirts, women are concentrating
their buying on spring suits, but Ann
Arbor clothing merchants say stu-
dents generally are taking the situa-
tion very calmly.
Only evidences of a buyers' spree
on State Street cropped up after the
shoe freezing order of last week, but
demand for clothing was down to
normal inside of two days, merchants
Sellers conjecture that most Ann
Arbor men are staying off their buy-
ing with the prospect of Army Issue
clothing very near.
They think that Michigan students
don't have money burning in their
pockets, as do many prospective buy-
ers in war industry areas, and that
factor plays a good part in keeping
down demand.
Bougi t, Rented
314 S. State St. Phone 6615

Lewis Howard, '44E, president of
Inter-Guild, and James Terrell, '43,
president of Canterbury Club, will
lead the second annual World Day
of Prayer for Students to be held at
8:15 p.m. tomorrow at the First Con-
gregational Church.
Sponsored by Inter-Guild, campus'
organization of Protestant students,
the service is being held in conjunc-
tion with similar programs through-
out the nation, under the direction
of the World Student Christian Fed-
Also included on the program are
Earle Harris, '44, president of West-
minster Foundation, Larry Burns,
'48E, Canterbury Club, and Virginia
Rock, '45, Lutheran Student Associa-
William Muehl, acting director of
the Student Religious Association,
will give a short address, and Dr.
Leonard 4. Parr of the' First Con-
gregational Church will conclude the
service with the-benediction. Music
will be furnished by John Dexter,
'43SM, at the organ.
The offering from this service will
be given to the World Student Serv-
ice Fund, established to assist stu-
dents in war-torn areas of the
world, said James Terrell, chairman
of the committee planning the serv-

lake Lif e Easy!
Don't worry yourself sick over moiey
problems. Let the Ann Arbpr Bank take
care of your worries. Also store your war
bonds in their safety-deposit boxes.
Member Federal Reserve System
and Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.



ice. "Thus," he added, "we are not
only linked spiritually with these
students, but by our assistance we
can provide material aid for their
Townspeople as well as students
are invited to attend.








Party at Hillel
Program To Include
Dancing, Group Singing
An informal party patterned after
Palestinian Sabbath celebrations,
will be sponsored by Avukah, student
Zionist organization, and Hillel at
8:30 p.m. today at the Hillel Founda-
The program of the "Oneg Sha-
bat," as it is called, will include read-
ings of modern Hebrew stories, in
translation, group singing, and group
dancing as well as social dancing.
Refreshments will be served.
The party is open to anyone inter-
ested, and soldiers are especially in-
Avukah will also hold a communal
supper at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow at the
Foundation, followed by an open
meeting at 8:15 p.m. Miss Irene
Salzman, member of the National
Praesidium of Avukah, will address
the meeting. Miss Salzman, from
New York City, is currently visiting
various Avukah chapters at univer-
sities throughout the Middle East.
Reservations for the supper can be
made today by calling 3779.
Women Still Needed.
To Fiff All-ird Band

2anCinq to Poplap IecoC/






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