~ T 1 1 .1 1 L-i1 1.1 ., ..... ........ ... ... .. .... .. Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of ,Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 MEPRESEI'T6O FOR NATION,.L AIWVIJ'"C' JM National Advertising Service, Inc. College Pablishers Representative, 420 MADigsON AVE. NEw YORK. N. Y. c*ICAGO * BOSTON . LOS AEGELS * SAN sFRANCisco T imes HI ve Changed, Doc! tr. .'..: - . , ;. The WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND By DREW PEARSON f 11 ; Editorial Staff WASHINGTON- In the last few days the President himself has si- lenced Administration critics of Claude Wickard, and decreed that he remain as Secretary of Agricul- ture. The President's stand came at the height of an increasing storm brew- ing round the amiable Indiana corn farmer, whom everyone likes but whose all-important. food program is lagging. White House advisers have told the President that Wickard's pro- gram was inadequate, that it must be drastically revised, that there would be shocking deficiencies of food. Some have urged that Wick- ard be replaced. The President, however, has de- fended hit Secretary of Agricul- ture. But also he has appointed White House secretary Lauchlin Currie- whose-regular field is Chi- nese relations- to act as umpire, on the farm program. Currie has now given Wickard a' nine-point program for revamping American agriculture and among other things has pointed out that England in- creased her food production 50 per cent with little additional man- power. Why, he asks, cannot the United States do the same? Wickard Fari Program Wickard's response to this sweep- ing proposal was to accept part of it, reject part. He believes the produetion goals are already high enough, that it's too late to present a new program for 1943, that cotton goals have al- ready been substantially lowered, and tobacco reduction would re- quire change of the law. He agrees to removal of acreage restrictions on most crops, but not on cotton and wheat, which still yield embarrassing surpluses. Claude is a little touchy on the question of county agents and corn- mitteemen, insisting that Federal representation is adequate. On other points, however, he agrees with the White House pro- posals, declaring some already are in effect. He wants to bring the 1,00O,00 less efficient farmers into full production, to increase 'dehy- dration of foods, convert truck farmers from iceberg lettuce, etc., and organize a new land army from towns and cities. In fact, he already has a plan well advanced for the "land airny." Wickard, who had hardly been heard of before his elevation to Wallace's place in the Cabinet, has had clear sailing for two years, thanks in part to good weather. Now, however, he is facing just as tough a job in trying to pro- duce more, as Wallace faceA telL years ago in trying to produce less. No Secretary of Agriculture ever faced more opposite and more difficult problems. Wickard knows his position .is shaky. But he is on his mettle, fighting to meet the production goals. John Erlewine . Irving Jaffe . Bud Brimnmer . Marion Ford Charlotte Conover. Eric Zalenski Betty Harvey Edward J. Perlberg. Fred M. Ginsberg Mary Lou Curran Jane Lindberg . Managing Editor Editorial Director . .- . -City Editor Associate Editor *Associate Editor Sports Editor Women's Editor Business Staff *Business Manuager Associate 1usiness Manager Women's Business Manager Women's ,Advertising Manager . ' proR Industrial Miracle It didn't make headlines, but an interesting piece of news came out of Erie, Pa., the other day, which goes to the roots of the whole war production program. The news was that the General Electric plant at Erie hid turned out its 100 shaft of destroyer tur- bines a full eleven months ahead of schedule. This was an industrial miracle and a tribute solely to Charles E. Wilson, ex-head of Gen- eral Electric, now cooling his heels part-time in Washington because the Army is jealous of his getting hold of the war production pictute. Telephone 23-24-1. NIGHT EDITOR: MARY RONAY Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. $1,000 MORE: IFC Contribution Sets Pace for Campus Aid 0 0 r.. I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Take 9t THE INTERFRATERNITY Council's $1,000 contribution to the Bnmber Scholarship An- noun'ed Thursday is a move worthy of praise. The Bomber Scholarship Fund was designed to provide money to old Michigan studlent returning to school after the war. The success of this post- war policy depends upon the cooperation of all. The IFC has more than done its part. This incident, however, is not singtzlar. It reflects the general cooperativ attitude of the IFC over the past year. Activities have been revamped to meet the war emergency on cam- pus. It has eliminated frills and added its weight to the University war effort on the home front. ALWAYS ready to lend a helping hand, the IFC has actively participated' in nume'ous can- pus war projects. It worked closely with the Man- power Corps in staging one of the largest scrap drives of any American college- collecting 100 tons of scrap metal last fall. Fraternity men's response to blood banks, their sale of war bonds and stamps, and their Victory Vanities' production all are indicative of how the IFC has met an emergency. The Interfraternity Council has set the campus a good example- a pattern worth following. -Stan Wallace OLIVE BRANCH: Axis Peace Propaganda Receives New Impetus SENSING the possibility of war on two fronts in 1943, the well greased Axis propagandama- chine is already rising to the occasion with an early release of their usual spring peace offen- sive. In an attempt to relieve this dangerous pos- sibility the "olive branch" is now being ex- tended to ourselves and our British allies. It was Virginio Gayda, spokesman for the Gau- leiter of Italy, Benito Mussolini, who sounded the keynote of the new offensive when he wrote that Italy was willing to make a peace with Britain and the United States but never with Soviet Russia. At this point, however, it .would appear that the Rome radio, got its orders mixed for while it quickly jumped to denounce Gaydas offer with a degrading reference to "that unauthorized newspaperman," Berlin radio let loose with a repetition of Gayda's offer. THE REASON behind this new display of "love and affection" for us on the part of our ene- mies is quite obvious. Germany, heavily overtaxed by a manpower, transportation and oil shortage would like nothing better than to have ourselves and the British conveniently drop out of the war and then be in a position to mass all her available resources to clean up that debacle in Russia. With this job finished she could go to work again on the "decadent democracies." This insidious attempt to cause a. rift among the Aliesis bound to meet with the same fail- ure as the other Axis peace offensives. We have pledged ourselves by the United Nations' Dee- laration to no separate peace. Just one month ago at Casablanca we stated our terms. Uncon- ditional surrender! - Monroe Fink Tb A TI W7"1? T1. Or lea Oe 9t By Jason yOU'VE been seeing quite a lot in The Daily in the last year of what it politely called (with a leer) "of a controversial nature." You've read complaints against racial discrimination-which annoyed certain local bigwigs. You've read state- ments of unfair labor practices 'in local plants- which infuriated others. You've seen argument, counter-argument, recrimination. But all this is nothing new. Turn to The Daily twenty years ago. A Daily well satisfied-say its editors- with the "certain degree of freedom" which the Board in Control of that day allowed. A student paper-this Daily of March, 1922- which provided a forum for student thought, a clearing-house of vigorous young American opinion on "items of real moment." Real train- ing in independent thinking, in the essentials of courageous journalism, was offered The Daily boys of 1922. The editors inaugurated March with a stirring campaign entitled, appropriately enough, "The Wearing of the M." In this original and, indeed, almost subversive crusade, the valiant young journalists of that day had to buck the "failure of athletes to do their part." The editorial con- cludes in striking fashion, "One day each week ought to be set aside for the wearing of athletic insignia, if the plan is to accomplish its real purpose. Such was the auspicious beginning. But the climax of the vigor with which the editors of that day used their "limited freedom" came on March 12. The Daily crashed forth with Four- teen Points: From time immemorial, complaints have continually arisen that The Daily, besides be- ing amateurish in many ways, lacked any defi- nite policy with which to back itself up. The members of its staff are accused of working without aim. In view of this fact, The Daily takes this occasion to correct such an erroneous view, and to outline the major portions of its policy. The Daily believes: 1. That prices charged for both necessities and luxuries in Ann Arbor, for the most part are; and for a long time have been, far too high. The Daily feels that they should be re- duced... 3. That strict discipline of freshmen should be maintained, to the end that the customs and traditions of Michigan may be upheld and. preserved, . . 5. That Cap Night should be made the basic center for a week's festivities in th, spring... 6. That the Union swimming pool should be completed as soon as possible.. . 7. That Michigan should inaugurate a plan for preserving motion picture records of all big events of each year-.- 14. And, finally, that the entrance require- ments should be maintained at a high enough level so that the University will suffer no loss in her academic standing because of the type of men and women admitted here. These points constitute the main portion of The Daily's policy, which it seeks to uphold through these columns. It has been charged for training- a twenty-four week period with I'd Rather Be Right By SAMUEL GRAFTON y NEW YORK- Let us note that the Russians have won their remarkable successes in street fighting (Stalingrad, Rostov, Kharkov) without using those modern weapons, tank and airplane. The big street fights have been won by sweat, and on foot. This is a blow to the conception that man's fate is being determined exclusively by machines that cost a lot to build and make a great deal of noise. MEN AGAINST TANKS It is now the official Russian theory, expressed by several commanders in press interviews, that the tank is useless in fighting within a city. It has been decisively defeated, time after time, by adequately armed men on foot. One Russian com- mander tells, with something like a snicker, how the Germans, blindly relying on tanks, tried to use as many as 400 at one time in crowded nar- row streets, only to be jammed, stalled and beat- en back by unmounted, unarmored men. And in Stalingrad, the Russians baffled enemy avia- tion by the expedient of deliberately pitching their lines so close to the enemy as to make bombing too risky. We might, by straining a lit- tle, say that the Germans have lost in the big cities partly because of their old-fashioned, con servative reliance on tanks and airplanes. Thus does the brilliant strategic conception of last year become the brass-hat-ism of today. The Germans are being whipped by superior concep- tions, just as they whipped the French by means of them. Among the new ideas, big and little, recently uncorked by the Russians are that a city can lose its usefulness as a residence center and as a production center without losing its use- fulness as a fortress. It has been said that ideas are weapons, and at Stalingrad an idea of which use was made was to direct artillery fire from a radio station snuggled up against the enemy lines, and therefore difficult for the enemy to shell, while keeping Russian artillery on the far side of the Volga River, and therefore out of reach of German tanks. WAGNER PLUS Among the "modern" ideas from which some of the shine has been taken in Russia is that the soldier of today never really makes physical con- tact with the enemy, that he rides in splendid, remote Wagnerian glory in a vehicle of steel, blitzing, surprising, surrounding, encircling. It would be folly to deny the value of armor and motorization; the Russians have used both vastly that the editorials have merely been prepared haphazardly and placed at the disposal of each night editor, who looks through the pile, selects those he likes best, and pblishes thet This is a false notion... YOU CAN easily imagine the panic which hit the campus when such dangerous doctrines reached print in the "official newspaper of the University of Michigan." I wasn't there myself, but I can picture it. First angry freshmen protested to the Board in Control. Then they protested to the Regents. It took a lot of protests- and enraged parents. too- but the final upshot was a justly stern de- cree from the Board in Control. The Daily must henceforth leave the subject of disciplining freshmen strictly alone, and concentrate on topics SATURDAY, FEB. 20, 1943 VOL. LII No. 95 All notices for the Daily Official Bu- letin are to be sent to the Offie of the President in typewritten forn by 330 p.m. of the day precedin its publ - tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:0 a.m Notices Health Educationa Personniel: This of- fice has been itiforned of the establsh- ment of certain fellowships administered by the U.S. Public Health Service for the training of health education personn~l. The course begins March 20, 1943, at the University of North Caroliha. Minimum educational requirements include the B.S. degree with emphasis on basis health medical sciences, educational psychology, and social sciences. Those interested may inquire of Dr. F. E. Robbins, 1021 Angell Hall, for further iiformation. Library hours on. Washington's Birthday: On Monday, February 22, the Service De- partments of the General Library will be open during the usual hours, 7:45 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. The Study Halls outside of the building and the Collegiate and Depart- nental Libraries will be closed. Warner G. Rice, Direetr German Departmental Library, 204 Uni- versity Hall. Open from 2 to 4 p.m. Tues- day, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday each week; Saturdays from 9 to 12 a.m. Books may be returned at any time. Closing hours for wonen students for Suiday, February 21, will be 11:00 p.. kit Monday, Washingto's birthday, 1200 mid- night. Ailie C. L0d, Dean of Women Bowing: There will be nd bowling' at the Women's Athletic Building on Mon- day, February 22, because of the holiday. Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Ats: Students who fail to' fi their election blanks by the 'close of tlie third week of the term, even though they have registered and have attended clas'ses and would have been lost lbrig'ae' without them. But the RssiaS have also walked their feet off; thie Ger- man 6th Army at Stalingrad was pr- circled with the help of one Russian{ army that is reported to have walked 200 kilometers.- Press accounts of Russiah troops walking to the front, at night, a- companied by horse-drawn artillery, differ only in detailS from Toltoy's descriptions of the walking Russian troops of 1812, with their horse- drawn baggage trains. The 'Russians have used all the Wagnerian concep- tions of war, plus sweat. As for contact with the enemy, the Russians have liked it as close as possible, often hand-to-hand; so' close that it is reported from Stalin- grad that German and Russian sol- diers would sometimes find' them . selves jumping into the same shell- hole to dodge a blast. It is a remarkable fact that the most decisive battles in this most modern war have rehabilitated hand- to-hand infantry fighting and the long walk through the snow. The Lightning Has a Frozen Nose Russia has helped to make the world real again. She has found the key to the magic formulas for sure victory, and she has unlocked them. That goes for all chromium-plated and chi-chi approaches to victory, including the airpower theory of vic- tors hv.unlim'ite esr1tirntifn - crtv unoffically, will forfeit their privilege of continuing In the College. E. A. Walter Lecures University Lecture: Professor R. S. Knox, Department of English, University of Tor-j onto, will lecture on the subject, "Recent Shakespearian Criticisn," under the auspi- ces of the DepArtment of English Languagei and Literature, an Monday, March 1, at 3:15 p.m. in th Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is invited. Acadentic Notices Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet at 7:30 p.h. on Tuesday. FebruAy 23, in RoOi 319. West Medical' Building. "Vita- min E-Tihe Toopiherols" will be discussed. All interested are invited. Bacteriology 312 Seminar will meet Tues- day. February 23, at 4:15, p.m. in Room 1564 East Medical Building. Subject: "Tis- sue Cl6tures for Virus Propagation." All inte'ested are iniited. Mae-pdexamAtionr yin History will be given, Frday, February 26 f6om 4-6 in Room C, Haven Hall. Students must have permission from their instructor to take the examination. Economics 52 Make-up Final will be given on Thutsday February 25, 3:00.5:00 p.m., in room 207 Ec. Bldg. W. B. Palmer Ehglish 15* (PlayOritng will meet on Tuesday. evening, Feb. 23, in 3228 AH in- stead of lMfonday in 3217 AH. Miss Wilson will read her play. enneth Rowe Student Recital: Betty Likely, pianist,, Will present a recital in partial fulfillment, of the requirements for the degree of Baehelo r of Msic t'8:30 pm. Sunday, February 21, in Lydia Mekidelssohn Thea- tre. Her program will consist of works by Purcell, Beethoven and Bahms Miss Likely is a pupil or Professor Joseph Brnkman. The public is cordially invited. Alec Templetohi in special piano recital 61n Thursday, Feb. 25, at 8 :3 p.m. in Hill Audtoiu. Resrved seat tickets, tax in- eluded, $110, 90c atid 60c, on sale at of- fices of the University Music'al Society daily;" except Monday, until' 50 p.m:- DAt the night of the concert after 7:00 p.m. in Hill Auditorium box offiee. Charles A. Sink, President Elvents Today The Post-War Council will meet today in room 302 at the Union at 1:30 p.. Anyone interested is invited. Cohning Events Attention Marine Reservists: Important meeting on Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. in the Union,. Iiistruction periods will be a- riged. Movies of close order drill and a speaker are also on the program. The English Jour"al Club will meet on Tuesday, Feb. 23; at 7:45 p.m. in the West Conference Roon of the Rac&ham Build- ing. Dr. Chad Walsh will' speak on "Basic English vs. Standard English fri the Class- room." sigma Rho Tau will hold elections, or- gaizatlons' and inter-debtes Tuesday. Febr~Ary 23 at 7:0 pi. in 214 West Eng- neering Bldg: The Poloiia Society will meet at the International Center on Tuesday, Febru- ary 23, at 8:00 p.m. Election of officers will take place. Everyone of Polish ex- traCtin is welcome to attend. Refresh- ments. gilage, Building. All' students wvho Have not already tried out shouldattend this meeting if they desire to be in the play. The second annual World Day of Pr~'et for Students, sponsored by Iner-G iild will be held Sunday at 8:15 p.m. at tie First Congregational Church. The service will be led by James Terrell, chairman of the committee planning the service, and Lewis Howard, president of Inter-build. The offering taken at the service will be donated to the World Student Ser~vice Fond, established to assist students in the war-torn areas of the world. Townspeople and students are cordially invited. Churches St. Andre*'s Episcopal Church-800 a.m. Holy Communion; 11:00 a.m. Juflio Church; 11:00 a.m. Morning .Prayer acid' Sermon by the Rev. John 0. Dahl;5:0 p.m. Choral Evensong with music by the Schola Cantorum; 8:15 p.m. The Canter- bury Club for Episcopal students will at, tend the Inter-Guild World Day 'of Piayer Service at the Congregational Ciurch. First Methodist Church and Wesley Foundation: Sunday Class at 9:30 a.m., Professor George E. Carrothers, leader. Morning Worship at 10:40 o'clock.. Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach on "The First 'Must'." Wesleyan Guild meeting begin- ning with supper and fellowship hour at 6:00 o'clock. Dr. T. T. Brumbaugh of the Detroit Council of Churches will speak at, 6:45 p.m. on 'The Sovereignty of the N'ation" Lutheran Student Chapel: Divine Service In League Chapel Sunday at11 :00 a.m. Sermon by the Rev. Alfred Scheipp, "Christ's Sacrificial Love." No Student Club Meeting Sunday eYe- ning. 4 First Church of Christ, Scientist: Wednesday evening service at 8:00. Sunday morning service at 10:30. Subject: "Mind." Sunday School at 11:45 a.rn. Free Public Reading Room at 108 . Washington St., open every day except,, Sundays and holidays, from 11:30. a.m. until 5:00 p.m., Saturdays until 9:00 p.m. First Baptist Church: 10:00 a.m.: The Roger Wilam§ Class will meet in the Guild House, 502 E. Huron, to study the letter to the Ephesiafts. The Graduate Class will meet in the Church to discuss "What Can We. Believe About the Sacraments?" 11:00 a.m.: Sermon, "Brotherhood," by Rev. C. H. Loucks. 7:00 p.m.: The regular meeting of 'the Roger Williams Guild will be held at tie Guild House. Howard Fulsher will discuss the activity of th World Student Christian Federation. At 8:15 p.m. the Guild will meet with other Guilds~ at the Congrega- tional Church to observe the World Stu- dent Day of Prayer. Trinity Lutheran Church Services will be held at 10:30 a.m. Sunday with the Rev. Henry O. Yoder speaking on "What Bhil' We Receive?" Zion Lutheran Church Services wll be held at 10:30 a.m. Sunday with the' Rev. E. C. Stellhorn delivering the sermon. The Lutheran Student Associatili *ill meet at 5:30 p.m. Sunday for a luncheb' and discussion. The Rev. Samiel Wengj& chaplain of Southern Michigan State Pris- on at Jackson, will speak on "The Chtfrch in Relation to Crime." first Congregational Church 10:45 Morning Worship. Dr. L. A. PfrW' Sermon will be on "The T rulrnet is Blown, But We-?"- 5:30 p.m. Ariston League of high school students meets. Speaker: Dr. W. S. James on "A Bright Spot for the Dark Conti- nent." 7:00 p.m. Student Fellowship, social hour 'd