Kai-shek Urges Allies, To ,aggressors." Her address to the Senate was briefrand extemporaneous, prefaced by an apolgy that she had not known she was to make one there and pre- pared only one for the House. The House speech was read and broad- cast. Escorted by House party leaders to Speaker Sam Rayburn's rostrum, the fragile figure in the long slim Chinese gown waited wlhile the speak- er first requested, then ordered glar- ing floodlights turned off. During her speech, however, Mme. Chiang neither faltered nor flinched at flash bulbs. Her cultured voice ranged from ve- hemence over "Japan's sadistic fury," to strong pride in China's five-and- a-half-year fight and -dropped to low, urgent tones in speaking of hopes for a better future world. . Mme. Chiang told a chamber jammed with officials, diplomats and Chinese. that the Amei'ican people have every.right to be.proud of their fighting men, particularly those whose duty was "the monotony of waiting." The American-educated -.Chinese leader also asserted she felt at home here and believed Americans "are building and carrying out a true pat- tern of the nation conceived by your forebears, strengthened- and con- firmed." Congress, she said, would have the "glorious opportunity of carrying on the pioneer work of your ancestors, beyond the frontiers of physical and geographical limitations." She added that it was the task of this Congress to point the way to win the war. Then the champion of China's cause launched into forceful asser- tion that the defeat of Japan is of' major importance.. The woman who came to this coun- try for the announced purpose of rec- tifying physical injuries received in bomb-torn China declared: "Let us not forget that Japan in her occupied areas today has greater resources at her command than Ger- many. "Let us not forget that the longer Japan is left in undisputed possession of these resources, the stronger she mut become. Each passing day takes more toll in lives of both Americans and Chinese." President Roosevelt chats with Madame Chiang Kai-shek, wife of Chinese Generalissimo, in his car at Washington's, Union Station upon her arrival for a visit to the White House, before her speech today in Congress. Alpha Omicron Pi Gals "Bitter' About House Boiler Explosion The girls of Alpha Omicron Pi are a little bitter today. At 10 a.m. Sunday the furnace boiler at the house suddenly erupted and after the smoke had cleared there was no more boiler. As a result, they have been forced to take up makeshift rooms wherever they could get them and today they are scattered in dormitories on cam- pus, wondering when they can move back into the house, wondering how they can carry on rushing and won- dering whether they can trust boilers in the future. While the girls were sleeping last, Sunday morning, a loud blast shook the house and was immediately fol- lowed by huge jets of steam that War Forum Club Elects Officers The University War Forum elected Harvey Weisverg, '46, chairman, Elsienor Hopkins, treasurer, and Robert Sucher, Club vice- '46, ser- geant-at-arms, at their second meet- ing of the semester which was held Wednesday in Angell Hall. Under the leadership of E. W. Mill of the political science department, the group discussed the present or- ganization of the United Nations. The members agreed that the pres- ent basis of unification is a common fear of world conquest. However, if the United Nations is to be a per- manently powerful force after the war the basis for unity must be a common faith, was their conclusion. The discussion was closed with the question,' "How much punch has de- mocracy as the rallying force of the United Nations?" seeped up through the floors and gave the appearance of a house afire. The girls fled to the third-floor dor- mitory, snatching fur coats, purses, dresses and pictures of the boy friend in uniform. After the fire department had been called to the scene, a bull-session came up with the dilemma-where to rush? First an offer came from Lambda Chi Alpha to use the fraternity's downstairs room but the Administra- tion did not think this was such a good idea. Finally the girls had to take their rushing to the League, where all sorts of difficulties have cropped up, for example, how to serve food to the rushees. It seems that Pan-Hel has ruled that no sorority can spend more than a nickel per rushee in serving re- freshments, which is all right-if you serve in the sorority house. But the League has a special rule of its own that says there.will be no serving un- less the AOP gals kick in with at least fifteen cents per rushee, serving charge. So if you see a girl hurrying in or out of the League with a determined look in her eye, shun her. She's in no mood to explain the vagaries of boil- ers, specifically or in general. Day of Prayer To Be Offered By Inter-Guild Service Offering Will Go to World Fund for Students in War Areas Inter-Guild, campus organization of Protestant student groups, will sponsor the second annual World Day of Prayer for Students at 8:15 p.m. Sunday in the First Congrega- tional Church. James Terrell, '43, president of the Canterbury Club and chairman of the committee planning the program, and Lewis Howard, '44E, president of Inter-Guild, will lead the service. Other participants in the program in- clude Earle Harris, '44, president of Westminster Guild, Larry Burns, '46E, Canterbury Club, and Virginia Rock, '45, Lutheran Student Associa- tion. William Muehl, acting director of the Student Religious Association, will give a short address; the Rev. Leonard A. Parr of the First Congre- gational Church will deliver the bene- diction. Organ music will be fur- nished by John Dexter, '435M. The offering from this service will be contributed to the World Student Service Fund, established to assist students in war-torn areas of the world, pointed out James Terrell, chairman of the World Day of Prayer Committee. "Thus," he added, "we can only be linked with these stu- dents spiritually, but by our assist- ance provide material aid for their endeavors." The local service is being held in conjunction with other similar pro- grams being sponsored by the World Student Christian Federation. The committee planning the serv- ice noints out that townsneole as Point Rationing Set for Monday. Lack of Registration ' Forms Is No Handicap Multiple OPA registration forms were sadly lacking in Ann Arbor yes- terday, but point rationing for the county, set from Monday through Thursday of next week, will go on asT scheduled, local OPA board adminis-i trator Mrs. Luella M. Smith said last night.c Washtenaw County schools who will handle registration procedure willc shift as best they can with 5,000 of ac needed 110,000 consumer's declara- tion forms, according to Mrs. Smith. 1 On these blanks, Ann Arbor and County families will list their present supply of foodstuffs that will be ra- tioned, after March 1. Canned goods and other processed foods are includ- ed in the OPA list of goods t'o be ra- tioned in March. War ration book number Z will be given to applicants during the four' day registration period. Conference To Be Held Today Today marks the opening of the War Production Conference for fore- men being held in the Rackham Mem- orial Building in Detroit. The conference has been arranged especially for the foremen in war pro- duction in the Detroit area, and among those sponsoring the confer- ence is the University Extension Ser- vice. Dr. Charles A. Fisher,'Director of the Extension Service, is chairman of the program committee, and Everett J. Soop, Assistant Director of the Ext- tension Service, also served on the committee., Appearing on the program from the University are Prof. John W. Riegel, Arthur *Secord, speech instructor, Prof. William A. Paton, and' Prof.. Charles B. Gordy. Some of the topics to be discussed at the conference are "Absenteeism in Industry," "Company Policies and Their Value," and "Supervisor-Work- er Relationship." Evening Discussion To Be Hel by Hillel The Hillel Friday evening discus- sion series for the new semester will be inaugurated by Miss Irene Salz- man, American Zionist youth leader, with a talk at 8:30 p.m. today at the Foundation. Miss Salzman will speak on "Action Today for Tomorrow's World." She will analyze what should be the stand that American Jews, and especially students, take in regard to post-wax organization. A member of the National Praesid- ium of Avukah, student Zionist or- ganization, Miss Salzman is currently touring the Middle West and visiting Avukah chapters at various universi- ties. WPB Okays Completion Of Detroit Expressway LANSING, Feb. 18.- ()- War Production Board approval of the final section of the Detroit industrial expressway linking Detroit and the Willow Run bomber plant was an- nounced today by state highway commissioner Lloyd B. Reid. The section will cost about $12,- 000,000. % Extending 5.8 miles from the De- troit city limits at Michigan and Wy- oming Avenues to Southfield Road' in Allen Park, the route will be en- tirely a limited access road. In Allen Park it will tie in with 38 miles of express highways already built. 'U' Facilities Available to 7,660 Soldiers Col. Ganoe Says Space Oni Campus Is Largest In Country for Military The University of Michigan can make available to the Army Special- ized Training Program facilities for 7,660 soldiers, more than any other college or University in the country, according to figures just dispatched to the Sixth Service Command Head- quarters by Col. W. A. Ganoe, head of. the campus military science de- partment: At the present time the University has housing facilities for 11,480 sol- diers and can feed 6,600 of them at a single sitting. In each case this is approximately twice the normal pro- vision for students, the report stated. Michigan is one of the few univer- sities in the country to receive part of the first increment of Specialized Training students, Ganoe said. With other schools it should receive a share of 60,000 Army men expected to be put into colleges by April 1 and esti- mated 150,000 to be sent by June 30. Ganoe added as his opinion that the University would be called upon to train about 5,000 soldiers by Septem- ber. The University expects 350 Air Corps Meteorological students by March 1, with the number planned to be increased to 500 by May 1. The only shortage which ap- proaches a bottleneck, Ganoe stated, is that of instructors and laboratory facilities, which for engineering and scientific training can now handle 2,220 soldiers. He added that such measures as shortening of laboratory periods and sharing of desks, the number would be increased ten to thirty per cent. Part of the possible number of Army men are already here in such service units as the ROTC, the Judge Advocate Generals School and the Language School group. Republicans To Nominate Two Re ents Today (Continued from Page 1) Jack Hooper Its IFC Head I S 1 n ] l f T a 1 T 1 a Fraternities Present $1000 to Bomber Fund At a dinner of all fraternity house presidents last night, Jack Hooper of Beta Theta Pi was chosen to head the IFC for the coming year succeeding John Fauver of Phi Kappa Psi. At the same time Bud Burgess of Theta Delta Chi was named to the secre- tary's post succeeding Paul Wingate of Zeta Beta Tau. Selected as district representatives were Hooper for District 1, Jim Wein- stein of Pi Lambda Phi for District 2, Bud Brown of Zeta Beta Tau for Dis- trict 3, Jack Hadley of Alpha. Delta Phi for District 4, and Dick Emery of Theta Chi for District 5. At the meeting Wingate announced that The IFC has turned a check for $1,000 over to the Bamber Scholarship from the proceeds garnered at the Inter-fraternity Ball and Victory van- ities. Pan-Hel worked with the IFC on Vanities. Hooper, a junior Business Adminis- tration student from Danbury, Conn. has centered his campus activities in playing piano for a local orchestra. Miss Louckes Struck By Automobile Thursday Miss Velma Louckes of the Regis- trar's office sustained only severe bruises yesterday morning when she was knocked down by an automobile at the corner of South and East Uni- versity Avenues, St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital reported last night. Miss Louckes was struck walking across the street by a car driven by Mrs. Annetta Kivi, 48, of 921 Church Street, police said. Farmers Await Thaw LANSING, Feb. 18.--(P)-Michigan farmers are keeping a wary eye on the thermometer, awaiting the first sign of a thaw that will start the tradition-steeped maple run. == "The number of books collected for the Victory Book Campaign has been very disappointing," Prof. W. G. Rice, University chairman of the drive, said yesterday when he pointed out that less than ten per cent as many books have been turned in this year as com- pared to last year. Prof. Rice suggested that students invest in the pocket editions of popu- lar novels and contribute them to the campaign if they have no other books to give. Three million books have been called for to send to men in the service, and the University is far below its quota. The central committee of the cam-' paign fears that many people may turn in books to the collection depots after Saturday noon, and since the organization is a temporary one the books cannot be accommodated after that time. Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and the Red Cross Motor Corps will collect the books from the located depots. On campus these depots are located in the General Library, in the depart- mental collegiate libraries, Angell Hall, the League and the Union. Be- cause of the shortage of gasoline and manpower the books will be collected on Saturday only. Late contributions may be taken directly to North Hall, where they will be stored until sorted. The Victory Book campaign com- mittee is asking that books of recent fiction, biography and travel be selec- ted for the men in the Army, Navy and Air Corps. The Red Cross will arrange the final distribution of the books. Book Drive Falls Below Quota Bishop was appointed to the Board in January. Spurring the battle for the high- way nomination was the feeling in political circles that such a selection would heighten the nominee's chances of an appointment to the job-if the Senate should relent and push through the bill to give the governor power to appoint a highway com- missioner. Among those reported to be as- piring for the nomination are Wil- liam Lavers of Detroit; Charles M. Zeigler of Lansing, a former nomi- nee; Fred F. Rogers of Hillsdale, son of a former -highway commissioner; Allen Williams of Ionia; Otto Hess of Grand Rapids, and A. L. Burridge of Cadillac. In addition to the highway post, other offices for which the conven- tion will make nominations are: two seats on the State Board of Agricul- ture; State Superintendent of Pub- lic Instruction, and two seats on the State Supreme Court. The Supreme Court election is on a non-partisan ballot. EXPLOSION KILLS 26 BALTIMORE, Feb. 18.-- (,)- Twenty-six persons were burned, sev- eral critically, in an explosion and fire today at a Standard Oil Com- pany plant. Most of the injured were employes of a construction company working on an installation near the scene of the explosion which occurred when an accumulation of butane flu- id became ignited. City Lays Plans For Huge War Rally Monday (Continued from Page 1) tire day will start off early Monday morning when a troop of at least 50 soldiers, slated for overseas combat duty, arrive here to spend the day touring Ann Arbor's war industries. The purpose of this is to allow the service men to see where the imple- ments they fight with come from and how they are made, Dr. Louis A. Hop- kins, chairman of the University War Board, said yesterday, in announcing the details of this celebration. Sergeant Bartek is also expected to accompany the soldiers on their rounds of the local war plants. Two jeeps, together with other mod- ern fighting equipment, will be brought along by the soldiers, and these will be set up as war exhibits on the corner of North University and State Street, and on the courthouse lawn. Throughout the day ROTC cadets will be stationed at each of these exhibits. The main purpose of this celebra- tion-to salute the city's war work- ers and to stimulate civilian morale- is especially appropriate since many of Ann Arbor's plants have already been cited for their production records, Dr. Hopkins said. The mass metting is primarily for war workers and their families, but all other civilians have been invited. Rayburn Appoints Four to Committee WASHINGTON, Feb. 18.-(P)- Speaker Rayburn today appointed Re- presentatives Courtney of Tennessee, Costello of California and Eberharter, of Pennsylvania, Democrats, and Mundt of South Dakota, Republican, as new members of the Dies Commit- tee on un-American activities. Holdover members are Representa- tive Dies of Texas and Starnes of Ala- bama, and Thomas of New Jersey and Mason of Illinois, Republicans. s . Allofthe M ost Popular S ylesin 4 OXFO RDS CASUALS SMART ANTIQUE TANS Sizes 3 to 10 Good looking-long wearin*-they WC the sartest, peppiest styles we know ofs lii CARRIERS WANTED to deliver 1 2 to 2%/ hours Six days per week 65c per hour and up i I Some e4in /Aom theM kEGUP.Or LRE AAic Y 1. A Magnificent Recording of the BACH E MINOR CONCERTO by Adolf Busch and the Busch Chamber Players Col. MM 530 . ... $3.67 2. Generally Considered the Composer's Greatest Work SIBELIUS' SEVENTH SYMPHONY By Golschman and the St Louis Symphony Vic. DM 922. . . . $3.67 3. SHOSTAKOVICH in Genial and Melodic Mood STRING QUARTET OP. 49 By the Stuyvestant String Quartet Col. MX 231 . . . . $2.62 These and other new recordings are discussed by R. D, DARRELL in the current issue of the "Liberty Music Shop Review." If you are not on our mailing list, phone us or call for your copy. Ii . ' 0Ol- QiY i tf ! fleW 111 II II