iJt1 1't1 14i21 1_ 1 Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of a1l news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. ruise4yiptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. M.ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-4 3 On schedule- as ® 1 The WASHINGTON'.4. MERRY-GO-ROUND By DREW PEARSON I I I . X5 iC G"~ i " A , . /O T y RPR1:SENTaD FOR NATIONAL ADVERTWiNG BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. NY. CHICAGO * BOSTON . Los AGEL0S * SAN FANCISCO John Erlewine . Irving Jaffe Bud Brimmer . Marion Ford. Charlotte Conover Eric Zalenski Betty Harvey Editorial Staff S . . . anaging Editor . Editorial Director S . . . . . City Editor . . . . . Associate Editor . . . . Associate Editor . . . . . . Sports Editor . . . . . Women's Editor Edward J. Perlberg Fred M. Ginsberg Mary Lou Curran Jane Lindberg .. Business Staff . . . . . Business Manager . . Associate Business Manager . Women's Business Manager . . Women's Advertising Manager Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: MARGARET FRANK Editorials published in The Michigan Daily ae written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. WASHINGTON -What actually is happening backstage in Congress is that Republican reactionaries backed by Harry Byrd, Democrat, are using the cry of "bureaucrats" as a smokescreen to sabotage, some of the major reforms Roosevelt built up during his first eight years. Best example is the Securities and Exchange Commission. This police organization of Wall Street was about the first thing FDR started after the stock market de- pression days after 1932. Almost universally it has been recognized as a reform which must stick. But now, behind a smokescreen of at- tacking bureaucrats, congressional reactionaries have quietly moved in and cut SEC appropriations to the bone. Already the Securities and Exchange Commission has been ex- iled to Philadelphia, and now, away from the Washington spotlight, it will be whittled down to 1932 days if GOP reactionaries have their way. Note: Meanwhile the State De- partment still hopes to persuade the Canadian Government to ratify the extradition treaty permitting swindlers of America who take ref- uge in Canada to be extradited to this country. The Senate has okayed extradition of stock market oper- ators swindling Canadian citizens but soy far the Canadian Parlia- ment hasn't reciprocated. Doughton's Fight Venerable Bob Doughton, North North Carolina's long-time chair- man of the House Ways and Means Committee, sees red when it comes to the Rump Plan. Ex-Undersecretary of the Treas- ury John Hanes, also from North Carolina, and U.S. Chamber of Commerce tax lobbyist Ellsworth Alvord have been nipping doggedly at Doughton's heels trying to win him over to Ruml. But a religious fervor comes into Doughton's eyes when he fights tax postponement. "If you press me on this," Dough- ton tells Hanes and Alvord, "you'll never get any more help from me on other taxes." Doughton believes that taxes have to be paid, one way or the other, and that talk of forgiving one year's taxes is nothing less than sacri- legious. The few members of the Ways and Means Committee who are for the Ruml plan have been arguing to their colleagues about the dan- ger of "doubling"-in. other words paying two years' taxes in one. But FDR has asked for 16 bil- lion dollars more in taxes. this year, most of which will have to come from individuals, Since 1942 income taxes will come to about 13 billio;, that means only 3 billion more to make up FDR's 16 billion. Enemies of the Rumi plan argue therefore, that if you forgive 1942 taxes, namely 13 billion, you just have to turn around and raise 16 billion, plus 13 billion in 1943. So what difference does it make, they say, which pocket you take your taxes out of as long as the, income brackets each year remain about the same. Capital Chaff When Postmaster General Frank Walker was shown a recent news photo of himself, he said, "Is that Herbert Hoover or me?" . . . FDR has a panel of three photos of him- self, showing him in three succes- sive stages of eating a hot dog .. . WPB's Conservation Division has collected 400,000 poundsof silk and nylon stockings for use in making powder bags. .and, parachutes . . . In addition to charting new strat- egy, reason for sending Lt. General Hap Arnold to Chungking was to let him see-the "air show" in China and sell him on more support. Ev- eryone who goes there comes away wanting to send more aid to sup- port-if Willkie and: Clare Luce- are any criterion . . . Already the Tariff Commission is. studying the question of a tariff on rubber to protect the new synthetic rubber factories from Malay rubber after we win the war. In other words, we're fighting to, win back the Dutch East Indies, but will bar their stuff after we succeed. Daniels the Prophet Spry 80-year-old Josephus Dan- iels, who did more to build up the Navy than any man except Frank- lin Roosevelt, said some prophetic things years before this war. After serving as Secretary of the Navy during all of Woodrow Wilson's Administration, Daniels made, a speech at Jacksonville where he defended General Billy Mitchell, at that time crucified for prophesying the importance of air power. "Mitchell," said Daniels, "was sincere in his desire to promote aviation, and perhaps hads hit no harder. than was necessary to wake- up the country." When you consider that Daniels had been surrounded with battle- ship admirals, and that General MacArthur was on the court-mar- tial which punished Mitchell, those words, spoken in 1926, were pro- phetic heresy. Daniels added further advice, which would help the country to- day. "The real need in prepared- ness," said the ex-secretary of the Navy, "is to abolish the of- fices of Secretary of War and Secretary of the Navy, and sub- stitute a Secretary of National Defense with sub-secretaries in charge of each department. "That would synchronize defense operations under one head and it would have the advantage of pre- venting a great deal of duplication and inefficiency which prevails un- der the present system of division between the Army and Navy." Merry-Go-Round Munro Leaf, who wrote Ferdi- nand the Bull, hailed as a chil- dren's classic on pacifism, has now got himself a captain's commission in the Army, and is more belligerent than any West Pointer. He even believes that it is sacrilegious to criticize anyone in the Army, or anything the Army does-especially the Services of Supply, to which he is detailed . . . Congress probably will pass a quick temporary tax provision requiring 20 per cent of all income to be collected for taxes at the source. Then the permanent tax bill, passed more leisurely, will provide the exact amounts to be paid . . . Justice Byrnes, British Supply Chief Lewellyn and the Russian Ambassador all spoke im- pressively at the dinner of the American Society of Newspaper Editors. But chief recollection the editors took home was the wife of the Fighting French representative serenely smoking a long black cigar in public. Milk Bonuses Eastern dairy farmers who have been putting pressure on the Agri- culture Department don't take too kindly to the proposed incentive payments to dairymen for increased milk production. Payments would be based on pro- duction of the past three years and a sliding scale of bonuses would be paid to farmers increasing their milk yield above a fixed figure- probably a bit below their three- year average. Instead, dairymen argue that the consumer can afford to pay higher prices and should do so. Higher prices, they say, is the best way to get more milk. Price stabilization officials, however, argue that once the price of milk is increased, the props will be knocked right from under them when it comes to opposing John L. Lewis and his demand for in- creased wages in the coal-fields. Note: Government plans for get- ing more farm labor include im- portation of more Mexican work- ers, movement of migratory work- ers, recruiting of high school boys and girls, the establishment of la- bor camps and the establishment of a women's army. (Copyright, 1943, United Features Synd.) The accident prevention program of the United States Department of Labor saved over a.million man-days for war production last year. SHORT-SIGH TEDNESS. i National Resources Planning Board Elimination For 'Economy' Would Cost Government Billions SHE HOUSE of Representatives waved a new flag and spouted an old slogan Wednesday. Now it is rallying around the banner of all-out war and shouting economy. That august body, after serious deliberation, wiped the National Resources Planning Board out of the government Wednesday when it found that it was a non-defense expenditure. Here's what the House wants to do: it wants to kill the only agency of government that is -GET THEM IN: Victory Book Campaign Needs Student Support WITH its characteristic complacency the cam- pus has read the stories and seen the posters announcing the Victory Book campaign and has given practically no books. The latest survey shows that the number of ,books collected this year is less than ten per cent of what it was last year. Just as many books are needed for the armed services; in fact there is a call forthree million books. All the books are to be collected Saturday noon; it is imperative that they be placed in the col- lection centers immediately. The committee for collecting the books is a temporary one. When the campaign ends the means of getting the books to the military services also ends. Any book will be appreciated. If it is not suit-, able for use in the Army camps it will be sent to defense areas to increase civilian libraries. -Margaret Frank A CORNER STONE: College War Training Is Long Step Forward THE COLLEGE War Training Programs of both the Army and Navy gives rise to a very perti- nent question of post-war domestic policy. At present the War and Navy departments are selecting certain students, primarily those study- ing dentistry, medicine and various technical sub- jects, to remain in school and finish their edu- cation under their own sponsorship. All education expenses of these students are paid and they are granted, in addition, regular Army pay for their rank. Under the emergency of the present crisis, these programs were born, and are now being put into effect. The University has been approved as a training center and a meteorological course is soon to begin here. The plan now being used is one that liberal educators have been advocating for some time. It was held that our institutions of higher learning should be used to train the most wor- thy students for their own benefit and that of the nation at large. OURAIM must be to create a greater and bet- ter America as well as to improve the rest of the world, after the war. One important way of attaining this end is to provide a means whereby the general level of intelligence be raised. Dr. James B. Conant, President of Harvard University, has long proposed a plan of broad scholarship policy. The present service set-up goes one step further and guarantees an adequate' college training. If it is nura im tnmake nnt-ur Americao . doing any post-war planning of wide and long- range importance for the sake of a very few dollars. But that is economy, Senator Byrd, the leader of the economy group, says. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT has many times strongly defended the National Resources Planning Board. At his press conference Tuesday he said that the board would save the nation billions of dollars after the war by formulating plans now against unemployment after the war. At present the Board is costing the government $1,400,000 a year. The President called it false eonomy to elimi- nate the Board. It is more than that. It is com- plete short-sightedness. This new House-one which might be part of the victory Congress-shows itself unable to see beyond its nose. There is every reason to believe that after this war it will be necessary to plan the next governmental and national move so that the economy of the nation will bring full employment. Those plans cannot be made overnight. During the depression, months of groping resulted because the government had no adequate idea of unemployment relief. After this war the problems will be fully as large with the demobilization and reconversion. The Chief Executive has always had to show Congress the way in matters of long-range plan- ning. Roosevelt did during the depression with his many staff agencies attached to the alphabet organizations. Congress need not accept his lead- ership, but a Congress with the competency to face the future will accept such plans. THE NEW Congress apparently is taking leader- ship in facing the future without knowing what to do. It will be a rather pitiful sight to find our legislature without any idea of remedy for certain-to-arise evils. The appropriations bill from which the Board's funds were cut will go to the Senate now for final approval. If the Senate shows itself ready to follow the leadership of the House, it will do much to show that our Con- gressmen have no conception of the world with which they are dealing. However, the Senate may understand that the planning for the post-war world is vitally neces- sary and that the Board's accumulated post-war projects will be vitally necessary to the nation. If it does, the National Resources Planning Board will be voted another period of office. - - Leon Gordenker Jeiteri rto toe 61itor e To the Editor: THROUGHOUT the school year of 1942-43 the various Choral Union Concerts have been the subject of much unjust criticism. The concert given Tuesday night by Mr. Heifetz proved to be no exception. The Choral Union Society has con- sidered Mr. Heifetz excellent enough to play six times previously. The criticism most recently pre- sented was a most ridisulous attempt to secure publicity at the expense of a universally ac- claimed performer. To those who appreciate the technique of a great musician, Mr. Heifetz's concert Tuesday night was a superb performance. Only those who are influenced by the coldness and passivity of Mr. Heifetz would fail to see the skill with which hP naovs tha mnao+ aiffinn+ rmmnniinn rrA n- I'd Rather B e Right_ By SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK- It has been said that the trium- phant appearance of the French battleship Rich- elieu in New York harbor, attended by lesser vessels, justifies our pro-Vichy policy of two years, and our coddling of ex-Vichyites in Africa. So this battered battleship, along with its sisters, was the issue in France during these two great years? That is odd. One thought something larger was at stake. Yet let us set the record straight. The Richelieu was put out of action in Dakar Harbor, and. pinned there, not by American diplomacy, but by a British crash boat, which crept up beside it one night in July, 1940, and in the unfriendliest possible fashion, tied a load of explosives to it and set them off. LET'S COUNT THE DIVIDENDS But it is still being stubbornly maintained by several starry-eyed non-idealists (including one bitter writer who likes very little about the. ad- ministration except the Vichy policy) that con- ciliation has "paid dividends;" seeing is believing; we have these ships. Very well, let us go into the matter of dividends. One dividend of the Vichy policy is that we have, at the present moment, virtually no con- nection with the French underground. We made the choice that French, battleships were more important than the French people, and we are still stuck with that choice. That choice forced us to turn from the French people, and compelled- us to cultivate French officialdom instead; that little group of moral droopy-socks who, presumably, had in their hands the dis- position of the French fleet. England took the other road. She did not forget about the French fleet, for she shelled it at Oran' and blew parts of it up at Dakar. But England's policy of non-conciliation of Vichy (which strangely enough, gave her the use of a number of ships in the hands of the Fighting French) has oriented her toward the French people, just as our policy.oriented us toward French officialdom. So, the only contact between the western democ- racies and the French underground today is through England, by way of Churchill and de Gaulle, THE MEN WE KNOW But our contacts are with such men as the in- describable Nogues in North Africa, who has just babbled to an American correspondent about how he had to kill Americans in November; oth- erwise, he says, the Germans might have been irritated, and might have invaded French North Africa. A practical man, like ourselves. Another of our contacts is Vice Admiral Fenard, who has explained blandly that the French fired at us in North Africa, because they did not realize how strong we were. An- other practical man. Both feet on the ground. These are the men with whom we have inter- mingled our fate, and upon whom we have placed our hopes for the rebuilding of France. Add that to your dividend account. WE GAVE IT AWAY Now, there is one other country, besides Eng- land, which has contact with the French under- ground. That is Russia, working through the Communists. The whisper is sometimes heard here that we ought to get our Army into France, quick, to offset Russian influence. Again; that curious cold, mechanical conception of France Anc P. binn+ of rnmh ma++aco e o nnnl o n which DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN. -i . , f. . . .... > i ,... FRIDAY, FEB. 19, 1943 VOL. LIII No. 94 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 - p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices Army Enlisted Reserve Corps: Sopho- more, Junior and Senior Engineering stu- dents who are in the Enlisted Reserve Corps and inrgood academic standing are eligible for deferment until the end of the Spring Term. Such students should not withdraw from school in anticipation of Immediate call. Pre-medical and pre-dental students and those in certain other categories considered eligible for deferment for the Spring Term will be notified to that effect individually within the next few days. B. D. Thuma, Armed Services Representative Students in Enlisted: Reserves: All, V-1, V 7, Marine Corps Reserves and ERO stu- dents who have transferred to this Uni- versity at the beginning of this term are requested to report to Room,1508 Rackham Building at their earliest convenience. B. D. Tjlum% - Armed Services Representative Monday, Feb. 22, willbe observed as a holiday in accordance with previous an- nouncements. If you wish to finane ethe purchase of a home, or if you have: purchased improved property on a land- contract and owe a balance of approximately 60. per cent of. the value of the property, the Investment Of- fice, 100 South Wing of University flall, would be glad to discuss financing through the medium of a first mortgage. Such fi- nancing may effect a substantial saving in interest. Closing hours for women students for Sunday, February 21, will be 11:00 p.m. and Monday, Washington's birthday, 12:00 mid- today at night. eust Alice C. Lloyd, requisite Dean of Women 4:00 p.m. in 3011 A.H. No pre except willingness to work. A. H. Copeland S. B. Myers e- German Departmental Library,;204 Uni- versity Hall. Open from 2 to 4 p.m. Tues- day, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday each week; Saturdays from 9 to.12 a.m. Books may be returned at any time. The University Bureau, of Appointments has received the following notices: The United States Civil Service Com- mission announces these changes: NO written examination unless other- wise stated. NO maximum age limit unless otherwise Stated. NO closing date for filing applications unless otherwise stated. SALARIES for a standard Federal: work week of 48 hours (which includes 8 hours overtime) have increased the basic salary by 21%. THIS APPLIES TO ALL EXAMINATIONS. THE PANAMA CANAL needs help. We, have a listing of positions open in the Panama Canal which are vital to the war program. Trainee, Scientific &- Technical Aid; no closing date; $1,440 yr. (plus overtime), Crop Production Specialist; no closing date; $2,600 to $8,000- (plus overtime).. , Junior Soil Conservationists; no closing date; $2,000 yr. (plus overtime). Social Scientists; no closing date; $2,600 to $6,500 (plus overtime). Printer's Assistant; March 23, 1943; $.66 an. hr. (plus overtime). Further information may be had from the notices which are on file in the office of the ::Bureau of Appointments, 201 Ma- son Hall, office hours 9-12 and 2-4. Burean of Appointments And Occupational Information ,lectures University Lecture: Professor R. S. Knox, Department of English, University of Tor- onto, will lecture on the subject, "Recent Shakespearian Criticism," under the auspi- ces of the Department of English Language and Literature, on Monday, March 1. at 3:15 Mathematics 103, Section 1, meeting at 8 o'clock, will hold its class in 318 West Engineering Bldg. beginning today. Engish 47 will not meet Monday evening, February 22. E. S. Everett English 32, Sec. 5 will not meet today.' Paul Mueschke English 160, Sec. 2 will not meet today. Paul Mueschke Concerts Student Recital: Betty Likely, pianist, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music at 8:30 p.m. Sunday February 21, in Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- -tre. Her program will consist of works by Purcell, Beethoven and Brahms. Miss Likely is a pupil of Professor Joseph Brinkman, The- public is cordially invited. Events Today . The Senate Advisory Committee- meet] today at 4:15 p.m. in the Regents Room. American Society of Civil Engineers will hold a joint meeting and banquet with the Michigan Section of A.S.C.E. today at 6:30 p.m. in the Union. Dr. Esson Gale will talk on "China of Today." The Children's Theatre of the depart- ment of speech will present "The Ghost of Mr. Penny" today at 3:45 p.m. and Saturday at 2:30 p.m. in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. Tickets may be pur- chased at the theatre box office daily from 10 to 5. Episcopal Students: Tea will be served for Episcopal students and their friends