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February 18, 1943 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-02-18

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Germans Fall
Back from.
Kharkov Area
Abandoned Equipment
Marks Russian Rout
Of. Big Enemy Armies
Associated Press Correspondent
MOSCOW, Feb. 17. 17.- Soviet
troops smashing the Germans back
rom Kharkov in hasty retreat have
driven 36 miles to the northwest to
capture Bogodukhov, on the Khar-
kov-Sumy Railroad, the Russians an-
nounced tonight in a special commu-
(Red army men rained "heavy
blows on the remnants of the routed
German units" and "the Hitlerite
path of retreat is covered with the
bodies of dead enemy officers and
men as well as abandoned German
heavy and light arms," declared the
Russian Midnight Communique as
recorded in London by the Soviet
One Railroad Left
The fall of Bogodukhov leaves open
only the Poltava-Kharkov Railroad
for the Germans in their retreat to
the west, and the Russian drives in
the Kharkov region were reported
still developing.
Soviet soldiers also captured Grai-
voron, 20 miles north of Bogodukhov,
and Zmiev, 20 miles due south of
Kharkov, the Soviets announced,
while to the south in the Donets of-
fensive the Red Army seized vital
Slavyansk, railroad junction on the
Lojovaya-Donbas Railroad, and 60
miles .north of the German strong-
hold of Stalino.
(The Germans were losing heavily
in equ pment in their retreat from
Kharkov, the Midnight Communique
reporting that orne Russian formation
alone in three days "destroyed 70
Ger nan tanks, 11 self-propelling
guns, and a large number of troop
catriers and trucks. Men of one of
our units captured a . plane, nine
tanks, 16 aerosledges and several doz-
en trucks.")
bffenslve Rolls On
(The powerful Soviet offensive was
reported rolling forward against stub-
born German resistance on a broad
front from the Kharkov area to north
of Kursk..
t (Wst of Fatezh, northwest of
Kursi(, said the Midnight Communi-
que, Russian troops "which crossed a
water barrier broke into a large pop-
ulated place and after stubborn
fighting captured it," killing over two
companies of Germans.)
In the Donbas fighting, the Rus-
sians also captured Rovenki and
Sverdlovsk on the branch railroad
line leading to Gorlovka, 26 and 20
miles off the Moscow-Rostov thor-
Weak Gandhi
Still Protests
Indian Leader Cheerful
On Eighth Day of Fast
OONA, INDIA, Feb .17-()--
DI~handas K Gandhi was reported to
have spent a more cheerful day today,
despite -a growing weakness and a
further slight loss in weight brought
on by the scheduled three-weeks fast

he began eight days ago.
.The frail little Indian Nationalist
leader chose this method of protest-
ing his confinement in the palace of
Aga Khan by British authorities.
He received three visitors near the
end of the day. Attending physicians,
who earlier in the day expressed
anxiety over his weakening condition,
urged Gandhi not to waste his energy
by talking at length with his friends,
and all the visits were cut short as
The second week of his fast began
When he was wheeled into a bath
room for the daily ablutions, of which
.Gandhi is said to be particularly fond.
Described as deeply affected by the
73-year-old Indian leader's fast, three
members of the British Viceroy's
council resigned in New Delhi. They
were Sir Homi Mody, supply member;
N. R. Sakar, commerce member, and
M. S. Aney, member for Indians
overseas. The council is the upper
chamber of the Indian legislature
containing both elected and appoint-
ed members.

Sale Halted
On Canned
Meat, Fish
Effective at Midnight,
Ban May Be Ended
Sunday, March 21
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 17.-The Of-
fice of Price Administration tonight
suspended the sale of canned fish and
canned meat.
The ban on public sale of these
products-canned salmon, shrimp,
meat spreads and many others-is in-
definite. OPA said, however, that
sales probably will be permitted again
when meat rationing begins. Meat
rationing is expected March 28.
The action was taken at the re-
quest of Secretary ofnAgriculture
Wickard, the food administrator. He
said large purchases by consumers in
recent weeks have threatened to leave
little or no cans of fish and meat for
consumption later this year.
Frozen Food Unaffected1
Sale is prohibited on such common
canned items as salmon, tuna fish,
shrimp, lobster, meat spreads, tongue
and potted meats.
The order does not apply to prod-
ucts sold in frozen form, such as
quick-freeze lobster, nor to canned
products that are not sealed or ster-
ilized by the use of heat. Pickled pigs
feet and dried beef are examples of
the latter.
This prohibition on sales, going in-
to effect midnight tonight, precedes
by three days the start of an eight-
day general ban on the sale of arti-
cles which are to berationed begin-
ning March 1. This "freeze," previ-
ously announced, affects canned and
frozen fruits and vegetables, dried
fruits, canned soups and canned baby
foods. None of these can be sold by
stores from midnight Saturday Feb.
20 until the start of point-rationing
March 1.
Combinations Exempt1
Exempted from the canned fish
and meat order are combinations such
as canned pork and beans, although
most of these combinations will be
rationed beginning March 1 along
with canned vegetables and fruits.
The order did not apply to dog or
other pet foods. OPA officials ex-
plained that those are made largely
of by-products and cereals.
Mme. Chiang
Welcomed at
Wash ingto
WASHINGTON, Feb. 17.-(A)-
Madame Chiang Kia-Shek, wife of
the Chinese generalissimo, arrived in
Washington today and was welcomed
American-educated Mme. Chiang,
Kai-Shek, many times a spokesman
for the Chinese cause, is on her first
wartime visit to Washington.
She was welcomed at the railroad
station by the President j and Mrs.
Roosevelt and they motored direct-
ly to the White House where Madame
Chiang will be a guest for the next
two weeks.
It is said that she will participate
in important war discussion of
China's war against Japan and in
planning Allied offensives against the
Madame Chiang will make separate
appearances before both the House
and the Senate tomorrow. Her

speeches will be broadcast over a
nationwide hook-up.
She plans to follow up her Wash-
ington visit with tours to New York,
Boston, Chicago and the West Coast,
presumably to speak to American
audiences and to inspect war industry.
Madame Chiang has been in the
United States since November, re-
covering from treatment of an old







Leaders of Campus Activities Higher Taxes
To Tell of Group Functions To Cut Income

U. S. Forces
Withdraw 35
Miles in 3 Days
Americans Forced
To Evacuate Three
Forward Air Bases

Foxing the Allies

Dick Ford, '44, will act as master of
ceremonies at the sixth annual Ac-
tivities Smoker, introducing second
semester freshmen and sophomores
to campus activities at 8 p.m. today.
Leaders of each organization par-
ticipating will be on hand to tell
about the functions of their groups,
placing emphasis this year on those
activities which will aid in the war
effort. Their speeches will be limited
to three minutes by the ringing of an
alarm clock.
Movies of a Michigamua initiation
will be followed by an opportunity
for studentg to circulate among the
booths and displays presented by the
various organizations, and the serv-
ing of refreshments. A pecuniary
French ShipS
Will Augment
Atlantic Fleet
42 Vessels, Including
Battleships, Cruisers
Soon To Arrive Here
Forty-two French warships in addi-
tion to the four that steamed across
the Atlantic last week soon will be
fighting on the side of the United
Nations, Vice-Admiral Raymond Fen-
ard, Chief of the French Naval Mis-
sion to the United States, said today.
The cruisers Gloire and Georges
Leygues already are in action against
the Axis, Fenard said in an interview
aboard the cruiser Montcalm, which
is at the Philadelphia Navy Yard for
refitting after its trip from Dakar as
an escort of the battleship Richlieu.
Fenard, who greeted Admiral Royal
V. Ingersoll, Commander-in-Chief of
the U. S. Atlantic Fleet, on the Mont-
calm today, said two more battleships,
six cruisers, an aircraft carrier, seven
destroyers, 14 submarines and 10
auxiliary craft would join the United
Nations armada "soon but I don't
know when."
Three of the submarines, he added,
escaped the scuttling at Toulon, and
they and the other ships at Dakar,
Alexandria and Casablanca are "in
good condition." The destroyers Fan-
tasque and Terrible, part of the
Richelieu's escort, are at Boston for
refitting, he said.
The stocky, bronzed Admiral skirted
questions of "politics," asserting that
"all the men and officers of the
French Fleet want to do is fight the
Germans alongside the United States
and her Allies."
Serb Guerilla Chief
Accused by Soviets
LONDON, Thursday, Feb. 18.-(P)-
The Daily Herald said today that the
Soviet government had sent a note
to the Yugoslav government here
formally accusing Draja Mihailovic,
Serb guerilla chieftain, of "collaborat-
ing" with the Axis.
The newspaper described this re-
port as "the most difficult inter-Allied
situation that has arisen during the
The Soviet government, this report
said, had told the Yugoslav govern-
ment-in-exile here that it had proof
of its charges against Mihailovic.

award will be made to the organiza-
tion with the most attractive and
original booth. Erwin A. Larsen, '45,
is chairman of the affair.
Speakers and the organizations
they will represent are Keith L.
Smith, Michigan Technic; David F.
Striffler, Union; Marvin Borman,

-.Master of Cereonies
Manpower Corps; J. Frederick Hoff-
man, Congress; Vaughan G. Koppin,
Varsity Glee Club; John A. Erlewine,
Daily editorial staff; Edward J. Perl-
berg, Daily business staff; Burnett H.
Crawford, Wolverines; Donald G.
Longworth, Alpha Phi Omega, Boy
Scout service fraternity; John W.I
Fauver, Inter-Fraternity Council; Art
Mayer, Gargoyle editorial staff; and
Donald Bush, Gargoyle business staff.
American Subs
Sink Five More
Japanese Ships
Allied Planes Bomb
Enemy Airports in
Northwest Solomons
By The Associated Press
I WASHINGTON, Feb. 17.- Raiding
Japanese supply lines in the Pacific,
American submarines have sunk five
more enemy vessels, probably sunk a
Japanese cruiser and damaged a car-
go vessel, the Navy reported today,
while U.S. aircraft continued pound-'
ing Japanese airbases in the Solo-
mon Islands area.
Most of the craft sent to the bot-
tom or damaged presumably were
engaged in transporting men and
equipment to the scattered Japanese
bases throughout the south Pacific
Little Detail Given
But little detail was given. The
Navy reported only that the subma-
rines accounted for the vessels in the
"Pacific and Far East" waters, in
pursuance of a policy to confine re-
ports of submarine activity wholly to
Those results in the latest report
were big. Topped by the successful
torpedo attack on a cruiser which the
Navy said probably went to the bot-
tom, the submarines' bag also includ-
ed an escort vessel, a medium-sized
tanker presumably carrying much-
needed oil to Japanese bases; a trans-
port whichdmight have been carrying
troops, and two medium-sized cargo
vessels-all sunk. An additional me-
dium-sized cargo vessel was reported
Meantime, American planes flying
out from Guadalcanal are hitting at
Japanese airports in the northwest-
ern Solomons and have made new
raids on two bases.
Bomb Jap Airbase
In one aerial attack a Liberator
bomber dropped its load on the Japa-
nese airfield at Kahili, one of the

Roosevelt Demands
HugeLevies To Stop
Earnings at $25,000
Associated Press Correspondent
WASHINGTON, Feb. 17.- With a
strong movement underway in Con-
gress to repeal his $25,000 limit (after
taxes) on salaries, President Roose-
velt renewed today a demand for
super wartaxes leaving no single per-
son more than $25,000 spendable in-
come and no married couple more
than $50,000.
Asks Retention of Limit
"I trust," he said in a letter to
Chairman Doughton (Dem.-N.C.) of
the House Ways and Means Commit-
tee, "that without such tax levies the
Congress will not rescind the limita-
tion (on salaries) and permit the ex-
istence of inequities that seriously
affect the morale of soldiers and sail-
ors, farmers and workers, imperilling
efforts to stabilize wages and prices,
and thereby impairing the effective
prosecution of the war."
If Congress is not willing to jtax
away all income above his proposed
maximums, Mr. Roosevelt said he
hoped it would at least provide a
minimum tax of 50 per cent with
graduated rates up to 90 per cent.
These levies would be in addition to
regular income taxes.
Rep. McGranery (Dem.-Pa.), a
member of the Ways and Means
Committee, announced he would ask
the committee to reconsider tfe sal-
ary matter and discuss the Presi-
dent's recommendations tomorrow.
Committee Votes against Limit I
By a vote of 15 to 10, the commit-
tee agreed last Saturday to attach an
amendment repealing the $25,000 sal-
ary limitation to a measure raising
the authorized national debt limit
from 110 to 210 billion dollars.
The author of this repealing
amendment, Rep. Disney (Dem.-
Okla.) said after readingethe Presi-
dent's letter:
"If we have reached the stage in
American life when we begin to limit
incomes, Congress should be the lim-
iting power. The tax on large incomes
Turn to Page 6, Col. 3
Manpower To
Be Registered
Spring Program Will
Include Farm Work
Final registration for the expanded
spring program of the Manpower
Corps will be held from 9 a. m. to 4
p. m. Friday in the Union Lobby, West
Quadrangle, Angell Hall, and Corps
offices in the Union, Mary Borman,
Manpower Corps chairman an-
nounced yesterday.
Emphasizing the importance of
registering every man on campus, in-
cluding those who signed last fall,
Borman announced also that the
Corps has been made a subsidiary of
the Michigan Farm Youth Labor
Committee, thus putting upon it the
responsibility for providing farm labor
during the coming spring.
Calls for student for workers have
already begun to filter in, he said,
while other new projects include col-
lection of old clothes for a United
Service Organization drive and a
campus search for tin cans.
Letters concerning the latter drive
have already been sent to fraternity
and sorority presidents, Borman

Nazi General Erwin Rommel, the
desert fox who fled across Africa
to bite at the Americans, is shown
above with General Nehring of his'
staff. Rommel led his Afrika Korps'
in one of the longest retreats in
history, but he came out of the1
desert with enough strength to
make gains at the Allies' expense.
TNelson Denies
He Will Retire
.As WPB Head
War Production Chief
Will Stay on Job for
Duration, Friends Say
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Feb. 17.-Donald M.
Nelson passed the word today that
"until a better man comes along" he
has no intention of resigning his
troublous position as chairman of the
War Production Board.
Nelson fired a WPB vice-chairman,
Ferdinand Eberstadt, yesterday after
WBP was shaken by a period of in-
ternal strife. This action was fol-
lowed by reports that Nelson had re-
ceived suggestions, from sources both
friendly and unfriendly, that he him-'
self retire.
Reports Completely Unfounded
Stephen E. Fitzgerald, head of
WPB's Information Division, reported
he was authorized by Nelson to state
that any reports that he was consid-
ering stepping out were "completely
unfounded." Fitzgerald said, however,
he could not say whether friends had
urged Nelson to retire.
Fitzgerald recalled that Nelson at a
WPB staff meeting last night in-
formed fifty WPB executives that he
was "here to stay" and intended to
hold the job for the duration or until
a better man comes along. The state-
ment came as Nelson exhorted his
aides to forget conflicts of personal-
ities and go forward harmoniously
under WPB's newly reorganized lead-
Betting On Nelson
Friends of Nelson said they were
wagfring that Nelson would choose
to stand by his guns., But they said
some associates, who cannot be iden-
tied, had been concerned over his
health, and had made the suggestion
of resignation out of motives com-
pletely different from those of op-
ponents who have suggested that he
be replaced by Bernard Baruch or
someone else whose relations with
the Army and Navy have not been
clouded by conflicts as Nelson's have.

Associated Press Correspondent
NORTH AFRICA, Feb. 17.- Marshal
Rommel, using two divisions of his
veteran Africian tank fighters and
his heaviest armor, has smashed an
American counterattack, at least
for the time being, and with a fresh
18-mile thrust in central Tunisia yes-
terday has scored a net advance of
some 35 miles in the last three days.
This check to Allied plans and dis-
arrangement of their positions was
announced today in an Allied Head-
quarters communique which said
armored battles raged all day yester-
day in the area west of Faid Pass and
were still continuing at nightfall "on
the outskirts of Sbeitla," 100 miles in-
land and about 125 miles southwest of
Air Bases Evacuated
The Germans thus had marked up
a gain of about 18 miles yesterday
after a check from American counter-
attacks near Sidi Bouzid, southeast of
Tonight, as German tanks slashed
at American rearguard armor striving
to check the onslaught until a new de-
fense line can be consolidated in the
hills west of Kasserine near the Al-
gerian border, the United States Air
Forcq Headquarters announced three
of its forward air bases had been
One of these was at Sbeitla and two
were at Thelepte, near Feriana, close
to the Algerian border. This an-
nouncement said some fuel, rations
and a few planes damaged beyond re-
pair were left behind.
Rommel's35-mile forward drive
was launched Just after .American
armored and combat teams had taken
over defense of the area from French
forces and before the new units had
had time to familiarize themselves
with the territory or develop strong
British Near Mareth Line
In the southern Tunisian sector, 170
miles distant, however, the British
Eighth Army of Gen. Sir Bernard
Montgomery was reported nearing the
Mareth line for an assault which
might retrieve the situation by forc-
ing Rommel to regroup his forces.
American casualties were heavy, it
was reported at Headquarters, and
several units of American troops were
cut off in the rush of Rommel's two
armored divisions, which included
some huge new Mark VI tanks.
These U. S. units had not been heard
Turn to Page 6, Col. 1
Roosevelt Loses
Battle to Obtain
IFunds for INRPB

Duranty, Authority on Russia,
Lectures Here on War Tonight

WASHINGTON, Feb. 17.- UP)-
President Roosevelt lost today the
first round of his fight to obtain
funds for the National Resources
Planning Board as the House, with
the closely-knit Republican forces
dominant on the floor, passed a
$2,616,972,913 appropriations bill.
A committee handling the big bill
had cut out funds for the planning
board-which is headed by the Presi-
dent's uncle, Frederic A. Delano-and
the House did not restore the money.
In addition, the chamber dealt an-
other direct fiscal blow to an execu-
tive agency, trimming $180,000 from
the bureau of the budget.
The appropriations bill, carrying
funds for so-called "independent of-
fices" of the government, now goes to
the Senate.
GOP Will Choose
Board of Regents
Candidates Today

Child Guidance Institute Drafts
Delinquency Control Program

Walter Duranty, authority on Rus-
sia and the Far East, will lecture on
"When East Meets West in Battle"
at 8:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium
under the auspices of the Michigan
Oratorical Association. -
Duranty will emphasize the part to'
be played by Russia in the war
against Janan as he is certain that

lance reporter for various publica-
tions, including the North American
Newspaper Alliance, the Atlantic
Monthly, and the New York Times.
Recently he spent six weeks in Tokyo.
Duranty is the winner of the Pu-
litzer Prize for Foreign Correspon-
dence of 1932 and of the O'Henry

Five years of research on the part
of the Michigan Child Guidance In-
stitute were culminated yesterday
when it presented to Governor Kelly
what it termed "the most comprehen-
sive program for delinquency control

linquency prevention division under
that council.
2. Reorganization of the juvenile
courts into children and juvenile di-
visions with varying jurisdiction.
3. The building of a state aided
child and juvenile probation system

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