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February 17, 1943 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-02-17

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C. E. Wilson
Is Promoted
In Shake-Up
Dismissal Is Charged
To Quarrel Between
Board, Armed Services








Knox Peers at the Japs

tense struggle in the War Production
Board culminated today when WPB
Chairman Donald M. Nelson ousted
vice-chairman Ferdinand Eberstadt
and handed Eberstadt's powers in toto
over to Charles E. Wilson.
Wilson, a production specialist and
former president of General Electric
Company, was stepped up from vice-
chairman to executive vice-chairman
of WPB, answerable only to Nelson.
The action was disclosed in an un-
precedented WPB press release which
stated that Nelson had asked Eber-
stadt "for his resignation." This was
in effect a public dismissal, and was
linked by WPB sources to the in-
creasingly bitter feud between the
armed services and WPB over control
of arms production.
Asked Nelson's Removal
The report circulated also that
Eberstadt supporters in the Army and
Navy, alarmed by Nelson's transfer of.
seven WPB divisions from Eberstadt
to Wilson some days ago, had gone to
the White House proposing thatNel-
son himself be removed from the WPB
They suggested that Bernard Ba-
ruch, 72-year-old production czar of
the first World War, take over the
reins of WPB, informed but unquot-
able sources said.
Baruch has been a friend and ad-
visor of Nelson, but Eberstadt, a New
York investment banker, also is close
to Baruch and was brought into the
war effort partly upon Baruch's rec-
Denies Knowledge of Appeals
Late in the day President Roose-
velt said at a press conference that
the Army and Navy had made no
appeals to him. He said he did not
know whether any appeals had been
made to economic stabilized James F.
Byrnes, a White House official.
Nelson's announcement of the dras-
tic reorganization said: "it is my con-
viction that this change will bring
harmony to WPB and end the juris-
dictional questions which, if permit-
ted to continue, could only hamper
the war effort."
He did- not enlarge upon the "jur-
isdictional questions," but a WPB
spokesman, when called upon for ex-
planation, said Eberstadt and Wilson,
who were on an equal level of author-
ity, "saw things differently at times."
Chose Production Man
"Nelson had to make a choice, and
he chose the production man," the
spokesman said.
Rightly or wrongly, Eberstadt has
acquired the reputation in some WPB
quarters of being "an army man." He
came to WPB from the Army-Navy
munitions board, and set up the "new
controlled materials plan" to allocate
raw materials and assure their un-
interrupted flow to war plants and
civilian industries. His program had
the support of Army and Navy of-
Inter-Guild To
Sponsor Service
Annual World Day of
Prayer To Be Sunday
The second annual World Day of
Prayer for Students will be sponsored
by Inter-Guild, representative organ-
ization of Protestant students, at 8:15
p.m. Sunday in the Congregational
"Student groups the world over will
join together in prayer, and our cam-
pus Inter-Guild is sponsoring this
united service in response to the re-
quest of the World Student Christian
Federation," said James Terrell, '43,

chairman of the World Day of Prayer
The service will be conducted by
Lewis Howard, '44, president of Inter-
Guild, with the assistance of James
Terrell, president of the Canterbury
Club, Larry Burns, '46E, Earle Harris,
'44, president of Westminster Guild,
and Virginia Rock, '45.
William Muehl, acting director of
the Student Religious Association,
will give a short address. The music
will be furnished by John Dexter,
'43SM, at the organ, and the Rev.
Leonard A. Parr will deliver the bene-

Student Election
Date Changed'
To Wednesday
Candidates' Petitions
For Next Week's Voting
Are Due Thursday
The all campus election originally
scheduled for next Tuesday has been
moved to Wednesday because of
Washington's birthday, it was dis-
closed yesterday by Bill Sessions, '43E,
head of the Men's Judiciary Council.
The polling on Wednesday will be'
conducted from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in
regular campus booths to choose three
members for the Board in Control of
Student Publications, six Union vice-
presidents, and a 12 man committee
to stage a combined freshman-sopho-
more dance.
Any person not currently now con-
nected with a publication may pe-
tition for the Board positions. Each
person interested and eligible is asked
to write out his petition giving all
pertinent data and return it not later
than 4:30 p.m. tomorrow to the Busi-
ness Desk of The Daily or the Union
Student Offices.
Candidates for the Union vice-
president's positions were announced
yesterday, but any other members of
the Union may petition Dick Ford, '44,
Union president said. Petitions may
be obtained in the Student Offices.'
Freshmen and sophomores interest-
ed in the combined class dance may
obtain regular Judiciary Council pe-
tition's in the Student Offices of the
Union. These must be returned in ac-
cordance with the time cited above.
Each petitioner must sign up for
an interview today. These will be held
from 2 to 5 p.m. in the Student Of-

Schnabel Gives
Lecture Before
Music School
Well-Known Pianist
Discusses Modern
Music, Composers
"Modern music would be mtch the
same as it is today even if thexe were
no war," Artur Schnabel, world-
renowned pianist, stated in a special
all-day lecture for the Music School.
Schnabel made a special trip to
Ann Arbor Monday to speak with
students of the Music School, who
were excused from classes to hear
his lecture.
Discussing modern music and the
people who write it, he expressed the
opinion that "a composer is a prod-
uct of his own personal inspiration
and not of his time."
During the afternoon, Schnabel at-
tacked the student's approach to mu-
sic from a more technical angle, il-
lustrating on the piano as he pro-
ceeded. He urged students not to be
afraid to introduce their own ideas
into their interpretations of music
and emphasized the importance of
music for individual pleasure rather
than for commercial purposes.
At a tea following the afternoon
session, Schnabel proved his wit and
charm in deftly handling a number
of questions from the student and
faculty audience.
DETROIT, Feb. 16.--P)-The Ford
Motor Company and the United
Automobile Workers Union (CIO) to-
day agreed to the appointment of
IDr. Harry Shulman, former profes-
sor of law at Yale University, as um-
pire in disputes between the firm
and the union.

Walter Duranty, famous foreign
correspondent and Pulitzer Prize win-
ner, will discuss the place of Russia
in the war in his lecture at 8:15 p.m.
tomorrow in Hill Auditorium under
the auspices of the Michigan Orator-
ical Association.
He will bring to the lecture an up
to the minute picture of conditions
in Russia and Japan as he recently
returned from these countries. Be-
fore a six-weeks' stay in Tokyo, he
traveled the entire length of Russia.
"By a strange irony of fate, our
democratic nations have with them
aikg hty ally whose system is not
liours. I refer to the U.S.S.R.,
whose constitution has no flaw from
a democratic viewpoint, but whose
ways are not our way," he declared
'in a recent address.
"The U.S.S.R. was attacked by Ger-
many without warning or provocation
and defended itself most valiantly. I
have no shadow of doubt that Russia
will cooperate with the United States,
Great Britain, and China in the war
against Japan. I have known Russia
Gandhi's Health Waning
After Seven Day Fast
NEW DELHI, Feb. 16.-('P)-Mo-
handas K. Gandhi, in the seventh day
of his scheduled three-weeks fast, was
growing constantly weaker today and
there was anxiety among his followers
that death might claim the frail little
Indian leader this time.
Gandhi began his fast last Wednes-
day in protest against the refusal of
the Viceroy, Lord Linlithgow, to give
him his unconditionalrelease from
the palace-prison of the Aga Khan
where he was placed in custody six
months ago. He drinks only citrus
juices and water.

Duranty To Discuss Russia and
Japan i Lecture Tomorrow

Secretary of the Navy, Frank Knox, squats on the ground before a
set of captured Japanese binoculars for a look at Jap positions on
Guadalcanal. The picture was made during the secretary's tour of
U.S. Pacific bases and before the Japs withdrew from Guadalcanal.
Winter's Coldest Wave Strikes
Ann Arbor and Eastern Seaboard

... talks on Russia
for twenty years and learned to un-
derstand its complex foreign policy."
His current book on the subject is
"The Kremlin and the People." In
1932 he was awarded the Pulitzer
Prize for Foreign Correspondent and
his autobiography, "I Write as I
Please" was long a best seller.
Duranty covered the Eastern Front
of the First World 'War for the New
York Times and was the Times' Mos-
cow correspondent from 1921 until
1934. Since that time he has written
for a number of publications includ-
ing the Atlantic Monthly, Collier's,
Readers' Digest, and the North Amer-
ican Newspaper Alliance, as well as
the New York Times.


Ann Arbor's upstart thermometer
bounced down to the zero line last
night, but temperatures here were
comparatively mild as the winter's
coldest wave drove the mercury down
as far as 50 below in scattered sec-
tions of eastern United States.
Freezing winter winds here nipped
student ears, as the University Ob-
servatory reported one of the longest
sustained blows recorded this winter.
Ann Arbor motorists, their radia-
tors frozen by arctic cold, flocked to
James Armour to Speak
To Engineering Society
Mr. James W. Armour of the Riley
Stoker Corporation will address the
meeting of the American Society of
Mechanical Engineers, which will be
held at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union.
The topic of Mr. Armour's speech
will be "The Design and Construction
of Steam Generating Units." A mo-
tion picture on this subject also will
be shown.

local garages, and students donned
extra-thick clothing.
From Florida to New England the
cold wave continued its work for the
second straight day, killing at least
thirty persons, slowing vital war
work, ruining crops in the South.
New England reported 19 dead yes-
terday with thousands of cases of
frostbite, transportation slowed to a
crawl, and many schools closed.
Boston, assailed both by extreme
cold and a fuel oil shortage, has gone
for a day and a half with sub-zero
temperatures. Outdoor work in New
Bedford, Mass. came almost to a
standstill where fishermen were un-
able to unload nine vessels bearing
50,000 pounds of fish.
Trains in New England were re-
ported as much as twelve hours late.
The fertile Florida Everglades
farming country reported 25 above
yesterday, frostbiting several thou-
sand acres of beans.
Warrensburg, New York yesterday
claimed the low in cold with a level 50
degrees under the zero mark. Mount
Washington, N.H. registered 46 below.



)tichqje an Ken at Wa'

Naval Aviation Cadet Harry M.
Galloway, '34, has been transferred
to the Air Station at Corpus Christi,
Texas for advanced flight training.
Cadet Galloway attended the Uni-
versity from 1932-34 and was a mem-
ber of the ROTC during that time.
Cadet Richard B. Stodden, '41, is
now enrolled in the Army Air Forces
Pre-FlightSchool at Maxwell Field,
Montgomery, Ala. Cadet Stodden is
an Ann Arbor resident, having at-
tended both the Ann Arbor High
School and the University literary
college andmedical school. He played
three years of hockey and was a mem-
ber of Sphinx and Druids.
Executive council of IFC will meet
at 2:30 p.m. Thursday in Dean Burs-
ley's office.
Transferred to the Naval Avia-
tion Advanced Flight School at
Corpus Christi, Texas, Cadet Sterry
B. Williams, '42, will be commis-
sioned in the Naval or Marine Corps
Reserve after three months train-
ing. He is a member of the Alpha
Delta Phi fraternity and was a

member of The Daily staff and Sig-
ma Gamma Epsilon while at the
Paul D. Strickland, '40E, has re-
ceived his Navy wingsaand Ensign's
commission at the Naval Training
Center at Pensacola, Fla. Ensign
Strickland graduated from the Uni-
versity as a mechanical engineer and
is a member of Phi Kappa Psi fra-
Winer of a swimmingletter and
member of Michigan's Big Ten
championship team in 1941-42,
Cadet Joseph P. Trytten, '42, is
now beginning training as a Naval
aviator at Corpus Christi, Texas.
Cadet Trytten is a member of Theta
Chi fraternity.
Also transferred to Corpus Christi
is Cadet Robert B. Gelston, '42. Cadet
Gelston is a member of Phi Gamma
Delta and was active on the Council
of the Student Religious Association.
He played tennis and basketball and
was a member of the Cap and Gown
Committee of his senior class.




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