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May 16, 1943 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-05-16

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SUNDAY, ltt 16, 1943

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fSweet 0/l 6t Cetera
It won't be long now-we keep telling ourselves-summer is just around
the proverbial corner and, come June, all sorts of courageous souls will
pour into Ann Arbor to get back to ye olde grinde. We've heard all kinds
of prophecies as to how the whole thing is going to turn out-i.e. whether
it will be just plain hot, or really HOT-whether there will be ten men to
one woman or only four-whether professors will wear coats-whether
they'll go through with the old tradition of giving exams or let the students
succumb to the season's lethargy, etc. ... etc. ... etc. ... But we figure
that any prophecy anyone makes about Ann Arbor is bound to be wrong-
and, consequently, we refuse to play Cassandra. Certain general specula-
tions and inquiries as to probable conditions may, however, be made with
comparative safety, so we're going to take our chances and speculate.
There are two schools of thought in regard to the general outcome of
the summer semester. One school holds that things will be all right so long
as the ice cream holds out. The other maintains that ice cream is not the
important factor--things, they say, will be fine if only nothing happens to
the cokes. Now this, we feel, is a problem which merits a good deal of atten-
tion. What, we ask, are the chances of ice cream's surviving the summer?
Is the coke becoming extinct? If one of them is going to disappear, which
one will it be? Naturally, if we knew that ice cream was going to make a
graceful exit, the ice cream school could immediately set about developing
a task for cokes, and vice-versa. The whole trouble is that nobody knows,
so nobody can feel safe.
Then there are other problems. Are assignments and things going to
interfere with activities like canoeing, or will the coast be clear for vital
recreational pursuits? Will hot weather wear be limited to conventional
things like dresses, or are people going to be broadminded in the face of
the summer climate? Is there any truth in the rumor that classes and
fresh air seminars are going to be held in the Arboretum, or are we going
to be reactionary about this and go on having classes in academic buildings?
Needless to say, these are questions to which we do not pretend to know
the answers. If anyone knows them we wish he'd tell us, because, after all,
this suspense is terrible. At any rate, it won't be long now before we find
out, and meanwhile, we may, all of us, tread our happy paths, expecting
blithe summer days and lemonade orgies, confident that in our ignorance
and our expectations we are not alone.

Class Pro jcc.S

Wr Council

Will Function, lo Carry On
During Summer Th is Summer
Class projects which were placed 'Mona Heath, Ann MacMillan
on abstrictly war time basis last fall, To Head Respective Councils
will be carried on during the summer
semester and will be open to all To Centralize Women's Work
women students.
The Freshmen Project, which was . The Women's War Council, which
begun in February, provided enter- was organized early this spring to act'
tainment for service men stationed as a coordinatorb etween all Michi-
on the campus. Radio dances, games. -an wmen and the enmpus war ac-
and concert music were all furnished tivities will be continued this sum-
at the League from 8 p.m. to mid- m r. with man : of its present mem-
night every Saturday, while freshmen bers <_t'rying on.
women acted as hostesses at these af- Mona Heath, '44, president of the
fairs. council, and Ann MacMillan, '44,
This same procedure will undoubt- head of Judiciary Council, will both
edly be carried on this summer un- be present and will continue to head
der the direction of Betsy Perry, '46. t1'tir respectjve organizations. As
Freshmen women will be instructed yet-, many of the other members of
as to how to sign up for this service the council have not definitely de-
during their registration. cided whether or not they will return
for the summer session.
The Surgical Dressing Unit was!
undertaken as the Senior Project a rmerly the Lca gue Council!
last fall, but later onened to all : The Women's War Council was
classes. The unit is open from 1 p.m. previously known as the League
to 5 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday Council. This spring, however, itI
in the gameroom of the League, and was felt that this group should be
instructors are always present to more directly connected with the
teach beginners how to make the various v- ar projects of the campus,}
dressings. Dressings made by the in order that this work could be
students are shipped directly to the better unified. In this way it was
front lines. According to Jean also believed that authority would
Whittemore, '44, chairman of the be centralized, and more women could
project, there is a great stortage of be contacted.
these dressings, and students should Not only were many of the regular
try to devote a small portion of their council positions changed, but sev-
time to this work each week. cral additions were made as well. The
Hospital volunteer service is the offices of secretary and treasurer,
work that was assumed by the 'soph- were continued much thne same as
omore women this year as their class usual. Chairman of orientation ad-
project. This work will be continued visers is also a regular member of
this summer and will be open to all the council, and it is her duty to see
women interested. that the problem of orientating the
Carrying trays, putting away lin- freshman women each fall is handled
en, passing water, and arranging efficiently.
bouquets, are the tasks performed by Other Regular Members
these volunteer workers, at the Uni- The head of the merit committee
versity Hospital.ByrMay 1, 1943, a is in charge of keeping a record of
total of 10,213 hours had been put the activities in which each campus
in at this hospital by Michigan coeds. coed participates. Student tutors are
The Junior Project undertook the provided by the head of the Tutorial
sale of War Bonds and Stamps this Committee, who is also a member of
year and will carry on their activi- the council.
ties this summer. Booths will be set The duty of the social chairman is
up at different places on the campus to form committees to act as hostes-
and women will be stationed at these ses at Ruthven Teas, which are held
posts during one hour periods. monthly diring the fall and spring
Corsages are made of defense terms. She also heads certain social
stamps by women working on this functions sponsored by the League.
projects, and sold at campus dancesGruAdyNwJb
and other social functions. Dormi-
tories, sororities, and league houses Child care was taken over by this
are also canvassed for contributions. body of women when it was reorgan-
Marcia Sharpe, '45, will head this ized this spring. Students are se-
project during the summer months. cured through this group to take
care of children in various local
homes and nurseries. A personnel
'Island' Is Reported administrator was also a recent ad-
Nearly Submerged dition to the council. Defense indus-
tries and other local firms notify this
After Recent Rains officer of their labor shortage and
she in turn contacts students inter-
If anyone doubts the rumor that ested in securing employment.
Ann Arbor gets its share of "Califor- Cleaning up the campus buildings
nia Dew" each spring, he should take and grounds was also undertaken by
a jaunt down to the Island and see this new department of the council.
the results after "the rains came" Work was done by women students
this season. who were paid 60 cents an hour.

Joe College' Sets Study S ctndaids
For 'reen' Freshmen by Bcid Habits

Between Union dances, blind dates,
patriotic war work, house parties,
bull sessions and walks in the Arbor-
etum the successful college fresh-
man must squeeze in a little time
for study. (His academic counselor
tells him!)
The best way to learn exactly how
it is not to be done is to watch typi-
cal Joe College in action. Joe has
spent years in perfecting his style
and he is proud of it.
Tomorrow, along with its many
other blessings, brings a bluebook in
Joe's 8 o'clock on prehistoric anthro-
pology and its influence on the love-
life of the butterfly. It's rather ob-
vious, even to Joe, that the books
must be hit, but hard, tonight.
Devoting a whole evening to study-
ing requires a great deal of prepara-
tion. Joe tactfully explains to Sally,
his steady, that hetwon't be able to
see her that night; postpones his
7 o'clock date with Joan; and tells
Kay that their late date is off. (Man
shortage, you know!)
The next step is to choose the right
place to study. The room is nice and
cozy but so are the fellows in the
corridor. The parlors downstairs
would be ideal, but some goof is al-

ways picking that same time to
search for the lost chord on the pi-
ano. The chairs at the League and
at the Union are conducive to only
one thing-sleep. The general li-
brary is definitely the best place to
The important things to do in
studying at the library are to get an
early start and not to forget any-
thing-textbook, four pencils, note-
book, fountain pen, chewing gum,
cigarettes. Once at the library a
minimum time must be spent in get-
ting the four pencils sharpened,
working that penny ink machine to
fill the pen, getting a drink, selecting
a seat far enough away from the
nearest blonde-in order to avoid
Now the studying begins. Joe
works like a demon. He reads the
textbook; he deciphers notes bor-
rowed from the class brain; he un-
derlines in red pencil; he recites to
himself; he studies like mad.
About 9 he is suddenly interrupted
by the thought that it has been
literally ages since his last fag. So
he's off to the outside steps. On his
way down the stairs he meets friend
George, who has the same bluebook

tomorrow; but George has a study
date. That's the system-business
plus pleasure.
At 10 p.m. the library closes, so
Joe is off for home. After all this
hard work he decides that what he
needs is food (for thought?). Using
only an hour or two for talking with
the boys tnd writing that long-over-
due letter home, he resumes his
At 3, Joe decides that a clear head
acquired by a good night's sleep is
much better than any amount of
last-minute knowledge and he falls
into bed. Taking care first to open
his book, tuck it gently under his
pillow. Now he can honestly say
that he spent all night on it.
As Joe staggers into his 8 o'clock
with a bluenbook clenched in his fist,
he sees the handwriting on the wall
-Prof. Bloke has been drafted and
will not be able to be present this
In spite of Joe's tough luck in not
being able to take his expected blue-
book, one can be sure that he will
continue in his wise methods of
study. Joe's final advice to fresh-
men would be: "Study, kids, that's
what got me where I am today."

would be ideal, but some goof is al- George, who has the same bluebook

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Summer clothes this year are good-looking.
Cottons, rayons, butcher linens, all the cool
summer fabrics that make you look cool and
feel cool. Come in and make your selections
from among our complete stock.

, --
'{jf ^" Y ;4
yr h.+ l . S '
- .


Two Doors East of Michigan Theatre

Although there is reason to be-
lieve that the famous "Island" is
merely a rumor too, there are cer-
tain objects on that broad expanse of
water that prove its former existence.
Picnic tables, oven, and benches
that once stood upon lush, green turf
now rise persistently above the rapids
of the swollen Huron. Willow trees
under which students used to loll
now are reflected in the water sur-
rounding their roots. The whole
scene has the atmosphere of a Mis-
sissippi bayou.
The only way that golfers can ap-
proach the green on the adjacent
course is by canoe.
But the risen water is bound to
subside and every sceptic on the sub-
ject will be shdwn that terra firma
does exist under the tide.


Heads of each of the class projects
were also placed on the council, since
their work has to do with different
war activities.
Ceoperation Is Increased
Reports are rendered by each of
the council members at the weekly
meetings of this organization. Now
that the group has been reorganized
each activity leader is well informed
on what other groups are doing, and
thus can work with greater coopera-
tion, and in a more efficient, orderly
Many of the above duties will not
be continued this summer, but the
majority of those concerning war
work will be carried on.
CGrowrd Crew
To Be Continued
Freshman women will have the

i .



f 1

1'p ''

, ( ° .
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Famous Ann Arbor
Shopping Cne
-are three good reasons why Ann Arbor coeds
buy their clothes at Kessel's and Love them.
Distinctive formal wear, smart street clothes,
sweaters, skirts, and sport outfits - all priced
to fit a. college girl's budget.


same opportunity to sign up their
services with the "womanpower"
corps as will the upperclassmen dur-
ing the summer session, according
to Geraldine Stadelman, '44, Person-
nel Administrator and head of the




c .

While studying, doing war work, in the class-
room, or on the social whirl, both style and
comfort are a necessity to every young college
girl. Wise coeds establish their shopping head-
quarters at THE VAN BUREN SHOP. We carry

The Buildings and Grounds Crew
will definitely continue this summer
with the workers receiving the same
amount of pay for their work, that
I is, sixty cents an hour. Hours will
probably be the same as they have
been during the spring semester.
At the sub-station behind Water-
man Gym, women may sign up to
work every day of the week from 1
p.m. to 5:30 p.m., on Saturdays from
9 a.m. to noon and again at 1 p.m.
until 5:30 p.m., and on Sundays from
9 a.m. to noon, beginning again at 2
p.m. and continuing through until
5:30 p.m. As was the custom during
this session, coeds will be asked to
work for two hours at a time, prefer-
ably beginning on the hour.
Besides the Buildings and Grounds
Crew, there will be crews working
inside various buildings washing
windows and generally cleaning up
in an all-out summer cleaning job.
Also. the Canteen Corsmwil l hP



a complete line of foundation garments, hosiery,
sportswear, lingerie, and housecoats.



1 11






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