THE MICH TAN DAILY TRt,,kStkT; nai'l''' M' loll - - __ i Sramek Tells Czech Needs After War Czechoslovakia Must Have Aid from Allies, Says Prime Minister Jan Sramek, Prime Minister of Czechoslovakia, thinks his country must be rehabilitated with Allied aid before she can think of long-term peace aims, he says in the following article. Then, he hopes, an agreement with Poland and Russia will be a suffi- cient buffer against any future Ger- man drang nach osten. By MONSIGNOR JAN SRAMEK Prime Minister of Czechoslovakia LONDON.-(P)-The problems of the immediate post-war period in Czechoslovakia, like those in all other German-occupied countries, are entirely different from what Great Britain and the United States will have to face. Numerous Problems Arise In this country as in the United States there will be the problem of returning from life in war to life in peace. There will be problems of in- ternal policy, social reform, educa- tion, and, in the economic sphere, the problem of readapting industry, trade and commerce to the normal conditions of peaceful life. At the moment when the last Ger- man soldier of the occupation force and the last SS and Gestapo man will have left Czechoslovakia, how- ever, our lands will have been scourged, robbed and looted for years by the German intruders, vast parts of our population dispersed and fam- ilies disrupted. Hundreds of thou- sands of men and women who have been dragged to Germany still will be somewhere in the Reich. State of Youth Is Horrible Many of our best ien and women of all classes Have long ago fallen victims of Nazi terrorism. Those still it home are nearly starved out and youth is in a horrible state of health and mind. We shall therefore need more than one plan to be carriedout before we reach even that stage which in the United States and Great Britain will be the initial stage to start from immediately after hostilities have ceased. Preparations Listed The preparatory work of the dif- ferent departments of the Czecho- slovak Government in London and particularly that of the Ministry of Reconstruction has been concen- trated on: 1. An immediate program of what is to be done first in order that the worst consequences of German occu- pation on physical and economic conditions may be removed. 2. A plan of simultaneous, system- atic restoration of orderly state af- fairs. 3. A plan for reconstruction, re- building and reforming the social, economic and political life, this plan being parallel to Churchill's "Four- Year Plan" and after. u Opens at Selfridge Field TUNISIA WAS NEVER LIKE TIJIS: Ski Troops Break C aip in Bitter Blasts Opening a quiz into alleged irregularities at Selfridge Field, Mich., Rep. Paul W. Shafer (left) (Rep.-Mich.), member of the House Military Affairs Committee, confers with John R. Weiner (center), a committee investigator, and Col. William B. Wright, commandant at the air base. Colonel Wright assumed command at Selfridge Field after Col. Wil- liam T. Colman was relieved of command following the shooting of a Negro soldier. Axis Wiped Out With Capture Of Von Arnim, Staff, and Troops (Continued from Page 1) This represents 1,1 German and 26 Italian divisions, and does not in- clude dead and wounded. In addition to Von Arnim, Von Sponeck and Roich, the French re- ported the capture today of two other German generals, one named Yelich, who had taken over command of the Italian Superba Division and other Italian remnants, and the other named Pfeiffer, commanding a group bearing his own name. The French captured 25,000 men in exacting an unconditional sur- render of all German and Italian! forces fighting between Zaghouan and -Saouaf. This was particularly sweet re- venge to the French who remembered Hitler's little dance of joy in the Compeigne Forest nearly three years ago when Marshal Petain's regime signed an armistice. Major-General Von Sponeck, the Commander of the 90th Light Divi- sion, surrendered to Lieut.-Gen. Sir Bernard Freyberg, New Zealand com- mander, on the British Eighth Army! front north of Enfidaville today. Von Sponeck Refuses to Surrender General Freyberg during the morning demanded the surrender of the 90th Division, but Von Sponeck refused and said his troops would fol- low his orders to fight until the last cartridge. Later in the day, however, he prof- fered his unconditional surrender and his former elite troops were put behind barbed wire cages, where thousands of their comrades had pre- ceded them. Police Confer on smith ,Death ITHACA, Mich., May 12.-(I)- State and county police officials sifted conflicting evidence tonight, seeking to unravel mysterious aspects to the death of Carlyle B. Smith, State Conservation Officer whose body was found Tuesday in a lonely farm lane after a more than three weeks' search. Dr. Le Moyne M. Snyder, state police medico-legal expert, who per- formed an autopsy, said his examina- tion indicated death "probably was due to natural causes, although we are awaiting a final report from pathologists and toxicologists at the state crime laboratory." Investigators, however, intensified a search for further clues, asserting it was possible a heart attack in- duced by over-exertion had caused his death. Smith's superior officers said they were especially interested in disap- pearance of more than $90 and per- sonal belongings. Editor's Note: This is the final in a series of six articles depicting the life of ski troopers. By CAPT. HAROLD W. SULLIVAN Judge Advocate General's School "Rifle shooting was the order of the day for Thursday. Soldiers al- ways look forward keenly to a day on the rifle range. This was as close to battle conditions as one could get in practice maneuvers," declared Lt. Larry W. Lougee, just graduated from the Staff School of the Judge Advocate General's Department, de- scribing eleven days of winter ma- neuvers on skis with the 87th Moun- tain Infantry in Colorado. "Though it was bitterly cold, at twelve thousand feet, the men did a superb performance of shooting. Various targets were set up along the cliff, and the scores were high, the competition eager and intense. We enjoyed the shooting so much the time melted away. Soldiers are happy when shooting. "The time now had come to double back on our tracks and return home to our base camp. I drew several more toboggans and cut up longer ropes for harnesses. I gathered the 24 men who were to accompany me and organized our return trip. Cor- porals were appointed to each tobog- gan. The men rigged the harnesses, and everything possible was done in advance of the start. Preparation is everything, as we learned when we got under way the next morning. "A howling blizzard lashed at us when we arose at 6 am. It was the worst kind of weather in which to break camp. Our preparations had stood us in good stead. We were ready. Hot cereal and coffee, and then we struck the tents, packed them on the toboggans and lashed them securely. We moved out on the dot of eight as sched- uled, and it was down hill all the way. That sounds easier than it was. At times the toboggan would pull the whole five men down flat on the snow, and it took a little time to U' Fresh Air Camp Groups Unite for Action Ten members of the University committee for the Fresh Air Camp and a Detroit committee of 12 busi- nessmen, judges and lawyers decided at a special meeting held Tuesday in the Detroit Rackham Building to unite the two groups into one large committee. "We made this move," Prof. F. N. Menefee, chairman of the faculty groups, said, "to enlarge the spon- sorship of the Fresh Air Camp and subsequently to increase the present number of camp supporters." Among those who attended the meeting were Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven, Dean James B. Edmonson, Dr. Louis Hopkins, Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, Dr. Lowell J. Carr, Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, Dean C. S. Yoakum, Herbert Wagner. Nicholas Schrieber, and Prof. Menefee. The totals collected in the twenty- third annual Tag Day held last month on campus now amount to $1,323.69. Latin Troubadours To Serenade Coeds For the first time in the history of the University, Michigan coeds will be serenaded after closing hours tonight in true Latin American style. The good-neighbor students have decided to stroll with their guitars from one women's residence to an- other, singing their favorite sere- nades especially for lonesome senor- itas. "In my country it is not proper to disclose the identity of the singers until after the serenade," one of the men said yesterday. For that rea- son the group would like to be known merely as the "South American Troubadours." The songs will be in Spanish, and if the senoritas appear to enjoy the singing "The Troubadours" will sing four or five numbers. Fifteen Seniors Initiated Into Chemical Fraternity The following senior men were re- cently initiated into Phi Lambda Up- silon, honorary chemical fraternity: Lyle F. Albright, Chester A. Bruner, Kenneth L. Cordes, Lyle E. Martz, Harold O'Hern, Carl V. Orberg, Law- rence S. Bartell, John S. Beuchamp, and Albert D. Togna. Graduate students initiated were: Austin H. Beebe, Lloyd Brownell, Richard R. Kraybill, Carl W. Bjork- lund, Max E. Chilcote, and Dominie Dziewiatkowski. The Junior Award Winners for 1943 are Lawrence S. Bartell. Harold ... , t reorganize. But we quickly recov- ered and pushed on to the Weasel Trail. Here our toboggans were towed out to the State Highway. We skied from there on a trail parallel to the Weasel Trail and expected to find trucks there to carry us home. An order came to ski two miles further up grade, to Cooper Hill again. There are some times when you feel you cannot take another step forward, but that is when mili- tary training and discipline comes in. The step forward was taken. many heavy, weary ones for another gruelling two miles. We were dog- tired when we reached Cooper Hill at four p.m., where big Army vans were waiting for us. We continued by motor van from there to our home camp. "A howl greeted the officers with their two-week beards as they en- tered the officers' mess where ev- eryone was dining in formal dress. But it was good to be back. The big trek was over, and successfully. WfNTED I I PEOPLE TO DELIVER "Many things stand out in mem- ory. The most impressive feature was the high morale of the men. They griped a bit, but that is the privilege of every Army man, as Gen- eral McArthur said when he paid high tribute to the American dough- boy. Besides. my shoes were smoking a bit when I heard we had to ski two miles farther up hill to meet our trucks after we had been told they would meet us at the road. "We learned a great deal from the maneuvers. Everyone had suggestions that were sound. "You would be amazed at the snow houses built by many of the men. Some you could walk into upright. They were lined with fir boughs as a touch of interior decoration. When the soft lights of the candle shed their quiet glow in our igloos, it was a real he-man's club and conversa- tion ran high. I remember the last evening. I walked around to see what the men were doing. They looked like volcanos dug in the snow with fires burning at the bottom, white. clad geniis sitting around the flames. There was something un- earthly about it. These holes var- ied from five to Six feet to ten or twelve feet in depth. As gusts of icy wind whipped down into these pits, the flames flickered in beau- tiful patterns. I had many fine talks with the men, many of who were from New England. They are all very proud of the fact that most of the 87th, and city bred at that, came from the East. They took to the great open West, in the dead of winter, with a gusto that would have made a pioneer wel- come them as blood brothers, though they arrived a century after his day. But spirit is eternal. "That fine spirit of adventure and rugged independence and initiative will follow the Regiment wherever it goes. All my chips are on the 67th Mountain Infantry." The End (7j.I P Atri~dtin &titu DURING SUMMER SCHOOL The Michigan Daily needs carriers for the summer sem- ester. Excellent wages. Work five days a week. Inquire BIdg. at business office at the Student Publications :-.___ik _. Gargoyle, SCummer Catalogue q o Courie 32 qo! Great Britain Mobilizes Forces; Italy Calls Out Troops As Hitler - oval AirFrc j 3' n As'IKing Pr 4 rR Sendsi State Of E Second Po To Geri* -re nt Says /"1 d*I *_ er Chaib eq " I 6 " t- Emir " _ *p , Ampe German b all \ > nby whch te un, . dth The ls~Sd a inun on In/onwa / / m - idthe one o+ f igh a / aS wrtISUEa 1 ees Sat ay Unu i Pnited Czech Defence As 1t ert; -eit ~ ~. twa irc Kj 'k~/f V 'J i ~a _ .sS Yti, w l 1 z }r f - f{ -Al ..-!!1/ _ . "So this is the final test you had to -take!" I