7PV-F TIL :, ., hL.F ::. 1341 THE AliCHICGN DAU LY 7 THE GLORIOUS is Distance and MutanPeaks Enrich Lves of Ski 'i'roopers ; Yanks and Tamit t-i Relect §efrom ii hti ° j 4s-ant ,sjII'1 gi~ Harriet pratt Ti mTc INROTC t: Editor's Note: This is the fourth in a series of six articles depicting. the life of ski troopers. By CAPT. H. W. SULLIVAN Judge Advocate General's School "A wintry clear morning of sun- shine diamonded the snow, as our fourth day on the trail unfolded a magnificent prospect of vast dis- tance and might. In the foreground roaring campfires were checkered with tents, the motion of men, eager to commence operations. Ahead the pure white peak of Homestake Moun- tain reared its lofty head in majestic eminence. Every man was alive to the grandeur of the scene. Such a life appealed to them, and made them better soldiers, for the life of U' Delegation Returns from USSA Meeting National Student Group Will Coordinate Efforts For Youth Movement The Michigan delegation to the United States Student Assembly con- vention held last week-end in New York City returned to the campus yesterday reporting that the Assem- bly has been organized as a demo- cratic national student organization to coordinate the efforts of local groups into a youth movement. Elizabeth Hawley, '45, Chairman of the Post-War Council, Mary Bor- man, '44, former head of the Man- power Corps, and Mary Lee Gross- man, '46, Chairman of the Speakers Bureau composed the voting delega- tion from the University, while Ethel Shirwindt, '46, and Millie Dansker, '44, both of Inter-Racial' Council, were observers. This first meeting of the USSA was a constituent assembly to organize the group on a national democratic basis. Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt and James Carey, secretary-treasurer of the CIO, addressed the group and round table panels were held to draw up resolutions of the Assembly's poli- cies. The most hotly contested issue at the Assembly was the problem of the admission of Fcommunistorganiza- tions as chartered local members of the USSA. After heated discussion the Assembly included in its consti- tution the followingstatement: "The National Executive Committee shall charter local campus groups without discrimination as political belief-ex- cept that Communist and Fascist groups are excluded." The Assembly formulated and ap- proved resolutions of policy which endorse the NRPB report, approve of independence for India, denounce the State Department's appeasement policy in North Africa and. approve of closer cooperation among the labor unions of the United States, Russia and Great Britain. The group also passed a resolution favoring the formation of post-war councils and manpower corps. Mrs. Roosevelt in her speech on Saturday to the convention empha- sized that the local groups on the various campuses in the nation should provide for their members training for life in a democratic soci- ety. James Carey emphasized to the group that the leadership of the nation in the post-war world must come from the youth. Douglas Will Give Lecture On AFS Today Hammond B. Douglas, a volunteer ambulance driver with the American field service, will speak at 4:15 p.m. today in the Rackham Lecture Hall. He will present an illustrated lec- ture on the work of the American Field Service in the Middle East. Douglas, a former student at Yale University, left that school a few months before graduating to join the AFS. He served in Syria for two months and was then transferred to the sev- enth New Zealand division in the Western Desert for four months, tak- in part in the initial action of the Eighth Army's advance against Rom- mel in October, 1942. There will be no admission charged for this lecture. Orientation Heads To Meet Tomorrow All men interested in serving as orientation advisors for the summer semester are asked to attend a short meeting 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Student Offices of the Union. A hrmi 4 fihundr1 iied resfvhme ~ n n the ski trooper is isolated and calls, as the wilds forever have to men who are self-reliant, independent, yet comradely. "The order to Man the Main Line of Resistance tore us from our rev- eries of the scene. Togged out in white garments for protective col- oing to blend with the white of the snow, the company moved along to ghost the trail. Strange men in these hallowed hills of in- finity zig-zagged up mountain on the long slope. Not a tree or shrub above timber line. Long curves of snow fashioned with the everlast- ing scoops of blizzard winds. But this was only a dream. "In a jiffy, snow had been scooped out, and deadly weapons had been grounded on hard rock along the Main Line of Resistance. There the troops maneuvered from ten till four. As we prepared to make camp for the night, we turned and looked across the Tennessee Valley and saw Cooper Hill, and far behind that, row upon row of jagged peaks gilded the sky with fourteen thousand feet of cosmic silhouette. This was liv- ing. It was a man's world. "Huge Army bombers had come and gone at noon. From the skies had floated parachutes with pre- cious supplies. Red bundles with ammunition and green pack's con- taining rations. A rainbow of pop- corn floated down to eager hands. Dropped within 200 yards of our position, nimble hands flipped them open and swung weapons into action. We worked away while the warm sun burned our faces despite a cool wind. "The wind picked up snow on the ridge and cornice and roared it down the slopes where it flicked us all day. Driven snow blinded us. It developed an appetite, and that night tomato soup never tasted better. Good old diamond broth. "It gets dark early in the hills and we prepared to bed down for the night, in our pup tents. We have a little brush to remove snow each time we crawl in. It really does the trick in keeping out extra snow. Each night I took off all garments except heavy under-clothing and two pair of socks. Even my ski boots went into the sleeping bag with me, to prevent them from freezing. Also a canteen of water went into the sleep- ing bag. The inner soles of my ski boots, I laid across my chest to dry them out with body heat. When I zipped up the outside bag, and then the inside sleeping bag, I really was in for good. With the two of us sleeping in the little pup tent, there was not an inch to spare. Instead of putting my head down into the sleeping bag each night, I used my ski cap to keep my ears warm and left my head out. Several nights later, though, I had to put my head under or I would have lost my nose. "It was a treat to lie snugly in the sleeping bag and hear the terrific gusts of wind flank down the Peak. From a long distance off, we would hear them gather momentum, like symphonic music, or the ride of the Valkuries, blast our trees and tents, even shaking the ground, and roar off moaning and cracking to distant silence. Somewhere between these titantic breaths of nature, we would take a long one ourselves, and coast off to sleep, wondering what new adventures lay on tomorrow's trail." French Club To Honor Play Cast Koella, Heineman To Speak at Final Meeting The French Club will pay special tribute to the cast of the French play at their final meeting of the year which is to be held at 8 p.m. tomor- row in the League. Warner Heineman, '43BAd, will give a short talk about Europe, "Is Money Worth Anything?" and Prof. Charles E. Koella, faculty adviser for the club, will also address the group. The meeting will conclude with French songs and games and refresh- ments. "The club has been quite active this year under the leadership of its officers, Warner Heineman, '43BAd, Jack Vaughn, '43, Jacqueline Jump, '45, and Marian Batchelar, '44," Prof. Koella said yesterday in sum- ming up the activities of the club this year. "The absurd propaganda against French language and culture is losing ground every day," he continued. "Everywhere the study of French is picking up in our country. The more the Allied armies approach the continent of Europe, the more the necessity of knowing French increas- i.u%<* h a ie ty at Are Now B'ino Built On Inland lWaterways CINCINATTI, May 5-AP)-Un cle Sam's Army has its own private navy-a fleet of little fighting ships that works without glamor and goes places tha belies its official designa tion of the inshore patrol. The fleet is a branch of the Coast Artillery. The ships are mine ituaiters, like those that per- iodica lI move out from the Mar- ietta MaUmfacturing C o m p a n y yard at Point Pleasant, W. Va., jouneiyiitg to New Orleans. l'hese boats, the first warships built on te Ohio since the Civil War and thle heiaviest ever sent out of the inland waterways, have been hitting the water on schedule for months. The mine planters are compact, comfortable, efficient. They are e- quipped with . devices that would serve a battleship, like the gadget that not only tells the skipper how much water he has under the keel but keeps a record of the information.j American and British soldiers released from an It alian prison ship come ashore on a beach at Tunis after the Allies captured the town from the Axis. Th e flag in foreground is the French Tri-color with the Cross of Lorraine. Picture radioed from Algiers. (Associated Press Photo from U.S. Signal Corps Radiophoto.) Capt. Swyler Was .'t'eacher Turns from English To Military Science Capt. Erik Swyler, Assistant Pro- fessor of Military Science and Tac- tics for the ROTC units on campus, has had more than ten years experi- ence in the field of teaching, both as a private citizen and as an Army officer. Before going on active duty from the Reserves in October, 1941, Capt. Swyler was an Instructor of English at Middlebury College, Vermont. Since going on duty at the 1229th Reception Center at Fort Dix, New Jersey, he has been stationed at Fort Benning, Georgia, where he took a refresher course in the Infantry School there, and at the Branch Im- materail Replacement Center, Frt McClellan, Alabama. Transferred to the University, in October, 1942, Capt. Swyler is now pursuing his teaching career in a new form with the ROTC courses on campus. A native of Haddonfield, New Jer- sey, Capt. Swyler was commissioned in the Reserves upon his graduation in 1930 with an A. B. degree from Penn State College where he took ROTC. From 1930 until he was called to active duty in 1941 he taught at Middlebury. Capt. Swyler is now living at 331 Packard with his wife and two-year old son. Calderon To End Lsatin-American Talks Today Dr. Garcia-Calderon of Peru will give the last in the series of talks on Latin-America sponsored by the So- ciedad Latino-Americana at 8 p.m. today in the amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. Dr. Garcia-Calderon, a specialist in private international law, is now doing research work in inter-Amer- ican law here at the U. of M. Edu- cated at several different universities, he has a B.A. degree from the Catho- lic University of Lima, a degree in law from the National University of San Marcos and a Ph.D. in history from the Universidad Mayor de San Marcos de Lima Dr. Garcia-Calderon has had wide experience with students, having par- ticipated in congresses of students in different Latin - American coun- tries and been leader of the Stu- dents' Federation. He has also pub- lished several articles on history, so- ciology and international law. The Sociedad Latino-Americana extends a cordial invitation to stu- dents, faculty and townspeople to attend the lecture today. The mem- bers wish to express their apprecia- tion of the large ;ttendance which the lecture series has had. Health Talks To Continue Today Considering health problems of urban and rural populations, survey- ing the variety of health plans now operating throughout the country, and studying methods of organiza- tion and administration is the three- fold purpose of the Institute of Pub- lic Health Economics, now in its sec- sond day at the School of Public SORRY, NO SALE! Fistfuls of $100 B ils Offered For- Ride with §Toy() Riders (1'olor Oueen The first color queen in the history. of the campus unit of the NROTC, Miss Harriet Pratt, '43, will presents the colors to the Third Company ait the parade to be held 7:15 p.m. to-, morrow at Palmer Field. Excellence in drill and intra-pla- toon competition was the basis on which the Third Company of the NROTC was awarded the honor of being singled out as this year's Color Company. Among the individual awards which went to the various units of the Third Company were: The Infantry cup, won by the see- ond platoon of the Third Company, headed by NROTC Ensign Robert V. Martelli, '44E. The best individual squad of the second platoon was the fourth, led by Daniel M. Saulson, '44. A special award will be presented to the first platoon of the Third Company under NROTC Lt. (j.g.) Mark Van Aken, '44, by the Saline Post of the American Legion at the parade tomorrow for their victory in the inter-platoon athletic compe- tition., Herman C. Kranzer, '46E, of the first squad of the first platoon of the Third Company, is the winner of the individual Manual - of - Arms spell- down. Editor's Note: The following account of the April 18, 1942, raid by United States bombers on Japan was told to Preston Grover, Associated Press cor- respondent at New Delhi, India, by a participant who in st remain ammy- Molts. By A TOKYO RAIDER NEW DELHI, India, May 6.-(P)- When the crews of the 16 Billy Mitchell bombers which attacked Tokyo and other targets in Japan climbed into the cockpits aboard the carrier Hornet, members of four other crews whose planes had been damaged by mishaps ran around the deck waving fistfulls of $100 bills try- ing to buy places on the planes. There were no sales. Lt.-Col. James H. Doolittle (now a Major-General) took off first at 0800 (8 a.m.) on April 18, 1942. The others followed, all 16 getting off okay. Three hours out from the carrier we sighted a Japanese scout bomber. It changed its course, obviously studying us. With our speed we could get away from it. But its presence was ample indication that the Japa- nese tanker which sighted us early in the morning of April 18 had got through a warning to Imperial head- quarters, although it had been sunk in 23 seconds by a cruiser from our escort. Otherwise, there was no rea- son for a scout plane to have been so far out. We came in low over Tokyo Har- bor, but climbed to about 2,500 feet over the middle of the city. We reached Tokyo about an hour and a half after the first plane went over. We got plenty of ack-ack. Our target was a chemical works. It seemed we were a century on the run. We dropped bombs and incendiaries. Then we dived for speed and pulled away from the target. A small piece of the rudder was "shot away. Nine Zero fighters attacked, but we shook them off. Hedge-hopping over buildings, we turned out over the bay. Suddenly a Zero came up. Our turret gun jammed. That left us with only one gun. We dived and then banked the nose up. He turned his belly toward us and the gunner hit him. He didn't follow. We rounded the southern tip of the Japanese islands and turned west into China. The plane did beauti- fully. We detoured a few ships. At sundown we spotted our course and had one hour's gasoline to go. Twen- ty-five miles off the coast of China we ran into bad rains, so we climbed to save gas. We levelled off at 8,000 feet and sat watching the gas needle go down and down. It was dark now and raining violently. I bailed out at 22:10 (10:10 p.m.). I must have been knockednout when I landed but apparently, not know- ing when I was going to hit the ground, I was relaxed and unhurt. When I came to I was on a hill- soaking wet. It was cold-too cold to sleep. In the morning I went into a village. The people ran into their houses. I passed through several more vil- lages until I entered a big one at 1600 (4 p.m.), where I located a mag- istrate who spoke some English. The magistrate was "100 precent good" and helped establish contact with other pilots in a neighboring village. After bailing out all the crews, ex- cept the five interned in Siberia and Phi Eta Sigma Will Meet a small number killed, missing or captured, reached the rendezvous point--an air base in East China.1 The original plan had been to alight at a base where magnificent "bomb Tokyo" runways had been built, refuel and fly to Chungking. But some of the planes lacked fuel to get that far because they had to leave the carrier sooner than ex- pected when discovered by the tank- er. The Americans arrived at Chung- king during the first week of May. They were greeted by the hysteri- cally-happy popplace and proceeded to India a few days later. Supreme Court Decision Hits NBC and CBS' Mutual rOa(Ieastinllg system Welcomes Legal Development NEW YORK, May 10.-P)--The, Supreme Court's validation of far- reaching regulations of the FCC over the contractual relations between radio networks and local stations was received as a heavy blow today by NBC and CBS, both of which spoke of the possible desirability of changes in fundamental radio law, but wel- comed by a third organization, Mu- tual Broadcasting System. It was perhaps the most important legal development in the history of modern chain broadcasting. CBS, NBC Have Been Fighting Rules Since October of 1941 NBC and CBS had been fighting this Commis- sion's proposed rules-rules now con- firmed by the Court in a 5 to 2 de- cision-while Mutual had intervened against its competitors, claiming un- fair competitive conditions under the old setup. Of the six commission regulations the one most strongly attacked by NBC and CBS in a long and thus far losing fight was that restricting the system by which the radio chains obtained exclusive options from hun- dreds of American stations to clear their big national programs on ar- ranged schedules. This regulation, known in the trade as "3.104" and embodying under that bare and prosaic title a controversy of mighty proportions, declare that option arrangements "may not prevent or hinder the sta- tion from optioning or selling any or all of the time covered by the op- tion, or other time to other network organizations." NBC Argues Destruction of Networks NBC argued-and its contentions were typical of that side of the argu- ments-that the effect of this would be to destroy nationwide network broadcasting as it is now known, compelling the chain to try to sell time to national advertisers on an "is, as and when" basis in which the net- work might never be sure of just what it could deliver and when. Contracts with advertisers, it was contended, normally were on a one- year basis, and if the old system of optional time were knocked out NBC, which now has a sort of blanket op- tion arrangement with 140 stations, would have to negotiate separately. /f I An M/zfjlo.ffflr. ..The radios are powerful, too. One of the planters was anchored here to ride out the January flood when it picked mip a Tokyo broadcast. It said: "In the United States there is a river called the Ohio River, and this river is flooding and ten thousand lives have been lost. War industries have been destroyed and the United States' war effort has been perman- ently crippled. This, of course, is good news to Japan." It was startling to the ship's offi- cers, who had been assured by vet- eran river men that it was a minor flood, the only casualties a couple of hogs penned too close to the bank. I visited one of these boats, the Spurgin, and found that there is hardly a cubic inch of excess space in the hold,ubut in the forecastleand officers' quarters there is enogh room to be comfortable. The skipper enjoys the luxury of a private bath- room and still can swing his arms in his cabin. The galley, with its electric range, automatic potato peeler, meat grind- er, and other equipment kept the crew eating hearty. On deck outside are ventilated storage bins for pota- toes and onions. The ship is air conditioned throughout, a matter of importance in tropical waters. These mine planters, part of the Army's permanent equipment, go wherever the Army goes. The United States' own harbors must be pro- tected, but so must those where we establish beach-heads. The ships are not particularly fast, but one made an ocean crossing in eight days alone rather than join a slow convoy. The United Staes had eight when the war started and now it has a lot more, with others coming along. The crews are made up largelr of drafted merchant seamen, although a number of landlubbers have been assigned. Chief Warrant Officer John Lastovka, master of the Spur- gin, said the latter make good sailors since they have no preconceptions of how the service should be run. DON'T FORGET to stone your FUR COAT at Evans! i: BE SAFE NOT SORRY! Don't put it off. These are dangerous days for fur coats. Hogan-Hayes, -Michigan's Largest Exclusive Furriers, will store your fur coat in their scientifically protected .cold fur storage vaults at, very little cost. Hogan-Hayes' thorough gas fumigation and steriliza- tion process completely de- stroyS all germs and moth eggs. Don't Delay! Call 2 5656 right now for bonded messenger. No 'charge for pick-up arid deliv- ery. Express charges paid both ways for out-of-town custo- mers. $3 for coats valued up to $100. HOGAN-HAYES 201 SOUTH, MAIN ~ THE GIRL IN rCTORY GARDEN f. c s ;. : - . I .. - 4y "VEGETABLES FOR VICTORY -- AND I'M PARCH$D" "When you're doing your "WHEN Victory gordening; youll I'M TIRIISTY- welcome ice-told IT'S COCA-COLA Coca-Cola. Speaking for - Coke, I'm here to tell you r that ice-cold Coca-Coa , brings you all the differ- ence between something really refreshing and just something to drink. It has a taste all its own and quo ity you trust. Enjoy it whenever you can." S ' F J .