I AGE TWO TnlE MICHIGAN DAILY rt1L5UA; ' 11# Y It, 1943 . : .. T...-#.-.... .- . . Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications., Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Presa is.exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches. credited tto it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigah. as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 REPRESENTED FOR NATION..I ADVORTIZMIO Y National Advertising Service, I.' College Publishers Representative 420 MAOISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO * OOSTON . LOS ANGELES * SAW FRANCISCO Editorial Staff Bud Brimmer . . . . . . Editorial Director Leon Gordenker . . . . . City Editor Marion Ford . . . . . . Associate Editor Charlotte Conover . . Associate Editor Betty Harvey . . . . . . Women's Editor James Conant . . . . . Columnist Business Staff Elizabeth Carpenter . . Local Advertising Pat Oehlert Circulation Jeanne, Lovett t .- Service Martha Opsion . . . . . Contracts Sybil Perlmutter . . . . . Accounts Molly Winokur . . . National Advertising Margery Wolfson . . . . . Promotion Barbara Peterson . . . Classified Advertisitig Rosalie Frank . . Women's Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: MONROE FINK Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only, .' i? > ' y s; I n rs; d1: .":< , _ :. r F _ . r Y-+4 r - 5 VAyv :E WAHMGO N ~'WERRY G01- ROUN 4 By DREW PEARSON V oeteleri ..Jo 27I edi6k ,:° May Keep Control meant until he was assured of con- tinued production-or for the dura- V _r I ';, :, ;. . _, - _ . t ,rr.. { P },' t '3 t _ . /s 1 Y * t r r -axe s D ti d ti a P WASHINGTON, May 11.-You can tion, if necessary. mark it down as definite that the, coal mnines will remain open for the While Ickes didn't say so, he as- duration. L. sumed that Lewis might not sign a Jaohn. Lewis will not resume new contract with the operators the strike when his 15-day "truce" while the War Labor Board had jur- wthtserokerhe seis res-.y re isdiction of the case. This has been with the operators expires. borne out by developments since. At the same time, don't be sur-b prised if there iso no real settlement'L of the coal wage dispute in the form Doesn't Like WLB I 'I1 V of a new contract between Lewis and the operators. This may sound like a paradox, for the mine labor boss has stated re- peatedly that members of his union wbn't "trespass" on the property of the operators unless they have a con- tract. However, to insiders who have been close to the coal crisis from the beginning, the answer is obvious: Lewis is willing for Interior Sec- retary Harold Ickes to continue as czar of the nation's coal mines after the 1,5-day truce expires, in which case the 'mines still would be the property of the government. When Ickes, in his capacity as Solid Fuels Administrator, announced last Tuesday, two days after a long conference with Lewis, that he was retaining control until the "coal business is a going concern," he The mine labor boss not only has refused to negotiate with the War Labor Board, which he suspects of being prejudiced against the miners but he and his advisers have decided; privately to sign no contract with the operators as long as the WLB has jurisdiction. Lewis would rather take his chances with Ickes, who has shown no great love for mine operators in the past and who already has made two concessions to the miners since taking over-a guaranteed six-day work week and a promise to clean up profiteering by operator-owned com- missary stores. Also, Lewis would like nothing better thanl to.hold the WLB up to public ridicule for failing to settle the coal strike. (Copyright, 1943. United Features Synd.) r, v: _ r ., . -,= -. r3 'r_ . ;. aA "" :, ,l std __ .. r . i'rter.'.yyJ" A a+#Ri: ar+. gyn. XVC. .1" a1. 10'c +a .ci:1 e_.aP^.TC - DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN DO YOUR PART Students Owe Support To Bomber Sehdlarsxhi p THE DRIVE which the Bomber Scholarship Fund launched yesterday in an effort to nieet its quota of $15,0600for the semester deseeVs the support of every student on this campus. By helping to contrilite the ;500 which the Bomber Fund must raise this week, students and faculty members will be doingtleir pral in the University's war effort by contrlttiing to the purchase of bonds, and they will also be making it possible for those University sti- dents who have left aid who will leave for the armed forces to return here after the war and graduate. The least that can be done for this cause is to give it the help it deserves, which may make all the difference in the world in the future lives of countless University students, who witho t the money from this Fuiid might not be able to return here after the war. - Jane Farraut ISSUE REVIVED- Anti-PollZ Tax Bill Will Test Belief in Freedom EARLY PASSAGE of the anti-poll tax bill, at least in the Huse of Representatives, was virtually assured last week when ten more Con- gressmen affixed their signatures Thursday to a petition forcing the bill out of committee in record-breaking time. Two hundred and eighteen members of the House of Representative signed the petition d- manding that the bill come up for' vote on May 24. Rep. George H. Bender, (Rep.-O.) who is chairman of the committee in charge of the petition is confident that the House will vote "overwhelmingly to abolish the property restric- tion on suffrage." The real test will come in'the Senate. If thle bil is passed in the House on May 24, alvo- cates of the measure will have more than a year and a half to organize pressure for push- ing the measure through the Senate. The t t that the proposal is supported by liberals, church leaders, labor and Negro organizations, and the fact that the bill will come up before the Senate during next year's election cami- paign may furnish 'ust enough pressure to shove the measure over the blockade set p by reactionary senators from the Southern States. TODAY more than ten million poor white and Negro people of the South are forbidden the right to vote in this nation where all m n sup- posedly have an equal right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Today a few poll-tax Congressmen have been able to block any kind of progressive legislation that dares to hint of equality between the Negroes and the whites, between the poor and the rich. Until we Americans can succeed in explaining away the paradoxes in our democracy, until we can reconcile some of its contradictions, we really cannot say with complete justification that we are fighting for democracy and freedom. The passage of this poll tax bill in Congress will mean that at long last the Congress has a complete confidence in the democratic will of the people. It will mean that regardless of race, nnlr" t~nrl r ~rolthnnri~vrm isw lii+RVPth RED STAND: SotieIs Will Never Accept Sikorski Rile in Poland + E RUSSIANS will never again deal with the Spresent Polish Government-in-Emile. This became evident when the Soviet Vice Comtinissar of Foreign Affairs Vishinski charged Palish diplomiats and 'military men with espion- age 'while on Soviet territory. 'TMis was the latest of a series of charges lev- eed against the Sikorski government. It is now celain that the reason given for the recent 4olish-Tussian break in diplomatic relations, that is, the acceptance by the Polish government of 'theGebbels line in the Polish officer's case, was just the straw that broke the camel's back. IN AD.TI0N to charging the London Poles with espionage and the following of the Nazi line, the.Soviet Government has declared that: 1-The Poles have been attempting to form ait Eserni European anti-Soviet bloc com- paed of Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Yugo- slavia. ' 2-T ie Poles have consistently maligned the Soviet Union in their foreign press. 3-The Poles have placed boundary consid- erations aliove th'e winning of the war. 4-'The Polish 'Army in the Soviet Union has in the large part been withdrawn to the Middle East., 5-Th'e followers of the pro-Nazi Colonel Reck have had undue influence in the Sikorski government. It is, then, evident that nothing but a com- plete reorganization of the Polish Government- in-Exile on pro-Russian lines will be acceptable to the Soviet Union. -Ed Podliashuk 'v.B L '.AND LABOR:' Lewis Should Follow Sfel Leaders' Example T BtHOOVES irate John L. Lewis and his mine workers to look into the relations of the steel workers ad WLB. S Philip Murray, president of the CIO, clearly Indicated in his recent speech before delegates of the United Steel ,Workers the role that labor can 'and must play during the war. He drove home the point in no uncertain terms that labor must deliver the goods to win the war. He advised that every gain made by or- ganized labor in recent years be held and that workers demand full participation in labor-man- agement committees, but that labor demands must not interfere with the 'war effort. lut more than this, the delegates not only completely stood behind the suggestions of Murray and renewed their no-strike pledge, but also made proposals for better execution of the war effort. They justly enough accused the OPA for creat- ing national confusion in wage and price control, but rather than let their complaints go at that, they proposed that retail prices be rolled back to the level of Sept. 15, 1942. TH-.EY ATTACKED the government's freezing of jobs and wages, proposing in, its place a national guarantee of pay for forty hours of work and joint agreements between management and labor on manpower problems. These decisions and proposals on the part of the steel delegates indicated that they have carefully considered the problem of labor not solely from labor's viewpoint, but from the 1"d Rather Be, Right_ By SAMUEL GRAFTO NEW YORK, May 11.- I do not usually bother to show up contradictions in Axis propaganda, because it is too easy a game. I would much rather work out bn certain domestic highbindes, who are really subtle operators -n nc double- talk field, as when they say that this administra- tion ought to be fired because it has muddled the production problem, and also that it ought to send more stuff to MacArthur because we are now producing so much. However, the Axis double-talkers ought not to escape an occasional treatment. We start then, with Tojo, who has just told an outdoor audience in Manila that the Fili- pinos will have their independence restored only when they "return to their true oriental spirit." But if there is anything that Tojo's Axis partner, Hitler, hates, it is the "orietnal spirit." Ile murdered Jews on the claim that they were Orientals, and he excused the Invasion of Russia on the theory that it was an attack on dangerous eastern, or Oriental, hordes. The Axis is mobilizing Europe on a slogan of down with the Oriental races, and it is mobilizing Asia on a slogan of down with the occidental races, in which somewhat roundabout manner it reveals that its enemy is the human race. We go on, now, to the case of Marshal Petain, who says lie deals with Hitler because that is the only way to preserve France and the French Empire. But in its propaganda work in Syria, the Axis asks the natives to throw the British out, and be free, for, it says, France will be "dead" after the war, and will never return to Syria. So the Axis promises life to France at Y'Vhy, and it promises death to trance in the Near East. If we go into Europe itself to look for Axis con- tradictions and double-talk we find a forest of it. The Germans have dropped the "living space" theory and are now describing Europe as one cozy community, all of whose peoples are going to be allowed to make themselves harmoniously snug together among the tombstones. But a German paper reports that a number of German farmers are being punished for sending parcels of food to foreign workers who had been trans- ferred from their farms to munitions factories. Apparently these German farmers had developed feelings of friendship for their prisoner-workers. But Hitler, who is forced to preach the propa- anda line of friendship among European peoples, is also compelled to fear that friendship when it does arise, unofficially and down below, making his war seem stupid. He has to stimulate Euro- pean friendship and he has to fight it, both. The German press is also in a continuous tizzy against those German maidens, who, perhaps taking the new friendship line too seriously, are accused of intimate relations with foreign pris- oners. Many new laws have been issued against these advanced manifestations of community spirit. The headiest of German double-talk wells up in the' economic field. The Hitler regime came to power promising national "socialism." it never delivered and never intended to. But th' f r.t, d- eiia. ni 'cetion;co f whi TUESDAY, MAY 11, 1943 VOL. LtI No. 162 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President In typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- ti'n, exept on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 'a.m. Notices Commencement Tickets: Tickets for Commencement may be obtained on re- quest at the Information Desk In the Business Office, Room , University Hall. Because Hill Auditorium will be used for the exercises, and because of its limited seating capacity, only three tickets will be available for each senior. Please pre- sent identification card when applying for tickets., - Ierbert G. Watkins, Assistant secretary All Students, Registration for Sumier Term and Summer Session: Each student should plan to register for himself ac- cording to the alphabetical schedules for June 24 and 25. Registrations by proxy will not be accepted. -Robert L. Williams Assistant Registrar Registration Material, Colleges of L. S. & A., Education, Music, Public Health: Students should call for summer term and summer session registration material at Room 4 University Hall beginning May 11. Please see your adviser and secure all necessary signatures before examina- ions begin. -Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar Registration Material, College of Archi- tecture: Students should call for summer term and summer session material at Room 4 University Hall beginning May 11. The College of Architecture will post an announcement in the near future giving time of conferences with your classifier. Please wait for this notice before seeing your classifier. -Robert . Williams, Assistant Registrar Registration Material, School of Forestry and Conservation: Registration material should be called for beginning May 11 at Room 2048 Natural Science Building. -Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar To Students Interested in the Teaching of Young Children: A special invitation to visit the Univer- sity Elementary School today and Wednes- day. May 12. from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., is issued to students in the University who may wish to explore any interest they may have in becoming teachers in nursery schools, kindergartens, or elementary grades. Students should re- port to Miss Davis, Librarian, Room 1400, for further directions. Mr. Olson, Director of Research in Child Development, and Mrs. Firestone, Super- vising Principal, will be available for con- ferences in Room 1508 at 10:00 o'clock and at 10:30 on both days. -J. B. Edmonson, Dean, School of Education German Departmental Library: All books are due on Saturday, May 15. Teaching Departments wishing to recom- mend tentative May graduates from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts and the School of Education for Departmental Honors should send such mens company has engulfed the Licht und Kraftanlagen A.G., etc., etc. Germany's workers, promised enor-I mous benefits, were sold out first. Then the German middle class, prom- ised stability, was sold out to big German capital. Now big German names to the Registrar's Office, Room 4, U. Hall, before May 18. Senior Egineers--May 1943: Caps and gowns may be obtained at the League, Wednesday, May 12, and Thursday, Ma, 13. from 2:30 to 5:00 p.m. Class- dues may be paid at this time. Senior Mechanical, MIarine, Electrical and Clvii Engineering Students: A. representative 'of DRAVO CORPOA- TION, Pittsburgh, Pa., will interview sen- iors for positions with that organization on Friday, May 14, in Room 214 West Engi- nieering Building. Interview schedule is posted on the Bulletin Board at Room 221 West Engi- neering Bidg. Summer jobs for men: The Detroit City and Fuel Company is looking for men. They must be over 16 years of age. Pay is excellent. Information regarding appli- cation for these jobs may be secured at the office of the Bureau 'of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, 9-12 a.m. and 2-4 p.m. -ureau of Appointments And Occupatioal information Women Students: The May Blood Bank will be held May 19 and 20. Women stu- dents wishing to donate will please make an appointment in the Undergraduate Of- fice of the' League today or Wednesday, May 12, 1:00-5:00 p.n. Lectures Lecture: Dr. Manuel Garcia Calderon, of Peru, will give the last of the series of' talks on Latin America on the subject, "A General Survey of Peru," under the auspices of the Latin American Society of the University of Michigan. tonight at 8:00 in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. Faculty, students and townspeople are welcome to the lecture, which will be de- lvered in English and without charge. Biological Chemistry fecture: Dr. Doro- thy Wrinch, of Amherst, Massachusetts, will speak, under the auspices of the Department of Biological Chemistry, on Wednesday, May 12, at 8:15 p.m., in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Her subject will be "The Native Proteins in the Physical and Biological Sciences." All interested are invited. America Field Service Lecture': Mr. Hammond B. Douglas, volunteer ambu-' lance driver with the American Field' ev ice, Will speak in Rackham Lecture dIl. today at 4:15 p.m. The public is cordially invited. Mr. Douglas will give an illus- trated lecture presenting the interesting story of the volunteer ambulance service. Academic Notices Zoology Seminar will meet in the Rack- ham Amphitheatre at 7:30 p.m. on Thurs- day, May 13. Report by Stephen P. Hatch- ett will be given on "Biology of the Iso- poda of Michigan." Graduate Students in Speech: The last meeting of the Graduate Study Club of the Department of Speech for the cur- rent academic year will be held at 3:45 p.m. on Wednesday in the East Confer- ence Room of the Rackham Building. Graduate Record Examination Results: The results of t'ac Graduate Record Exa- iuation are now available. Seniors may ob- tain their results from Mr. Poor by call- ing in person at the War Information Cen- ter in the Michignn League. Graduate students will receive their results _from Mr. E. S. Rice in the Graduate School Of- fiee. Concerts The University of Michigan choir, Har- din Van Deursen, Conductor, Will present a'program at 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 13, in the Assembly Hall of the Raciham Building, when motets, madrigals and part-songs will be heard. The general public is cordially invited. 10ost-afar Planning. . I N A LETTER to the Editor a few days ago. Mr. Markwitz made some very subtle and humorous re- marks about post-war planning. He did not openly praise or con- demn such action but apparently made a sarcastic effort to show the impossibility of establishing a last- ing peace. His two cents' worth, as he called his suggestions, does not represent a sincere attempt to bring about a greater and better understanding of the problems that will exist in the period following the war. Nor does it in any way help foster the conscientious atti- tude that the American public must have if any post-war plans are to work successfully. Unquestionably, most people will agree that it is unwise to try to do too much in planning now for the aftermath of this strug- gle; we do not want to disunite the war effort in our eagerness to unite the peace effort, How- ever, there is no reason why the Allies should not formulate now some of the general policies that are essential to any permanent peace. ITHOUT falling into the cate- gory of wishful thinkers who speak only in pleasant sounding and idealistic phrases, I can reiter- ate a few of the practical sugges- tions already made by some of the world's most prominent men. 1. All trade barriers must be removed, and free access to raw materials must be provided to every nation. 2. A stronger international or- ganization must be created, backed up by a world police force. 3.*Freedom of the seas and eventually the Four Freedoms enunciated by Roosevelt must be established, Instead of trying to complicate things and make the post-war problems remote and insolvable, why don't we face the issue square- ly, forget our unwarranted opti- mism or pessimism, and strive to obtain a clear and true under- standing of the responsibilities that will be ours in carrying out these and other suggestions. Harvey Weisberg 14 Adams House Ann Arbor Archaeology, through May 12. 2 to 5 daily. Galleries of the Rackham Building. Fourteenth Annual Exhibition of Sculp- ture, Michigan League Building. Open daily. Events Today The English Journal Club will meet tonight at 7:45 in the East conference Room of the Rackham Building. A panel will discuss the topic: "What Are the Basic Values in American Literature, and by What Methods Should We as Teachers Seek to Promote Such Values?" Faculty members and graduate students are cor- dially invited. Mathematics Club will meet this evening at 8 o'clock, in the West confer- ence 'Room, Rackham Building. This meet- ing will be devoted to a memorial to Hil- bert, and the following staff members will speak: Messrs. Elder, Hildebrandt, Hyers, Rainich and Wilder. Athens Members will meet today at 5 o'lock in the League. Christian science organization will meet tonight at 8:15 in Rooms D and B of the Michigan League Disciples Guild: Tea will be srved this afternoon, 5:00 to 600, at the Disciples Guild House, 438 Maynard St. Both Dis- cibles and Congregational students and friends are invited. Michigan Dames will hold their annual installation banquet in the Michigan League at 7 o'clock tonight. CO ming Events 'the Cercle Francais will meet on Wedne:- day, May 12, at 8:00 p.m. in the Michigan League. All members of the~ French Play are also invited. Refreshments. Institute on Post-War Planning: A local institute on this subject will be conducted by District .2 of the Michigan Library Association and the Ann Arbor Library Club on Friday, May 14; symposium 2:30- 5:00 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre; dinner 6:00 p.m., Methodist Church; film forum demonstration, 7:30 p.m., Kellogg Audi- torium. Persons interested are cordially invited. Michigan Alumnae club of Ann Arbor: Annual meeting and tea at the home of Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven on Wednes- day, May 12, at 3:00 p.m. Dues for next year may be paid at this meetirng. Every- one is urged to attend. Junior members especially invited. varsity Glee Club: The banquet for to- night has necessarily been cancelled; how- ever, there will be a "Smoker" Thursday eveAn gh at the regular timedand place. At that time the music folders should be returned and the keys will be given out.