Aga } aitli Weather Warmer today. VoL. LIII No. 92 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 17, 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS Russians Drive Germans from Kharkov Status of V-5 Yet U Key German Bastion Taken By Red Army Fall of Industrial City Highlights A 375 Mile Advance Westward By The Associated Press LONDON, Feb. 16.-Russian troops in furious battle captured the sky- scraper city of Kharkov today, top- pling the most powerful Nazi base in all southern Russia, and imperil- ling all German forces in the whole battle area east of the Dnieper River, a special Soviet communique declared toiight. ' The fall of the important industrial center and former capital of the rich Ukraine mared a 375-mile advance west from Stalingrad since the Rus- sian winter offensive began in No- vember, and the most significant vic- tWry for Soviet arms outside the tri- umph at Stalingrad itself. 'violent Street ighting' Red Army units occupied the city aftr a "violent attack which passed into fIerce street fighting," said the eomuni ique as recorded by the So- viet monitor. In the final assault, Red Army men rouited some of Hitler's best "SS" or elite guard corps, including two- the "Adolf Hitler" and "Reich" tank divlsions-that the Russians say had been rushed up from France since Jan. 31. The fall of Kharkov marked the crumbling not onlyof the strongest bastion of the Nazis' powerful 1941-42 winter, defensive line-from which last summer's greatnGerman off en- sive was mounted-but also the last Turn to Page 2, Col. 5 F DR holds NRPB Work Legislators Criticize 'Super-Boondoggling' WASHINGTON, Feb. 16. - (/f) _ President Roosevelt charged today that Congressmen who voted to abol- ish the National Resources Planning Board are spendthrifts, because their action will cst the nation billions, and legislators replied there had been too much "super-boondoggling"' and inefficient planning by bureaucrats. The Chief Executive himself brought up at a press conference the denial by the House Appropriations Committee of 1,400,000 asked for the planning board, headed by his uncle, Frederic A. Delano. Smilingly, the President said he was in a little publicized role of saver of money and watchdog on the pock- etbooks of the country. Then, he went on to say the agency was compiling a backlog of work projects which could be started in the post-war years when people would be leaving jobs in war factories and soldiers would be coming home. Ad- vance preparation of engineering and architectural details, he said, might save billions of dollars in time and employment. Allied Bombers Hit Lae and Salamana ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN AUSTRALIA, Feb. 17., Wednesday.- (A)- Lae and Salamaua, the Jap- held New Guinea bases on the Huon Gulf, have taken a new aerial pasting from the Allies without the slightest bit of opposition from Jap fighter planes. Since the Papuan peninsula to the south of these two bases fell to the Navy Blasts l7Jap Ships In Solomons Sea Battle By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER Associated Press Correspondent WASHINGTON, Feb. 16. - Sea-air actions spread over a 10-day period cost the Japanese 17 ships sunk or damaged against the loss of two American vessels, the Navy re- ported today in communiques which finally fathomed the mystery of the recent "vanishing battle of the Solo- mons." The American ships lost were the 12-year-old Chica'go, 9,050-ton heavy cruiser, and an unidentified destroyer, the name of which was not given out because the next of kin of all casual- ties have not bee'n notified. American losses also included 22 planes. In the same 10-day period covered by the communiques, beginning Jan. 29, American troops were smashing all enemy resistance on Guadalcanal itself. Aerial torpedoes from Jap planes Absenteeism Is Denounced. ByCommittee By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Feb. 16.-A "work or fight" warning was issued today by the House Naval Committee as it moved to crack down on absenteeism among civilian workers in govern- ment navy yards. The committee tacked on to a mi- nor bill a rider requiring navy yards to turn over to local selective service boards the name of each employe who has been "absent without prior authorization" along with an opinion on whether the absence was "justi- fied." Rep. Lyndon Johnson ( Dem.-Tex.), sponsor of the amendment, in term- ing it a "work-or-fight" warning, made it, clear that it was only the intial step to stop absenteeism "which is delaying construction of naval ves- sels." He served notice that he would in- troduce tomorrow a separate bill, requiring all contractors and sub- contractors engaged in naval work to report the names of absent work- ers to the Selective Service boards. The boards then, under the terms of his proposal, would be instructed to determine whether those absent workers are entitled to further defer- ment from duty in the armed forces. Chairman Vinson (Dem.-Ga.) of the naval committee said that the House probably would act sometime next week on the minor bill and the rider approved today. Johnson's new bill, however, proo- ably will be presented to the Naval Committee for public hearings to de- termine how far absenteeism is af-' fecting war production. Vinson declared that, subject to the will of the House, the Johnson bill could be widened through an amendment offered on the floor to cover all workers engaged in war production. first damaged the Chicago and next day, while she was being towed to port, another torpedo plane attack sank her. The skipper, Captain Ralph Otis Davis, 52, of Baltimore, Md., and most of the crew survived. The Japanese losses in the 10-day period were two destroyers sunk, four probably sunk, eight damaged and a corvette and two cargo ships dam- aged. The enemy suffered these blows in attacks by American planes except for one engagement which was a! fight between American torpedo boats and a Jap destroyer. Enemy losses in- cluded at least 63 planes destroyed.I Two U. S. Ships Lost Today's first communique covered! the seven days of Jan. 29 through Feb. 4 and told of the loss of the two American ships and the successful, actions against 15 enemy vessels. A second communique in late after- noon' reported that dauntless dive bombers in a Feb. 7 attack on an enemy surface force near Rendove Island in the Central Solomons had scored hits on two enemy destroyers. The bombers with their fighter escort also, knocked down two and possibly three Jap Zero fighters which tried to protect the surface force. But most interest in naval circles here developed upon the actions of January 19-February 4, for that was the period fo which the Navy had said two weeks ago today that a "major effort" by the Japanese to retaket Guadalcanal was "indicated." Only 'Skirmishing' Reported This "major effort" report was first played down by Secretary Knox who told a press conference that only skirmishing was in progress. Subse- quent communiques told of "recurrent encounters" and "sporadic actions" and finally let the whole subject drop. s The battle simply vanished from pub- lic view as far as the offical reports were concerned. ,e Brown Against Appeasement on. Price Cotrol ; a WASHINGTON, Feb. 16.- P)- t Prentiss Brown, the new price admin- istrator, declared tonight he wanted to "flatly and vigorously" deny any impression that he fIavored appease- I ment on price control and asserted n there should be no surrender to those t seeking to break farm parity prices and wage stabilization policies.a The former Michigan senator, int an address prepared for delivery overt the Columbia Broadcasting System,t asked for the people's support of price I stabilization measures and said if pri-f ces could be held at present levels the savings to the government and thet public would exceed $100,000,000,000 by the end of 1943. This, he said, would be almost three times the cost to the government of World War I. f U ii SSULIA nil s Ta ke Kharkov SUSSIA (LGRD/0 3 ' .. . TATUT[ MttfES { > 7A nNc KA \AT R/ N.VOROS LOVSK 1 A ES 'ETROVSK SKRASNOARME-iSI(\~KE Go, ( OSo s STALINO SHAKHTY / HEc s t£RK.ASSK ® R / e tMARUPOL / M£L.ITOIPOt :IY IK s ' LW eterne Complete Facts Issued on NROTC; Many To Complete Advanced Training By LEON GORDIENKER Navy college reserves- V-1 and V-7- and the Navy Reserve Officers' Training Corps will go on active duty about July 1, 1943. This information was received from the Navy yesterday by Capt. Richard Cassidy, commandant of the NROTC here. No specific details of V-1 and V-7 programs were given, but as part of the Navy College Program, plans will be revealed before July 1. No orders were given to Class V-5, the Navy's air corps reserve. (The American Council on Education, an agency of educators which has often advised the Navy and War Departments on college programs said on Feb. 4 that "qualifying examinations for V-1 reservists will be given this spring and the exact date will be announced shortly.") i PEREKOP} Se of TARS a . .........Azov .....TAM A N CRIMEAPENINSULA' O , . / K FRCH ) M FEROPOL '... ...... RASNOOAR NOVOROSS S EVASTOPOL,:...: *Back Sea: r:. K l)SFIC HE V K A T ..HOETSK TIMOSHEVSK --< The taking of Kharkov by the Russian Armies, marks the third. large city that the Soviet forces have taken in the last three weeks. Kharkov, the foremost industrial city of the Ukraine, was first cap- tured by the Germans four months after they invaded Russia. Shad- ed area is territory where Germans are being pushed westward. AnniiaI Smoker Don ghton Poses Will isly Plan .o Cancel U' Activities Half of '43 Taxes En.-ip asis Will E Placed on Students' Role in War Effort Cancellation Would Reduce Government Assets by 6' 2 Billion The alarm-clack, scourge of all WASHINGTON, Feb. 16. - (A) - tudents, will play its traditional role i Chairman Doughton (Dem.-N.C.) was at the sixth annual Activities Smok- reported reliably today to have sub- er at 8 p.m. tomorrow) when it mitted to the House Ways and Means Yank Forces Throw Nazis Back 6 Miles Tanks, Combat Teams Counterattack in Action West of Faid ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH AFRICA, Feb. 16.-()- American tank forces and combat teams, rising to their first great test of the war, threw back the veteran armored forces of Marshal Erwin Rommel six miles today in a counter- attack west of Faid Pass on the an- cient pleateau of Central Tunisia. Recovering from the shock of Rom- mel's first onslaught which broke through their lines for a gain of 20 miles Sunday, the Americans, under an umbrella of fighter planes, were engaged in a heavy action whicb might hasten the North Africian showdown by weeks. Some 60 miles to the South, the Allied lines were bent back as American and French troops with-, drew from Gafsa, 75 miles west of the Gulf of Gabes, and small force,, of the enemy occupied that forwarc' base, but the decisive action was being fought around Sidi Bouzid about 12f miles south and slightly west of Tunis There were signs that the German: might renew the attack with an ad- ditional thrust down the OusseltiF Valley to gain the long ridge of tht high mountains running from Robas to Bou Chebka in the south. General Dwight D. Eisenhower war at the fighting front for three days returning to his headquarters today. Rommel apparently had thrown th( bulk of his armored forces into the battle in what may be his last big of- fensive effort in Africa at a time when he believed the British eighth army would require an extensive per- iod of rest and reconditioning fol- lowing its 1,400-mile chase across Egypt and Libya into Tunisia. But the communique from Caire today said Gen. Sir Bernard L. Mont- Turn to Page 2, Col. 3 x C v ings to mark the end of the three CommittE minutes allowed each speaker to tell lation of about the organization he represents. come tax Emphasizing this year functions 000.000 t which will aid the University in its go basis. war effort, the Smoker is intended Such o acquaint second semester freshmen around" $assets," and sophomores with the various ac- j timates. ivities on campus. certain a Leaders of the organizations will be persons r ntroduced by Richard Ford, '44, taxes wi 'abated p president of the Union, followed by full were movies of a Michagamua initiation. The pr Students will then inspect the booths a commit and displays set up by each organiza- mittee so ion, and refreshmeits will be served. fdavor i An award of money will be made for avor the most attractive booth. Erwin A. much ta Larson, '45, is chairman of the af- the el famr . lection f Speakers, and the organizations The R the ywillrepresent are Keith L. Smith. out $1,00 43, Michigan Technic; David F. treasury Striffler, '44, Union; Marvin Borman, dolph Pa 45, Manpower Corps; .. Frederick Paul sai Hoffman, '44, Congress; Vaughan G. $10,000,0 Koppin, '43, Varsity Glee Club; John A. Erlewine, '43, Daily editorial staff; Edward J. Perlberg, '43 Daily businessT staff; Burnett H. Crawford, '44, Wol-Jas verines: Donald G. Longworth, '45E, Alpha Phi Omega. Boy Scout service 1t fraternity; John W. Farver, '43E In- ter-Fraternity Council; and Donald A. Bushet,'45, Gargoyle."Amer ee a suggestion for cancel- half of 1943 individual in- :es to facilitate putting 44,- axpayers on a pay-as-you- a cancellation would erase 6,500,000,000 of government according to Treasury es- The plan would require a amount of "doubling-up" by paying more than one year's thin a year, until the un- ortion of 1943 and 1942 in paid. roposition was submitted At ttee executive session, a com- ource reported, and was un- to have gained substantial mmediately among the 25 now trying to decide how xes, if any, should be abated hange-over to a current col- oundation. obertson proposal would wipe 00,000,000 to $8,000,000,000 of "assets," according to Ran- aul, treasury general counsel. d the Ruml plan would erase 00,000 of "assets." But complete plans for the NR OTC were announced. Here they are: 1. The NROTC will continue under the Navy College F Program "in sub- stantially the same manner as at present." 2. NROTC men in class V-1 will be placed on active duty about July 1. Receiving apprentice seamen's pay and allowances, they Mill complete their advanced course. 3. NROTC now enlisted in V-1 may apply for reserve midshipmen's ap- pointments and, if accepted, they will be placed on inactive duty until about July 1. NROTC Seniors Become Ensigns 4. NROTC Men who graduate be- fore July 1 will be commissioned as ensigns in the Naval Reserve. 5. Those who leave school before July 1 will be given the option of dis- charge from the Naval Reserv or active duty in an enlisted status. 6. All NROTC men in school on July 1 will become apprentice seamen in Class V-12-a new classification, presumably, for men in the Navy College Program. 7. Beginning March 1, 1944 NROTC men will be selected from Navy Col- lege Program seamen who have had two-four month semesters. They will continue in NROTC for four more mouth semesters. Curriculum Unchanged 8. The communication does nothing to affect the curriculum or time of training of present NROTC members; "they will receive the same instruc- tion as originally planned on the ac- .elerated schedule." Original plans for the Navy Col- lege Program, announced with a par- rallel Army Specialized Training Pro- gram on Dec. 17, advised V-1 and V-7 of the number of semesters of train ng they would complete. The length of time was based on standing at July 1. Here is the schedule of training: 1. Men with seven completed sem- esters of college will be permitted to finish one more semester. 2. Men with six or five completed semesters will be permitted to finish two more semesters. Two-Semester Men To Finish 3. Men with four completed semes- ters will be allowed to finish three more semesters. 4. Men with three or two completed semesters will be permitted to finish four more semesters. 5. Men with one completed Semester will be permitted to finish five more semesters. College training for reservists after July 1 will be under the Navy College Program and will consist of prescribed courses. There has been no announced change of these plans. Four Students Given Manpower Corps Executive Committee Posts cha Heifetz Sees Optimistic ore for American Composition Appointments to four Manpower Corps executive committee posts were announced yesterday by Mary Bor- man, Manpower Corps chairman. Those receiving the promotions were : Warren Watts, '45, Herb Rosen- crans, '45, Norman Shumway, '45, and Bill Buckey, '45. All worked as mem- bers of the various project committees during the past semester and were elevated to chairmanships as a re- sult of "their ability and active inter- est," Borman said. Watts will serve as the head of the Oilm ..41n .. CP rnmmir tt wh c h Grounds department on their new factory division. Buckey's duties will center around the University Hospital. Supplying orderlies and other workers for medi- cal centers will be the main work of this committee. Richard Cole, '44, and Clarence Carlson, '43, will continue their duties as publicity director and office man- ager. At the same time, Borman an- nounced that men will be needed at the beginning of next week to pick nrim And cmmwna on npnr-hv farms- By MARY RONAY ican composers given spirit- ual inspiration from their difficulties FJ)R eappone4ifs of the depression can go far in writing truly great music . . . especially if they f, uth ten 10 JAOari dare realistically impressed with the horrors of the present war." President Alexander G. Ruthven re- Barely smiling, relieving the ten- ceived word yesterday that he sion of last night's Choral Union con- had been reappointed by President cert with a hastily lit cigarette, Roosevelt a member of the Board of Jascha Heifetz spoke optimistically of Visitors to the U. S. Naval Acamedy the future of American music. for 1943. "Music," he said, "is not born from a Secretary of the Navy, Frank Knox; comfortable life." Now is the time for who Pnnouneedr the a nnintment in a mnnsitinns- a time when music can He contended that Gershwin has done this and therefore his "Rhapsody in Blue" is rapidly becoming a classic. Heifetz also believes that Americar composers can gain much if they wil build their music an the Negro spirit. uals. Suddenly flicking the ashes from his cigarette, Heifetz emphatically af- firmed this statement. There is ir this folk music of America a ful wealth of material. Here is a foca. point of composition he said. "Russia and America will probabl; be the leading countries in the com- nosition of music. It a rivalry shoulc i 1, d Draft To Take Married Men LANSING, Feb. 16.-- (P)-- With March scheduled as the first month for drafting married men in large numbers, state Selective Service headquarters today offered counsel to fhni n -rl of an -nni a n .