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May 09, 1943 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-05-09

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_________________ _____________I

Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.'
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, 'Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
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Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
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Evening Concert Afternoon Concertn
EUGENE ORMANDY'S masterful DON'T THINK that there is and
presentation of Verdi's Requiem orchestra in the world which couldf
Mass was to me the most memorable.v
concert of the May Festival Golden have topped the Philadelphia's per-t
Jubilee. Say what you will of the formance of the Shostakovich Fifthh
work's operatic flavor and its start- Symphony yesterday afternoon. I'mt
ling intensity; but Verdi realized his sorry but trite phrases just will notr
forte, and without deviating from hissn
style, created a masterpiece char- e
acterized by a simple honesty and does not especially agree with Shos-
directness. takovich, let alone the recent trendi
There just isn't enough space in toward his popularity because of his
one review to list the adjectives of music's "historical importance," thev
praise for Stella Roman, soprano, kn
and Kerstin Thorborg, contralto. works originality and sincerity sud-
They gave the most exquisite perfor- denly became fairly apparent. To bec
mances imaginable in their roles. sure, I still cannot accept it in itsc
Miss Roman's clarity and the ease entirety-there are still passagesc
with which she attained her flexi-w
bility, Miss Thorborg's richness and where good ideas are overworked to
dramatic intensity, the complete the point of pretentiousness. But thep
blending of voices in their duets- over-all effect, the possibilities off
these were indeed miraculous. Equal what it can become, were not onlyf
to their performance was that of suggested at yesterday's concert, but
Alexander Kipnis, whose powerful I will go so far as to say, came up to
bass voice has amazing sonority and the loftiest hopes of the composer.
resonance. It is rare that a singer
with so low a register should possess The achievement of every con-
Mr. Kipnis' control. Although Mr. ceivable orchestral shade, and thel
Jagel, in the tenor role, was more attainment of heights of dazzlingc
than adequate for the most part, color, were in no small part due to
there was a noticeable straining for the excellence of the sonorousl
high notes at times, and an arid string section, the brass, and wood-
quality in the pianissimos. Neverthe- winds. Compliments are partici-
less, Mr. Jagel was excellent in two larly due Mr. Kincaid's consistent-j
quartets, notably the "Rex tremendae ly unsurpassable performance as
majestatis" and the "Domine Jesu soloist flutist.
And throughout the excellent in- WISH THAT I could discuss Alex-
terweaving of orchestra and soloists, ander Brailowsky's ability as an
Dr. Ormandy showed a thorough un- interpreter of Chopin; because it is
derstanding and appreciation of Ver- in that capacity that his outstanding
di's sincere intent. He injected talent makes itself felt. Not that I
enough of his own personality into demand Horowitz' frenzied and
the singing of the University Choral sometimes mangled version of the
Union to make the "Dies irae" pass- Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto, but be-
ages appropriately effective. cause I feel there is a lightness and
THE CHORUS had good balance, delicacy of phrasing in his interpre-
when not too much volume was tation which is necessary to convey
required. Especially sensitive was the proper spirit of the work. Mr.
their singing of the "Lacrymosa dies Braiowsky's playing of the first
illa" But the entire blame for their movement, in particular, was char-
other weaknesses and ineffectiveness acterized by a too deliberately slow
cannot be laid upon the proportional tempo, and a pompousness which
scarcity of male voices. This can be made the whole movement lag. The
used to explain the lack of volume, second movement was given a Cho-
and the necessity of straining in the pinesque treatment, and fared con-
;enors. But it does not explain the siderably better because of it. It was
complete letdown in the "Sanctus et only in the last movement that the
Benedictus" where a crescendo is so soloist reached the proper tempo and
vital, or the negligence of the altos style which I consider necessary to
to observe cues and tempos. the work. I am sorry to have to say
I should like to express my disgust that the orchestra's accompaniment
with the action of the audience after throughout this entire work was de-
so glorious a concert as that given cidedly inferior.
by the soloists and the orchestra. -David Protetch
In regards to this my apologies to ---
Dr. Ormandy, and my sincerest con- The Milwaukee Railroad has of-
gratulations on a consistently ex- fered it 35,000 employes the use of
cellent series of programs. suitable vacant land for Victory Gar-
David Protetch dens.

NRPB Presents Plans
For Post-War Learning
THE NATIONAL Resources Planning Board,
which made headlines not long ago with its
"cradle to grave" security plan, has offered two
bright and shining proposals on post-war higher
education which certainly do not deserve to be
hidden under a bushel.
Briefly the aim of the proposals is to assure
youth the right to carry on their education as
far as they profitably can without being barred
by economic circumstances.
What are the proposals? The NRPB suggests
that equal access to general and specialized edu-
cation be made available to all youths of college
and university age. Today fewer than half of
the nation's youth who are able to do acceptable
college worl now continue their education be-
yond high school.
phases. Somehow, someway, students must
receive a greater amount of assistance, and in
some manner there must be more new junior
colleges and technical institutions established to
take care of the increased number of youth going
to college.
Members of the "old school" who maintain
that it isn't the duty of the government to edu-
cate youth beyond high school, will find those
days gone forever.
For if this American democracy is to sur-
vive as we know it, if the youth of the nation
are to believe that they have an "equality of
opportunity" they cannot be denied the right
to a higher education.
It will be up to the government-and that
means each and every citizen of the United
States-to supply them with an actual realistic
chance for higher education. It should not be
otherwise in America.
- Virginia Rock
U.S. Must Play Part in
Post-War Reconstruction
THE PROBLEM of world relief and rehabilita-
tion, which will prove to be no small part of
post-war reconstruction, is at last receiving due
The United States Government has sent a
draft agreement on this problem to the govern-
ments of the United Nations for their considera-
tion and comment. When replies have been
received, a conference will be called to discuss
the questions involved and to set up an inter-
national body to prepare for the work of relief
and to carry it on when the times comes.
This move on the part of the United States
will undoubtedly arouse bitter opposition from
some of our would-be democratic citizens who
view this move as just another instance of
Uncle Sam's playing the role of Santa Claus to
the rest of the world.
But this is not the case. The agreement em-
bodies the plan that all nations that are capable
of giving assistance to needy nations will cooper-
ate in the amount and destination of all relief.
THE IMPORTANCE of this move cannot be
Whatever is done in the post-war world
concerning political and economic control, will
be virtually useless unless the people in the
occupied countries receive adequate food and
At least 9,000,000,000 men, women and chil-
dren have been transferred from their homes to


7ake 4Yt
Or f eaVe 9t
By Jason

Y LAST YEAR'S roommate was up against
a pretty tough decision. He ended up with
the conviction that two more years of Engine
School were not for him: he will receive his
Navy wings this month.
Don, whom I'm rooming with now, has some-
what the same alternatives. He can go on this
summer as an Aeronautical Engineer-or he
can fail to ask for another deferment, and end
up as a buck private.
He's thinking seriously of the second possi-
bility. A private has his future pretty well
planned out for him-none of this "will I be
here next semester?" stuff. And he's got a lot
more company than an engineer-in civilian
clothes-will have on campus this summer.
It's a tough spot.
On the one hand, you have the undoubted fact
that the country needs engineers (and chemists,
physicists, what have you.) They say that again
and again-and they're still coming through
with those 2A deferments.
Then, in many cases, though not in Don's,
the parents put the screws on. They'd like
to see son get a degree from the University of
Michigan, and they don't want to be thwarted
by the war. So they pull the old arguments
out of the bag, and tell son to sit tight, and
not get hysterical. (They wouldn't admit,
even to themselves, that they're thinking along
those lines. But it looks that way.)
So your engineer has parental pressure ap-
plied. He knows the country needs trained men.
And he has his own feeling that the University
of Michigan is a lot more pleasant place to spend
three years than an Army camp. (Or he had
that feeling. Now, he's not quite so sure.)
He is in a wonderful position to rationalize;
under the influence of parental pressure and his
own grim picture of Army life, he'll apply for
that 2A classification.
Or maybe he won't. Maybe he'll see his
friends marching off, and begin to wish he
were in the parade. Maybe he'll picture to
himself the situation when the casualty lists
start piling up-and he's still around, in civil-
ian clothes. He might even get so restless that
he'll do anything-even flunk-to get out of
this place.
THAT is the set-up, the decision which Don,
and the other engineers and technical men
in his position, have to face. It's a decision, I
think, which they should never have to make.
Perhaps an engineer sincerely believes that
his place is here at school. Suppose he's right.
He then must be willing to take the odium of
being a "draft-dodger." He's got to be willing
to see his friends go overseas, while he stays here
and studies. After the war, he'll have to say,
"Oh, I was in engineering school while the fight-
ing was going on." I'd say that it takes as much
courage to face all that as it does to join the
It is a decision which the engineer will prob-
ably always regret, whichever way he makes
it-whether he chooses a slide rule or a uni-
form. For that reason, I feel that he should
never have to make it-that the government
should make it for him.
If they want him to study engineering, they
ci _ilrl - a 11 fnm nn hmandvao 1-i_ oni

Pd Rather
Be Right
NEW YORK, May 8.--(P)-Most of the argu-
ments over the size of the army are irrelevant,
incompetent and immaterial. It is all like a
gigantic guessing game, as if there were one
"right size."
And it is tco cosy an argument, remote and
withdrawn from reality. What army are they
talking about, all of them, from Mr. William
Green to Mr. Herbert Hoover? Why, they are
talking about next year's army, the army of
1944. Men inducted this summer can hardly be
used until next. It is a sign of the unreality of
this debate that it should mentally skip a whole
year of war to begin with.
It is not the size of the army next year, but
the use of the army this year, which will
determine the whole future, including the
size of the army next year.
If we go into Europe this year, as the Casa-
blanca conference foreshadows, and if our in-
vasion sticks, the problem of military size dwin-
dles to easy manageabiliy. If we delay a year,
and if a Russian disaster intervenes, the prob-
lem will mushroom up to unforeseeable dimen-
Mr. Hoover thinks we ought to take a large
number of men out of the army'this summer, to
grow more food. There is no suggestion in his
statements that this might block the invasion
of Europe, might give Hitler the operating edge
he needs, might complicate our problem so that
we might need twice the army we have next
year. Mr. Hoover has the most uncanny way of
leaving the war out of his discussions of the war.
Mr. William Green's approach to the war
turns out to be almost equally tidy.
He thinks we have to leave a certain num-
ber of men in war industry, put a certain
number in the army to do the fighting, and
keep a certain number working on civilian
goods to preserve our "civilization," whatever
that means. He is for a perfect "balance."
If a nerfect "balance" calls for a smaller
army, then he is for a smaller army. The
problem is balance. I would have thought
the problem was victory.
How can a man sit in a room and think up
these things? How can anyone dare to make up
a war out of his own head, an imaginary, handy,
convenient little war, and never listen to the
clamor of the real war, whose bloody, sweaty
disorder and strategic demands of the moment
will wait for no man's blueprint?
In neither Mr. Hoover's view nor Mr. Green's
view, as publicly expressed, is there any sense of
the chanciness of war, of the possible tragedy of
missed opportunity, of the urgency of the mo-
ment. It is all schematic, formal, a business, in
which we can set the timetable and do pretty
much as we like.
If it turns out that a smaller army would be
easier to manage, well, well, isn't that interest-
ing, and let's have the smaller army. There is
scant feeling that retribution for a mistake
might be prompt, terrible and overwhelming.
The morale of both men is much too good.
There is too little feeling that the final
decision as to the size of next year's army will
be made by what our army does this year.
If our army engages in genuine coalition war-
fare with Russia, this year, then we may avoid
the need for a greatly larger army. If it does

D h)1flnh \ys
THE RELATION of Christian faith
to Western culture engages many
minds. By Christian faith is meant
different interpretations, ranging
from the tight logical Christianity
which stems from Thomas Aquinas
to the bold realism of Alfred White-
head or Roy W. Sellars. How may
the Christian society or the Church
come to enrich the human soul, in-
dicate dire tion in the field of values
and give hope and certainty to us
Americans? Here is a major prob-
lem for seers and prophets. Recently
A. Campbell Garnett of Wisconsin
wrote a helpful book entitled "A
Realistic Philosophy of Religion."
Moving away from the whole theory
of revealed religion and deserting the
customary dialectic of the neo-ortho-
dox Protestants which is having a
rather popular run, due to such lead-
ers as Emil Brunner. Adolph Keller
and Paul Tillich. Garnett outlines
for us an organismic philosophy in a
fashion which has brought forth
much wholesome comment.
His book merits thorough study.
The author is a Theist cordial to
scientific fi ndings and is as thor-
oughly devoted to psychology as to
philosophy. It has been prepared as
a college undergraduate text; hence
a full statement cannot be expected.
But the scientist who is looking for
a Christian ethic which comes to
grips with present-day moral prob-
lems and the educator or sociologist
who is in search of meaningful val-
ues as well as the student of religion
who is hungry for a validation of his
Christian spirit, in a day when me-
chanical exactness and power seem
to overshadow the Kingdom of God,
will all find help in it.
IF religious faith on the part of
University men is to make a
contribution when life is desperate
and our 'fellows play for tremen-
dous stakes, we will need to dedi-
cate our minds to God, review seri-
ously every tenant we have em-
braced, and try out the toughest
challenges we find,lHe would seem
to be mostwChristian who can as-
sume a full share of the ethical
and moral obligations of a society
at war.
Regardless of the question whether
our side is only "part right" and the
other side "not entirely evil," reality
centers where political systems rise
and fall, where theories are fought
out at remendous cost, and where
men die for what they believe.
"For tho' the Giant Ages heave
the hill
And break the shore, and ever-
Make and break, and work their
Tho' world on world in myriad
myriads roll
'Round us, each with different
And other forms of life than
What know we greater than the
On God and Godlike men we
build our trust."
(Alfred Lord Tennyson)
-E. W. Blakeman,
Counselor in Religious Education
Rev. Alfred Scheips, "Honoring Our Par-
ents-Always a Priority."
Sunday at 4:30 p.m. Meeting of Gamma
Delta, Lutheran Student Club at 1337 Wil-
mot. Discussion, Proesses involved fn
Writing a Novel," led by Ola Overn, Grad,
Supper at 5:30 p.m.
The Presbyterian Student Group will
have their usual supper and fellowship
hour at :00 p.m. on Sunday. This will
be followed by an election of officers, and
a Mother's Day Program of music by
Franklin Mitchell. All students cordially

Unitarian Church:
11:00 am. Second Forum of series on
Social Religion, with Mr. Spencer Gordon,
Executive Secretary of the Willow Run
Community Council, discussing: "The Re-
sponsibilities of Church Members in Com-
munity Organizations.'"
Memorial Christian Church (Disciples):
10:45 a.m., Morning worship, Rev. Fred-
erick Cowin, Minister.
5:00 p.m., Congregational and Disciple
students will meet at the Guild House for
a trip to RiversidIe 1Park on Huron River
across frointhe Michigan Central Depot.
There will be games, a picnic supper and
vesper service at the park. Make reserva-
tions by phoning 5033.
First Methodist Church and Wesley
Foundation: Student Class at 9:30 a.m.
Professor John L. I3rumm will lead the
discussion. Morning Worship Service at
10:40 o'clock. Dr. Charles W. Brashares
v:1il preach on "Sanctuaries." Wesleyan
Guild meeting at 6:00 p.m. Gregor Hile-
man, '43, will lead the discussion on "What
Are Our Christian Beliefs"? Supper and
fellowship hour following the meeting.
First Congregational Church:
Church School departments at 9:30 and
10:30 a.m.
Morning service at 10:45. Dr. Parr's
subject will be "Reverberating Lives."
Ariston League of High School young
people will meet in Pilgrim Hall at 5:30
The Student Fellowship and Disciples
Guild will have an out(door picnic and
meeting at the Park ner the Island. Mem-
bers will meet at the ( Guild House at
5:00 p.m.
The Ann Arbor Friends Meeting (Qua-
kers) will meet for worship this afternoon
a 5:0n in LanmF. m onwna h,

(Continued from Page 3)
Graduate Record Examination Results:
The results of the Graduate Record Exam-
ination are now available. Seniors may ob-
tain their restuls from Mr. Poor by call-
ing in person at the War Information Cen-
ter in the Michigan League. Graduate
students will receive their results from
Mr. E. S. Rice in the Graduate School Of-
Doctoral Examination for Morris Weitz,
Philosophy; thesis: "The Method of Anal-
ysis in the Philosophy of lrtrand Rus-
sell." Monday, May 10, 4:30 p.m., 204
Mason Hall. Chairman, D. H. Parker.
By action of the Executive Board, the
Chairman may invite members of the fac-
ulties and advanced doctoral candidates
to attend this examination and he. may
grant permission to those who for suffi-
cient reason might wish to be present.
-C. S. Yoakum
Doctoral Examination for Karl Eugene
Goellner, Zoology; thesis: "The Life Cycle
and Productivity of the Crayfish Cambarus
immunis Hagen." Monday, May 10, 2:00
p.m., 3089 Natural Science Building. Chair-
man, C. L. Hubbs.
By action of the Executive Board, the
Chairman may invite members of the
faculties and advanced doctoral candi-
dates to attend this examination, and he
may grant permission to those who for
sufficient reason might wish to be present.
-C.S. Yoakum
Doctoral Examination for William Har-
rison Pipes, Speech; thesis: "An Inter-
pretative Study of Old-Time Negro Preach-
ing." Monday, May 10, West Council Room
of the Rackham Bldg., 7:30 p.m. Chair-
man, L. M. Eich.
By action of the Executive Board, the
Chairman may invite members of the fac-
ulties and advanced doctoral candidates
to attend this examination and he may
grant permission to those who for suffi-
cient reason might wish to be present.
-C. S. Yoakum
Exhibition: Pottery by Poster and Haile.
Sponsored by the Museum of Art and
Archaeology, through May 12. Hours:
May 8, 1-5 and 7:30-8:30. Galleries of the
Rackham Building.
Fourteenth Annual Exhibition of Sculp-
ture, Michigan League Building. Open

Coming Events
The English Journal Club will meet
Tuesday, May 11, at 7:45 p.m, in the East
Conference Room of the Rackham Build-
ing. A panel will discuss the topic: "What
Are the Basic Values in American Litera-
ture, and by What Methods Should We
as Teachers Seek to Promote Such values?"
Faculty members and graduate students
are cordially invited.
The Romance Language Journal Club
will meet at 4:10 p.m. on Monday, May 10,.
in the East Conference Room of the Rack-
ham Building. Professor Arthur . Can-
field will speak on "Mine. Hanska as Edi-
tor." Professor Irving A. Leonard will
give a paper on "Guzman de Alfarache
and the Lima Book Trade, 1613."
Mathematics Club will meet Tuesday
evening at 8 o'clock, in the West Confer-
ence Room, Rackham Building. This meet-
ing will be devoted to a memorial to Hil-
bert, and the following staff members
will speak: Messrs. Elder, Hildebrandt,
Hyers, Rainich and Wil'der.
Interviews of men interested in the posi-
tions of president or secretary of the
Men's Judiciary Council will be held Tues-
day afternoon, May 11, at 4:30 in the
Officeaofrthe Dean of Students. All appli-
cants must be interviewed and must sub-
mit petitions to Wm. Sessions (Tel. 2-2541)
not latter than Tuesday noon by all appli-
cants. Petitions should explain the quali-
fications of the applicant. Only the sig-
nature of the applicant is needed on a
Athens Members will meet on Tuesday,
May 11, at 5 o'clock in the League.
The First Baptist Church:
10:00 a.m.: The Roger Williams Class
will meet in the Guild House to study
Jude and Second Peter.
The Graduate Class will meet in the
church to discuss the Basis for a Just and
Durable Peace.
11:00 a.m.: Sermon, "An Emblem of
Heaven," by the Rev. C. H. Loucks.
7:00 p.m.: The Roger Williams Guild
will meet in the Guild House. Dudley
Orvis will give a brief biography of Roger
Williams and Mary Kelly will review the
life of William Tyndale.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church: 8:00 a.m.
Holy Communion; 11:00 a.m. Junior
Church; 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and
Sermon by the Rev. Henry Lewis; 5:00
nm. Evening Praver andiC mmentrv hby

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