iMl IIN I r I o I I I Y r' 4aU 4> aiti Weather Cooler VOL. LI No. 160 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS Workers Go On Strike at Captive Mine 1,400 Employes Walk Out To Protest Fine By Jones-Laughlin N Army To Take Medical, Dental Students by June Over 400 Professional Commissioied en Affected; May Return To Finish Schooling x PITTSBURGH, May 7.- (/P)- In the first coal mine work stoppage since the government took over the mines Saturday, the 1,400 employes of the largest captive mine of the Jones and Laughling Steel Corpora- tion went on strike late today. The walkout occurred not long after President Roosevelt implied at his Washington press conference that miners now are not free to strike, since they are employes of the government. About the same time, John P. Busarello, President of United. Mine Borkers District 5, announced there *ould be no work in the mines of his district after midnight, May 18, un- less a contract has been signed. lDiiers Protest Five 'the Jones and Laughlin miners struck in protest against efforts of the corporation to levy a $5 fine against participants in last week's walkout. ' A spokesman for the company said it' invoked the penalty clause in its contract which provides a $1-a-day fe'for miners taking part in an ipauthorized strike. He said the comnpany was imposing the fine only _ for the .unauthorized .stoppage from April 26 to 30, inclusive, and not for May 1 and 3, when there was no con- ttact. The extended contracts in the Apalachian region expired at mid- night, April 30, bringing about the general coal strike. Union Opposes Strike Busarello, saying the new walkout at the company's Vesta No. 4 Mine at California, Pa., was unsanctioned, announced he sent a number of tnion officials there with the pur- / pose of "getting the morning shift °back into the pits." The decision not to work after May 18 without a contract was reached at the leeting of the UMW Board of District 5, which includes about 38,000 of Western Pennsyl- vania's 117,000 soft coal miners. In Washington, a spokesman for Secretary Ickes who has taken over control of the mines at the direction c4 President Roosevelt, said Ickes had noe been informed officially that a strike was in progress at Jones and Laughlin and that there was no com- ment as to what course Iskes would pursue if the miners failed to return to work. Petitioning for Men 's Judiciary Council Begins Offices of President, Secretary Are Open :To All Upperclassmen Petitioning started today to select a new president and secretary for the Men's Judiciary Council for the com- ing year. The graduation of Bill Sessions, president, and Bill MacRitchie, sec- retary, caused the vacancies at the half term. Any upperclassman in the Univer- sity is eligible to petition for the po- sitions and all petitions must be de- posited in the Office of the Dean of Students by Tuesday noon, Sessions stated.. Interviews are scheduled for 4:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Dean's office to which all petitioners are asked to at- tend. "The petitioners should take the form of a written statement showing the man's qualifications for the po- sition,". Sessions said. The Men's Judiciary Council is The 365 men in the Medical School and the 156 men in the Dental School will be inducted and placed on active Army duty by June 30, a War De- partment bulletin declared yesterday. This order affects only those pro- fessional students who now hold in- active commissions in the Army Medical Administrative Corps. According to the bulletin, those men so enlisted will be ordered to duty at the end of the academic per- ied terminating between April 15 and June 30. Semester To End June 1 The current semester in both the Medical and Dental Schools will end by June 1. The order affects 24,000 students in the nation-approximately 500 on this campus. The specific orders for induction will be issued in this area by the Sixth Service Command in Chicago and will be transmitted 15 days after the end of the current semester. Of the 521 professional men on campus approximately 80 per cent held commissions in the Army Medi- cal Administratice Corps. The Army directive "invited" these men to re- sign their commissions before May 15. According to the plan for profes- sional trainung these men would then be enrolled in the Army Enlisted Re- serve Corps and all would be ordered back to their own schools. Chance for ASTP Preprofessional men who do not hold reserve commissions and who are inducted through Selective Ser- vice channels subsequent to June 30 will be given an opportunity to be selected under the Army Specialized Training Program to continue their training. The bulletin stated that men of this class who acheived a grade of 115 or better on the Army Classifica- tion test would berconsidered for further training under the ASTP. It is expected that the men who are inducted as a result of this new order will be sent back to the school where they are now matriculating, Bomber Fund To Launch Last Drive Monday $500 in Contributions Needed To Meet Quota Of $15,000 for Term Launching a last-minute campaign to achieve its goal of $15,000 in war bonds for the current semester, the Bomber Scholarship Fund will open an intensive drive Monday for $500 in contributions in order to meet its quota. With $11,100 in cash needed to purchase the requisite number of bonds, the Bomber Fund total at present reaches $7,700 in cash, with contributions pledged, but not yet turned in, expected to raise the sum to within $500 of its goal, according to Coral De Priester, '43, chairman of the Bomber Scholarship Committee. 'Important Project' The one-week drive, from May 10- May 17, will ask for contributions for what has been called by Dean Walter B. Flea "the most important of the several war projects now being sup- ported by the students of the Uni- versity." Money donated will be used to purchase war bonds toward the Fund's eventual goal of $100,000 in war bonds before the war is over. Af- ter the war the money realized from these bonds will be used to provide scholarships for all University stu- dents, men and women, who have attended the University for at least two semesters before entering the Armed Forces of the United States, nr, ..i, . r a .. m ha ,.m + i if that school has been accepted by f the ASTP as a training center. The University has been approved for medical, and dental training by the ASTP examining board. Men sent back to school for training from the Enlisted Reserve Corps will not bee required to take Army basic training. Navy Gives Similar Orders to Reserves Similar orders placing dental and medical students on active duty who now hold reserve commissions in the Navy were received last week, Dr. R. W. Bunting, Dean of the School of Dentistry, said yesterday. These men were asked to relin- quish their commissions by May 15 and prepare for Navy induction about July 1. The Navy announcement de- clared that professional men now in training would be sent back to their own school for completion of their courses. 'Yank Troops Build New Base In Aleutians Arichitaka Field Is 70 Miles from Kiska; Knox Praises Advance WASHINGTON, May 7. - (A) - American troops have put inot oper- ation a new airbase on Amchitka Island only 70 miles east of Kiska, and Secretary Knox said today this advance into the Western Aleutians is a new blow in America's program of "aggressive, offensive war." The Navy Chief declined to be drawn into speculation as to the uses of the new base-including the possibility that it might be a take- off place for bombings against Tokyo itself-but he said "the military sit- uation up there in the Aleutians has certainly been improved." Knox referred also to an American base on Adak Island, 212 nautical miles from Kiska, occupied by the United States last October. The troops that occupied Amchit- ka, their landings drenched with the icy waters of the North Pacific, took over the five-mile-wide island, only a few minutes' flying time from the Japanese base at Kiska, on Jan. 12. The airbase was put into operation Feb. 16 after eight light bombing attacks by enemy planes. Meat, Cofofee, Butter Prices To Be Slashed Governimen IOrders 10 Per cent Reduction; To Be Effective ,Jue 1. By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, May 7.-In a far- reaching wartime policy move, the government today ordered a 10 per- cent reduction in prices of meats, coffee and butter, and arranged to subsidize their production, if nec- essary. The meat price cuts, effective June 1, apply specifically to beef, veal, pork, lamb and mutton. Any subsi- dies to producers will be paid by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. Price Administrator Prentiss Brown announced the decision which meant abandonment of the government's efforts to control retail prices solely by price ceilings. Almost simultaneously with his an- nouncement, the War Labor Board issued a statement saying it had asked the White House for clarifica- tion of the President's hold-the-line order against inflation, but that its request had nothing to do with any change in the Little Steel wage for- mula. What these points are was not dis- closed, but the statement said the Board "unanimously believes that these points can be clarified within the framework of a realistic and ef- fective wage .stabilization. program which is in full harmony with the Administration's determination to roll back the cost of living." Without such clarification, the Board said, the hold-the-line order is unworkable. Turnkto Page 2, Col. 4 Local Blackout Is Successful Ann Arbor disappeared from the map for ten minutes last night when a total blackout put the city com- pletely in the dark. According to Police Chief Sher- man H. Mortenson, commander of the city defense corps, the blackout was very successful. Compared to the last blackout there were few violations. The blackout was the first at- tempted using the new system of a "blue" period, when all non-essential lights are turned off in order to cut down sky glow followed by shriek- ing alarms which notify the city that the "red" period indicating total blackout has begun. Chief Mortenson stated that the new system worked very well and that there did not seem to be much confusion concerning the meanings of the signals. Victorious Chief Pictured above is Gen. Sir Har- old Alexander, commander-in- chief of all ground forces under Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower. Before the assault began Alexander told his troops: "The eyes of the world are on you, and the hopes of those at home. Forward then to victory;" Senate Finance Committee Vote To Skip a Year 13 to 6 Approval Is 1 Sin .hing Victory for R unl Plan Supporters WASHINGTON, May 7.-(P)-In a smashing victory for Ruml Plan sup- porters, the Senate Finance Commit- tee voted 13 to 6 today to adopt the principle of abating a full year's tax, in installing pay-as-you-go revenue collection. The committee voted to lay aside the House-approved current collec- tiOn bill and use the "skip a year" plan as a basis for legislation expect- ed to parallel closely the Ruml-Carl- son bill rejected by four votes in the House. Chairman George (Dem.-Ga.) an- nounced, however, that some of those who favored forgiving a full year's tax stipulated that adequate provi- sion must be made to prevent "wind- fall" gains to those in the upper in- come brackets who have benefitted by war profits. It was with this un- derstanding that the committee adopted the 100 per cent tax forgive- ness motion made by Senator Clark (Dem. Mo.) George voted against the motion, alongwith four other Democrats- Barkley of Kentucky, Connally of Turn to Page 2, Col. 6 World New s Itt rief . Axis Armies Flee FromKey Cities Allied War Plaics Slash Relentlessly At Retreating German, Italian Troops By EDWARD KENNEDY Associated Press Correspondent - ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH AFRICA, May 7.-- Tunis and Bizerte were captured in mid-afternoon today by triumphant Allied troops striking in overwhelming force by land and by air The naval base in the north fell to the American doughboys at 4:15 p.m. (12:15 p.m. EWT) and the capital was conquered five minutes later by British First Army troops in the blazing coordinated drives climaxing two days of fierce battle. Roads from both cities were choked tonight with German and Italian troops and tanks and trucks fleeing to the coastal hills below Bizerte, and to Cap Bon Peninsula. Allied war planes pounded and slashed relentlessly at the retreating columns. Rear guard troops still were fighting in the capital but fierce strug- gles on the outskirts of cities failed to halt the Allied drive to destroy the Axis in Africa. The Axis armies thus were crushed in their two main African bases six months after the Allies swarmed ashore in North Africa and on the eve of "Joan of Arc Day." Thus collapsed the Axis defenses throughout North Tunisia except for strong elements still entrenched in the hills betweenthe plain of Tunis and Enfidaville in positions already menaced by the British Eighth Army. The two cities were conquered in the mightiest offensive of the African war, in a shattering final drive that raced through crumbling German positions. At 9 p.m., headquarters announced that fighting still was continu- ing inside both cities, but the remaining resistance was expected to be wiped out soon. This last-ditch defen. apparently was designed to. give the fleeing bulk of the enemy a chance to escape to the hills of the Cap Bon Penin- sula in the northeast. Large numbers of prisoners were taken in both cities and in the fighting outside. Gen. Henri Giraud immediately named Gen. Charles Mast as Resident General of France in Tunisia. American units plunged nine miles to Bizerte and British First Army forces advanced 14 miles in the fiercest kind of fighting today to capture the cities. The Americans of the Second Corps encountered terrific opposition in their push to Bizerte, but after taking Ferryville at 1 pn. today, the Yank columns converged upon the naval base in a tremendous drive by armor and infantry. In the final battle before Tunis, British armor and infantry smashed the positions which the Germans had hastily erected. The Germans fought fiercely there. Just before the break into Tunis itself the British had taken Le Bardo, home of the Bey of Tunis, but it has not yet been determined whether the Bey was there or was taken to the continent by the Ger- mans, who had elevated him to "King of Tunisia." Allied air forces were again complete masters of the skies today. The Axis air force was almost non-existent. American and British airmen pounded thousands of bombs upon the retreating enemy, smashing explosives along the congested roads of retreat full of men and trucks and tanks, with vehicles often bumper to bumper. Crack German troops were among the units that fell back before the Allied onslaught. Airmen who struck at shipping in the Straits of Sicily saw a num- ber of boats carrying Axis troops across to Sicily, indicating that a partial evacuation was being attempted, but it was on a small scale. A large percentage of the ships were being sunk. It now seems most probable that the Axis cannot attempt a large scale evacuation. With their smashing victories the Allied troops had fulfilled the promise of Gen. Sir Harold Alexander, Commander-In-Chief of all ground forces under Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, that they would "drive the enemy into the sea." Alexander told his troops in an order of the day before the assault began: "You did your duty and now you are about to reap its full reward. The eyes of the world are on you, and the hopes of those at home. Forward then to victory!" To French troops, who fought valiantly in the drive upon Bizerte and in battles to the south, General Giraud addressed an order of the day declaring that "on Joan of Arc Day-May 8-Tunis has been lib- erated, Bizerte has been set free. "Honor to the British Army, honor to the American Army. Honor to you soldiers of France who fought without arms, without clothes, without boots, but who believed in victory and the vanquished. "Thank you for what you have accomplished, for Tunisia, for France, for liberty. "Thanks to youthe French Army has restored its position in the great sun of glory and will never more relinquish it. "Forward to victory!" General Mast, whom Giraud named Resident General of Tunisia, is a DeGaullist, and his appointment therefore is considered a move towards conciliation of French political elements. He now is in Beirut, Lebanon, recovering from injuries suffered in an accident, and Gen. Alphonse Juin, commander of French troops in the field, will assume his duties temporarily. The final lap of this campaign in the north--now well into its third week-became a race between the Americans for Bizerte and I th eritish for Tunis in a highly-coordinated plan in which the FIFTY YEAR FINALE: Concerts Today Will Conclude Golden Jubilee May Festival The Golden Jubilee May Festival which has marked fifty years of musical progress in Ann Arbor will be brought to a close today with thej presentation of two concerts, one at 2:30 p.m. and the other at 8:30 p.m., in Hill Auditorium. Brailowsky To Play Featuring the world famous Rus- sian pianist, Alexander Brailowsky, the afternoon concert will consist en- tirely of Russian music. The program will be opened with an Oriental Fan- tasy from "Islamey" by Balakiroff- Casella. This will be followed by the Fifth Symphony of Shostakovich and the Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto with Brailowsky as soloist. Brailowsky is regarded as one of the greatest living interpreters of Chopin. Ten times he has undertaken the tremendous task of presenting the antiP 1 9mworIr of this cnmnoer en by the late Dr. Albert A. Stanley, founder of the May Festival, for a performance at the closing concert of the First May Festival. It has been given at intervals during the inter- vening years. The four soloists who have been chosen for the roles are all major performers from the Metropolitan Opera Association and were specially selected for this work. Conductor Eugene Ormandy has declared that this quartet is "one of the finest which ever essayed the roles of Ver- di's Requiem."' Concert Stars Appear The members of this Festival quar- tet include Stella Roman, Rouman- ian soprano, who during her two years at the Metropolitan has great distinction; Kerstin Thorborg, Scandinavian operatic star who will sing the contralto role; Frederick T--- Arn_ i- fn v.. h.. hoc-ro_ Allied Bombing Raids Hi Enemxn in Guineas ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN AUSTRALIA, May 8 (Saturday)-P) -Allied bombers heavily raided Ba- bo, Dutch New Guinea, and New Guinea, yesterday, the High Com- mand announced. Babo lies deep within the 100-mile long Maccluer Gulf of Dutch New Guinea, approximately 700 miles above Darwin. Reds Declare Poles Acted I Under Pro-Nazi Influence MOSCOW, May 7. -(,)- Soviet Russia accused the Polish govern- ment-in-exile today of having acted "under the influence of Pro-Hitler elements" and declared that some of its representatives now in London had conducted espionage in Russia. Rode Ifnoi Or Cht AnothItr- .I