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May 07, 1943 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-05-07

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FIDAY, MAY 7, 1943

-'* I

Vanatt BKeep the home fires burning
~Z -7
Fifty-Third Year Y.4
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications. s
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon--
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- ,-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved._
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as:
second-class mail matter.=
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-_
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
420 MADisoN AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. -
Editorial Staff
Btd Brimmer . . . . . Editorial Director
Leon Gordenker . . . . . . City Editor
Marion Fordn. . . . . . Associate Editor
Charlotte Conover , . Associate Editor -.
Betty Varvey . . . . . Women's Editor
James Conant . . . . . . Columnist g c
Business Staff
Elizabeth Carpenter . . . Local Advertising i_ } << ? q- ; " r #;
Pat Gehlert . . . . . Circulation
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Telephone 23-24-1nS,
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff t
and represent the views of the writers only. . ,+1943,Chicago Times, Inc.


WASHINGTON-More and more
people on Capitol Hill and in the
Government are now wondering
how much faith they can place in
the Navy's official announcements.
Beginning with the announcement
of losses at Pearl Harbor and com-
ing down to Knox's recent unsuc-
cessful argument with the Truman
Committee over submarine losses,
the unfortunate effect has been to
shake public confidence in Navy
Latest incident was the speech
of Capt. Leland Lovett, usually
efficient chief of Navy Press Re-
lations, at the National Newspa-
per Promotion Association in
New York in which he told how
the Navy was using helicopters
to combat the submarine.
Capt. Lovett went into some de-
tail regarding the use of helicopters
over Atlantic sealanes. However, a
careful check in Army, Navy and
Marine circles discloses that not
one helicopter is in use on U.S.
ships today.
Furthermore, the platform on
one ship from which a helicopter
experiment will be made, has not
yet been completed. The experi-
ment should take place within two
Program Bungled
In other words, Capt. Lovett was
either badly misinformed, or else
was pulling the chestnuts out of
the fire for his superior officers
who bungled the helicopter pro-
gram. Or there may be one other
explanation. The Truman Com-
mittee report, criticizing the Navy
for not using helicopters, had been
sent to the Navy in advance and
was about to be published. Lov-
ett's speech, made one day before,
might have been for the purpose
of forestalling the Truman Com-
But all this, amazing as it is,
is not the complete story. Inside
fact is that the Navy not only
has not done anything about
helicopters until the past few
days, but actually has been op-
posing them, despite appeals
from the Maritime Commission,

the Coast Guard and to some ex-
tent from the Army that helicop-
ters are the only way to lick the
Admiral Howard Vickery, crack
production expert of the Maritime
Commission, was one of the first
to see the advantages of the heli-
copter.. Another was Capt. Wil-
liam Kossler of the Coast Guard.
They pointed out that if merchant
ships could carry their own "eyes"
at sea, spotting submarines miles
away, U.S. shipping could be made
relatively safe.
Helicopters can hover over the
sea at night, dropping flares to
show up submarines on the surface.
More and more, subs are surfacing
at night, cruising at top speed to
close in on helpless merchant ships.
Spotting U-Boats
The Maritime Commission and
Coast Guard also have pointed out
that helicopters, when carried on
merchant ships, can do exactly
what the Germans have done, sur-
vey the sea from the air. Giant
German bombers cruise over the
North Atlantic, sight a convoy and
then inform the sub packs where
they are. Similarly, helicopters
could sight subs and inform pro-
tecting destroyers where to look
for them.
But despite these arguments,
the Navy as late as April,11, (just
ten days before Capt. Lovett
stated that theNavy was actively
using helicopters) sent a report
to the Lend-Lease Administra-
tion expressing opposition by
naval airmen to helicopter man-
ufacture by, Henry Kaiser for
the British. Nevertheless, Kaiser
is going ahead with an important
contract for the British.
Chief opponent of the helicopter
has been Capt. Morton K. Fleming
in the Navy's Bureau of Aeronau-
tics. Supposed to be the Navy's
rotary wing expert, he has consis-
tently pooh-poohed the idea. This
may 'be one reason why it didn't
come to the attention of Admiral
Ernie King, Commander of the
Fleet, until recently. -,Finally, King
wrote a directive, in effect circum-
venting his own naval airmen, and

asking the Coast Guard to dig'into
the question of helicopters, Flem-
ing even had some talks with offI-
cials of the Sikorsky plant, chief
manufacturer of helicopters, tend-
ing to discourage them regarding
use by the Navy.
As a result of all this, it has only
been within the latter part of April
that the decks have been cleared
for what may be one of the major
solutions to the menace of the sub-
Ickes and Coal
There was one thing the coal
operators didn't realize when they
let the coal negotiations drag so
long without making John L. Lewis
an offer-namely, that the Govern-
ment itself would take over the
mines and that their operation
would be in the hands of tough,
crochety, honest IHarold Ickes.
Now -they realize, however, that
Ickes doesn't plan togive the
mines up immediately aftersettle-
ment of the coal strike.
Just what his plans are no one
knows, probably are not definitely
formulated in his own mind. But
it may well be that the mines will
be kept in government hands for
the duration.
This, of course, will mean a gov-
ernment subsidy'for a part of the
coal industry-not a revolutionary
thing these days when the oil comp-
panies are getting paid nearly one
million dollars a day by the Gov-
ernment for the railroad haul of
oil and gasoline to the Eastern sea-
One trouble with the coal indus-
try has been that wages have to lag
behind to keep pace with the least
efficient coal mines. Some mines
make huge profits, others, where
the coal is deep or thin, are right
on the margin.
If Ickes keeps wartime control
over the coal mines it will mean
that the profitable mines will pay
the deficits and higher wages of
the marginal mines. Some people
have the idea that this was one of
the things John L. Lewis had in the
back of his head.
(Copyright, 1943, United Features Synd.)

45 Per Cent of Women
Reject Summer School
RESULTS of the recent summer school ques-
tionnaire point out that 45 per cent of the
coed population at this University is still un-
aware of the importance of an accelerated col-
lege program.
Forty-five per cent of the coeds who specified
their plans for the summer said, "No" to the
question, "Are you returning for either the sum-
mer session or summer term."
Of this group, a large per cent designated that
they were working instead of returning.
It is plain that if money earned during the
summer would pay for expenses during the ensu-
ing year, that money must be earned.
But the coed who is taking the summer out
for a breather-a five month breather at that
-for any sort of a job that is not essential
for her support-even for a job in a defense
plant, is not contributin her utmost to the win-
ning of the war.
Today, there is fifty per cent excess of demand
over supply for teachers.
Although women trained in science and math~
ematics will contribute directly to the war effort
in government positions and in the armed for-
ces, women who go into teaching will also make
an invaluable contribution to the winning of the
war and of the peace. Leaders of the country,
officers and specialists must be educated. We
are the ones to educate the future leaders, of fi-
cers and specialists.
In view of the need for college trained wo-
menit seems that a "business-as-usual" four-
year college program is entirely incompatible
with our united efforts to get this war over
with as soon as possible. - Betty Harvey.
COP Stand on Post-War
World Council Is Weak
THE ANNOUNCEMENT that the Republican
party favors the establishment of an inter-
national council to maintain world order after
the present war has been taken by optimistic
liberals as the forecast of a more progressive
foreign policy to be expected henceforth from
the GOP. This is certainly a forward step, but
it is a long way from taking definite action in
that direction.
Such a "council of nations" as the midwest-
ern Republicans purport to favor is not an
independent political entity which can be
"plunked" down in the middle of a world made
of nations rabidly pursuing their own economic
interests and be expected to survive. Whatever
governing body we can reasonably expect to
be organized on an international basis must
have a firm economic foundation if it is to be
more than a rejuvenated, renamed, but still
powerless, League of Nations.
What these economic foundations should be
is a problem for the best of our political scien-
tists and economists. But it is certain that
among its provisions will be a policy of free trade
insofar as is possible, perhaps totally.
PROTECTIVE TARIFFS are, in general, for
the protection of a .small and select group-
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DEPARTMENT has enough sentimental-

ity left to fully appreciate the still great
artistry of Fritz Kreisler. Into his playing of the
Mendelssohn Violin Concerto he projected more
of his own personality than that of the com-
poser. But this is what the audience wanted
and expected of Kreisler; consequently, it made
up for what faults were present. To be sure,
there were flat notes, labored technical passages,
and too numerous accentuations-but I repeat,
so what? It was the glowing tone, so noticeable
in the slow movement, which revealed the unfal-
tering genius.
The program opened unimpressively with Har-
din Van Deursen, conducting the University
Choral Union and the Philadelphia Orchestra in
Albert Stanley's "Laus Deo." Fortunately about
half of this had been cut, but even what was
left was weak enough to probably justify the
chorus' expressionless delivery.
Things fared better in Frederick Stock's
"Psalmodic Rhapsody" for chorus, tenor, or-
chestra and organ. The chorus appeared to
much better advantage; and the interweaving
of the various moods was quite well done. In
addition to this the singers' enunciation was
distinct, and the spirit and phrasing were
MR. FREDERICK JAGEL, in the tenor solo,
didan admirable job. His delivery and
style were straightforward and sincere, not bur-
dened by undue emotion. In regards to the
music itself, the tenor solo was very reminiscent
of Mahler's "Das Lied von der Erde." The work
as a whole was too lengthy and labored.
Strauss' music, paradoxically entitled, "Death
and Transfiguration," closed the program. This
reviewer would like to express his disappoint-
ment in Eugene Ormandy's version of the fren-
zied tone poem. It is the easier way out to
allow the inherent emotion of this work to run
rampant. But good taste and judgment should
have exercised more restraint.
-David Protetch
Allies Continue To He
Slow in Aid to China
"E EHAVE GIVEN space, tears, blood, and
lives in hope of United States aid," de-
clared Bishop Paul Lu Pin, Roman Catholic
bishop of China. Without any bitterness, Bishop
Lu Pin deplores the delay in our backing up the
Chinese who have borne their war for six years.
The Americans have found out that Tokyo
is not the "city of paper shacks" as one famous
correspondent described it the night before
Pearl Harbor. Yet Doolittle's one raid on
Tokyo has been the only move to make the
Japanese realize what their.own brutality must
be like. Moreover the British and Americans
have not even settled sufficient forces in the
vicinity of the Burma Road.
If the announcement of the massacres along
China's coast does not inspire a new and power-
ful offensive against Japan, then America and
Britain should not be surprised at continued
Japanese invasion of China and continued Jap-
anese successes. - Marian Johnson
ful bloc in the Republican party; and we are
asked to believe that the Republican party will

I'dI Rather
Be Right
In a sense, the European story is now out of
Hitler's hands. He has taken over France. But
the result is that French peasants are hoarding
their grain. They will not deliver. Vichy could
fool some of them. Hitler can fool none of them.
And the nervous Germans are trying to intern
400,000 former members of The Netherlands
army. They cannot afford to leave these
trained Dutch soldiers free to act, free to help
the Allies, during the coming invasion. So, like
characters in the last act of a tragedy, the Ger-
mans are forced to try to intern Dutch service
men, though that means bitter resistance
throughout Holland, and resistance throughout
Holland is just what the Germans wanted to
"Die Weltwoche," of Zurich, tells us of con-
sternation among the small shopkeepers of Ger-
many because of the recent order closing 300,000
stores as a final combing-out of manpower for
the war. German newspapers agitatedly tell
their readers that the change is temporary. Ger-
many's small businessmen feel it is permanent.
If the Nazi revolution was anything, it was
a shopkeepers' revolution, a drive by a frus-
trated middle class. Hitler finds himself com-
pelled to liquidate his first and strongest sup-
porters. He doesn't want to do it. He doesn't
want to fight the shopkeepers of Germany.
But it is out of his hands. War makes con-
tradictions.. The contradictions are accumu-
And that is the answer to those who would
have us ease our military pressure on Europe,
for the sake of other fronts, admittedly vital.
We dare not. To ease that pressure in the
slightest would let Hitler recover his grip on
events at home. But he is losing his grip on
events as pressure increases; he is ceasing to
be - the prime mover and becoming merely an-
other actor in the great story.
Nazis make speeches saying that the German
Luftwaffe will answer our air attacks, blow for
blow. But in Tunisia, our soldiers have dis-
covered German air force personnel, including
mechanics and ground staff, fighting with Ger-
man infantry. Are planes so scarce, that Luft-
waffe people must be used as ground troops?
Hitler can make no speech to those particular
members of the Luftwaffe, boasting of his air
power. They know better. So do their friends.
The thing is out of Hitler's hands.
Strange economic manifestations break out
in occupied Europe from time to time. The
price of soap falls, suddenly, sharply, in France.
That means the black market has become pan-
icky, and dumped its stocks, in fear of an Allied
landing. Paper money is everywhere, but coins
disappear; these may still have value, after the
invasion, and so they are tightly held. Our
pressure sets up one dislocating current of fear
after another.
Europe is a sensitive, live body. It is not
just inert mass, sitting there, waiting. It re-
sponds to what we do. It watches what we do.
It watches, also, the campaign of a few mis-
guided publicists to tear our attention from
the European front. It that campaign should
succeed, Europe would respond accordingly.
Even the people of Russia, who are supposed
not to need cheering up, are cheered enormously


FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1943
VOL. Liii No. 159
All notices for the Daily official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Commencement Tickets: Tickets for
Commencement may be obtained on re-
quest after May 10 at the Information
Desk in the Business Office, Room 1,
University Hall. Because Hill Auditorium
will be used for the exercises, and because
of its limited seating capacity, only three
tickets will be available for each senior.
Please present identification card when
applying for tickets.
Herbert G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary
If you wish to finance the purchase of a
home, or if you have purchased improved
property on a land contract and owe a'
balance of approximately 60 per cent of the
value of the property, the Investment Of-
fice, 100 South wing of University Hall,
would be glad to discuss financing through
the medium of- a first mortgage. Suchgfi-
nancing may effect a substantial saving in
ERC Engineers: Engineering students
being inducted into the Army at the end
of this semester and desiring assignment
to Ordnance should see the Ordnance
Officer at ROTC Headquarters by Monday,
May 10.
William E. Renner, Major,
Ordnance, U.S.A.
victory Garden Plots A to Z will be
ready for use Saturday, May 8. Unless
rain interferes again, Plots 1 to 41 will
be plowed, fitted and ready for use on
Tuesday, May 11. Plots 42 to 179 will be
ready in a few days.
-0. E. Roszel
The Michigan Bell Telephone Company,
Detroit, is sending representatives Tues-
day, May 11, to interview women gradu-
ates. They are interested in girls for
contact work and also those with statis-
tical & accounting training. The jobs
are open to any women whose homes
are in Michigan, or any others interested
in working in the state of Michigan. The
openings will be in district offices which
asking hundreds of very stupid ques-
tions, by holding up the lines. .Other
groups work the telephones, calling
up incessantly for information, on
such a scale that no business can be

are located in the main cities. Interviews
will be scheduled at fifteen-minute inter-
i vals. Call Ext. 371, office hours 9-12 &
-Bureap of Appointments
and Occupational Information
Engineers: Chemical, Mechanical, Elec-
trical and Civil engineers interested in
Carbide & Carbon Chemicals Corporation "
call Bureau of Appointments, Ext. 371,
immediately for an appointment this
To students Interested in the Teaching
of Young Children:
A special invitation to visit the Uni-
versity Elementary School on Tuesday,
May 12, and Wednesday, May 13, is issued
to students in the University who may
wish to explore any interest they may
have in becoming teachers in nursery
schools, kindergartens, or elementary
The school opens at 9 o'clock in the
morning and closes at 3 o'clock in the
afternoon. Visitors are welcome to come
any time from 9 to 3 but certain hours
are more interesting than others. From
9 to 10 o'clock is a good time to observe
typical morning activities in any of the
seven groups. From 10 to 11. o'clock is
a good time toobserve art activities in
the Second Grade. From 11 to 12 o'clock,
lunch hour in the nursery may be ob-
served. Reading in the First Grade is
best observed from 1 to 2 o'clock in the
On arrival at the school, corner of
Monroe and East University, visitors should
go directly to the library, room 1400, and
report to Miss Davis, Librarian, who will
be there to give directions and guide visi-
tors about the building.
Mr. Olson, Director of Research in Child
Development, and Mrs. Firestone, Super-
vising Principal, will be available for con-
ferences in Room 1508 at 10 o'clock Wnd
at 10:30 on both days. Data will be avail-
able on the critical shortage in the supply
of teachers, requirements for certifica-
tion, and opportunities in the various
--J. B. Edmonson, Dean,
- School of Education
Lecture: Dr. Manuel Garcia Calderon.
of Peru, will give the last of the series of
talks on Latin America on the subject,
"A General Survey of Peru," under the
auspices, of the Latin American Society
of the University of Michigan, on Tuesday,
May 11, at 8:00 p.m. in the Amphitheatre
of the Rackham Building.
Faculty, students and townspeople are
welcome to the.lecture, which will be de-
livered in English and without charge.

may grant permission to those who for
sufficient reason might wish to be present.
--C. S. Yoakum
Doctoral Examination for Stephen Plnck-
ney Hatchett, Zoology; thesis: "Aioiogy
of the Isopoda of Michigan." Saturday,
May 8, 3089 Natural Science Bldg., 9:00
a.m. Chairman, F. E. Eggleton.
By action of the Executive Board, the
Chairman may invite members of the fac-
ulties and advanced doctoral candid~tes
to attend this examination and he may
grant permission to those who for suffi-
cient reason might wish to be present.
-C. S. Yoakum
The May Festival. The Philadelphia Or-
chestra at all concerts:
This afternoon, 2:30: First half-Fes-
tival Youth Chorus, Marguerite Hood,
Conductor. Second - half-Astrid Varnay,
soprano; Brahms First Symphony; Saul
Caston, Conductor.
Tonight, 8:30: Lily Pons, soprano;
Tschaikowsky Fifth Symphony; Saul aOs-
ton, Conductor.
Saturday afternoon, 2:30: Alexander
Brailowsky, Pianist; Shostakovich Fifth
Symphony; Eugene Ormandy, Conductor.
Saturday night, 8:30: Verdi's Requiem
Mass; Choral Union; Stella Roman, so-
prano; Kerstin Thorborg, contralto; Fred-
erick Jagel, tenor; Alexander Kipnis, bass;
Eugene Ormandy, Conductor.
During the Festival period all remaining
tickets will be on sale at the box office 14
Hill Auditorium.
Concert-goers are requested to be seated
on time since doors will be closed during
Holders of season tickets will please
detach, before leaving home, the respect-
tive tickets for the several concerts. Door
checks will be required to gain re-adnkit-
tance at intermission periods.
For obvious reasons visitors will not be
admitted to rehearsals.
The University Musical Society will ap-
preciate the cooperation of all concert-
goers in facilitating all matters pertaining
to the Festival for the greatest, possible
comfort and convenience of those attend-
-Charles A. Sink, President
Fourteenth Annual Exhibition of Sculp-
ture, Michigan League Building. Open
Exhibition: Pottery by Foster and Haile.
Sponsored by the Museum of Art and
Archaeology, through May 12. Hours;
May 7-8, 1-5 and 7:30-8:30. Galleries of
the Rackham - Building.
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