.THURSDAYZ MT;6, 1942 rAGIE SIX '"CE MICHIG(AN DlAILY Rehearsals Begin for 'Nips in the Bud', All-Soldier 1i [usical 7 Revue To Be Presented New Guinea Hut Becomes Service Club ARE YOU A PRK-OVER-2? On May 1 7, 18 and 19 Engineers Subtly Attack Lit School Mastermnds PVT. JASON HORN 3651st Service Unit With the book and music complet- ed for "Nips in the Bud," the all- soldier musical revue written, pro- duced, and acted by the men of Com- pany A, 3651 Service Unit, stationed in the East Quadrangle, rehearsals began yesterday afternoon. The show will open in the Lydia Mendels- sohn Theatre at 8:30 p.m. Monday, May 17. Three performances are planned, The first night show will be viewed by the other military units studying on this campus, the engineers, air corps, and ROTC. The show will be repeated the following evening, May 18, for members of the Michigan University faculty, officers from commands in Ann Arbor and from commands in other sections of the country especially invited for the occasion, public officials of Ann Ar- bor, and enlisted men of Company A and their guests. Reception To Be Held A formal reception and ball in the Michigan League Ball Room will fol- low the second performance. Coeds receiving invitations to the show and ball will receive special late priv- ileges. The show will be sponsored by the University of Michigan Alumni Asso- ciation in a third performance at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 19, and will be open to the general public. Admission will be charged.. Directed by Pvt. Alvin S. Yudkoff, former student director of the Col- umbia University Players, "Nips in the Bud" is a musical revue in two acts and fourteen scenes giving a rhythmic and comic impression of the daily routine which the produ- cing unit, Company A, leads. Army life at a university, particularly. Michigan University, has ben m pooned by- Privates' Gordotil -otler, Alvin S. Yudkoff and Albert V. Acerno, the trio who - collaborated upon the script.- Show Is Musical Revue - ~ A twenty-five man singing chorus, directed by orchestra leader Dill Saw- per, assisted by Private Jack Gurin, will provide the melody background,. using completely original utusic and lyrics composed by Privates. Gerald. H. Stoner and Richard P. Malkin, re- spectively. Bill Sawyer and his Mich- igan Union orchestra have volun- teered their services In the pit. Sawyer will. introduce several of 11T. the songs at the Spring Formal in the ballroom of the Michigan Union this Saturday evening. Privates Al- lan B. Beach and Albert V. Acerno, and Harold O. Perry, who have had previous radio experience, will be the vocalists for the numbers. A twelve-man pony ballet, cos- tumed in fluffy feminine style, is being directed by Mrs. Ruth Hensel- man, who has had previous experi- ence in dance direction. College Men To Star Leading acting roles will be filled by Privates Albert V. Acerno, Gordon Cotler, Bernard J. Choseed, and Al- vin S. Yudkoff under names like Pvt. Heep, Pvt. Hawt, Sgt. Fishhead, Ma- jor Bulldog, etc. All of the men have had extensive college experience and Private Acerno has an extensive Broadway background. Singing stars who will give solos will be Privates Allan B. Beach, Harold O. Perry, and Milton S. Zaslow. The Company A band with Private A. Rodger Swear- ingen at the trombone, Jack Gurin at the trumpet, Manny Goldberg at the piano, and Alfred Morgan at the guitar will play an original conga by Private Stoner in an unusual night club scene. Other acting and singing roles will be filled by Corp. Joe E. Grubbs, Pvts. John D. Eyres, Gerald J. Wid- off, Alfred Morgan, A. Rodger Swear- ingen, Norman Robbins, Ronald T. Stevenson, William S. Halliday, Wade H. Mover, Bernard A. Salwen, Philip M. Foisie, Earle G. Eley, Henry Arn- au, Joseph A. Proccaccino, and Eu- gene W. Clark. Chorus Listed Members of the singing chorus in- clude Pvts. Edd L. Paine, Stuart H. Buck, Alfred H. Marks, R. B. Jones, Jr., Robert F. Kurka, Joseph A. Proc- caccino, Fred J. Reilly, Earle G. Eley,- Henry Arnau, Jerome M. Levine, Robert W. Langbaum, Arthur G. Stanzler, Jack C. Weisfeld, Harold Q. Perry, Bernard J. Choseed, Harold P. Stern, Jack Gurin, Henry Tiede- mann, A. Rodger Swearingen, Allen B. Beach, Eugene W. Clark, John M. Flagler, Sidney Berman, Milton S. Zaslow. Members of the pony ballet will be Wade H. Hover, Edward A. Hauck, Leonard W. Boasberg, William J. Halliday, Amos Beldon, Henry Bo- dek,. Erwin L. Klein, Robert H. Brow- er, John D. Eyre, and Lawrence Squaire. Engineers, Note! It seems the men in the engineer- ing unit have a little phraseology that subtly attacks those of us who slave so diligently in the literary school. In an article in The Daily yes- terday, the writer, who wished to remain anonymous, said, quote, "Gad, if I don't do better in the next quiz, the boys will be pledging me to PBK-over-2," unquote. Last night The Daily phone rang and rang, with querulous students asking-"Well, what does it mean?" Well, what does it mean? It took diligent sleuthing to find out. We called the engineering office, "PBK-over-Z?" a puzzled voice questioned. "Never heard of it. But maybe someone else knows. It's new to me!" So our informant took a census. After a few minutes, he came to the phone and exclaimed trium- phantly, "I've got it! These eagin- eers are always pulling something new on us. It means Phih Bet Kappa over two!" Or, in the words of the layrmtn or the lit students, it means half =a brain. Perhaps even in the Arny engineers are subconsciously jealous of the literary college masterminds! Work Plans Suggested Thirty-seven employee suggestiOis for improving war production will save war plants 176,000 man-hours annually. (! A Papuan native, paying an informal call, squats before American guests at the first American Red Cross Service Club in the New Guinea theatre of war-a converted grass-thatched native building. Scenes such as this are repeated the world over wherever American troops are stationed. At the service clubs, the men find books to read, records to play, and, always, someone who is willing to chat. BACK TO SCHOOL! Major Clark, Former Law Student, Returns as JAG Officer ' ; g: .: a.. < r :Y: . a. .. + ><'' '~ L 4 " p y x'. £ S' ! } ! . 1 C'r 't s . , t : ;, . Y i }: . ' . j r: ::<: <= : f 44 G ' j / \r y NEWS i IU GOOD) . _ r more or our candy and ,'S >_ ice cream cottons in many styles and sizes.. Ii " 1 i < y 495 and up II By CAPT. HAROLD W. SULLIVAN Judge Advocate General's School Veterans of World War I continue to enrich, the registration of the Judge Advocate General School. The newly arrived 11th Class is one of the outstanding classes for the number of officers it contains who saw foreign service in France dur- ing the last war. Typical of these veterans is Ma- jor Cedric W. Clark, a J.A.G.D. Officer from Middleport, Ohio. At the outbreak of the last war, Ma- jor Clark, then residing in Oregon, enlisted and attended the First Officer's Training School, at the Presidio, San Francisco. After being commissioned a 2nd lieutenant, Major Clark was assigned to the famous 91st Division, com- posed of soldiers from the Western states of Oregon, Washington, Cali- fornia, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming and New Mexico. This division saw as much action as any fighting unit the United States sent abroad. Major Clark wears the Purple Heart award for wounds received in action on the morning of. the Armistice, and his foreign service ribbon is proudly studded with three stars to denote participation in the battles of St. Mihiel, Ar- gonne, and Ypres-Lys. After the Armistice he attended the Juries of Court in London for three months. Michigan is very dear to the Ma- jor, for in the same halls to which he now returns as a student again to prepare for foreign duty, he re- turned after the last war to con- tinue his law studies. Major Clark received his J.D. from Michigan in 1922 and also his bride. Mrs. Clark then was Esther Hobart, a student at the School of Music. Their ro- mance began on the Michigan cam- pus, and their marriage followed upon the graduation of Mrs. Clark in 1923. Major and Mrs. Clark have two children now residing in Ohio, Carla, age 16, and Arthur, age four last Easter. Like so many veterans, the Ma- jor has a yen for foreign service again, and admits one of the carry- overs from his last tour of duty was a desire to return to the colors this time. He has practiced law in both Oregon and Ohio, and was prosecuting attorney of Meigs County, Ohio, and before being called to duty was Judge of the Common Pleas Court there. "The morning of the Armistice, I was in command of the Ammunition Supply Train of the 363rd Regiment. The Germans had just blown up the bridge across the Scheldt River. We were waiting until the engineers could throw a bridge across. When that was done, we started forward about 5:30 a.m. I was on a horse, and he stepped on a German mine which exploded and it winged me," explained the Major. Matching so ,nJ sizes and colors. ;Q J hi COUs SS FI 4 . FIB 218 SOUTH STATE - across from State Theatre C 1WA OLLUN INl 11 1 M Y I Yi " Ilf far i F , ''a LI i e Mother wants feminine gifts this year - blouses, jewelry, handbags, stockings, lingerie we have the loveliest selection! F- I. Gordon Parker Elected Head of Alpha Kappa Psi Alpha Kappa Psi, business admin- istration fraternity, announced the names of officers elected for the summer term yesterday. Gordon Parker, '43BAd, will serve' as presi- dent, William MacRitchie, '43BAd, as vice-president, Robert Marr, '43- BAd, as treasurer, and John Jas- perse, '44BAd, as secretary. These new officers will be installed at the next meeting May 17. Crisp, -and get It, if you'veadded Crll IN. ,,. M iii 1111 1 F 'I'