o* mo ,, i ,, .. _ \ r kI wZr I VOL. LIII No. 157 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS Baccaloni Opens Golden Jubilee Festival Today Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra Under Direction of Eugene Ormandy Returns With Metropolitan Stars Singing five of his favorite arias, Salvatore Baccaloni, comic basso-buffo ot the Metropolitan Opera Company, will appear in the opening concert of the Golden Jubilee May Festival at 8:30 p.m. tonight in Hill Auditorium. The concert will be opened by the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Eugene Ormandy. They will present Beethoven's Overture to "Lenore," No. 3 which opened the First May Festival fifty years ago. The orchestra will also present the Bach Sinfonia for Double Orchestra and a modern symphony by Paul Creston. The concert will be brought to a close with the "Three-Cornered Hat"' * * * by deFalla Opens May Festival Baccaloni will present selections from operas in which he has often appeared because of popular de-. niand. He will open the concert with j "Ra Calumnia" from the "Barber of Seville" by Rossini, and this will be followed by "La Vendetta" from the "Marriage of Figaro" by Mozart. Presents Three Numbersf Later in the concert Baccaloni will again appear to present three more .t:'*4-r.. wumbers. These will be "Madamina" from "Don Giovanni" by Mozart, "Vdite, udite, O Rustici" from "Elixir oLove" by Donizetti and "The Siege of Kazan" from "Boris Godounoff"> by oussorgsky. Baccaloni has said that he keeps his weight at 300 pounds because he owes it to his public. He also says that he will sing for ten more years 4 and then retire. His wife assists him w 11 keeping his ponderous figure bys preparing special foods of her native SALVATORE BACCALONI Bulgaria. ... famed basso buffo ireIsler Appears Tomorrow Baccaloni was born in Italy, and as a boy served as chorister in theF BStie ,Chapl at-'the Vatican. He i vy Fo ge ade his operatic debut in Bologna I k and was first heard at the Metro- NL k pplitan Dec. 3, 1940. He has also , . appeared with the Chicago and San 'rincisco Opera Companies. a 'omorrow's concert will be high- lighted by Fritz Kreisler who will U.S. Occupies Russell play Mendelssohn's Concerto in E Islands; Sinks Six minor, Op. 64. In honor of Dr. Albert A. Stanley and Dr. Frederick Japanese Vessels Stock, the University Choral Union, Frederick Jagel, Metropolitan tenor, WASHINGTON, May 4.- ()- In and Palmer Christian will join to- WASIN , Ma 4.- (IP)e gether to present Stanley's "Laus rapid-fire order, the United States fleo" and Stock's "A Psalmodic Navy described today how its forces Rhapsody." had forged a new link in a far-flung chain of advance basesmenacing 1Russian Attacks Japan's Pacific empire, had sunk six ""ia A Japanese vessels in submarine forays and had put a superior Japanese sur- n IK uban A rea face force to flight in a north Pacific encounter. .e ng en I The developments: 1. American occupation of the Russell Islands, which guard the ex- By The Associated Press posed flank of Guadalcanal in the .LONDON, May 5, (Wednesday)- Solomons-a likely preliminary to 6-Day Week Orderedfor Coal Mines Wage Controversy Still Deadlocked; Hearings To Resume Thursday By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, May 4.- An order for a six-day week in all coal mines was issued today by Fuels Adminis- trator Ickes, while the miners' wage controversy appeared to be as dead- locked as ever despite general re- sumption of production under a 15-I day truce. Ickes, government boss of the mines, ordered the six-day week to assure, he said, that coal output meets needs of war industries. Some labor men took the view that its assurance of overtime pay for miners opened an avenue for John L. Lewis, the United Mine Workers' chieftain, to retreat from his present wage de- mands, but others minimized its im- portance. Operators' representatives and officials in Ickes' office said that most mines have been on a six-day week for some time. Lewis Withholds Comment Lewis himself had no comment immediately. Meantime, with virtually all the miners back at work, the War Labor Board announced hearings would be resumed Thursday by the panel it appointed to find the facts of the soft coal wage dispute. The same panel was directed also to inquire into the anthracite dispute. Hearings were stopped when the board referred the case to the White House last week after it became clear a general work stoppage was in pros- pect. Thus far, Lewis and the UMW have failed to send representatives to the hearings but the board has proceeded without them. WLB to Act At a press conference today Presi- dent Roosevelt strongly indicated that he considered the dispute to be within the domain of the War Labor Board. Asked whether the negotiations were in the hands of WLB, he replied that all you have to do is read the law on that point. "What law?" a reporter inquired. He said he meant his executive order and the law under which the whole thing was set up last October. But he gave no further specifications. Explosion Kills 13 TWiorkers;e Injures Scores ELKTON, Md., May 4. -(A)- A shattering explosion, followed by fire among buildings of the Triumph Ex- plosives, Inc., caused the death of at least 13 workers today with scores injured and indications that the toll of lives mount with investigation. Plant officials announced a few hours after the blast that 13 were known dead, while estimate of the loss of life in information available from the Army ran as high at 25. Likewise, Triumph executives said 60 had been injured with other official estimates setting the total hurt as high at 125. Fire broke out immediately after the blast shook Elkton, famed as Maryland's GretnapGreen, in;mid- afternoon and spread to nearby buildings, causing additional damage. Benjamin F. Pepper, Triumph Company President, said the Army, Navy and Federal Bureau of Investi- gation officials quickly took over di- rection of relief work and check as to cause of the blast. Outsiders were barred from the area and only relief workers- admitted. U.S., French Troops Press Within Heavy Artillery Range of Bizerte; Lt.-Gen. Andrews Dies in Crash - Heavy and blovdy fighting in the western Caucasus which has cost the Germans "serious losses in man- power and equipment" was an- nounced early today by the Soviet command several hours after the Germans acknowledged a forced withdrawal in that area some 20 miles above the port of Novorossisk and the loss to the Russians of the town of Krymskaya. The Russian war bulletin, for the first time confirming persistent in- dications that the Kuban region of the western Caucasus has become a focal point of major struggle, made no claim to any specific advance, saying that in some sectors hand-to- hand fighting was raging. The Ger- man bridgehead at Novorossisk was endangered whether directly, it was too early to tell, The Russians reported air fighting on a tremendous scale, announcing that 65 German planes had been shot down at a cost of 11 Russian Craft. The Societ command's midnight communique with the sentence: "in the Kuban, in the area northwest of Novorossisk, fierce fighting is taking place," and this marked the first time in weeks that the Soviet bulle- tins, issued twice daily, had departed from an opening phrase stating that "no important changes occurred at the front." Graduating Class To Pay Dues Today Today is the last day for payment more important actions. 2. United States submarines have sunk two Japanese destroyers and four additional craft, and damaged a transport, bringing to 222 the total of Japanese ships announced as sunk or damaged by American submar- ines. The latest Japanese losses: two destroyers, one medium tanker, one medium cargo ship, one medium sup- ply ship, one medium transport-all sunk in the Pacific and far east-and one large transport damaged and probably sunk. 3. Details disclosed by the Navy showed the scope of our victory in the war's first naval action in the north Pacific. That engagement was the battle of the Komandorskies, fought March 6 near those Russian islands at the confluence of the North Pacific and the Bering Sea. claimed the life of the seventh Amer- ican general to be killed or missing in this war, and the 59-year-old An- drews was the highest-ranking United States officer lost. The crash also killed Methodist Bishop Adna Wright Leonard, tour- ing overseas military bases as repre- sentative of 31 American Protestant denominations, his son announced in Pittsburgh. The younger Leonard was informed of his father's death by the U. S. War Department. Succeeded Eisenhower A square-jawed, deeply-tanned, and hard-fighting man, Andrews on Feb. 5 had taken over the European command, succeeding Gen. Dwight D. Eisen hower. He came to this post from the command of American troops in the Middle East. To most of his officers and men, Andrews was "The General," and a flying general, for he was one of the few officers of his rank and age with a pilot's rating. Nelson Releases Output Figures Knox Says Nation Is At Peak Production WASHINGTON, May 4-(A')-WPB Chairman Donald M. Nelson said to- day that America's war plants in- creased their output in March 11 per cent above February while Navy Sec- retary Knox reported the nation has "arrived at the peak period" of war production and that Navy plane and ship ;completions in April set new records. Knox added that April was a good month in more ways than production, with merchant ship losses down con- siderably as compared with March -"just why, and how long that will! continue, I do not know." Both men cautioned that the rates of increase cannot be continued much longer, citing limitations of steel sup- plies, skilled labor and other factors. Despite this caution Nelson predicted "substantial gains" in munitions pro- duction in the next month or two. The WPB chairman listed these new production records established By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, May 4.- Termin- ating one of the bitterest party bat- tles of recent years, the House today passed, 313 to 95, a pay-as-you-go bill wiping out the 1942 federal in- come tax liabilities completely for approximately 90 per cent of the tax- payers and imposing a 20 per cent withholding levy against the taxable portions of wages and salaries, effec- tive July. Passage Ends Fight The action came in a dramatic ser- ies of steps in which the Democrats barely battered down, 206 to 202, the modified Ruml plan which would have skipped a complete tax year. In the debate, tempers flare, at one time reaching such a pitch that Speaker Rayburn got out the House rule book to decree that no member could call another a "demagogue." The approved bill, offered by Reps. Robertson (Dem.-Va.) and Forand (Dem.-R.I.), abates the 6 per cent normal and 13 per cent first bracket surtax on the 1942 income of all tax- payers, wiping out approximately $7,600,000,000 of the $10,000,000,000 of federal, tax assessments against the last year's incomes. Four Points Outlined The House-approved bill would provide for income tax collectors as follows: 1. Wage and salary earners (ex- cept members of the armed services, agricultural labor, ministers, and do- mestic servants)-will have 20 per cent deducted weekly, semi-monthly or monthly from their pay envelopes or salary checks (after allowable de- ductions have been made for family status and other exemptions.") This will not be an additional tax but provides a means of current collec- tion against taxes now on the statute books. The collections -will cover both income tax and the victory tax obligations. After July 1 there would be no separate collection of 5 per cent on victory taxes. 2. Persons with incomes from sources other than wages and salar- ies, such as business and profes- sional men, would be placed on a pay-as-you-go basis by requiring them to estimate their tax for the Turn to Page 2, Col. 4 Hotel Keepers Petition Board Failing to comply with the City Council's dictum of last March to conform to local and state building codes, Ann Arbor's hotel keepers Monday petitioned the city Board of Appeals to review their case. May 1 had been set as the dead- line for all hotels to conform to the local and state building codes and the passing of the, date without ac- tion was revealed in a letter to the Council Monday night. This action takes the matter out of the hands of the Building Depart- ment and subsequent rulings will come from the Appeal Board. This Board has been in operation for some years and was established for the purpose of dealing with cases arising under laws the strict enforce- ment of which would lead to undue hardship. ; I 's 'HOOT MON IN SKIRTS': Skirt-Clad Lad Stages Protest Against Girls Wearing Slacks Several men are "desperately needed" today at the hospital. They will be paid sixty cents an hour. Volunteers, call the Manpow- er Corps officers in the Union any time today. Field, '44, who will also work with the Civilian Defense Volunteer Or- ganization of Ann Arbor. Continuing as director of the Uni- versity Hospital volunteers project Bill Buckey, '45, will work with the United States Employment Office as the Manpower Corps representative. Bob Newman, '46, heads the proj- ect that will provide workers for farm labor. Recognizing that the high schools will probably be the greatest source of labor Newman is also head of the project working with them. The new publicity director is tom Bliska, '45A, who said last night that the Manpower Corps will co- operate with the Women's War or- ganization In order, to consolidate the University's war effort. Badgley Chosen Galens Bull King' Dr. Carl Badgley, professor of or- thopedic surgery, is Galens', honor- ary medical society, choice for king of the bull-throwers during the past year. The honor was bestowed upon him - NAZI INVASION JITTERS: Axis Afraid Allies Will Attack! Before Fall of Tunis, Bizerte By MAVIS KENNEDY The tall figure clad in a jaunty beret, a gray sports jacket, tan knee sock, and a red plaid skirt who strode across campus yesterday caused a near riot among excited students. Cameras clicked, columns of soldiers marching to classes turned and stared. Had Lana Turner suddenly turned coed? Was a Power's model exhibiting the latest fashions? tt- .. ..".... I, . ov ._ni a n n ,- t" 4 his idea of the right kind of a man to wear skirts.)j Being a stout-hearted Scotsman with the courage of his conviction, Vibrans attended classes and even went to work, at the Delta Delta Delta house, dressed in his electrify- ing costume. Undaunted by the remarks of in- dignant coeds, "I certainly look as good in slacks as you do in a skirt!" an ofeml lrn "T.akit LONDON, May 4.-UP)-The Nazis acknowledged today that the grim prospect of an Allied invasion of Europe is so imminent it might by- pass the Tunisian bridgehead and come in the form 'of an amphibious assault on the Sardinian and Sicilian stepping-stones, even before the col- iaos of Tunis and Bizerte. watched closely by observers here for a ready clue to the actual weight of Hitler's fears. The Russian barom- eter was based on the belief that Hit- ler hardly would dare to attempt the usual full-scale spring onslaught on the Eastern front if faced with the I I