a t . . - . r . . .1. TIE M14§HIi?.A\B l)ATI ~ rtr~. -W! i. - ,--, fit r t Army Man Eirjoy Life On Cain pus "Fresh Vegetables Are A Treat Compared To Dehydrated Food" By CAPT. H. W. SULLIVAN Judge Advocate General's School "It's wonderful to be here, without blackouts, curfew, and enjoy fresh vegetables, Lt. Donahue of the Judge Advocate's School reminds us. Flying in from Hickam Field, Hawaii, to attend the eleventh class in the JAGD School, Lt. Edgar A. Donahue, said: "A lot of little things make up the difference between here and there. Strict blackouts, with not even a cigarette lighted after dark,-it is a treat to see lights burn brightly at night. The complete absence of re- strictions in America gives one the same feeling a child has waking up Christmas morning, and there are all the new gifts scattered in profu- sion. Dehydrated Foods Used "My triple daily thrill is fresh veg- etables. We had dehydrated food in the Islands. Everyone was in quar- ters at nine, and there was no fooling about it. Cars were off the street also by nine, otherwise a fine of $25 in the Provost. Marshal's Court. "One of the funniest experiences I ever had was attending the opening of the first night club in Hawaii since the war. It had a loudly pro- claimed, gala, stupendous opening the first night at six p.m. but of course on account of curfew, it promptly closed at 9:00 p.m. Every- one took the restriction as a matter of course. "We went about loaded down with gas mask and helmet. I had a year of that, and the complete sense of freedom, of going without mask and helmet, the bright light of Ann Ar- bor, -and yes, the fresh vegetables, makes one feel in another world, just a lot of little things make freedom, and happiness. - "Yet the people took everything in their stride in the Islands, and are on the alert with confidence, courage and morale at their peak. Search for Brother.. "The most. .interesting experience I had was trying. tofind my. brother. He had enlisted- a year before I did, and all each of us had was the other's A.P.O. number for mailing purposes. I knew he was With an infantry out- fit somewhere in the Islands, and for weeks I ferreted out every clue to find him. At last I located him on a nearby island, wangled a two day pass, the first in months, and when I encountered him, he was almost too excited for words. He had been working seven days a week for months, but a oQmrade took his tour of duty for a day, and we had a real reunion.' Lt. Donahue lives in Nutley, N.J. and is married to the former Mary Frances Donlon. He has a brother Vincent in service, and a sister, Miss Louise A. Donahue in the SPARS. He attended Fordham tniversity and New Jersey Law School, receiving his degree in 1936; and was a trial attorney associated with the firm of Cox and Walburg in Newark, N.J. German U-Boat Commander Captnred Kapitan Leutnant Hellmut Rathke (left) is grim-faced in the presence of a United States and a British Navy officer at the Charleston, S.C., Navy Yard, where he and his executive officer and 31 others of a German U-Boat crew, rescued when their submarine was sunk, were taken. Left to right are: Rathke, Commander of the submarine sunk by the Coast Guard patrol vessel Icarus; the U-boat's executive officer (name not given); Lieut. Comdr. Patrick W. Stone (now Commander), Royal Navy; and Comdr. Sidney W. Souers, USNR. 'AMBUSH COUNTRY': Tunisian Sector Is Described As Worse Than Guadalcanal RR[$QR Q~ff g Qo GOP Advocates N mnJ ottnof Organization Based on United Nations Would Maintain World Order CHICAGO, May 3.- (P)-- Forma- tion of a "council of nations based on the United Nations" to maintain world order after the defeat of the Axis was advocated today by the Re- publican Post-war Policy Association at its first meeting.1 The conference, attended by 70 delegates from 12 midwestern states, approved a resolution to that effect, and asked all who shared the new organization's anti-isolation views to support its program. The statement adopted maintained the principle of international collab- oration was promulgated by three Republican Presidents- McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt and Taft- and that it had been an accepted party policy. It also suggested that the require- ments for establishing and preserv- ing peace were: "1. A complete military victory of the Allies and the unconditional sur- render of the aggressor nations. "2. The United Nations must re- main united if we are to secure inter- national collaboration to prevent the recurrence of future wars. "3. .. . on the home front, we must convert our war industries to peace- time production and establish a sound economic position with equal opportunity for all after the war is won." Smoker Will Be Held Today The annual All-Medical Smoker, featuring a take-off on professors and departments in the medical school, will be held at 8 p.m. today in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre in the League. Men medical students and faculty members are invited to attend this traditional event :sponsored by the Galen Honorary Medical Society. Arthur Griep, '43M, heads the com- mittee in charge. Highlight of the evening will be the customary presentation of The Shovel to the professor who has "thrown the most bull" in the past year. Max M. Peet, professor of sur- gery, who received the honor last year, will present it to his successor. Members of Galen Society vote for their choice, but the results are not revealed until the latter part of the Smoker. 4~n fiti.iMtli w it I Ilij4if WITH AN AMERICAN ARMY MULE PACK TRAIN in Northern Tunisia, April 25 (Delayed)- (AP)- American soldier mule skinners de- scribed .this country today as "worse than Guadalcanal." it is "ambush country" in which the skinners are forced to hack their paths through to carry supplies to isolated American units plugging through the rugged hill country east to Sedenane. Their little mules are called "French Jeeps" by the French sol- diers. They have been the sole transportation units during the last few days for bringing in food, water and ammunition to some units. Without these necessities, they would be unable to advance or to return their wounded, who now are carried to the rear on the backs of the mules. The pack trains have been operat- ing only a few days but, "They have Fraternity Initiation Petitions Due Today All petitions for initiation of fra- ternity pledges 'this semester must be turned in too the Interfraternity offices in the Union today, as the IFC Executive Committee will meet tomorrow to consider these petitions. Freshmen with a grade lower than C and upperclassmen whose overall average is below a C must petition the Executive Committee in order to be declared eligible for initiation. Petitions must include a statement as to why the man is ineligible, why he wants to be initiated, and what his draft status is. been our salvation," said Major Ar- den Brill of Aberdeen, S.D. One mule can carry two boxes of .30-calibre machine gun ammunition, or four water cans, or five 40-pound cases of food. Any load averages about 200 pounds. Some mules have developed sore feet from the rocky mountain jaunts. Here is what some of the soldier skinners think about their work: "These mules aren't too smart- they prefer G.I. crackers to sugar," said Private Daniel Smith of Negley, 0. "We used to use some horses, too, and the Germans blew up two of our best ones yesterday. One was my little bay stallion, Tony. A mor- tar shell landed under him."~ "I'll say one thing for these mules -they're a lot better than lugging the stuff up by hand and that's what we had to do before we got them," remarked Sgt. Walter Parker of Lewes, Del. Triangle will hold a meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union. sionally about their classes and about the men who teach them. One hears an awful lot of good and never, anything really on the other side of the fence about them, too. Naturally. when the Army sets a shotgun pace at which a lot of technical thoughts are to be crammed down a hetero- geneous group of students, there will be a lot of griping. But discount that. The fellows do like the school, the classes, and the men who teach them. 'Students Will Lead Forums i On Post-War As a part of a general attempt to stimulate student interest and dis- cussion on post-war problems, two groups of student volunteer speakers from the Speakers' Bureau will lead a symposium and three forums at cooperative houses, a dormitory and four fraternities and sororities today and tomorrow. Three students will give keynote speeches on post-war problems at 7 p.m. today at the Congress, Muriel Lester, and the Rochdale co-ops. After the talks, the problem will be thrown open for a general discussion. Four students will lead a symposi- um on plans for an international organization before a combination meeting of two fraternities and two sororities at 7:15 p.m. tomorrow. These include Phi Delta Theta, Sig- ma Chi, Delta Gamma and Kappa Kappa Gamma. John Muehl, '43, will uphold the plan of a world feder- ation, Elizabeth Hawley, '45, will ar- gue for regional federation, Jean Loree, '45, will present the arguments for a revised League of Nations, and Dorothy Servis, '45, will discuss the possibilities for a plan of Pax Ameri- cana. Atthe same time a discussion will be led at Helen Newberry by George Simmons, '46, after John Condylis, '46, speaks on "Let's State Our War Aims Now." The Student Speakers' Bureau, a student organization which supplies speakers to groups on and off cam- pus, was established last fall. Dur- ing the past year it has furnished speakers for'the Office of Civilian Defense, it has provided a complete program for an adult Sunday School class at the Methodist Church, and it has stimulated interest among stu- dents for the Post-War Conference held last fall. Co-chairmen of the Bureau are Nancy Filstrup, '43, and Virginia White, '43. Dr. Kenneth G. Hance of the speech department is the fac- ulty adviser. UJA's Local f Drive To Close Tomorrow Is Last Day for Contributions Tomorrow is the final day for con- tributions to the local drive of the United Jewish Appeal; Herb Levin, '45M, announced yesterday. "We are very grateful for the large amount of support and cooperation which the students have shown in this drive," Levin commented. He expressed confidence that the drive would reach its goal of $1,000 and hoped that it would top that figure. The UJA is a nation-wide cam- paign with a goal of twenty-five million dollars. The money which is now being contributed will be dele- gated to three specific causes. The first is to reimburse those persons who secure food for the starving Jews in occupied countries. Money for this purpose is placed in United States banks and will be distributed to these benefactors after the war. Secondly, it helps those refugees who have managed to escape to one of the occupied- countries to establish themselves in their new surround- ings. Finally, it aids in the rehabili- tation of Palestine. Speakers have been visiting fra- ternities, sororities, dormitories, and league houses for the past week in order to stress the purposes of the drive and to urge support. -.~ .-~. II wthil can be superimposed upon theI artificial environment to which we; are supposed to be shaped here is ai relief of the strain-and, well, who wouldn't enjoy it?, Horse Sense Defined I don't suppose any of the fellows, who hear it have forgotten yet thei point which Prof. Churchill put across with the added remark, "Horse sense is something a horse has which3 keeps him from betting on a man." And there's nothing in the Army which can equal Mr. Jones defining+ infinity by putting down a. "1" and then drawing imaginary zeros on the blackboards clear around the room over in old East Hall. My six bits goes on the fact that the Math 4A-1 class will never forget the unmathematical utility of infin- ity. Physics, too; half of the Engin- eers must be in that review section in physics which Mr. Levinstein enter- tains every afternoon. Afternoons are a dastardly time for anyone to be going tq a lecture; and this be- tween-the - day - and - the - darkness lighting effect of Michigan spring sunshine, goes even farther toward making sleeping easy-but not when Mr. Levinstein has a meter stick and a good desk top to whack every now and then. Has Audience for Lectures He's an understanding customer, and joshes about it; but with whack- ing good tactics he has at least an audience for his lectures. Nice way he has, too, of grading a blue-book, then making a personal evaluation of the man, and then generously decid- Gifts Increase Bomber Fund Caiis Activities Add To Semester's Goal New contributions have swelled the Bomber Scholarship total for the semester to $10,000 worth of war bonds toward their goal of $15,000 in bonds for the current semester, Coral DePreister, its chairman, said yesterday. Amounts recently added to the Bomber Fund include $600 from Vic- tory Vanities, $400 from Interfrater- nity Ball, $100 from Jordan Hall, and $50 from Assembly Ball. Other contributors are Acacia, Al- pha Epsilon Phi, Alpha Kappa Psi, Alpha Omicron Pi with two separate contributions, Alpha Tau Omega, Beta Theta Pi, Collegiate Sorosis, Chi Phi, Delta Tau Delta, and Lamb- da Chi Alpha. Pedliionis for Mens Congress Due Friday Petitions for senior positions in the Men's Congress, the all-campus unaffiliated men's organization, will be accepted no later than 5:30 p.m., Friday, in Room 306, in the Michigan Union. Any male student who is unaffili- ated and will be a junior by the en- suing summer semester is eligible to petition. The officers of the Men's Congress will be chosen by the Executive Com- mittee, consisting of the outgoing senior officers and faculty advisors. ;iug thal, hispersoa evaluation is more accurate-as well as more re- spectful-than the man's own ac- counting of himself. A break in the collegiate serenity comes right after dinner every day when the Army takes over a class. It must be at least a little disheartening to the officers on many an occasion to try to force the seriousness of military science down such unwilling gullets. So much of it is just a vicious ap- plication of the simple things a lot of us learned many years ago in Boy Scout troops and other places, so much of it must be taught in pure and simple simulation of reality, that putting seriousness into the teaching of it is more difficult than handling the subject matter. But amongst the officers we meet in those classes are some excellent personalities, and funds of information as well. Chilean Will Speak Today Alleinde To Lecture In Rackhan Building Prof. Carlos Alleinde of the Na- tional University of Chile will speak on "Some Aspects of Chilean Life" at 8 p.m. today in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham Building. This lecture on the general aspects of the development of Chile is to be the seventh of a series of lectures on Inter-Americanism sponsored by the Latin American Society. Prof. Ale- inde, a civil engineer and one of the Chilean delegates to the first Pan- American Congress of Highways, gathered his information on trip throughout Chile and through 41is contacts with the leaders and people of his country. In 1928 Prof. Alleinde was ap- pointed general director of thee- partment of Highways. He-has writ- ten one book on his field and will soon publish another. Yanks Occupy Mateur Sorig Great Victory (Continued from Page' 1) American infantry units sezed Green and Bald.hills in the heavily- fortified Jefna psitons west of lia- teur this morning to clear the WA for the striking advance. Mateur had been held briefly by British forces between Nov. 27 and Dec. 4 in ealy stages of the Tunisian fighting. The American and French ad- vances give the Allies control of all territory west of a line between Ma- teur and Bizerte. This line bisets the great lake of Gareat Achkel, ahd the only retreat for any enemy troops remaining in the area is through the narrow strips of land along the lake. The fall of Mateur, 18 miles south- west of Bizerte and 34 miles north west of Tunis, was officially a- nounced by the Allied Comman. Axis defenses collapsed at may other points before the powerfulA- lied push. The enemy was falling back over a wide area. University of Michigan COLLEGE OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND THE ARTS Final Examination Schedule Time of Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Exercise at 8 . at 9 at 10 at 11 Time of Examination PROFESSOR ON TOUR: Coggeshall To Talk on Tropical Diseases in Relation to War at at at Tuesday at Tuesday at Tuesday at Tuesday at Tuesday at Tuesday at Tuesday at 1 2 3 8 9 10 11 .Mon., .Tue., .Wed., .Thu., .Wed., .Tue., .Sat., .Tue., .Fri., .Thu., ... ........Wed., May May May May May May May May May May May 24, May 25, May 19, May 20, 19, 25, 22, 25, 21, 20, 19, 22, 21, 20, 10:30 10:30 10:30 10:30 2:00 8:00 2:00 2:00 2:00 8:00 8:00 10:30 10:30 2:00 12:30 12:30 12:30 12:30 4:00 10:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 10:00 10:00 12:30 12:30 4:00 * r 1 2 3 Sat., Fri., Thu., ASKIN ARIc A Lowell T. Coggeshall, professor of epidemiology in the School of Pub- lic Health, will give a series of lec- tures this week at Edmonton, Al- berta, on the relationship of tropical diseases to war problems. The lecture series is sponsored un- der the joint auspices of the medical departments of the United States and Canadian Armies. Army medical personnel stationed in Alaska will also attend. Prof. Coggeshall recently gave the Cutter Lecture at the larvard Medi- cal School on the same subject. The purpose of the lectures is to train medical personnel, irrespective of their present location, to handle tropical diseases. This control prob- lem has been made more pressing by present-day rapid means of travel. As Prof, Henry T. Vaughan, dean of the public health school said, "dis- eases formerly considered as con- fined to the tropics are now global diseases. Soldiers returning from the tropics by airplane may spread such a disease, and even civilian doctors are being trained to meet the new hazard." Prof. Coggeshall recently returned from Africa and the East, where he was assisting the government in es- tablishing programs for controlling tropical diseases.; He is also experimenting on an- other substitute for quinine. The synthetic "atabrine" now used by the services has not been totally suc- cessful in combating malaria. GERMAN TROOPS AT RHODES LONDON, May 3.- (WP)-The Brit- ish radio broadcast reports from Is- tanbul tonight saying that German troops had arrived at the Italian island of Rhodes, in the Aegean Sea near the Turkish coast. (The OWI added that the broadcast reported that neutral observers were associat- ing the German troop movement with the large-scale invasion exer- cises carried out on Cyprus by British troops last week.) Exceptions and Additions Name and Number of Course Botany 1.... ... . . . . Economics 51, 52, 53, 54, 102 . English 1, 2 ... ...... French 1, 2, 31, 32, 52, 61, 62, 91, 92 German 1, 2, 31, 32......... History 12 (all sections), 92 . . . . Music 1, 2..... . . . . . . . Music 32. ........ . . .. Political Science 1, 2, 52. .... Psychology 31.... . . . . . .. Sociology 51.. . . . . . . . Sociology 54... . . . . . . . Spanish 1, 2, 31, 32.. . . . . . Speech 31, 32. . . . . . . Zoology 1, 56 . ... ... . Sat., Thu., Thu., Mon., Mon., Fri., Sat., Wed., Wed., Fri., Sat., Fri., Mon., Mon., Sat., Time of Examination May 22, 8:00 - 10:00 May 20, 2:00 - 4:00 May 20, 2:00 - 4:00 May 24, 2:00 - 4:00 May 24, 8:00 - 10:00 May 21, 8:00 - 10:00 May 22, 8:00 - 10:00 May 19, 2:00 - 4:00 May 19, 2:00 - 4:00 May 21, ;10:30 - 12:30 May 22, 10:30 - 12:30 May 21, 2:00 - 4:00 May 24, 8:00 - 10:00 May 24, 2:00 - 4:00 May 22, 8:00 - 10:00 TYPEWRITERS RENTALS and REPAIRS Yes, you can still rent typewriters! C" M TT lX TqT r 1TT 0T7 . 1 .1TOT T T I TT1 -k 'I 0 1 ., C - -- __ -_ __ " i . m PERSONALIZED STATIONERY for the mother with a son or daughter in service. Beautiful boxes of single and double en- III III ... ... nv m/4rr nw e? 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