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May 02, 1943 - Image 16

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-05-02

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modern Dancing is part of the physical educa-
tion program at Randolph-Macon Woman's Col-
lege. The grace and body-control resulting from
such training is illustrated above by two of the
students in the dance group.

Frank Cook of Indiana State Teachers College, working on a war-
time camouflage project in the Art department, demonstrates on a
model airdrome he has constructed how the bombardier's view is
darkened by the upper half of the model which he has painted
with regulation Army paint.

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All that is necessary is to prevent the objective from sticking out like
a sore thumb to the bombardier in the split second when he must
release his bombs while still for from tne target. Using a paper
plane, Cook approximates the bombing trajectory of a bombing
--wn. War is a game of hide and seek and expert camouflsging
can do plenty to hide objects.

Hey, Fellas, Where Are Your Manners? - It's not exactly up to Emily Post's standards
to read at the table, but these three University of Vermont students decided to take ad-
vantage of their last meal in the new cafeteria by enjoying reading with their last cup of
coffee. Army trainees will take over the facilities shortly. Boy at right is engrossed in a copy
of Collegiate Digest.

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