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February 14, 1943 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-02-14

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The 'Captain Rickenbacker' Warms Up

Spanish Club Outlines Activit


Offering a wide opportunity for
students of Spanish at the University
to hear and speak the language, La
Sociedad Hispanica will sponsor five
lectures and their annual play during
the spring term.
The first lecture on "Espana, Fu-
ente de la Cultura Hispano-Ameri-
cana" will be given by Mr. Charles
Staubach at 8 p.m. next Thursday,
Feb. 18, at the League. Mr. Robert
Friers will give a movie-lecture,
"Wheels over the Andes" at 8:15 p.m.,
Feb. 23 in the Lydia Mendelssohn

Theatre. Other lecturers and'dates
include Mr. Arthur S. Aiton, Feb. 25,
Mr. Julio del Toro, March 11, Prof.
Irving A. Leonard, March 31.
Selected for the annual play to be
given April 6 is "Sueno de Una Noche
de Agosto" by Martin Sierra. La So-
ciedad Hispanica gave this same pro-
duction four years ago.
Tickets for these lectures may still
be secured from the office of the
Department of Romance Languages,
112 R.L- or from professors of Span-

Although the present trend in aca-
demic education has shifted from lit-
erary subjects to technical pursuits,
Ivan C. Crawford, Dean of the engi-
neering college, stated in an interview
yesterday that "I do not feel the pres-
emphasis on technical education will
have any adverse effect on liberal arts
education after the war."
Dean Crawford was on campus over
the week-end on leave from his posi-
tion in the Navy Department. He
was loaned temporarily by the Board
of Regents to the Navy and accepted
his pbresent post in Washington last
Jan. 4.
Discussing the place of the engineer
in the present war, Dean Crawford
stated "men with an engineering
backgroundI are vital to the successful
prosecution of this war.".
He is now working in Washington
as a Consultant of the Bureau of Per-
sonnel of the United States Navy and
is assisting with tle formation of cur-
ricula 'for the Navy's college war
training program.
These programs will be used by the
Navy in training men selected by the
Selective Service or who are now in
the Navy when they are chosen to, be
sent to colleges and universities for
technicar" training.
Prof. Crawford was offered a Navy
commission at the outset of his pres-
ent position, but his duties as Bean
of the engineering college forced him
to refuse.


Its crew members at their stations and prop ellers churning, this B-24 Liberator bomber, the
"Captain Rickenbacker," starts from the apron of the airfield at the Ford Willow Run bomber
plant near Ypsilanti. The Ford hangar is in the background.

In FullSwing
At Willow Rum


(Continued from Page 1)

The experts at Willow Run admit
disappointments; they explain also
that many design changes have been
made and incorporated in the B-24D
bomber since the factory first was
They admit production still is far
from peak level, but they are moving
in that direction and each month's
volume will increase. They see top
volume as a possibility by late sum-
mer. Just what they will be satisfied
to call "peak" output of fly-away
bombers is a military secret, but it
will be counted in the hundreds each
month, supplemented by an even
greater volume of complete sub-as-
semblies and parts.
Manpower Problem
A recent survey by the War Pro-
duction Board brought out the state-
ment that the most serious problem
at Willow Run was manpower-the
difficulty of getting and retaining
competent workers, skilled machinists
and other experts and a tremendous
turnover of workers because of hous-
ing and transportation congestion.
At the same time, the survey de-
scribed the tooling job at Willow Run
as more efficient than generally be-
lieved. This phase of the problem has
been so thoroughly and completely
handled that the total number of
workers at peak production probably
will not be more than half those orig-
inally contemplated.
10,000 Women
Already at work are more than half
the ultimate total. Something like
10,000 of those in the factory are wo-
men who do everything from cement-
ing canvas for ailerons to riveting
and operating great overhead travel-
ing cranes.
Willow Run, which cost upwards of
$60,000,000 has been described as the
largest airplane producing factory un-
der one roof and with the greatest
potential production capacity in the
world. Floor area, including hangars,
totals more than 3,700,000 square feet.
Inside the plant are acres upon
acres of machine tool equipment, es-
pecially designed to accomplish that
which never before had been even
attempted-the assembly line produc-
tion of massive bomber planes.

Political Adertisement


We Recommend City Attorney
M for the followi g reasons:
After 25 years of active practice, including two terns as-



He is experienced.

Prosecutor and ten years as City Attorney, he has attained that matur-
ity of judgment in legal matters, that the office of Municipal Judge

lPetitions for nominations of six
UHOPS FOR WOMEN nion vice-presidents and 12 com-
mitteemen for the freshman-soph-
1108 S., UNIVERSITY DIAL 9317 omore dance can be obtainedfrom
3 to 5 p.m. Monday and Wednes-
Open Monday and Thursday until 9 P.M. day in the student offices of the

He is a humanitarian.

As president of the High School P.T.A., as a forme

scout official, member of the Family Welfare Bureau, and director of
the Community Fund, he has a clear insight into the social problems
which will confront the new court.


He is independent.

He has no business, professional, nor social connections


Books for the men


which he will have to sever in order to qualify as Municipal Judge.
He has made a study of other Municipal Courts in Michigan, which will enable
Ann Arbor to profit from the experiences of other cities.
He is a veteran of World War I, and as the father of three sons, of whom two
have enlisted in the Armed Forces of the United States, he understands
the difficulties -which confront the parent during these trying times.
He is absolutely fair ahd impartial. As City Attorney and former Prosecutor,
he treated all persons alike-without favoritism, partiality, or discrimi-
nation. Everyone appearing in his court can depend on getting a fair deal
It has taken many years of effort to obtain a Municipal Court.
We accordingly feel that this court should be presided over by
the mnost experienced and qualified man obtainable.


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