I li ' RBI , u ' ;, j3I urgu r .- '4;& VOL. LI No. 155 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 2, 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS FDR Ickes Authorizes Seizure of Coal i . 1 * Advocates Curtailment of ____ _ O * * Smiles for Their First G.I. Pay It is smiles for these Advanced ROTC men stati oned in the West Quadrangle as they wave their first Army pay aloft. Pictured, left to right, are: HaroId Coleman, Hank Dongvillo, Bruce Carson, Jim. Collins, Mort Cohen, Fred Dornblaser and Charles C annon. BALFOUR CUP AT STAKE: Inter fraternity Sing To Be Held On Library Steps Tomorrow Taking its final bow for the dura- tion, the last Interfraternity Sing will be held at 7:15 p.m. tomorrow on the steps of the Library. Seven fraternities will compete for the rotating Balfour cup which each s year goes to the winning house, and for the permanent cup which the top placers will also receive. Permanent cups will be given to the second and third place winners. The competing houses and their . songs are as follows: Alpha Delta Phi-"Strangers-Friar's Song Med- ley," Beta Theta Pi-"The Erie Canal," Phi Delta Theta-"Eternal Praise," Kappa Sigma-"Hospodi Pomioli," Sigma Chi-'Sweetheart of Sigma Chi," Sigma Nu-"When Day is Done," and Theta Xi-"Theta Xi Medley." Each fraternity will be helped on to victory by a special cheering sec- New Officers For Bomher Fund Elected Bisdee, Hastrieter Are First Women To I-old Offices on Committee New officers for the coming year and for the summer semester elected at a meeting yesterday of the Bomber Scholarship Committee are Jean Bis- dee, '44, chairman for the coming year, and Mary June Hastreiter, '44, temporary chairman for the summer! term, the first women to hold the positions since the plan was inaugur- ated. "University women are proud to take over the leadership of the Bomber Scholarship Drive. I am confident that we will be able to continue the fine work that has been done this year by the Bomber! Scholarship Committee," Miss Has- treiter said in taking over for the summer from Coral DePreister, '43E,' former Chairman of the Fund. Miss Bisdee is treasurer of League tion made up of several sororities. Alpha Delta Phi will be sponsored by Alpha Phi and Delta Gamma, Beta Theta Pi by Pi Beta Phi, Alpha Xi Delta and Alpha Epsilon Phi, and Phi Delta Theta by Kappa Kappa Gam- ma, Zeta Tau Alpha and Alpha Delta Pi. Kappa Sigma will be sponsored byj Sorosis, Alpha Omicron Pi and Al- pha Chi Omego, Sigma Chi by Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Delta and Phi Sigma Sigma, Sigma Nu by Chi Omega, and Alpha Gamma Delta and Theta Xi by Delta Delta Deltaj and Gamma Phi Beta.j Kappa Sigma, winner of the Sing for the last two years, will take home the rotating Balfour trophy perma- nently if they make first place again this year. Two guest stars, Iappa Kappa Gamma, sorority winners of last year Lantern Night, and the Wom- en's Glee Club under the direction of Bill Sawyer, will appear as added attractions. Kappa Kappa Gamma will sing the "Kappa Sweetheart Song," and the Glee Club will present an original rhumba written and ar- ranged by Bill Sawyer. Judges for the event will be Bill Sawyer, Prof. David Mattern of the Schools of Music and Education, and Rose Marie Grentzer, Instructor in the School of Music. Awards will be Medical, Dental School Revise Summer Terms Senior Medic Classes To Open June 7; Rest Will Begin June 28 The summer schedule for the medical and dental schools has been changed, and the summer term for lower-classmen in the two schools will begin June 28, following the re- vised summer program as announcedj by the University a week ago. Exception to this plan will be taken for seniors in medical school, whose term runs from June 7 to September 25. This schedule enables the seniors to finish their training here in time to take the Michigan Medical Board examinations and accept internships beginning Oct. 1, previously con- tracted. Seniors in the School of Dentistry begin their summer term on June 28 (opening date of other schools in the revised program), but close Aug. 20 for a brief recess. A short session for dentistry seniors will reopen! Sept. 7 and end Oct. 23. The clinic will be closed after this semester's examination period until Sept. 7, when it will be used by students in this session for practice comparable to medical internships. All other classes in the dental and medical schools will follow the re- vised schedule, beginning June 28. and ending October 16. New Decree Limits Steel Worker Hiring WASHINGTON, May 1. - (1P) - Manpower Commissioner McNutt de- creed tonight that steel mills work- ing less than 48 hours a week may hire no new workers after June 1 without War Manpower Commission approval-thus assuring, McNutt de- clared, that more than 525,000 steel workers will be on a 48 hour basis by July 1. McNutt, who acted under President Roosevelt's executive order giving the commission authority to order a 48- hour week wherever it deems neces- sary, said the steel industry now is averaging only 41.5 hours, with some plants running as low as 37 hours. Chances Are Made in Rail MileaQe To Be Cut Due To Coal Strike' Nation-Wide Dimo t May Be Adopted as Conservation Measure4 By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, May 1. - Im- mediate elimination of all unessential' railroad travel for the duration of the coal strike was recommended by Fuels Administrator Ickes tonight.- , Ickes disclosed that preparations were already under way for a 25 per cent reduction in passenger train and locomotive mileage. It was understood that a nation- wide dimout also would be asked by Ickes to conserve coal used in gen- erating electric power. Ickes' recommendation for a transportation curtailment was ad- dressed by letter to Director Joseph B. Eastman, of the office of defense transportation. Supply Must Be Conserved Pending resumption of mining ac-_ tivity, the letter said, the country's limited coal supply must be con- served in every way possible "lest we soon see the complete stopping of work in many plants throughout the country now turning out munitions and essential civilian products." The Administrator recommended: "The curtailment of passenger train and passenger locomotive mile- age to the degree that will in effect displace all railroad passenger travel which can be postponed or can be eliminated because it is not directly related to the prosecution of the war or essential civilian activities." 25 Per Cent Reduction Needed He said he understood "that the office of defense transportation is now studying ways and means of cur-! tailing 25 per cent of the passenger train and locomotive mileage on the railroads of the United States during the period of this emergency." Reliable but unquotable sources said Iskes already had prepared a letter addressed to Chairman Donald M. Nelson of the War Production. Board requesting a nation-wide "dim-out" in electrical lighting. It was stated the letter might be de- livered to Nelson tomorrow, and Nelson was expected to take prompt action. Nelson Appoints Whites ide to New Position WASHINGTON, May 1--(')-WPB Chairman Donald M. Nelson tonight. created a new office of civilian re- quirements and clothed its director, Arthur D. Whiteside, with full power to act as spokesman for the civilian population for all consumer goods and services except food, housing, and transportation. The civilian czar who is president of Dun and Bradstreet Inc., was authorized by the War Production! Board chairman to determine ra- tioning policies and to issue direc- tives telling the office of Price Ad- ministration when, where and how much goods are to be rationed. Whiteside also received author- ity-superseding that of rubber di- rector William M. Jeffer-to deter- mine how much rubber should be allocated to civilians, and whether it should be used for tires, corsets, or other goods, WPB spokesman said. The new office is set up within the WPB and replaces the board's old office of civilian supply headed by Joseph L. Weiner.I Lit School Senior Dues To Be Paid Next Week Senior class dues of all those grad- uating in the College of Literature', A worker at Montour Mine No. 10 in Library, Pa., looks over the deserted tipple and down at the empty coal cars as thousands of miners left the pits demanding a new working agreement. The coal-laden conveyor belt in the foreground is stalled. American T roops Stab Into Nazi Bridgehead Allied Air Forces Strike War's Deadliest Blow to Axis Shipping in Mediterranean By The Associated Press ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH AFRICA, May 1.- (P)-Ameri- can soldiers in their first large-scale bayonet attack of the Tunisian cam- paign have stabbed into the fringe of the fan-shaped Axis bridgehead and captured two strategic hills, U.S. Headquarters announced today, while Allied airmen celebrated the striking of the war's deadliest blow at Axis shipping in the Mediterranean. As the artillery-supported infantrymen stormed their way up the stoutly defended heights, the Allied air forces caught a concentration of enemy ships in the Straits of Sicily and sank seven of the vessels and hit at least two others. Charging up the slopes in the face of fierce opposition by crack German troops, the Americans under Lieut.-' <-----_ - Gen. George S. Patton, Jr., captured IT both the Diebel Tahent, known as 1 1 hill 609, in the Sidi N'Sir area 16 miles southwest of Mateur, and hill T1echers for Walkout Stills Coal Tipple Armed with authority to use troops if necessary in reopening the mines next week, Ickes said: "I pray thatthe'use'of soldiers will never become necessary. They will not be called in unless it is abso- lutely essential." But the troops remained at Ickes' command if he ruled they were need- President Roosevelt will talk to the nation's miners particularly, and to the nation in general, over. all radio networks at 10 o'clock (EWT) tonight. The President is expected to re iterate his request that all miners "return immediately to the mines and work for their government," and to assure them again that their dispute will be determined promptly and fairly if the United Mine Workers will submit It to the War Labor Board. Mines Travel Striking ines Are Declared U.S. Property Ickes Has Authority To Use Troops or Call On War Department By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, May 1.- With a sweep of President Rooseelt's pen the government today seized control of the strike-swept coal fields, and tonight officials prepared to clamp down severe restrictions on rail travel and consumption of coal in electric power generation to ease the nation's fuel crisis. The government declared the mines the property of the United States and invited the miners to work for the government, subject to no orders from John L. Lewis. presented by manager of Auld Co. Miss Ruth Ann Oakes, Burr, Patterson and ' lt Coast Guard Sinks U-Boat 33 Nazis Captured Near Carolina Coast WASHINGTON, May 1, -(P)- A Coast Guard cutter sank a German U-Boat off the Carolina coast several months ago, the Navy reported today, and captured 33 members of the crew, including the commanding of- ficer. Another officer and 31 enlisted men made up the group captured. The prisoners were taken to Charles- ton, S. C., and presumably now are being held in a United States prison camp, although the Navy did not rnmynft on.their nresent disnosi- 523, immediately to the south. . A * Even with these successes, the Latin Am ericas Americans still were unable to look down upon the plain of Tunis, for I 25,000 Grant Is there are other heights to be taken ,0 Gs before they reach sight of the level Accepted by Board of land. Regents for Instruction But long-range American guns al- ready are hurling shells over the Because of an increased demand mountains into the vital enemy rail BeqalseachrsEdgdemhndy junction of Mateur, which lies where or qualified teachers Univ esi y the hills disappear and the plain e . t begins between Tunis and Bizerte. has been training specialized instruc- The action by the toughened tors for about one year, it was re-' American troops who slipped into vealed yesterday. Ahericartrnosewo slebattling The story was released by Dr. C. C. the northern sector after asyir Fries of the English department in the Germans in the Maknassy area was only part of the bitter fighting connection with a more than $25,000 all along the Tunisian front in which grant accepted by the Board of Re- the enemy lunged out with several gents Friday. desperate counterattacks, virtually The University was requested to all of which were repulsed. begin experimenting with new meth- Axis forces gained a little ground ods in the spring of 1941 upon the against the British First Army east i realization of the growing demand and northeast of Medjez-El-Bab and for qualified persons to present the turned in slight gains against the United States to Latin Americans Eighth Army in the south. through the medium of English in.- struction. The University is the only insti- W ork Resum ed tution of its kind doing this type of work and to date more than 50 per- 1ZrdJ l)1 t sons have been trained here and 117 O1 U placed in teaching centers in South and Central America. 141 Men Discharged The complete program falls into two categories, Dr. Fries pointed out. As 'Troublemakers' The English Language Institute was established here to develop new ma- DETROIT, May 1.-(P)--Produc- terial to be used in instructing Latin tion in Ford Motor Company Rouge Americans in English who have come Plant foundry division was resumed to this country to study in universi- today, and the company announced ties and colleges. the discharge of 141 employes it de- English House is maintained here scribed as "troublemakers" involved and more than 50 such students have in recent work stoppages. been trained in English to date dur- A company spokesman said 56,136 ing the summers of 1941 and 1942. man-hours of work was lost since The Institute will open a new class Thursday night as employes of three beginning July 1 and Dr. Fries pre- ed. President Roosevelt, who acted as commander-in-chief of the armed forces, gave the administrator full authority to call on the War Depart- ment for whatever aid he found de- sirable and necessary. Ickes began his unprecedented job by dispatching,"call to service" telegrams to 3,850 coal operators, ordering them and their workers to be on the job Monday. He called in 11 regional managers and gave them instructions, telling them "unless the mining of coal is resumed without delay, we face almost immediate curtailment of the production of arms and sup- plies for our military forces." He ordered the American flag to fly over all the coal fields, and dis- patched red, white and blue posters to every pit-head, warning "no per- son shall interfere with the operation of the mine by the United States Government." Even as the President and his fuels aide acted, a survey showed 480,100 men out today in 12 states' mines em- ploying 523,000 persons. Not all these men were necessarily on strike today, since the total usually work- ing on Saturdays is 354,000; on the other hand, many of those out today had quit work earlier in the week. The proposed nationwide dimout, reported to have been recommended by Ickes to chairman Nelson of the War Production Board, presumably would extinguish the lights of thea- tre marquees, store windows and other non-essential users of power. The proposed curtailment of railroad mileage would eliminate virtually all non-essential civilian travel, perhaps placing it on a rationing basis. William Green, president of the American Federation of Labor, said President Roosevelt had given as- surances that the government has no intention to use troops to coerce miners to return to work. Green, who went to the White House today with a group of other labor-leaders, said they were told by the President that a primary pur- pose of taking over the struck mines was to avoid violence.