L n .t' i~itrii \i"1 L ', .rl - ale,: .... ..... . 4r £ir4igan tBaty Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning eFxept Mnn day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repuh- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERT13,a W' National Advertising Service, Inc. . College Publishers Representative 420 MADIsoN Avs. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHCwiAGo SOSTONR LoL ANGELES *-SAN mANCISco In the Rome sirewli V.. V.'.. 'V . ____________________...'.*."~"~ 'J.":~.'*..~'~ ..-..--. :. - C WASHINGTON lei TM, Req. U. .Pa. ©{C, S MERRYGO.ROUND__ By DREW PEARSON JoNJ-,------ E Bud Brimmer . Leon Gordenker Marion Ford . Charlotte Conover . Betty Harvey James Conant . R Elizabeth Carpenter Pat #Gehiert Jeanne Lovett Martha Opsion Sybil Perlmutter Molly Winokur Margery Wolfson Barbara Peterson Rosalie 'Frank . ditorial Staff business Staff Editorial Director . ,. City Editor . Associate Editor * Associate Editor . Women's Editor . . 'Columnist WASHINGTON, May I.-Here are more illustrations of how the brasshats in the U.S. Army are treating American boys who went to fight for a Republican govern- ment in Spain against Dictator Franco and his supporters, Musso- lini and Hitler. The German and Italian armies used the Spanish civil war as a testing ground for modern war- fare; but the U.S. Army has rele- gated Americans who fought in Spain largely to work battalions. Milton Wolff was a major in command of a battalion of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade in the Ebro offensive. Later he enlisted in the U.S. Army, was sent to offi- cers' training camp at Ft. Benning, Ga. There regimental commander Col. Thomas R. Gibson treated Wolff cordially and a story of his Spanish experiences was written up in the camp newspaper. His quali- fications were rated "excellent." He qualified on map reading, com- pass work, night problems. Queried About Spain "Then," says Wolff, "suddenly the axe fell. It was certainly not routine procedure for flunking men out. I was supposed to see a Regi- mental Board, which is routine; but after hanging around all day I was called in to see a colonel. He asked me about Spain, the labor movement, Brookwood School- straight stuff. I gave him straight answers. "Knowing something was funny I went in to see my company com- mander and asked him what the score was. He said he didn't know. Subsequently my battalion com- mander, regimental commander, and the Infantry School com- mander told me the same thing. "This was about a week and a half before graduation. The last of the men to be flunked out had already left. I completed the course, which ended four days be- fore graduation. The last few days are used for signing final forms, uniforms, graduation rehearsals. "Then I knew something phoney was going to happen. I signed none of the final forms. Again I went up the chain of command and got the same replies. They didn't know. "Finally I was shipped to Ft. McClellan, Ala., and was assigned to the 'Medics (Medical Corps). I Will probably be here for'the dUra- tion, despite the fact that a War Department order says that only 1B men would fill these services." Meanwhile, War and Navy De- partments desk jObs in Washing- ton are crowded with blue bloods from the Social Register who never NROTC TYill . . LASTWednesday night the Naval Unit held a drill on Palmer Field. As one of the bystanders I witnessed one of the worst dis- plays of military drill that I have ever seen. A squadfrom each com- pany put on an exhibition of ma- neuvers. These squads were evi- dently the best ones chosen from each company. For a unit that has been in training for three years the display was pitiful. An order would be given, some men would turn right, some men would turn left, and some just looked confused. During these comical -movements the cadets in ranks, along with the spectators, laughed at the proceedings. The usually predominant naval dig- nity was entirely absent from the whole drill. These men have been under training for a long period but when compared with the new army groups on campus, they are not even in the running. Until they take some pride in their drilling I suggest they remain inside for their drills. -H. Miller saw a rifle, but had no trouble get- ting cellophane commissions-you can see through them but they protect from the draft. (Copyright, 1943, United Peatures Synd.) Local Advertising Circulation Service Contracts Accounts Natiorjal Advertising Promotion Classified Advertising Women's BusinessManager Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: MARJ BORRADAILE Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN IMPERIALISM: Gandhi, Followers held On Superficial Charge ONE need only create a law to establish -the legality of an action, it seems. So the British treatment of the invalidated holding of Gandi and 8,000 other Congress leaders seems to indi- cate. These Indian Nationalists are retained in jail after defense act rule 26, under which they had been jailed, was declared illegal. The continued holding of them will be made lawful through an ordinance to be issued by the Viceroy or by a revision of the rule. The awkward situation is remedied, and the validity of the action (but not its accordance to ideals) is established. This is a superficial settlement, since pro- tection against imprisonmfent without trial is guaranteed by English common law and by the IHabeas Corpus Act. The excuse for holding the Nationalists is given as that of necessity. Congress, in demand- ing Indian independence, threatened to disrupt the war effort, Britain claimed. Therefore, its leaders had to be "put out of circulation" before they gained too large and rebellious a following. .The wholeproblem of Indian independence is a close parallel to this situation. The British government refuses to permit an Indian National government on the grounds of a policy (imperial- ism) now recognized as illegal. Great Britain is one of the signatories of the Atlantic Charter, by which self-determin- ation is pledged to all nations. The set of principles upheld by the Allies in this. war in- eludes one whereby domination of one people by another is declared illegal; imperialism is outlawed. Yet the British government con- tinues to act contrary to the illegalization of the law of subjugation by making and follow- ing another rule. AGAIN, this rule is excused as -necessary; an Indian national government just wouldn't work; India could not unite, form a popular gov- ernment and fight Japan successfully, Britons claim. These alibis, based on the impracticabil- ity of Indian self-government, account for the defiance of Allied ideals. Admittedly, Indian independence brings with it many problems, which, however, can be solved. The Moslem League, in its current convention, refuses to unite in a federation with the Hindus, but is considering accepting the invitation to form a provisional coalition government. The Moslem fear of Hindu domination might be set at rest after the success of such-a government is shown and all Indian factions are represented equally, with the rights of minorities established. As for India's inability to defend itself, the Congress, representing a majority of the popu- lation, has asserted its willingness for India to be sued as an Allied base. In the meantime, a national army would be organized. THUS, the objections to the practicability of Indian self-government are over-ridden (al- though not as simply as here outlined), and the pseudo-law is revealed as an alibi for continued imperialism. The fact remains that Britain is retaining a nation of people under her rule, in contradic- tion to her own stated ideals, ust as she is holding in jail a group of that nation's leaders under an act inconisistent with her long-estab- ished laws. In both cases, a loophole whereby the illegality Take jt /eao it By Jason F YOU don't like poking. around in old Daily 'files, finding out what people thought ten years ago, you'd better turn the page. If you do, it's interesting to look back on the violentedit-page arguments of years ago and see how different the opinions were from those which are being currently printed 'today. Hind- sight is a good thing to have, and it makes the vehement self-styled "liberals" of the 30's look pretty silly, sometimes. So, when you look back through the files of The Daily and find something that, eight years ago, caught the temper of 1943, you -Admire the way:that shot was called. RY AND THINK back to January, 1935. Hitler had been in power two years; he was, thought the average American, just another German chancellor, or, at the worst, a harmless rabble-rouser. The World War, your teachers told you, was something that never needed to have been fought. No war, in fact, could ever be justified, they'd say. Things are never settled by force of arms, ,Miss Smith would 'emphasize to her sixth-grad- ers. War, you'd read in the magazines, is hor- rible, the worst you can get. The people don't start it; it's the munition makers. That was it, in 1935. Black and white. You could 'read rit in,Hemingway, or Dos Tassos, or Vincent Sheehan. You could read it in The Daily, or any college paper; for no intelligent, thinking people thought we'd ever get dragged 'into another war. Every schoolchild, even, knew'it 'by heart. You don't hear that stuff now. But try and think back, and remember what was in the air. A letter was printed in The Daily then-from William Fisch, Executive Secretary of the Na- tional -Student League. A sentence shows the way it -read: "Wars . . are fought not in the interests of those who bear its agonies but for the huge 'profits that a handful of unscrupulous non-combatants are able to derive from blood- shed and misery." IT WOULDN'T be hard to answer that letter today. But this was eight years before Pearl Harbor; when, in a Literary Digest Poll, a majority of Michigan students said that they would refuse to bear arms unless the borders of this country were =invaded. These were the years when the ROTC was under fire, when "militar- ism" was the bogey-man. Fisch was answered, though-by' Philip C. Pack, Captain, Infantry. Pack's letter called the shot. .". . Mr. Fisch would abolish war by 'refus- i"g to fight, by lying down, supinely, belly-up, in. the face of an armed aggression ... But now is a time to be practical. Every major Euro- pean power is armed to the teeth. Old jealous- ies have been revived ... "And should an armed invader attack us, Mr. Fisch and his student League will fade into the background of forgotten theories, as the manhood of this country rises to defend its flag. "'Flag?' Mr. Fisch may sneer. "Yes, flag, we repeat. Far better men than Mr. Fisch or I have died for it before and will I'd Rather Be Right By SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK, May 1.- SNAPSHOTS OF A WORLD AT WAR: Senator O'Mahoney, of Wyoming, cannot understand why "all the com- mentators" of press and radio react the same way when MacArthur asks for more planes. The Senator smells a plot. He wants to know whether the War Depart- ment isn't feeding a "line" to press and radio, telling the boys to "deprecate" the South Pacific War. Well, the War Department hasn't been feeding me any lines lately. Though I saw Doro- thy Thompson last week and John Gunther and William Shirer, we didn't even talk about the South Pacific war. Honest. We've all made up our minds on our own that the defeat of Hitler 'is still war aim number one. A, sweet mystery of unanimity. It can't be that the majority of judgments are alike, because the facts are straight and clear? They're all out of step but O'Mahoney, so it must be a plot. ' Matter of fact, if the Senator is interested in strange manifestations of unanimity, I can igive him something to get his teeth into. The other day the Senate took up the question of transfer- ring certain U.S. government-owned properties to the Republic of Panama. These include real estate in the city of Colon, and water and sewage systems. The latter were built by our govern- ment. But in the era of the Good Neighbor Policy it is not considered fair ball for one sov- ereign power to own miscellaneous properties inside the boundaries of another sovereign power. The Senate saw the sense of this, and agreed. The vote was 37 to 19. All nineteen contrary votes were Republican. Very next day, the House Ways and Means Committee approved the extension of our recip- rocal trade treaties, by a vote of 14 to 11. But 10 of the 11 "no" votes were Republican. In fact, all the Republican members of the commit- tee opposed the bill. Again, ah, sweet mystery of unanimity. How come? Is anyone feeding Congressional Republicans a "line," so that they pass resolu- tions in Chicago saying that isolation is dead, and then take the same old isolationist posi- tion, almost in a body, on one foreign issue after another? I think this is much more mysterious than the behavior of press and radio commentators. If you- add the two incidents together, you will find that an almost unanimous press and radio is opposed to the isolationist position, while an almost unanimous Republican party favors it. To put it another way, the minority party in Congress is in tragic danger of drifting into the same position as the minority section of press and radio. These are nov plots, Senator. These are trends, the great, big, sweeping trends that make his- tory. I think (even though you are a Democrat) you said something which could be very useful to the Republicans, for, in effect, you reminded them, just when they needed it most, that they are out of step with the vast body of indepen- dent American opinion. And so are you, honey. One other little development on the isola- tion front came along this week. You know that old Hoover argument, about how we SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1943 VOL. LIII No. 154 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices To the Members of the University Sen- ate: The second regular meeting of the University Senate will be held on Mon- lay, May 17, in the Rackham Amphithea- tre, at 4:15 o'clock. To the Members of the University Coun- cil: The May meeting of the University Council has been cancelled. Seniors: The firm which furnishes di- plomas for the University has sent the following caution: "Please warn gradtfates not to store diplomas in cedar chests. There is enough of the mothkiling'aro- matic oil in the average cedar chest to soften inks of any kind that might be stored inside them, resulting in seriously damaging the diplomas."' 4 Shirley W. Smith To Students Graduating at Commence- ment, May 29, 1943: Diplomas not called for at the offices of the Recorders of the several Schools and Colleges, immediately following the Commencement Exercises, or at the Busi- ness Office by June 2, will be mailed C.O.D. The domestic postage payable under these conditions will be 27c for the larger sized rolled diplomas and 36c for the book form. Will each graduate, therefore, be cer- tain that the Diploma Clerk has his cor- 'ect mailing address to insure delivery by mail? The U.S. Mail Service will, it is expected, return any diplomas which can- not be delivered. Because of adverse conditions abroad, foreign students should leave addresses in the United States, if possible, to which diplomas may be mailed. It is preferred that ALL diplomas be personally called for. Herbert G. Watkins, Assistant Secretary Choral Union Members: There will be a special rehearsal for the full chorus this afternoon from 1:30 to 3:00, in Hill Audi- torium. Hardin Van Deursen, Conductor German Table for Faculty Members will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Foud- ers' Room, Michigan Union. Members of all departments are cordially invited. There will be a brief talk on "Das Maifest" by Mr. Hans Pick. La Sociedad Hispanica offers two schol- arships to the 1943 Summer Session of the National University of Mexico. Any stu- dent who wishes to apply, please see Pro- fessor E. A. Mercado in Room 302 Romance Language Building. Senior women-interested in enlisting in the WAVES, the WAACs, or the SPARs should contact Dean Alice Lloyd, Dr. Margaret Bell, or Dr. Margaret Elliott Tracy before applying to recruitment headquarters. Seniors applying for these services must have a letter of reco.n- mendation from this committee as part of their application materials. Alice C. Lloyd, Dean of Women Engineers: Carbide & Carbon Chemi-I cals Corporation are sending a representa- Chamber of Commerce convention in New York that precisely the reverse1 is true. We still have more shipping1 than either equipment or men. "We still have difficulties in providing essential cargo for the shipping which is still available to us," is the way he£ "]i if nti -T nor yuxar_ n-+ ,_ tive to interview engineers graduating in May, August and October on May 7 and May 8. Call Bureau of Appointments, Ext. 371, immediately for an appointment. Pay checks are ready for those girls who worked on the Buildi'ngs and Grounds .up to April 25, and may be obtained at the Sub-station behind Waterman gym. Academic Notices Biological Chemistry Seminar il miet on Monday, May 3, at 4 p.m., in 319 West Medical Building. "The Chemistry of the. Cell-Nucleus and Cytoplasm" will be dis- cussed. All interested are invited. Note change in time. Provisional 'Rifle Company: The 'com - pany will meet at the old ROTC Hdqs. at 1:00 p.m. today for an entrenchment pro- lem. Marine Reservists, ROTC and NOTC Cadets are strongly urged to attend. Qualifying Examinations for Dirkedd Teaching (Education D100) will be given today at 1:00 p.m. in the auditorium of the University 'High School. Comprehensive 'Examiniation in Educa- tion will be given today at 1:30 p.m. in the University High School Auditorium. Doctoral Examination for Ernest Howard Hollingsworth, Chemistry; thesis: "Altera- tion of the 'Surface 'Propeies of Calie " will'be held today -at 1:00 p.m., in 309 Chemistry. Chairman, F. E. Bartel. By action of the Exieutive Board, the chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doctoral candi- dates to attend these examinations and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. --C. S. Yo'akumn May Festival Performers: Salvatore Baccaloni, Basso Buffo, Wed- nesday night. Fritz Kreisler, Violinist, Thursday ight. Frederick Jage, Tenor, Thursday and Saturday nights. Astrid V'arnay, "Soprano, Nriday after- noon. Lily Pons, Soprano, Friday night. Vladimir Horowitz, Pianist, Saturday afternoon. Kerstin Thorborg, Contralt, Satrday night. Stella Roman, Soprano, Saturday night. Alexander Kipnis, Bass,'Saturday night. Eugene Ormandy, Conductor, Wednes- day and Thursday nights, and Saturday afternoon and night._ Saul Caston, Conductor, Friday after- noon and night. Hardin Van Deursen, Conductor, Thurs- day night. Marguerite Hood, . Conductor, Friday afternoon. Philadelphia Orchestr'a at all conderts. University Choral Union, Thursday and Saturday nights. Festival Youth Chorus, Friday afternoon. Stanley and Stock choral works, Thitrs- day night. Verdi's Requiem, .Saturday night. A limited nUmber of tickets for the in- dividual concerts are available at the of- fices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower. The reital for 715 p.m. Sunday, May 2, by Percival Price, University Carillonneur, will consist of compositions by Purcell and van den Gheyn, and a group of Soviet marches. Charts showing the entire pro- grams of the spring series of recitals are available in the office of the School of Music Exhibitions Exhibition: Pottey by Foster and Haile Sponsored by the , useum of Art and from 9:00 to 12:00. Soldiers are invited. Refreshments. Coming Events The Women's Research Club will hold its Annual 'Dinner Meeting on Monday, May 3, at 6:30 p.m.-at the Michigan League. Dean Alice C. Lloyd will talk on- "The Impact of the War on Women and Higher "ducation. Senior Society will meet Monday eve- ning.at 7:15 in the League. Karl Marx Society will meet on Sunday. / May 2, in the Union at 3:30 p.m. 'The topic 'bf the discussion will be "The Na- ture of the Soviet Union." Everyone is cordially invited. 'CGhurches First Congregational Church: 9:00 -a~m. 'Church School will hae 'a Fiesta breakfast, with program on Mexico. 10:45 a.m. Public worship. Sermon by Dr. L. A. Parr on "Demaning the Great, Despising the Little." 7:00 p.m. Joint meeting of Congrega tional and Disciples Guilds. Annual elec- tion of officers. Refreshments and social hour. Unitarian Church: Sunday, 11:00 a.m.: May Forum: 'ev. Harold P. Marley, minister ofrthe en. tarian Church of Dayton, Ohio, will speak en: "The Motives of Men." Sunday, 4:00 p.m.: Memorial Service for Mr. Charles Batchelor. First . Methodist Church and .Wesley Foundation: Student Class at 9:30 a.m. Professor George E. Carrothers will lead the discussion on the subject: "Happiness Through the Family." Morning Worship at'10:40 o'clock. Dr..Samuel J. Harxison, President of Adrian Cole'ge will Peach on "ro Whom Shall We Go?" Weslean. Guild meeting at 6:00 p.m. Dr. Harrison will be the speaker. Supper and fellow- ship hour 'at 7:00 p.m. Lutheran Student Chapel: Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Divine Servie in the Michigan League Chapel. Sermon hy the Rev. Alfred Scheips: "Wayside Hear- ers." The First Baptist Church: 10:00 a.ni.: Members of the toeri.lI- 1hams Class will meet with the Graduate class in the Church. 11:00 a.m.: Sermon by Rev. C. H. Loucks. 6:00 p.m.: Those members of the Roger Williams Guild who did not go out, on Retreat are welcome to have supper and meet with the Westminster Guild. At 7:00 p.m. the Westminster Guild is having a guest speaker and chalk-talker from Detroit. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church: 8:00.a.rn holy Communion; 11:00 a.m. . Junioir 'Chuich; 11:00 a.m. Holy Conmunioi end Sermon by the Rev. Robt. M. Muir; 5:00 p.m.. Evening Prayer and Commentary by the Rev. John G. Dahl; 5:45 p.m.'H-Square Club, Page Hall; 6:00.p.m. Clergys' 6tues- tion Hour; 7:30 p.m. Canterbury Club for Episcopal Students, Harris Hall. Menorial Christian Church (fisiples'): 10:45-Morning worship. The Rev. Fred- erick Cowin, Minister. 7:00 p.m., Guild Sunday Evening Hour. Congregational and Disciple studenits will meet at the Congrgational Church Xodr the annual election of officers. A "soial hou-r and refreshments will follow the meeting First Pfesbjterian Church: Morning Worship-10:4, "The Beyo Within" subject of sermon by Dr. W. P. Lemon. Westminster Student Gunhd-6:00 .m1. supper. Mr. Arthur A. Sinclair of DeV'roit at 7:00 p.m. will give a chalk talk ohn "A and civilians