PAGEFoUrn TlE UJi C IGAN DAILY FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1943 I I . .._ ..r ... _ Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Mdichigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 REPRESENTED POR NATION-L ADVERrlJINGB Y National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MAieoSN AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON * LOs ANGELES *-SAN FRANCISCO Editorial Staff Bud Brimmer . . . . . Editorial Director Leon Gordenker . . . . . . City Editor Marion Ford . . . Associate Editor Charlotte Conover . . . . . Associate Editor Betty Garvey . . . . . . Women's Editor James Conant. . . . . . . Columnist Business Staff Elizabeth Carpenter . . . Local Advertising Pat Gehlert . . . . . . . Circulation Jeanne Lovett . . . . . Service Martha Opsion . . . . . Contracts Sybil Perlmutter . . . . . Accounts Molly Winokur . . National Advertising Margery Wolfson . . . . . Promotion Barbara Peterson . . . Classified Advertising Rosalie Franl. . . Women's Business Manager "The poison-pen is mightier than the sword, mein fuehrer" Letters to the Editor 1 , : , . ,,_ : '+ - ° a '' , ^ r . i a _ . .,t., ,t ;_ a .bA Labor Courses IN AN EDITORIAL which I wrote some time ago in The Daily the question of labor education was discussed. The point was made that labor education could be a profitable field of post-war exper- ience for universities and colleges. Then in a letter to the editor writ- ten by Roy Boucher this stand was challenged because the writer as- serted that there is labor education present in our University today in such courses in the business ad- ministration school as production management, industrial relations, industrial relations problems, col- lective bargaining, and factory management. I was well aware of these courses and still maintain that in our sys- tem today there is not the type of labor education that could be used in union labor work to bring the level of the entire working class up. This problem of labor educa- tion is one that is being consid- ered seriously by labor organiza- tions today and their labor edu- cation programs are among the most important in their entire work. But other than those few purely theoretical courses which deal with administration there is nothing offered in our University that could be 'of much help to Labor leaders in this field. Mr. Boucher has probably been affected. like many students, by several introductory courses in economics and feels that economics is the answer to all of our prob- lems, including those in labor edu- cation. I submit that these theor- etical courses can be of help to any person but labor needs something more. The type of program that Wil- lard Martinson} aa graduate of the University and now on the labor education board in union work, spoke of in his speech here some time ago was cooperation between educational facilities and. the endeavors of labor to educate its "masses." There is at Harvard now a course in labor unions which is a modest step In the right direction. The real question, Mr. Boucher says, "is Why does labor, especially union labor, fail to educate its leaders?" Perhaps he is ignorant of the fact, which I have mentioned previously, that labor is making a valiant effort to educate its leaders and also to educate itself. But it would be a worthy experiment to see if universities and colleges, and the government as well, could co- operate in this tremendous task and, as Mr. Martinson said, "raise the level of the working class up to a higher point in our post-war world for a better democracy for all."--Evelyn Phillips Telephone 23-24-1 ti NIGHT EDITOR: NETTA SIEGEL- Editorials published in The Michigan Daily ' are written by members of The Daity stagy and represent the views of the writers only. - v y NEW RIFT: Soviet-Polish Break Is Blow to Peace Plans T HE GREATEST blow that ha thus far been delivered to the United Nations ideals was the rift between the Polish Government in Exile and the Soviet. The merits of the controversy are of little consequence. What is important and serious is that two nations who were supposedly fight- ing for the same aims and ideals found rela- tions incompatible. _ Russia, one of the greatest powers in the United Nations pact and Poland, a nation that has suffered the wrath of Hitlerism first hand, succumbed to the wiles of Nazi Propaganda Min- ister Goebbels. The break between these two nations who surely should know the value of union and solidarity has made people wonder just what the outcome will be of our peace aims. If we, the United Nations, now in the process of achieving military victory,'are fighting each other, what evidence does the common man, who is giving his life for the fight, have of seeing an adequate peace settlement? If the differences between these nations aren't resolved immediately, Hitler will have won a diplomatic victory that assumes the proportions of a major military victory. - Stan Wallace REACTION: GOP Battles To iutit Reciprocal Trade Policy THE ADMINISTRATION's request for the re- newal of the reciprocal trade policy managed to squeak through Republican opposition in its challenging battle for life when the House Ways and Means Committee voted down the opposi- tion's proposals. By a mere three votes the measure managed to get to the House floor minus the Republi- can appendages that would stifle and slow down the whole effort. But the battle isn't won by a long shot and Republican leaders are girding themselves to damage the program- originated and fostered by the administration. What the Republicans ask is not drastic-it is just so completely a characteristic of a "do-noth- ing" party that it clearly reflects the reactionary policies of Republican administrations of the early twenties. They don't come out and ask that the plan be tossed out: no! They are more conventional. They just ask that the whole program be so firmly tied to Congress' apron strings that it cannot function without a six months debate preceding it. They fear that the tariff walls which they have been nurturing so carefully since the Civil War might be in some way dam- aged. Therefore, they would limit the program to a life of two years. ALL TOO CLEARLY does their proposal that American producers be allowed to appeal an agreement to the Customs Courts if the agree- ments work to their disadvantage show the par- ty's still-binding connection with big business. What if the treaty in question managed to aid the whole American public? If it cuts down one producer's income-it -is bad and should be de- stroyed. so the Republicans reason. WAR MENACE Public Action on Rising Delinquency Rate Needed AMERICA's alarmingly increasing army of de- linquent boys and giils represents a problem which must be faced if our post-war world is to be a desirable place in which to live. Plans for the rehabilitation and reorientation of returned soldiers are undeniably important if we are to overcome the tremendous barriers encountered in making the transition from war- time to peacetime. Industry must and is making plans for reconversion to peacetime production. However, we dare not allow concentration upon service men and industry to make us forget other national problems of vital con- cern. We must not forget that the thousands of delinquent children found in every city in the United States must also be given guidance which will make them valuable to themselves and to the rest of society. The menace of juvenile delinquency to our nation is dangerously serious. Every juvenile delinquent is a potential criminal. Only tire- less, specialized training can substitute for his warped ideas a sense of values which will make him respect the right of others to enjoy life in a decent, well-ordered society. The menace is especially serious today because the increase in delinquency is not being met with an increase in preventative and corrective measures. Where the situation was bad before the war, now it is appalling. A recent issue of Time magazine stated that delinquency in war boom towns has been enormously increased. In Oakland County, located in the heart of southeastern Michi- gan's defense area, records show an increase of over 110%, For March alone, 106 new cases were filed. NOT ONLY has the number of delinquents in- creased in Oakland County, but the age level for beginning delinquency has alarmingly low- ered. Younger children, ten and twelve year olds, are guilty of offenses formerly committed by fifteen and sixteen year olds. Numerous cas- es have arisen of ten to eleven year old boys stealing automobiles, and twelve and thirteen year old girls running away from home. Also cases of fifteen year old boys picked up for drunkenness is something unprecedented in ju- venile delinquency. Authorities agree that the same factors are fundamentally responsible for most cases. The most important factor is neglect. With both the father and mother working, and with school teachers overburdened because of de- pleted staffs and increased enrollments, the child living in a crowded defense area is forced to occupy himself with little or no supervision to teach him what he should and should not do. ANOTHER factor which has played a part in increasing delinquency is the feeling among youngsters under eighteen, particularly boys, that they are being left out of the war effort. Consequently they want to do something spec- tacular to attract attention. Stealing and de- structiveness provide an outlet for their injured egos. The problem is apparent, the causes are known; the solution is up to us. We can no longer delay action- if we are to successfully com- bat the evils of juvenile delinquency and thereby in ,-'n- n ,nrcnin naain e4 fha fnimra nannra o n I I I'd Rather Be Right -B SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK, April 30.- SOME POLITICAL REALITIES: The Soviet note is not a mere break with the Polish government-in-exile. It is an attack 4ipon the Polish government. It is not only a complaint against what the Polish govern- ment has done. It is a complaint against what the Polish government is. It does not charge merely that the Polish government has offended Russia. It charges that the Polish government has joined Hitler. It is later than we think. The issue, is not whether relations between Russia and Poland can be patched up. The issue, in Soviet eyes, is probably whether the other United Nations will continue relations with the present Polish gov- ernment. The plain truth is that Russia has served notice she will not tolerate an anti-Soviet government of any kind or variety on her western frontier. This alone can explain Russia's failure to ad- dress an open appeal to all the United Nations, asking them to exert pressure against the Sikorr- ski government, persuading it to alter its atti- tude.- Such an appeal, an obvious move, would have mobilized sentiment throughout the Allied world. Pressure against the Sikorski govern- ment would have been prompt and powerful. The Soviet Union is not interested in changing the mind of the Polish government. It is interested in changing the Polish government. Let us not be children. We may be sure that every one of "the consequences of this rupture of relations was foreseen in the Kremlin. The break was made, not in spite of these consequen- ces, but to bring these consequences about. Russia wanted these consequences. That is way she made the break. If she had not wanted the consequences, she would not have made the break. The immediate consequences is to raise the question: Who speaks for Poland, now, with Russia? The Soviet action, therefore, throws into doubt the continued existence of the Polish government-in-exile. For if Poland does not have a government which can speak with Russia, she hardly has a government. To "speak with Russia" is the major task of Polish statesmanship for the next generation. The Soviet note, by denying to the Polish govern- ment-in-exile the right and power to "speak with Russia" has, to that extent, cut away the base of the Sikorski government's power, even in Poland. That is what is involved, and we had better look it full in the face. The break -is not likely to be patched up. There is nothing to patch up. The Soviet government will insist on a friendly government on its west- ern border. It will not be satisfied with less. German propaganda scored a brilliant victory, only in the sense that it accelerated existing anti-Soviet trends within the IAbish govenment- in-exile, and made them visible, as the Poles ran to the Red Cross to confirm a German story. The break itself may turn out to be far from a victory for German propaganda. It may turn out to h muishment. hrsh nromnt and effee- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2 __ If you wish to finance the purchase of a home, or if you have purchased improved property on a land contract and owe a balance of approximately 60 per cent of the value of the property, the Investment Of- fice, 100 South Wing of University Hall, would be glad to discuss financing through the medium of a first mortgage. Such fi- nancing may effect a substantial saving in interest. Faculty, College of Engineering: There will be a meeting of the Faculty today at 4:15 p.m., in Room 348, west Engineering Building. Agenda: (a) Routine Business; (b) Consideration of recommendation from the Standing Committee concerning uni- form programs and use of texts in ele- mentary courses. -A. H. Lovell, Secretary To all staff members and employees: All those who find it necessary to file requests for supplementary gasoline ra- tion for passenger cars ("B" or "C" Book) for either driving to and from work, driv- ing personal car on University business, or to carry on other occupations, should mail their original applications or renew- als to H. S. Anderson at the Buildings and Grounds Department, University Ext. 317, and not directly to the Local Gasoline Rationing Board. These applications must be approved by the Committee in charge of the Organized Transportation Plan in the University and transmitted by it to the rationing board.- Any information concerning supple- mentary gasoline rationing should be ob- tained by calling University Extension 317. L. M. Gram, Chairman, Organized Transportation Plan Choral Union Members: There will be g1 special rehearsal this evening at Hill Auditorium for part drills, as follows: Sopranos-7:00-7:30 Altos-7:30-8:00 Tenors-8:00-8:30 Basses-8:30-9:00 Hardin Van Deursen, Conductor Choral Union Members: There will be a special rehearsal for the full chorus on Saturday afternoon. May 1, from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m., in Hill Auditorium. Hardin Van Deursen, Conductor Senior women interested in enlisting in {the WAVES, the WAACs, or the SPARs should contact Dean Alice Lloyd, Dr. Margaret Bell, or Dr. Margaret Elliott Tracy before applying to recruitment headquarters. Seniors applying for these services must have a letter of recom- mendation from this committee as part of their application materials. Alice C. Lloyd, Dean of Women Engineers: Carbide l& Carbon Chemi- cals Corporation are sending a representa- tive to interview engineers graduating in May, August and October on May 7th and May 8th. Call Bureau of Appointments, Ext. 371, immediately for an appointment. some of the people near him, and it is a final statement that she wilt not tolerate anti-Russianism to the west. That has now become one of the clear facts of the war, like the weath- er. It comes with a shock, like a dash of cold water. We have all talked about, and most of us have agreed on, the need for an "under- sLanding" with Russia. It now turns out that this is not mere talk, that Russia insists on this, that the war Women: The Goodyear Aircraft Corpora- tion is offering a Junior Engineer College Program starting in June. A salary is paid during the training period of six months. Employment is offered in Akron at the, end of this time. Complete details are available at the Bureau of Appoint- ments. Please come in to look at the requirements during office hours 9-12 and 2-4, or call Ext. 371. Bureau7of Appointments and Occupational Information Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Davenport Hooker, head of the Department of Anatomy, Uni- versity of Pittsburgh, and Editor of the Journal of Comparative Neurology, will lecture on the subject, "The Origin of Overt Behavior" (illustrated with slides and motion pictures) today at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre; auspices of the Department of Anatomy. The pub- lic is cordially invited. Academic Notices Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet on Monday, May 3, at 4 pm., in 319 West Medical Building. "The Chemistry of the Cell-Nucleus and Cytoplasm" will be dis- cussed. All interested are invited. Note change in time. Provisional Rifle Company: The com- pany will meet7 at the old ROTC Ids. at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 1, for an en- trenchment problem. Marine Reservists, ROTC and NROTC Cadets are strongly urged to attend. Directed Teaching, Qualifying Examina- tion: Students expecting to elect D100 (Directed Teaching) next semester are required to pass a qualifying examination in the subject which they expect to teach. This examination will be held on Satur- day, May 1, at 1:00 p.m. Students will meet in the auditorium of the University igh School. The examination will con- sume about four hours' time; promptness is therefore essential. Teacher's Certificate, May 1943 Candi- dates: The ;Comprehensive Examination in Education will be given on Saturday, May 1, from 1:30 to 4:30 in the auditorium of University High School. Printed Infor- ination regarding the examination may be secured in the School of Education Office. Water Safety Instructors' Course-will begin Monday, May 3, at 7:30 p.m. at the Union. Candidates should look on the board for the: room number; also bring notebooks, pencils, and swimming suits. Concerts May Festival -Performers: Salvatore Baccaloi, Basso Buffo, Wed- nesday night. Fritz Kreisler, Violinist, Thursday night. Frederick Jagel, Tenor, Thursday and Saturday nights. Astrid Varnay, Soprano, Friday after- noon. Lily Pons, Soprano, Friday night. Vladimir Horowitz, Pianist, Saturday afternoon. Kerstin Thorborg, Contralto, Saturday night. Stella Roman, Soprano, Saturday night. Alexander Kipnis, Bass, Saturday night. Eugene Ormancly, Conductor, Wednes- day and Thursday nights, and Saturday afternoon and night. Saul Caston, Conductor, Friday after- noon and night. Hardintvan Deursen, Conductor, Thurs- day night. Marguerite Hood, Conductor, Friday afternoon. Philadelphia Orchestra at allconcerts. University Choral Union, Thursday and nafm-- nvnigt. 4ERRY*GO* ROUND c I B y DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON, April 30.- 'the Good Neighbor pilgrimage of youthful, go-getting Eric Johns- ton, President of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, was unique in that he called upon Latin American labor leaders. It was the first time a U.S. business baron had done so. One night while visiting with Argentine businessmen Johnston announced that the next day he would call at labor union head- quarters, explaining that he was anxious to understand not only Argentine business sentiment, but also labor. A few minutes later, an Argentine manufacturer came up and said:. "You are a brave man, Mr. Johnston, a very brave man." "Why?" "For calling upon those labor leaders. You are very remarkable." Next day Johnston made the call, armed with leters from Bill Green and Phil Murray, who vouched for the fact that he would keep labor confidences It turned out to be quite an ocea- sion, featured by good Argentine beefsteak and champagne. Later the head of the Argentine rail union wrote to Jim Carey of the CIO a glowing report of the visit, hoped that more U.S. bus- iness men would follow Johnston's example. Johnston also called upon the Argentine Cardinal. At first a bit suspicious, he finally warmed up, became most cordial and gave Johnston letters of introduction to leading clerics in other countries. The Cardinal's chief complaint was that the United States seemed to have communistic tendencies. "My answer to that," said Johns- ton, "is the answer given me by a representative of Amtorg, the Rus- sian trading company, who said, 'How can you have communs. ;in a country where every capitalist is once removed from the proletariat, and where every proletarian has ambitions to become a capitalist?'" Capital Chaff In reporting that WPB's ex-vice- chairman Ferd Eberstadt had been rejected for an Army commission, this column was in partial error. Eberstadt was rejected only for combat duty, being two years over the age limit. A captain in the field artillery in 1917 and an in- tense patriot, "Eber" wanted to see action again. The Army says he will be more valuable in the War Department ... Congressman Michael Feighan of Cleveland took the bull by the horns and urged a constitutional amendment by which the President could submit a peace treaty to the people if vetoed by the Senate. He pointed out that 33 men in the Senate can block a peace treaty whether the nation likes it or not. (Copyright, 1943, United Features Synd ) graphs, drawings, models, and cost data. Both professional projects and student studies are shown. Third floor Exhibition Room, Architecture Building. Open daily 9 to 5 except Sunday through April 30. The public is invited. Exhibition: Pottery by Foster and Haile. Sponsored by the Museum of Art and Archaeology, through May 12, 2 to 5 daily except Sunday. Galleries of the Rackham Building. .!vents Today The Spring Initiation and Dinner of Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society will be held t4 evening in the ballroom of the Mchi- gan League. The illustrated address ;will be given by Dr. Malcolm H. Soule, ProfeS- sor of Bacteriology and Chairman of the Hygienic Laboratory, on the subject, "In- fectious Diseases in South America." International Night for the benefit o, WSSF to be held tonight at 8:30 in Doane Hall. There will be games, entertainment, and refreshments. Admission charge. , Mortar Board: There will be a short meeting for election of officers this afternoon at 5:15 in the Council Room. Health Films: The Health Education Class of the School of Public Health is sponsoring the showing of several health films at 4:00 p.m. today in the Kellogg Auditorium. The public is invited. 7 Ad- mission free. Wesley Foundation: The annual ban- quet in honor of -Seniors and Graduates will take place tonight at 6ao'clock in the Social Hall of the First Methodist Church. Dr. Marshall R. Reed, pastor of Nardin Park Methodist Church in Detroit, will be the speaker. Reservations, may be rmade by calling 6881. Hillel Foundation: A special memorial service following the regular Friday night services will be dedicated to the memory