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April 30, 1943 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-04-30

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VOL. LITI No. 153









Fresh Air


400 Students
Will Aid in
Annual Drive
Goal of $1,500 Will
Provide for Boys of
Metropolitan Areas
"Send a boy to the Fresh Air
Camp" will be the slogan for the
twenty-third consecutive year as
four hundred students from dormi-
tories, sororities and fraternities sell
tags in the annual drive from 8 a.m.
till 4 p.m. today.
The students will man twenty-five
posts on campus and in the down-
town area, and will open three spe-
cial stations at the East Quad be-
tween the hours of 4 p.m. and 6 p.m.
to receive contributions from soldiers.
Fifteen hundred dollars, the
amount for this year's goal, will send
several hundred boys from Detroit
and other metropolitan areas to the
University Fresh Air Camp on Pat-
terson- Lake, loca d near Pinckney,
for a month's vacation.
The boys, who, re between the
ages of 8 and 16, are chosen by twen-
ty-five different cooperating social
and case-working agencies and are
sent to the Camp for special study
and diagnosis. An expert staff of
sociologists, psychiatrists, and psy-
chologists is provided to help the
boys work out some of their problems
in adjustment.
The drive is under the direction of
Pete Wingate, '43, former secretary-
treasurer of the Inter-fraternity
Council, and Helen Kressbach, '44,
Turn to Page 2, Col. 1
Nine Defeats
Broncos, 10-9,
In Wild Thilt
Walterhouse's Single
In Eleventh Drives in
Game Winning Tally
Michigan pushed across a run in
the last of the eleventh when Dick
Walterhouse singled with the bases
loaded to give the Wolverines a 10 to
9 victory over Western Michigan here
The wild marathon lasted two
hours and 55 minutes as the lead
changed hands four times and was
twice tied. Each team used three
pitchers, and freshman Dick Drury,
who pitched to one man in the ninth
and then went on to hold the Bron-
cos scoreless, received credit for the
victory. Ben Almany, who was
charged with the loss, came in at the
beginning of the second inning and
hurled the remainder of the game
for the Kalamazoo squad.
Michigan thought they had the

game on ice until Western brought
in three tallies in the ninth after two
were out. Successive singles by Ber-
nie Compton, Gene Conley, and Gene
Nyhius, followed by Bill Kowalski's
pinch double accounted for the
Bronco scores.
Bob Stenberg received a base on
balls to start off the Maize and Blue
half of the eleventh. Then success-
ive errors by Almany and Phil Al-
bertson set the stage for Walter-
house's single to left for the game-
winning tally.
Drury pulled himself out of a hole
in the eleventh by fanning two Bron-

Plan Given
For Marine
WASHINGTON, April 29,-()--
Marine Corps headquarters. today
announced details of the college
trainingprogram under which stu-
dent reservists and enlisted men may
continue their education and qualify
for commissions.
Men possessing necessary or poten-
tial educational background will be
trained, it was announced, at a lim-
ited number of colleges participating
in the Navy college training program.
The program will be open to re-
servists now enrolled in colleges and
secondary schools in the Marine Of-
ficers Candidate group, and to a
limited number of selected enlisted
Marines and men' in the Army En-
listed Reserve Corps who have ex-
pressed preference for Marine Corps
Students will be permitted to ex-
press preliminary choice of a course
of study for specialists training. They
will be allowed to participate in col-
lege athletics and all campus ac-
tivities on the same basis as civilian
students provided there is no inter-
ference with their prescribed hours
or courses of study, the announce-
ment said.
Reason Given
For Polish Split
With Russia*
By The Associated Press
LONDON, April 29.- A recent Pol-
ish proposal for a confederation of
Central European States was one of
the concealed but major factors
which leads to Russia's severance of
diplomatic relations with the exiled
government here, diplomatic quar-
ters said tonight.
Churchill, Roosevelt Agree
Prime Minister Churchill and
President Roosevelt . were reported
meanwhile in diplomatic circles to
have reached an agreement on the
course to be followed in trying to
heal the rupture between Russia and
the Polish government. Some de-
clared a personal appeal would be
made to Premier Stalin to cooperate
in the move.
The ambassador of the Polish Gov-
ernment - in - exile, Tadeusz Romer,
left Moscow today on a slow with-
drawal from the Soviet Union, head-
ed first for the alternate Russian
capital at Kuibyshev for a stay of
about two weeks and thence to Te-
heran, Iran, to await further assign-
Poles Propose Confederation
Diplomatic quarters said the Polish
confederation proposals were more
important than either the boundary
dispute between the two governments
or the Polish suggestion for an Inter-
national Red Cross inquiry into the
German story that 10,000 Poles had
been killed by the Russians near
These sources said that the Soviets
regarded the proposed alliance dis-
cussed among the expatriated gov-
ernments in London as the first step
toward an anti-Soviet Bloc.
Senior Class Dmes
Payable Next Week

All graduating seniors of the Col-
lege of Literature, Science, and the
Arts, will be able to pay their dollar
class dues between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.
next Tuesday and~Wednesday in the
lobby of Angell Hall and on the diag-
onal in front of the Library.
The dues will be used for present
expenses of the class as well as for
future needs George Sallade, '43, fi-
nancial chairman of the class, said.
Some of the money will be spent for
representation of the class in the
'Ensian and the remainder will be re-
served for class reunions and cor-

mp Tag
FDR Issues
Ultimatum to
Coal Miners
77,000 Workers Idle; -
Nationwide Shutdown
Threatened by Strike
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON Apr. 29-A his-
toric showdown between President
Roosevelt and John L. Lewis was at
hand tonight.
With more than 77,000 soft coal
miners idle and a nationwide shut-
down threatened, Mr. Roosevelt
served notice this morning that he
would use all his vast powers as Com-
mander-in-Chief "to protect the na-
tional interest" if work is not re-
sumed by 10 a.m. Saturday.
Lewis, the United Mine Workers
leader, preserved deep silence. The
77,000 miners showed no tendency
to return to work, and one of their
local leaders said "we won't go back
without a contract unless Lewis says
President's Action Still Undecided
What the President would do if
the strikes continue beyond the Sat-
urday deadline was not stated but
informed officials said many courses
are open to him. They include:
Martial law in the coal fields, with
suspension of the writ of habeas
corpus and Jury trial; use of troops
to protect miners willing to work; as-
signment of troops to work in mines;
reclassification of miners under sel-
ective service to make them liable for
the draft; an order denying them
work in any war industry-or some
less drastic measure such as further
appeal to public opinion or to the
miners themselves over the head of
Contract Expires Tonight
The mine union is demanding a
new contract providing for $2-a-day
wage increases with an $8 minimum.
The present contract expires at mid-
night tomorrow (Friday) and Lewis
has said that none of the miners will
"trespass" on the employers' proper-
ty thereafter unless a new contract
is reached.
Yesterday the War Labor Board
which Lewis had ignored turned the
case over to Mr. Roosevelt. Today the
Chief Executive sent a letter to Lewis,
and to Thomas Kennedy, UMW sec-'
retary-treasurer, appealing to the
striking miners-"as a friend"-to
resume work and let the WLB handle
the case.
'International ,
Night' Program I
To Be Today
Presenting a seven-act floor show,
a carnival midway of booths and an
hour and a half of square dancing,
"International Night" will feature
student entertainers from the Inter-
national Center and Lane Hall at
8:30 p.m. today in Lane Hall.
The proceeds from all tickets,
which are now being sold at the
League, the Union, and in Lane Hall,
will be turned over to the World Stu-

dent Fund, a non-sectarian, non-po-
litical organization which aids stu-
dents in all war-torn areas.
The highlight of the evening, be-
ginning at 9 p.m., will be the hour
floor show. Two new acts have just
been added to the program, Elaine
Spangler, '43, social chairman, said
yesterday. One will be a Chilean
quartet. Johana Reischer will sing a
group of French songs.
Also included in the floor show
will be some special hula dances by
Dottie Tamura from Honolulu. Clar-
ence Forster Grad. will give a fe'w of
his well-known dramatic readings
and the Lane Hall quartet will sing
a few of the old favorites. Harriet
Porter '44SM, will sing a group of
Italian songs, caberet style.
Square dancing will begin at 10
nPm. and will continue until 11:30. At





WiLl Holds Hearings On S oft Coal Miners' Walkout


With 77,000 soft coal miners of the threatened 450,000 already idle, the three man arbitration panel of
the WLB had submitted the case to President Roosevelt. Left to right: David B. Robertson, president of
the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Engine men, representing labor; Morris L. Cooke, chairman
of the panel and Walter White of the Business Advisory Council, Department of Commerce.

World News
In Brief...
LONDON, April 29.- (I)- The
RAF sowed a massive pattern of
-mines across Hitler's U-boat training
waters in the Baltic and his supply
routes to Russia last night in a grand
scale operation coupled with a diver-
sionary bomber attack on the Wil-
helmshaven Naval Base.
The mine-laying was carried out
by the RAF heavyweights "on a very
large scale, particularly in the Baltic
Sea,", the Air }inistry announced
and then added almost as an after-
thought: "Wilhelmshaven also was
WASHINGTON, April 29.--(P)-
Agreement between Mexico and
the United States to create a joint
committee to formulate a program
for economic cooperation after
making a study of.international
payments between the two coun-
tries was announced tonight by the
State Department.
The agreement to create an ec-
onomic committee made up of two
representatives from each country,
the department said, was reached
by President Roosevelt and Presi-
dent Avila Camacho as the result
of their reciprocal visits.
AUSTRALIA, April 30 (Friday)-(IP)
Liberators executed a strong morn-
ing raid Thursday on the Japanese
seaplane base on the Island of Am-
boina, Dutch East Indies.
Their bomb loads started fires and
explosions among the barracks and
hangars at Halong.
LONDON, April 30 (Friday)-(A)-
Russian airmen were reported ear-
ly today to have shot down 116
German planes in two days of
fighting in the Caucasus, where
German dispatches said the Red
Army had launched an "expected
large-scale attack" in an effort to
throw the Nazis into the Black Sea.

FDR Impressed with Nation's
Proficiency After 20-State Tour

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 29.-Presi-
dent Roosevelt returned today from
a 7,652-mile, 20-state tour impressed
with America's military and industri-
al proficiency and holding the idea,
too, that the wartime 'establishments
ought to be used when peace re-
turns for training young people.
The Chief Executive held a special
press conference two hours after his
forenoon arrival back in Washington
which he left April 13. This was given
over largely to the coal situation but
his major impressions from his trip,I
as outlined briefly at the conference!
and in more detail in aboard-train
talks with newsmen who accom-
panied him were:
Army Over Growing Pains
1. The Army is now over the grow-
ing pains incident to its vast expan-
sion and is grown-up. This is demon-
strated not only in the excellence of
its training but in its improved
housekeeping practices such as its-
good conservation measures. A re-
porter noted his remark about the
Army being grown-up and asked if
that meant it is as big as it needs
to be. Mr. Roosevelt said no, that
there has been no change in plans
as to its size.
2. He was struck by the achieve-
ments of women in industry. In avi-
ation plants, he said, from 30 to 50
per cent of all employes are women
and in one plant the number of wom-
en is well above 50 per cent. Among
new workers, 60 to 65 per cent are
women. Mr. Roosevelt commented
that this is helping tremendously in
meeting the manpower problem.
Peacetime Service for Youth
3. The camps and industrial plants
ought to be put to good use in the
post-war era perhaps by requiring
that the youth of America give a
year's service to their country. He
said he had no specific program and
that anyone developed probably

would be only partly military, but
he was impressed ' by the benefits in
physical condition and mental alert-
ness that men and women in service
and war-worker uniforms have rea-
4.He found the country as a whole
has a better perspective on the war,
a better sense of proportion, is sob-
erer in temper and more intelligent
in its attitude than a good -part of
Seventeen days of crowded activi-
ty formed the background for Mr.
Roosevelt's conclusions.
He saw troops in all stages of
training including simulated warfare,
ate Army meals on three occasions,
and, in factories, saw the production
of planes and ammunition.
Town Meeting
To Be Called
Voters Will Decide
On City Tax Increase
All eligible Ann Arbor voters have
been summoned to a town meeting;
the first since the city's early days.
The purpose of the meeting, which
is to be held Saturday, May 8, is to
pass on a proposed increased in the
city tax limitation.
This meeting will not amount to
an actual assembly as did traditional
town meetings. Instead, voters will
be asked to vote by means of the me-
chanical voting machine between 2
p.m. and 8 p.m. at city hall.
A proposal to raise the maximum
tax limitation from 71/2 to 9 mills
(or $1.50 per $1.000 of assessed prop-
erty valuation) for the 1943-44 fiscal
year will be set before the voters. At
present the city charter provides for
a limit of 3/4 per cent of the total
assessment. The new measure pro-
poses to raise the limit to 9/10 per
The meeting, which was voted
unanimously at a special session of
the City Council Wednesday, is for
the purpose of raising $66,000 more
than the present tax limitation pro-
vides. Of that amount, $51,000 is
needed to meet salary raises for city
employes most of which have already
been granted, and to meet a $15,000
deficit for garbage collection.
Serenade Will
Be Held Today
The All-Campus Serenade which
was postponed when "the rains'
came" last night-will be held at 8:30
p.m. today on the Library steps.
The Serenade will not be called off
as an ordinary serenade would have
been. Due to the large number of re-
quests received from townspeople and
students for a public appearance of

Axis Defense
Moves Stop
British Army
U.S., French Troops
Attack Nazi Positions
In Mountain Country
By The Associated Press
NORTH AFRICA; April 29.-Ameri-
can and French troops have sliced
deeper into the tough Axis mountain
defenses in Tunisia. but desperate
German counterattacks 20 miles west
of Tunis temporarily staved off a
British First Army break-through
into the plain leading to the capital,
an Allied communique disclosed to-
Dispatches emphasized the grow-
ing resistance of the cornered Axis
troops all along the 140-mile are of
ridges, while American troops
"gained some important ground" in
the north, and a French communique
told of the seizure of three more hilts
north and south of the British First
Army salient which had pushed up
to the last hill barrier barring the
way to the Tunis plain.
German Resistance Savage
German resistance was particular-
ly savage in the center where the
British First Army had attained the
crest of Diebel Bou Aoukaz, only to
be pushed back slightly by German
shock troops supported by tanks.
The Germans launched two heavy
counterattacks yesterday after the
British had attained the summit of
this key hill. The first was repulsed,
leaving many enemy dead and some
wrecked German tanks.
Then the Germans - called up N0
men and 30 of their precious reserve
of tanks and'sucdeeded in forcing the
British "to make a slight withdrawal"
in this battlefield 12 miles northeast
of Medjez-El-Bab.
Axis Supplies Get Through
It is apparent, too, that Axissup-
plies still are getting through to the
besieged troops despite Allied aerial
supremacy and staggering Axis losses
in planes, ships, and materiel. A
further toll of Axis shipping was
taken yesterday, and American
bombers also attacked Naples and
Messina across the straits.
The American troops, fighting
against bitter opposition and rough
terrain, were reported to have gained
in the hills bordering the Sidi N'Sir-
Mateur road southwest of Bizerte.
Bald Hill, the Army name for the
high barren peak of Djebel Ajred,
still was the scene of heavy fighting.
Energetic German defense thus far
has prevented full occupation of that
height which is about 12 miles west
of Mateur.
Braves Seize
18 Palef aces
Listen to this tale of romance,
Tale of Indian warrior bold.
In the early moon of greenleaves
Came they forth the stoic valiant;
Forth they romped to paleface
Wigwam one offriend great chief,
Paleface mighty among his kind;
Came he forth to take their token
Of the warpath they would tread,
Theh to the mighty oak of Tappan
Dashed the screaming yelling red-
To the tree of Indian legend
When the whitemen pale and

Stood around the mighty oak;
Warriors choice of paleface nation
Choice of tribe to run the gauntlet
Down the warriors, painted de-
Swooped and caught their prey
like eagles,
Loud the warcry stirred the still-
As they seized their hapless
Forth they bore them to their
There to torture at their pleasure.
There around the glowing bon-
Heard the words of mighty wis-
Smoked the pipe of peace and

Fielding H. Yost Spends His
72nd Birthday in Tennessee

From the scarred battlefields of
Guadalcanal to the quiet University
campus here there are thousands of
Michigan men who mark today as
another milestone in the life of'
Fielding H. Yost-his 72nd.
And while well-wishers shower
Michigan's "Grand Old Man" with
their customary messages of con-
gratulation he and Mrs. Yost will
spend a few days of rest at their farm
in Walling, Tenn.
It has been a long-standing cus-
tom here that Yost will be at his of-
fice in the Field House which bears
his name to greet friends and cele-
brate a quiet birthday anniversary.

all carry messages of his continued
good health.
Among the congratulatory mes-
sages was one from Herbert O.
(Fritz) Crisler present director of
athletics and football coach positions
which Yost once held. Yost was foot-
ball coach from 1901 through 1923
and in 1925 and 1926, and also di-
rector of athletics from 1921 until
his retirement on June 1, 1941.
Many men fade from the public
eye on retirement, but Yost is still
fresh in Michigan's mind.
Known as "Coach," "Hurry-Up"
and "Grand Old Man" to everyone
on the parade of Wolverines for
many past years, Yost first gained
recognition for his famous point-a-

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