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April 29, 1943 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-04-29

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Ickes Assur:






Chief Blasts
Demands Will Be Met
Despite Army's Heavy
Drain on Fuel Industry
By The Associatef Press
WASHINGTON, April 28.--(A)_
Army demands for 100-octane avia-
tion gasoline are going to be met,
Petroleum Administrator Harold L.
Ickes said today, despite 'continuous
and discouraging obstacles" and "a
really baffling lack of understanding,
by many persons in high authority,
of the vital essentiality of 100-oc-
Red Tape Hinders Action
The job of assuring that goals will
be achieved was accomplished, Ickes
told the Senate Truman committee,
"despite a frightening drain by the
armed forces upon the techlical tal-
ent of the industry. It was done in
spite of the fact that the. program
had to be cleared through many gov-
ernment agencies, and the further
fact that we were in competition
with other pressing programs for es-
sential materials."
Chairman Truman (Dem-Mo.)
asked the identities of the persons
who couldn't understand the import-
ance of the high-octane program.
New Material Needed
"It would take a cataloge of
Washington to list them," Ikes.re-
plied. "Some of theiw! ere military,
some of them naal, but in the final
analysis we couldn't go ahead with-
out new materials, and there is 1ily
one source of 'new iilateriaW in
Washington "
The committee .niemb rs readily
understood his reference to l4e War
Production Board. WPB Chief Doz-
aid M. Nelson hagI told tni yester-
day about ordering conpletio. of 55
per cent of the planned Bunas rk-
Ver production, over Ibke$' objection.
Nelson said he did so only to pevent
a possibly disastrous transportation
UMW Refers
Dispute to FD
p .
(Continued from Page 1)
agency Mr. Roosevelt established as
a court of final resort for all war-
time labor disputes.
(In a letter to Secretary of Labor
Perkins, the UMW Tuesday dmand-
ed withdrawal of the case from, the
WLB saying members of the govern-
ment agency had a "malignant prej-
udice" against the UMW.)
2. The UMW's deniands for wage
increases without regard for the
"Little Steel" formula which has be-
come basic government policy by in-.
corporation in the President's hold-
the-line order against inflation.
Overshadowing these issues, how-
ever, was the immediate question of
whether Mr. Roosevelt could avert a
trirtlirig 'halt in the production of
fuel necessary to keep the wheels of
war production turning.
Scarcely veiling the threat of a
general work stoppage by 600,000
miners, Lewis has declared that in
the absence of a new agreement by
Friday midnight-when a temporary
understanding with the operators ex-
pires-the miners "will not tres-
pass" on company property.

Trnan Committee Hears Priorities Dispute

Members of the Truman Senatorial Committee listen to testimony in which Donald M. Nelson, War
Production Board Chief, deplored "fighting among government officials." Nelson was referring in par-
ticular to the current dispute of Rubber Director Jeff ers, Undersecretary of War Patterson and Petroleum
Administrator Ickes over synthetic rubber and high octane gas priorities. Committee members (left to

right) are: Senators Harry S. Truman (Dem.-Mo.) chairman; Ralph 0.l
guson (Rep.-Mich.), and Joseph H. Ball (Rep.-Minn.)

Brewster (Rep.-Me.) Homer Fer-

UJA Workers Survey Campus;
Hillel Gives Last Fireside Panel

$1,000 Local Goal To
Aid War-Stricken Jews
Campus representatives of the
United Jewish Appeal Drive are this
week visiting fraternities, sororities,
league houses and dormitories in
order to point out to the students the
aims and purposes of the UJA.
The local drive is a part of the
national campaign to raise a total
of 25 ~million dollars. The local goal
is $1,000. The money is used to aid
Jews in occupied countries, to assist
thosr w o have escaped to one of
the U ted Nations by providing
theta with financial 'aid until they
area wellv established, and to aid in
thy rehabilitation of Palestine.
since it is impossible to send mon-
ey directly to occupied lands, the
PjJA depends upon citizens in those
countries, to provide the Jewish peo-
ple with food and sets aside money
in American banks to reimburse
these people after the war.
Contributions may be made to the
.captains. located in the various fra-
ternity, sorority, dormitory, and
league houses or at the Hillel Foun-
Col. Johnson To
Command Here
(Continued from Page 1)
Section and as Judge Advocate in
the Philippines Department.
In addition to his military service,
Col. Johnson has been outstanding
in Masonic activities at home and
abroad. He has been affiliated with
lodges in Washington. Arizona, the
Philippine Islands and Australia, and
was elected to membership on the
.qipreme Grand Chapter of Scotland.
He holds, a special honorary life
membership in the Masonic Club of
Sydney, Australia, as does Gen.
Douglas MacArthur.
From his Far East experience he
believes the Japanese the most
vicious foe of all. "None but the
foolhardy can foresee anything but
a tough fight, hard sledding and sac-
rifice ahead," he said, "and there can
be no peace with a mad bull running

Lila Pargment, Dodge
Will Speak on Russia
The last Fireside discussion for
this semester will be presented at
7:30 p.m. tomorrow at the Hillel
"Russia, Facts Behind Events," will
be the topic for discussion. Fea-
tured speakers are Mrs. Lila Parg-
ment of the Russian department and
Prof. Stanley D. Dodge of the geogra-
phy department.
Mrs. Pargment is a native Russian
and received her degree from College
Raiev in Leningrad. Both speakers
were active in the local drive for
Russian War Relief.
Preceding the discussion special
memorial services will be held for
Sgt. Jack Shiraga, '42, who was killed
last month in an airplane accident
near his Texas base.
ICC Seeks 100%
Blood Donorsitip
Victory Commiitee
Plans War Activities
The Victory Committee of the
Inter-Cooperative Council announced
yesterday that, in keeping with the
resolution recently passed by that
committee, a drive will start today
for 100% participation of coopera-
tive members in the Red Cross Blood
Donor Drive.
The Victory Committee Resolution
states: "The Inter-Cooperative Coun-
cil of the University of Michigan
offers its organization to the Univer-
sity of Michigan War Board for pro-
jects which are compatible with the
ideals of each and every one of the
individual cooperative members, such
as blood donoring, book collecting,
bandage rolling, entertaining sol-
diers, war relief, etc."
Betty Leffertz, '43, chairman of
the Victory Committee, announced
that in addition to the Blood Donor
Drive, boxes for the collection of
books and silk and nylon stockings
will be placed in the ten cooperative
Glee Club Will.
Present Concert
(Continued from Page 1)
To add to the nostalgic mood that
singing cherished songs under the
stars is certain to induce, the mem-
bers of the Glee Club have prepared
a touching love story entitled, "Be-
linda Clarissa," which will be told in
pantomine with a musical back-
Faced with probable disorganiza-
tion for the duration because of the
loss of members, the Varsity Men's
Glee Club wishes to make their All-
Campus Serenade a happy memory
for everyone who attends.

Students Will
Assemble for
Inter-Guild Meet
Lew Howard To Lead
Group; Robert Muir
Will Give Key Speech
About fifty students from seven
Protestant church guilds are expected
to attend the annual Inter-Guild
Spring Conference on "Personal e-
ligion in the Current Crisis" this Sat
urday at Fritz Park on Pauline St.,
The conference, under the direc-
tion of Lew Howard, '44E, president
of Inter-Guild, will be divided into
two parts-the first dealing with in-
dividual guild problems and the sec-
ond on personal religious problems
in the present. war.
Mr. Robert Muir, curate for St.
Andrew's Episcopal Church, will give
the main speech on personal religion,
which will be followed by a two-
and-one-half hour discussion.
Among the problems to ,be taken
up are: has war changed personal
religion?; can we reconele our reli-
gion with the war?; should we try
to?; how much does the Bible mean?;
what is man's purpose in existing?;
and what is God's relation to the
universe, man and nature?
Thesafternoon 'discussionsdealing'
with special guilds problems will be
led by four students, Howard Ful-
sher, Army ROTC, Dorothy Briddn,
'43, Fred McKinney, '45P, and Char-
les Erickson, Grad. Leaders of the
various guilds will present their views
on the military question on campus,
social service, recreation, administra-
tion, leadership, membership and
Students will leave Lane Hall at
12:15 p.m. Saturday and will hike to
the park, a distance of two miles. All
reservations for the conference must
be made by 1 p.m. Friday with the
student director or at Lane Hall.
Speakers' Grasp
Initiates Project
Four members of the Student
Speakers' Bureau, organized last
winter, will conduct a symposium
discussion on a post-war internation-
al organization before a joint meet-
ing of two sororities andtwo fratern-
ities next Wednesday, Nancy'Fils-
trup, '43, head of the Bureau, an-
nounced yesterday.
This project, which will be carried
on weekly among all the dormitories,
sororities and fraternities, is a part
of the Bureau's program to interest
students in thinking on post-war
The Student Speakers' Bureau is
an all-student organization, estab-
lished for the purpose of providing
speakers to any group or meeting in
need of the club, who choose their
own topics for the speeches.
Cooperating with the Bureau are
Athena, the Post-War Council, and
the Union. The faculty adviser is Dr.
Kenneth G. Hance of the speech de-

Foreign Student
Committee To
Hold Meeting
Tomorrow' s Sring
Conference To Discuss
Language Adjustments
The State Department Committee
on the Adjustment of Foreign Stu-
dents in the United States is holding
its spring meeting here tomorrow and
Saturday in order to attend in a
body the Retirement Dinner Satur-
day for Professor J. Raleigh Nelson,j
Counselor to Foreign Students and a
member of the committee.
The committee, headed by Dr. Ed-
gar J. Fisher, Assistant Director of
the Institute of International Edu-
cation, will discuss the problem of
the English language in relation to
foreign students.
The group will consider the neces-
sity for a greater knowledge of Eng-
lish before the students receive schol-
arships and appointments and facili-
ties for preliminary instruction in
English before the students come to
the United States.$
Other topics which will be dis-
cussed are the Adjustment of United
States Students to Foreign Students,
and post-war plans of the committee.
Other members of the committee
include Thomas E. Jones, President
of Fisk University; Prof. Gladys Bry-
son, Smith College; Dr. Ben Cher-
rington, University of Denver; Dr.
Charles W. Hackett, University of
Texas; Dr. Allen C. Blaisdell, Uni-
versity of California and Father
George B. Ford, Columbia University.
The University Committee on Lat-
in-American Relations, of which
Prof. Nelson is chairman, is giving a
luncheon for the visitors tomorrow
noon. Tomorrow evening they are
invited to meet the students at the
International Center in an informal
Hooker To Lecture
On Overt Behavior
Dr. Davenport Hooker, head of the
Department of Anatomy at the Uni-
versity of Pittsburgh, will lecture on
"The Origin of. vert °Behavior" at
4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Rackham
He "ill Illustrate his lecture, which
is sponsored by the Department of
Anatomy, with slides and motion pic-
tWres. The public is invited to at-
Torma Will Speak
Saturday on Co-ops
Highlight of the Mid-West Feder-
ation of Campus Cooperatives con-
vention this week-end will be the
speech by William Torma of the Cen-
tral States Cooperative at 1:30 p.m.
Saturday in the Union.
Mr. Torma will discuss the rela-
tion of the campus cooperatives to
the cooperative movement as a
whole. Movies of cooperative activi-
ties will be shown after Mr. Torma's
talk. The public is invited to attend
this meeting.

Birtday Dinner

.to be feted today.
To Meet Today
'T'here will be a meeting at 7:30
p.m. today in the Union for all men
who are interested in acting as orien-
tation advisors for the summer term.
Men who wish to be advisors will
have to be in Ann Arbor from 4 p.m.
Tuesday, June 22, to 10 a.m. Satur-
day, June 26.
The number of freshmen entering
the University is not known defin-
itely due to the change in the begin-
ning date for the summer term. But
it is estimated that there will be
approximately 600. The number of
advisors which will probably be
needed is 30.

Prof. White To
Be Honored at
Birthday Dinner
Alumni and Friends
Are Sponsoring Party
For Engineer Today
Prof. Alfred H. White, founder of
the Department of Chemical En-
gineering of the University in 1914,
and chairman of the department
until his resignation in 1942, will be
honored by a special birthday dinneri
by alumni and his friends at 6:15
p.m. today in the Michigan Union
More than 350 guests are expected
to attend the dinner on the occasion
of Prof. White's seventieth birthday
and his retirement from the Univer-
sity faculty.
Following the banquet a special
program and reception for alumni
and friends will be held at the Union.
Harvey Merker, '09E, of the Parke
Davis Co., Detroit, will be toast-
master for the occasion.
Prof. White, who received both his
A.B. and B.S. degrees from the Uni-
versity of Michigan, has been con-
nected with the University engineer-
ing school since 1897.
He has studied at Polytechnicum,
Zurich, Switzerland, in' 1896-7, and
has served as an instructor in chem-
ical technology at the University of
Prof. White is a memiber of sev-
eral societies, including the American
Chemical Society, the American In-
stitute of Chemical Engineers, and
the Society of American Military ZF,-
gineers and the Arniy Ordnance As-


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