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Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except"Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
420 MAntSON AVe. New YORK. N. Y.
Editorial Stafff
Bud Brimmer . . . . . . Editorial Director
Leon Gordenker . . . . . . City Editor
Marion Ford . . . . . . Associate Editor
Charlotte Conover . . . . . Associate Editor
Betty Harvey . . . . . Women's Editor
James Conant . . . . . . Columnist
Business Staff
Elizabeth Carpenter . Local Advertising
Pat Gehlert . . . . . . . Circulation
'Jeanne Lovett . . . Service
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Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by membfrs of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
GOAL -$1,500:
Tag Day Drive Will Give
Boys Month Vacation
LET'S GIVE the kids a chance.
Tomorrow four hundred students will be on
hand to sell tags that will send a boy to camp
for a month.
The University of Michigan Tag Day drive,
now a twenty-three-year-old tradition, has a
goal of $1,500-enough to give 300 boys from
Detroit and metropolitan areas a four-week
vacation at the University Fresh Air Camp near
We don't have to be reminded that juvenile
delinquency is on the upswing. Every news-
paper, every magazine has some comment or
suggestion to make on the problem. Many of
the boys who are sent to the camp by social
agencies have already started the path to crime.
Many have not yet found their niche in life;
some have been able to adjust themselves to
their environment.
The problem of juvenile delinquency is par-
ticularly serious in the larger cities, and it is
this area which the University camp serves.
It is not impossible to understand why some
of the boys get started on the wrong road. They
have had nothing but the streets for a play-
ground; they have spent their time in the pool-
ropms. Many of those kids have never seen a
real woods or fished in a lake or gone on an over-
night camping trip.
Just by contributing our dime or quarter or
half-dollar tomorrow in the Tag Day drive, we
University students can give the kids a chance
for their first real vacation. - Virginia Rock
Closing Doors on Press
Is Rank Totalitarianism
IN THE CONDUCTING of a war to bring free-
dom to the peoples of the earth, the U.S. is
adopting a totalitarian policy which is so direct-
ly opposed to the very principles of freedom that
the avowed purpose of the war can only be as-
sumed a peculiarly ironic joke.
President Roosevelt's decision to exclude the
press from the United Nations Food Conference
at Hot Springs, Va. on May 18 not only smacks
of the swastika'but is a direct about-face from
the American democratic ideals which this coun-
try has followed ever since the Revolution.
The newspapers of America are the chief
source of public information. Without them the
people of this nation are as much in doubt as to
the policies of the Administration they elected
as are the people of Germany. By excluding the
representatives of the press from the Conference
the President is taking a page right out of Hit-
ler's book.
The question of whether the people of a nation
should have a voice in the government of their
country and a right to know what that govern-
ment is doing is supposedly one of the issues of
the war. By denying America the right to know
what decisions will be made on so vital a matter
as the handing out of their food supply is an
outrageous violation of the "guaranteed" free-
dom of the American press.
Reporters are not even going to be allowed to
sit in on the Conference, according to the pres-
Take 49t
Or ,/eave fit
By Jason ,
AS MY ROOMMATE SAYS, they're making you
actually want to join the Army.
First they kick you out of the East, Quad to
make room for the Air Corps. That's O.K.; the
soldiers need the place, and there's nothing
wrong with the West Quad that time won't cure.
I didn't like to move too much, of course, but
you can stand anything once.
Then the Army actually moves in, and every
second male you see on campus seems to be in
uniform. Makes you feel a little funny at first,
but you get used to it.
The war comes a little closer to home,
though, when you and your roommate walk
into Physics class at 8 o'clock one morning
and find the Army there ahead of you. You
blink sleepily at the rows of uniforms. Your
instructor says, "Shhh... this is the Army!"
and gently tells you that from now one some-
one else is taking over his class-up the stairs,
two doors to the left.
That was a tough break, you figure. Particu-
larly seeing as how he never took attendance.
THIS is only the beginning. They take your
dorm. They take your physics prof. They
ration food, and that really hurts, particularly
the way I eat. But there's more to come.
First, rumors start creeping in: "Saw her last
night with a soldier." You find out why you've
been having a little trouble recently.
Then. the parties start. Sororities, dorms,
Betsy Barbour, Jordan, Mosher-they all begin
entertaining soldiers. Practical patriotism in
a big way, particularly at the League, where
the hostesses wait with bear traps, 'tis said.
Stories in The Daily. Headlines, supplements,
features: "Soldiers Miss Women after 12:30 ..."
We civilians feel sort of left out at that point.
Particularly when Sunday's Detroit Times
comes out with a full page spread on Michigan's
Army men. Most students are in uniform, they
tell us. "Tripping downstairs with Miss Mary
Leigh Hughes are Pvt. David Engel and Pvt.
Ernest Leonardi" (under picture of privates trip-
ping, etc.) These ROTC cadets are men to
watch .. .
You guessed it, I'm jealous. I'm here for
another month, due to the accidents of war,
and I'm beginning to feel like a coal miner at
a Harvard class reunion.
THERE IS one place, though, I thought I could
sneak away to, when the uniforms get too
thick and they begin posting MP's around Jordan
Hall. It's a place where you go to enjoy the
beauties of spring and stuff like that.
I figured that, in the Arboretum, you could get
away from it all, and forget about the war, for
an hour or two. (This assumes I could get a
date-right now, I'm beginning to wonder.) That
would be one place you could have a little ri-
But, according to latest reports, the war has
hit even the Arboretum. The hills, a friend of
mine found, are covered with ten-year-olds, de-
fending Bataan. Most common are "hand gren-
ades" (beer cans on a stick.) The ringleader
they call "MacArthur;" after thoroughly dis-
turbing my friend's privacy, he told his followers,
finally: "back again next Saturday, same time."
Un-T..i t e *l r Aw.im thtd. +* s
I'd Rather
The Germans have taken a large district in
Western Hague, and converted it into a fortress.
The Dutch owners thereof have been tossed out,
paid off in paper. This is part of the process now
going on in the northern French coast, in the
Balkans, on the Riviera. Hitler is completing
"Festung Europa," his Fortress of Europe. The
man who proved that walls are no good is build-
ing a wall around a continent.
And only now there is released a secret
speech which Prime Minister Churchill de-
livered to the coal miners of Great Britain
last October 31. In this speech the Prime Min-
ister cited "stalemate" in the war as one of
the chief dangers facing Britain. Mr. Church-
ill said that Hitler was building his European
fortress, hoping it would hold for years, until
the grand alliance would disintegrate, until
the Allies would grow tired, fall out among
themselves, and make a compromise peace.
That speech was delivered during the very
week in which the clamor for a second front
was at its height. Eight days later, American
forces invaded French North Africa. That action
hushed the second front debate for the winter.
There is no explanation as to why the speech
is released now. It could be an indirect reply to
Spain's suggestion for a negotiated peace. Citing
something somebody said twenty-six weeks or
twenty-nine years ago is a favorite diplomatic
Mr. Churchill has recently lunched in state at
Spanish Embassy in London, thereby rather put-
ting himself out of position for telling the Span-
ish government that it knows what it can do. But
now it goes into the record that Mr. Churchill,
glaring into the future as recently as last Oc-
tober, foresaw a stalemate as in some respects
the most "insidious" danger facing the Allies.
First invasion was our danger; invasion of
England, of the Western Hemisphere. Now our
prospects have improved to the point where
stalemate is the danger.
And Festung Europa is being built, and Hitler
is waiting for certain processes to take effect
in the west; weariness, political disagreement,
perhaps change of administration; he is hoping
that a full, long, slow dose of time, taken raw,
may alter some of our ideas.
At this point, we have to take stock to see
which processes in American life (I will let the
English speak for themselves) aid in the creation
of stalemate. There are so many of them that
they hit the anxious searcher after truth full in
the face.
One is that persistent endeavor to turn our
attention away from Europe to far greater
concentration on the war in the Pacific. The
war in the Pacific deserves our most anxious
attention. The writer of these lines was, in
fact bewailing our sale of oil to Japan at a
time when the "pro-MacArthur isolationsts"
of today were wholly uninterested in either
war. But to pull any part of our forces away
from Europe now is exactly what the Festung
Europa needs. It is startling that some opion-
eers have even used the bestial murder of
American airmen by Japan as .iust one more
WASHINGTON, April 29.--Here
is what happened behind the
scenes last week in the coal mine
negotiations which made John L.
Lewis so boiling mad.
Charles O'Neill, representing the
Northern coal operators, flatly re-
fused to make any counter-pro-
posals to the United Mine Work-
ers' demand for a $2 a day in-
crease. Lewis had proposed that
even if the coal operators couldn't
meet those demands, they should
offer something and then, by con-
tinued negotiations, it might be
possible to find a basis for agree-
"Offer us something, even if it's
only two cents a day increase,"
pleaded the big miner, "so we'll
have something to negotiate on."
"No, we're standing pat," replied
O'Neill, knowing he had President
Roosevelt behind him, also want-
ing to get the dispute before the
War Labor Board. "We will agree
to no wage increase."
"All right, will you offer counter-
proposals to some of our other de-
mands, not involving money?"
Lewis persisted.
This met with another turn-
down from O'Neill, who had in-
sisted almost from the start of
conciliation talks in New York
that the mine dispute be turned
over to "the War Labor Board.
And he knew that any counter-
proposal by him would delay ref-
erence to the Board.
"Well, if that's the way you feel
about it, you know our position,"
exploded Lewis.
Post-War Plans . .
It seems to be the vogue to do
post-war planning now, and I'd like
to put in my two cents' worth.
The world would be divided up
into the following groups:
1. The British Empire, composed
of the British Empire as it existed
in pre-war days, plus the domin-
ions, plus the United States, and
its territories (the United States
could become a member "jut like
Scotland"). My, what a beautiful
union of English speaking peoples.
Isn't that what Big Bob McCor-
mick wants?
2. The so-called yellow races, the
Japs, and Chinese, etc., all forming
one jim dandy union. Then the Japs
could say no more about relieving
China of its white overlords. You
see, there would be no more Chinese
to be maltreated.
3. The South American countries
must remain separate, because they
might become imperialistic.
4.mEverybody else can go straight
to the devil. Except, of course,
that all countries should form an
alliance against big bad Russia,
and fight a most "glorious"war in
which Communism and bureaucra-
cy are completely and finally driv-
en from the earth. Amen!
After that we'd establish a system
to provide money for all the rich,
and to tax the poor. In that way,
there would be no more poor-every-
body who is poor would starve to
death-and the world would be such
a nice place to live in-only rich peo-
ple. Glory hallelujah!
We must be careful, though, that
$UREAUCRACY doesn't come
again into our glorious govern-
ment. If you want to know what
bureaucracy is, look in your daily
Hearst paper. So help me, you
can't miss it. You see, in my world
we eliminate all governments. Sim-
ple, isn't it?
You'll then ask, what about the
different governments that I already
set up. The answer is this. After
they've been set up (the United
States part of Britain, etc.) they
have become inefficient, so we must
abolish them and do away with bur-
Well, after that, we close our
doors and try to become self-suffi-
cient. However, it doesn't work.
So, we have an exciting, bang-up
war with only about 5 millions dy-
ing, and then we conclude a peace,
and start again from scratch. Isn't
it lots of fun?
- George E. Markwitz
(Continued from Page 3)
V-12's who are assigned to medical
training may be ordered to active duty at
some Base Hospital pending a vacancy in
the school to which such applicant shall
be assigned for his medical training.
V-1 pre-medical students who are ex-
cused from taking the Qualifying Exami-
nation on April 20, 1943, will be transferred
to V-12 upon completion of pre-medical
Probationary commissions in the Medi-
cal and Dental Corps are still being is-
mued as of this date.
Since an individual is eligible for H-V
(P) as soon as he has been accepted by a
Class A Medical or Dental School he may
request transfer to H-V (P) even though
he will not complete his pre-medical
training prior to July 1, 1943. It is to be
noted that all acceptances to Class A Med-
ical Schools are upon the condition that
the student will meet the prescribed re-;
quirements for entrance. V
Pre-medical and pre-dental students will
be automatically assigned to medical or
dental schools in the Navy College Train-
ing Program as vacancies in quota exist. i
Pre-medical and pre-dental students will
be assigned to Pre-medical or Pre-dentalI
Schools inasmuch as such Is indicated as
their major field of study.
-- B. D. Thuma
Sophomore and Junior Engineering Stu-
dents: All sophomore and junior engi-
neering students, subjedt 'to Selective
Service, who wish voluntary induction and
assignment to the Army Specialized Train-
ing Program are asked to leave their names
at 1508 Rackham Building as soon as pos-
sible. - B. D. Thuma
To the Members of the Faculty of the
College of Literature, Science, and the
The May meeting of the Faculty of the
College of Literature, Science, and the
Arts will be held on Monday, May 3, at
4:10 p.m. in Room 1025 Angell Hall.
-Edward H. Kraus
Faculty, College of Engineering: There
will be a meeting of the Faculty On Fri-
day, April 30. at 4:15 p.m., in Room 348,
west Engineering Building. Agenda: (a)
Routine Business; (b) Consideration of
recommendation from the Standing Com-
mittee concerning uniform programs and
use of texts in elementary courses.
A. H. Lovell, Secretary
To all staff members and employees:
All those who find it necessary to file
requests for supplementary gasoline ra-
tion for passenger cars ("B" or "0" Book)
for either driving to and from work, driv-
ing personal car on University business,
or to carry on other occupations, should
mail their original applications or renew-
als to H. S. Anderson at the Buildings and
Grounds Department, University Ext. 317,
and not directly to the Local Gasoline
Rationing Board. These applications must
be approved by the Committee in charge
of the Organized Transportation Plan in
the University and transmitted by it to
the rationing board.
Any information concerning supple-
mentary gasoline rationing should be ob-
tained by calling University Extension 317.
L. M. Gram, Chairman,
Organized Transportation Plan
Choral Union Members: There will be a
special rehearsal on Friday evening, April
30, at Hill Auditorium for part drills, as
Basses- :30-9:00
Hardin Van Deursen,
Notice to Men Students in Rooping
Men students living in Approved Room-
ing Houses who intend to move from their
present quarters at the end of the Spring
Term must give notice in writing to the
Dean of Students before 4:00 p.m. on
Thursday, May 6. Forms for this purpose
may be secured in Room 2, University Hall.
The official closing date for contracts in
rooming houses will be May 27, and room
rent shall be computed to include this
date, excepting for seniors and other stu-
dents who for one reason or another may
wish to occupy their rooms for a longer
period. In this case, the rent shall be
computed to include the extra time the
room is occupied.
C. T. Olmsted,
Assistant Dean of students
Senior women interested in enlisting in
the WAVES, the WAACs, or the SPARs
should contact Dean Alice Lloyd, Dr.
Margaret Bell, or Dr. Margaret Elliott
Tracy before applying to recruitment
headquarters. Seniors applying for these
services must have a letter of recom-
mendation from this committee as part
of their application materials.
Alice 'C. Lloyd,
Dean of Women
Women: The Goodyear Aircraft Corpora-
tion is offering a Junior Engineer College
Program starting in June. A salary is
paid during the training period of six
months. Employment is offered in Akron
at the end of this time. Complete details
are available at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments. Please come in to look at the
requirements during office hours 9-12 and
2-4, or call Ext. 371.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
Mail is being held at the. Business of-
fice of the University ,for the following
Captain Jean V. Carter, Helene Eckel,
I. W. Freeman, Pvt. Jack R. Hoza, Pvt.
Herbert R. Kocher, Pvt. Bernard Lang,
Cpt. Fred Liscum, Lt. H. E. McDonald,
M. A. Otero, Jr., Pvt. William Pugh, Pvt.
George F. Reynolds, Captain Shelly Swift,
Lt. H. E. Tompkins, Helen E. Ward.
University Lecture: Dr. Davenport Hooker,
American Society of the University of
Michigan, on Tuesday. May 4. at 8:00
p.m. in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham
Faculty, students, and townspeople are
welcome to the lecture, which will be de-
ivered in English and without charge,
Academic Notices
Zoology Seminar: Report will be given
by Mr. John Greenbank on "Winter-kill
of Fish" tonight at 7:30 in the East Lec-
ture Room of the Rackham Building (Mez-
zanine floor).
ROTC Drill: "Co.D' will 'Fall In' on
Hoover Street in front of the IM Build-
ing, in uniform with rifles.
Directed Teaching, Qualifying Examina-
tion: Students expecting to elect D100
(Directed Teaching) next semester are
required to pass a qualifying examination
in the subject which they expect to teach.
rhis examination will be held on Satur-
lay, May 1, at 1:00 p.m. Students will
meet in the auditorium of the University
High School. The examination will con-
sume about four hours' time; promptness
is therefore essential.
Teacher's Certificate, May 1943 Candi-
dates: The Comprehensive Examination
in Education Will be given on Saturday,
Mfay 1 from 1:30 to 4:30 in the auditorium
of University High School. Pinted infor-
mnation regarding the examination may be
ecured in the School of Education Office.
Doctoral Examination for Harry Clinch
Stumpf, Metallurgical Engineering; the-
sis: "The Phase Equilibrium Diagram for
the system NO-Cr2O3 Between 800CC and
1450C," will be held today in 3201 East
Engineering, at 2:30 p.m. Chairman, L.
By action of the Executive Board, the
Chairman may invite members of the
faculties and advanced doctoral candidates
to attend the examination and he may
grant permission to those Who for suffi-
aient reason might wish to be present.
- C. S. Yoakum
Doctoral Examination for Frances Armi-
stead' Schofield, Biological Chemistry; the-
sis: "A Comparative Study of the Metab-
olism of Amino Derivatives of Propionic
Acid," will be held today in 313 West
Medical Building, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman,
H. B. Lewis.
By action of the Executive Board, the
Chairman may invite members of the fac-
ulties andd advanced doctoral candidates
to attend the examination and he may
grant permission to those who for suffi-
cient reason might wish to be present.
- C. S. Yoakum
Carillon Concert: Percival Price, Uni-
versity Carillonneur, has included two of
his compositions for carillon in the pro-
gram for 7:15 this evening. The recital
will open with the Andante from the 6th
Symphony by Haydn, followed by Caril-
lon Prelude 7, Fugue 2, and Sonata for 48
Bells by Professor Price, and will be con-
cluded with a group of songs by Williams,
Godard, Wolf and Hoist.
Exhibition, College of Architecture and
Townsite projects and housing plans
for the Willow Run area showing photo-
graphs, drawings, models, and cost data.
Both professional projects and studet
studies are shown. Third floor 'Exhibition
Room, Architecture Building. Open daily
9 to 5 except Sunday through April 30.
The public is invited.
Exhibition: Pottery by Foster and Haile
Sponsored by the Museum of Art- and
Archaeology, April 29 to May 12, 2 to 5
daily except Sunday. Galleries of the
Rackham Building.
Events Today
The International Relations Club will
hold its luncheon meeting today at 12:15
p.m. at the Union, when its guest speak-
er, Dr. Edgar J. Fisher, Assistant Director
of the Institute of International Educa-
tion, formerly of Robert College, Istanbul,
will speak on "The Near East and World
War II." The luncheon is limited to mem-
bers of the club only for whom reserva-
tions have already been made.
Phi Tau Alpha will have an informal
supper tonight at 6:30 in the Fireplace'
room (basement) of Lane Hal.
The regular Thursday evening recorded
program in the Men's Lounge of the Rack-
ham Building at 8:00 p.m. will be as fol-
Brahms: Concerto No. 2 in B-flat major,
for Piano and Orchestra.
Haydn: Symphony No. 101 in D-major
Handel: Concerto in B-minor for Viola and
Chamber Orchestra.
Beethoven: Symphony No. 6 (Pastoral).
The Sociedad Hispanica presents "Para-
guayan Night," featuring Dr. Luis Rami-
rez, who will speak on his country, tonight
at 8:00 in the League.
All sorority house presidents are asked
to bring the World Student Service Fund
world banks to the meeting today. Be
sure that the name of your house is in-
cluded so that results can be tallied.
Coming Events
The Spring Initiation and dinner of Phi
Kappa Phi Honor Society will be held Fri-
day, April 30, at 6:00 p.m. in the Ball-
room of the Michigan League. The ad-
dress will be given by Dr. Malcolm H.
Soule, Professor of Bacteriology and Chair-
man of the Hygienic Laboratory, on the
subject. "Infectious Diseases in South
America." A few reservations may still
be made. All members of Phi Kappa Phi
are eligible to attend.
Health Films: The Health Education
with giving precedence to large war-
And also the Army's revelation of
the fact that we are so concerned
about civilian feelings that we have
used machinery for synthetic rubber
that might have gone into producing