J IDA AGL FOUR- THE MICHIGAN DALY WEDNESDAY, APRII. 28, 1943 PAEFORWENSDY ARL 8 14 Federationof Big Ten Co-ops To Meet Here Delegates To Discuss Future of Cooperatives At Week-end Gathering The riid-West Federation of Cam- pus Cooperatives will hold its semi- annual convention Friday, Saturday and Sunday in the Union. Delegates from most of the Big Ten colleges will attend to discuss a blueprint of the future of the co- operative federation. Friday the group will consider current problems in relation to the blueprint. "Edu- cation, Personnel and Finance in the Blueprint" will be the topic of a panel discussion to be held Saturday. Highlight of the week-end will be the speech by William Torma of the Central States Cooperative Saturday in the Union. Mr. Torma will dis- cuss the relation of the campus co- operatives to :the cooperative move- ment as a whole. The public is in- vited to attend this meeting. The delegates and members of the University campus cooperatives will meet Saturday afternoon to break ground for the ICC Victory Garden near the Fairgrounds. A wiener roast and dance will be held after work on the farm has been com- pleted. The convention will conclude its activities Sunday at a business meet- ing. Officers will be elected and the blueprint will be officially adopted. War Loan Quota May Be Topped WASHINGTON, April 27.- (A)- With less than $500,000,000 needed to reach the goal of $13,000,000,000 in the second war loan drive, treas- ury officials. predicted- tonight the loan will be. substantially oversub- scribed when $2,000,000,000 in two per centboqnds is made available to commercial banks ,tomorrow. An estimated additional $200,000,- 000 in bonds were sold over the week- end, bringing the total to $12,528,- 0000,000. The greatest financing campaign in history opened, on April 12 and will close Saturday night. S. New under-ea m Cream Deodorant sfey Stops Perspiration 1. Does not rot dresses or men's shirts. Does not irritate skin. 2. No waiting to dry. Can be used right after shaving. 3. Instantly sto s perspiration for 1 to 3 days. Prevents odor. 4. A path, white, greaseless, .,stanless vanishng cream. L. Awarded Approval Seal of Amercan Insttt f Lunder- fabric. 30a jar Also in O and59jars 41 1m Inter-Guild To Meet Saturday For Annual SpringConference Student representatives from sev- en Protestant Church groups will Spring Conference to be held this Saturday at Fritz Park, Lew Howard, president of Inter-Guild, announced yesterday. The main theme of the conference will be "Personal Religion in the Current Crisis," and separate discus- sions on the various phases of the question will be led by students. Two hours of the day-conference will be devoted to a discussion of special problems thatuconfront church guilds, both as individual bodies and as a single group. Howard Fulsher, Army ROTC, will lead the discussion of the military question on campus. The problems of guild programs and social service will be discussed in a second panel, led by Dorothy Briddon, '43. Fred McKinney, '45P, will deal with the question of guild recreation, and Charles Erickson, Grad., will take charge of the discussion on adminis- tration, leadership, membership and publicity. A general summary and a free-for- all' discussion on the questions and conclusions proposed by the indi- vidual panels will be led by Lew Howard, president of Inter-Guild. Robert Muir, curate for St. An- drew's Episcopal Church, will give 'the keynote address for the main theme of the Conference-"Personal Religion in the Current Crisis." Among the problems to be considered in the discussion following, the talk are: Has war changed personal re-j ligion?; Can we} reconcile our re- ligion with the war?; What is man's purpose in existing?; Is the church' necessary in religion? Post-War Panel' Meets T onight (Continued from Page 1) lined which will include a lecture and a parley. The Council drew up a petition di- rected to the literary college request- ing that Social Studies 93, a course in sociology, political science and history be continued for the summer term. The Speakers Bureau of the speech department reported that sev- eral students and faculty members are prepared to give talks on post- war topics in dormitories and fra- ternity and sorority houses. ASME To See Movie May 5 The regular meeting of the Michi- gan chapter of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, which will be held at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 5, in the Union, will feature motion pictures on engineering subjects. "Cannon on Wings," a technicolor sound picture about the Bell Airco- bra, and "Sand and Flame," a Gen- eral Motors release concerning the manufacture of glass from sand, are the films to be presented. Information will be given at the meeting boncerning the Midwest Col- lege ASME Convention which will be held May 8 at Michigan State College in East Lansing. Dr. Hooker Will Lecture Friday on Overt Behavior Dr. Davenport Hooker, head of the Department of Anatomy at the Uni- versity of Pittsburgh, wil present a lecture illustrated with slides and motion pictures on the topic "The Origin of Overt Behavior" at 4:15 p.m. Friday, in the Rackham Amphi- theatre. His lecture is sponsored by the Department of Anatomy. The public is invited to attend. April Technic Will .Be Sold Here Tomorrow Servicemen's Life 'EVENING OF FUN': International Night' To Benefit WSSF Will Be Held Friday I -----""" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) of the McDonnell Aircraft Corporation, St. Louis, Missouri, will interview May and September graduates for positions, on Fri- day, April 30. Interested men will please sign the interview schedule posted on the Aeronautical Engineering Bulletin Board, near Room B-47, East Engineering guild- ing. Interviews will be held in Room 3205 Last Engineering Building. students: A list of graduates and former students now in Military Service is being compiled at the Alumni Catalogue Office. This list already numbers approximately 6,000. If you are entering Military Service, please see that your name is included in this list by reporting such information to the Alumni Catalogue Office. This cour- tesy will be greatly appreciated. Lunette Hadley, Director Alumni Catalogue Office Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Davenport Hooker, head- of the Department of Anatomy, Uni- versity of'Pittsburgh, and Editor of. the Journal of Comparative Neurology, will lecture on the subject, "The Origin of Overt Behavior" . (illustrated with slides and motion pictures) on Friday, April 30, at' 4:15' p~m., in the Rackham Amphi- theatre; auspices of the Department of Anatomy. The public is cordially invited. Biological Station Lecture: There will be an illustrated lecture on the Univer-I sity of Michigan Biological Station in Room 2116 Natural Science Building at 4:10 p.m. today. All who are interested are cordially invited. The fourth and final Hillel Marriage Lecture on "The Medical Aspects of Mar- riage" ,,il take place this evening at 8:00 at the Hillel Foundation. Dr. Jack Agins of the Florence Crittenton Hospital in Detroit will be the speaker. Everyone is invited. Admission free. Academic Notices Zoology seminar: Report will be given by Mr. John Greenbank on "Winter-kill of Fish" on Thursday, April 29, at 7:30 p.m. in the East Lecture Room of the Rackham Building (Mezzanine floor). ROTC Drill (Wednesday Section): All cadets will 'Fall In' on Hoover Street, in front of the IM Building, in uniform with rifles. Doctoral Examination for Harry Clinch Stumpf, Metallurgical Engineering; the- sis: "The Phase Equilibrium Diagram for the system NiO-Cr2O3 Between 800*C and 1450oC," will be held on Thursday, April 29, in 3201 East Engineering, at 2:30 p.m. Chairman, L. Thomassen. By action of the Executive Board, the Chairman may invite members of the' faculties and advanced doctoral candidates to, attend the examination and he may' grant permission to those who for suffi- )ient reason might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum Doctoral Examination for Frances Armi- stead Schofield, Biological Chemistry; the- sis: "A Comparative Study of the Metab- olism of Amino Derivatives of Propionic Acid," will be held on Thursday, April 29, in 31, West Medical Building, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, H. B. Lewis. By action of the Executive Board, the Chairman may invite members of the fac- ulties and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examination and he may grant permission to those who for suffi- cient reason might wish to be present. - C. S. Yoakum Concerts May Festival Performers: Salvatore Baccaloni, Basso Buffo, Wed- nesday night. Fritz Kreisler, Violinist, Thursday night. Frederick Jagel, Tenor, Thursday and Saturday nights. Astrid Varney, Soprano, Friday after- noon. Lily Pons, Soprano, Friday night. Vladimir Horowitz, Pianist, Saturday af- ternoon. Kerstin Thorborg, Contralto, Saturday night. Stella Roman, Soprano, Saturday night. Alexander Kipnis, Bass, Saturday night. Eugene Ormandy, Conductor, Wednes- day and Thursday nights, and Saturday afternoon and night. Saul Caston, Conductor, Friday after- noon and night. Hardin Van Deursen, Conductor, Thurs- day night. Marguerite Hood, Conductor, Friday af- ternoon. Philadelphia Orchestra at all concerts. University Choral Union, Thursday and Saturday nights. Festival Youth Chorus, Friday afternoon. Stanley and Stock choral works, Thurs- day night. Verdi's Requiem, Saturday night. A limited number of tickets for the in- dividual concerts are available at the offi- ces of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower. Carillon Concert: Percival Price, Uni- versity Carillonneur, has included two of his compositions for carillon in the pro- gram for 7:15 Thursday evening, April 29. The recital will open with the Andante from the 6th Symphony by Haydn, fol- lowed by Carillon Prelude 7, Fugue 2, and Sonata for 48 Bells by Professor Price, and will be concluded with a group of songs by Williams, Godard, Wolf and Holst. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: Townsite projects and housing plans for the Willow Run area showing photo- graphs, drawings, models, and cost data. Both professional projects and studenit studies are shown. Third floor Exhibition Room, Architecture Building. Open daily 9 to 5 except Sunday through April 30. The public is invited. Exhibit: Museum of Art and Archaeol- ogy, Newberry Hall. Arts and crafts'of a Roman provincial town in Egypt. Events Today Sigma Xi Banquet: The annual ban- quet and initiation of the Michigan Chap- ter of the Society of the Sigma Xi will be held this evening at 6:30' in the ballroom of the Michigan League. 'Dr. Charles F. McKhann, Professor of Pediatrics and Communicable Diseases in the Medical School, will, speak on "Nutrition in In- fancy." Only tickets ordered in advancej may be purchased at the door. 'Those not being initiated or promoted may sit at any table not bearing a nmnber. Initiates will please sit at the table indicated on their tickets. Annual Luncheon of' Faculty Women's Club will be held at 1:00 p.m. today in the ballroom of the Michigan-League. Dr. Jane E. Hawks of Michigan State College will speak 'on "Wartime Food Preserva- tion." Facilities will be available for buy- ing war bonds. Junior Girls' Project will hold a mass meeting for all,-sophomore women at 4:45 p.m. today in the League ballroom. Varsity Glee Club: All members who are free this afternoon at 5:00 p.m. are requested to meet at that time in front of the library to help in the preparations for the campus sing. Rehearsal tonight at 7:30. Concert tomorrow night. Meet in the Union at 7:15 p.m. Sophomore orientation advisers for next year scheduled to meet today; those who wish to attend J.G.P. mass meeting may meet at 4:45 p.m. on Thursday, April 29, in the Grand Rapids Room, League. Coming Events The regular Thursday evening recorded program in the Men's Lounge of the Rack- ham Building at 8:00 p.m. Will be as fol- lows: Brahms: Concerto No. 2 in B-flat major, for Piano and Orchestra. Haydn: Symphony No. 101 in D-major (Clock). Handel: Concerto in B-minor for Viola apd Chamber Orchestra. Beethoven: Symphony No. 6 (Pastoral). All sorority house presidents are asked to bring the World Student Service Fund world banks to the meeting on Thursday, April 29. Be sure that the name of your house is included so that results can be tallied. On Campus To Be Featured in Issue An article on service units on cam- pus, describing the life, study and leisure of men in the armed service stationed here, will be featured in the April issue of the Michigan Technic which will be on sale after 10 a.m. tomorrow and all day Friday. This issue will contain an article by Prof. Henry C. Adams of the naval architecture and marine engineering department on "Arithmetical Inte- gration," demonstrating the more common rules of integration and their application to engineering prob- lems. "Production of Polystyrene," by Lloyd Danielson, 143E, will deal with the production and application of polystyrene plastics in industry. Featured in "Technic Presents" this issue will be Prof. Arnold M. Kuethe of the aeronautical engin- eering department, and three stu- dents, Keith Smith, Roy Bradley and Howard Howerth. The article will include pictures and short biographi- cal sketches of each person. The sixth in a series of professional ethics problems will also be present- ed in this issue. The deadline for solutions to this month's problem will be May 7, instead of May 3 as had been planned. New assistant editor for this issue will be Robert Overcashier, '44E. The magazine will be sold above the arch, in front of the secretary's office in the West Engineering Build- ing, and in the lobby of the ast En- gineering Building. Colombian Tells Of Native Muste "The popular music of Colombia is the result of the racial mixture of the Indian, Spanish and Negro elements of art and folksongs," Jose Perdomo, graduate student of Colombia, stated in a lecture yesterday in the sixth of the series on Inter-Americanism sponsored by the Latin-American Society. Mr. Perdomo stressed the four facial sources of Colombian music. They are Indian, Spanish and com- binations of the two plus an import- ant Negro influence. Colombian mu- sic has undergone a slow growt from the primitive native drum dances to the modern Samba and Rhumba which has become im- mensely popular in both South and North America. "Music may be the uniting force that will bring the two Americas to- gether in common union," Mr. Per- domo said. "The power of music is boundless, for it speaks the languag of the world." . Michigan Leads Nation In Tin and Fats Salvage LANSING, April 27.- ()-Michi- gan tops the nation in tin can sal. vage currently and "has the besi quota performance" of any state i household fats collection, the Stat Salvage Committee reported today f "There'll be an evening of fun, with square dancing, special booths, and a floor show, waiting for all stu- dents and faculty members who come to 'International Night' Friday at Lane Hall," Elaine Spangler, '43, social chairman, said yesterday. Beginning at 8:30 p.m., there will be a special caller to direct the square dancing and folk dancing. At the same time five or six booths will be open for business in the basement. All booths have been planned and will be run by members of the stu- dent Protestant Church guilds. Fea- tured among them will be a fortune teller, a silhouette cutter and a dart- throwing game. Plans completed for the floor show include five special acts, featuring a native Hawaiian girl performing a hula, a group of special Italian songs, done cabaret style by Harriet Porter, '44SM, and a series of dramatic read- ings by Clarence Foster, Grad., The floor show, to last one hour, will begin at 10:30 p.m. The Lane Hall quartet, composed of Frank Bender, '43, Greg Hileman, '43, Clarence Foster, Grad., and Jack Muehl, '43, will also make a special appearance. Blanche Holpar,.'44, of Play Production, will perform a Hun- garian dance. "International Night" is sponsored by the International Center, Inter- Guild, and the central committee of the World Student Service Fund. All proceeds from the program will be turned over to the WSSF. Tickets are now on sale at the League, the Union and in Lane Hall. non IT'S (: L ?/on oom TIME . A scentthat's contrived to remind you of one of America's most romantic eras. Frankly sentimental, it's as appealing as a southern nosegay. Cotton Blossom, as advertised in VOGUE, ushers in the cotton season. Other fragrances: Woodland Spice, and Plantation Garden. 1.25 Cologne Talcum in sugar shaker 50c Bubble Bath Crystals 1.50 Three bars of soap 1.00 CALKINS - FLETCHER DRUG STORES 324 South State 818 South State I m p 4K M s ' f " r t I f Beautiful new prints at prices to sing about - they're beacon-bright -fun to wear! Vivid tropical prints, floral or nosegay prints . novelties . .. checks ... polka dots. Your favorite shirtwaist, two-piece effect, casual "date" dresses. With pleats, shirring, other new details. Sizes 9-17, 12-44, 16%-262 from8 8.9 Better prints to $22.95 i - mmmm Smooth Sailing to Beauty JAA 1lYpe o ,.Oi Vto',. Choose WO"i h~aus rts3 tweeds, gbard ili Cs or overts. I~ti!reicats *-- AA5 { t vaed O .3 4 " r tl ,. Take a hint from her -a sham- poo and wave will make you l~rt wi enr cm7- t . YP7/7 t Before the boat sails! She wants to hurry over to Genevieve's to t .a ' ..nrA .,annr..rp *fa ar II MA'J tir i 11 111I 11 I I I I