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April 28, 1943 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-04-28

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Cj--r - - ~t
Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited tit or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan,-as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43

"Yes, Fritz-but remember what they did to the old Bastille."


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Reciprocity Treaties
Should Be Maintained
TIMES may change, but the Republicans never
do. They discovered the issue of high pro-
tectionism over a half century ago and they've
been riding with the same idea ever since. The
higher the walls, the happier the GOP was. And
then came Cordell Hull, the New Deal and re-
ciprocal trade treaties.
These treaties sadly disrupted the GOP theme
song for some time. High protectionalism seemed
headed to its death bed. 'Economists shouted,
"Amen." The idea worked. Cautious members
of the opposition party in recent Congresses have
wept and wailed, have shouted and cried about
Argentina beef and Canadian wheat. Why do
they single these articles to rant about? Because
the great mid-western farmer, the backbone of
the yearly defeated Republican party, has great
interest in beef and wheat.
Still reciprocal trade treaties, although not
perfect, continue to do effectively the work for
which they were designed. Relations with
other nations were bettered, and South Ameri-
cans almost reached the state where they
could say "United States" without the words
sounding like blasphemy.
AND NOW the time has come again when the
trade policy of the nation will be decided
upon by Congress. Today, the extension of the
Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act is before the
House Ways and Means Committee.
With characteristic inactivity the Republicans
are viewing the extension of the bill with "little
interest." Standing firmly in front of the bill
the party arranges itself to pull out every issue
they have ever disliked to prevent this, their pet
gripe, from passing.
Weary political scientists have worked
through a maze of data year after year, won-
dering just what makes the mid-western farm-
er repeatedly vote for the high tariff issue
when it obviously has never aided him.
But evidently the mid-western farmer never
changes either, because his Congressmen rave
on in the same vein as a decade ago. Outstand-
ing example of this still flourishing if useless
class is the veteran professional politician Rep.
Harold Knutson of Minnesota.
When he was examining the testimony of
one of Hull's assistants recently he brought
into the testimony every old issue from the
murder of the little pigs, through Mrs. Roose-
velt's column and to the old anti-British argu-
He is but one of the Republicans who have
been tossing political monkey wrenches into the
reciprocal trade agreement hearings. Most ridic-
ulous charge was Rep. Bertrand W. Gearhart's
made that the Aperican reciprocal trade nego-
tiators were responsible for the war.
DR. FRANCIS B. SAYRE, assistant to Secre-
tary of State Hull, was the victim of his ti-
rade. After repeating the age-mellowed high
tariff arguments, Rep. Gearhart dug deeply into
his imagination and came out with the state-
ment, "You quarantined the Nazis by encircling
Germany with trade treaties."
His statment collapses under the facts of the
case. The State Department pointed out that
there was no German reciprocal trade treaty
because the Germans refused to accept the
American principle of no discrimination in inter-
national commerce.

Irish Republican Army
Should Be Supp resed
T HE IRISH Republican Army must be ruth-
lessly suppressed now.
(Hugh McAteer, Chief of Staff of the outlawed
IRA, :made that clear to Americans on April 24,
when he threatened that American troops would
before long be involved in hostilities with the
Irish Republic.
The outlawed Irish "storm trooper" who has a
price of 3,000 pounds ($12,000) on his head made
this statement in an audacious appearance in a
movie theatre in North Irish (British) Belfast,
as part of a "fascistic" celebration of the Easter
Technically the IRA has been outlawed both
in North -Ireland and Eire and is being hunted
down by military and civil police. Actually It
seems evident that there has been a lot of
pussy-footing in the task of suppression, pri-
marily for fear of offending the United States.
THE FINANCIAL support for the IRA has al-
ways come largely from Irish-Americans, and
the influence of this group in the American po-
litical arena has had the effect of sugar-coating
British anti-IRA measures.
It is about time that the American public
realized the danger to whole anti-Axis cam-
paign of these IRA "fascists" -who have been
exploiting America's great admiration and
sympathy for Eire and Irish for their own
"pro-Nazi" ends.
American newspaper editors must no longer
straddle the fence on this vital issue. Let us
urge our British allies to wipe out this menace
now, ruthlessly if need be, with our blessings.
-Ed Podliashuk
Finland Must Decide
Between Allies, Nazis
THE CAUTIOUS FINNS, who have been play-
ing puppets as a buffer nation between both
the Axis and the Allies, will have to come to a
definite understanding with the Allies concern-
ing their foreign policies or completely subjugate
themselves to the Nazi regime.
America's action in withdrawing the bulk of
its legation staff from Helsingfors may well make
the Finns pause for thought.
Briefly, their problem is this: Should they
acquiesce with the Allied proposal and sign a
separate treaty with Russia, thus endangering
their relations with the ruthless Nazis, or
should they fall in line with the Germans by
signing Hitler's new "European Charter" and
renew offensive operations against Leningrad?
Obviously, the situation of the Finns is a
ticklish one. A decision one way or the other
will lay Finland at the mercy of either the Allies
or the Nazis.
NEVERTHELESS, the Finns are now almost
wholly dependent on the Germans for food.
Before they will consider signing a treaty with
Russia, they want a guarantee against being
ultimately engulfed by Russia and assurance
that the Allies can supply them with food.
The decision rests with the Finns. They will
not be able to listen to the threats of the Nazif'
with one ear and the proposals of the Allies with
tha nt -hrnuch loner without tkin stn in

I'd Rather
Be Right
NEW YORK, April 27.- It certainly was a
great day for the Allies, earlier this week. Russia
broke off relations with Poland. A newspaper
columnist, Mr. Drew Pearson, quoted Mr. Roose-
velt directly as quoting Mr. Churchill directly to
the effect that de Gaulle could be made to behave
because the English "paid him", i.e., financially
supported his movement. Then it turned out
that we had sent 200,000 gallons of lubricating
oil to Franco from Philadelphia, at a time when
high-grade lubricating oil is worth its weight in
blood to the Axis.
Simultaneously, the Chicago Tribune began
its new editorial campaign suggesting that
Australia, Canada, England, Scotland, Wales,
etc., come into our country as additional states,
if they really feel so big a yen for international
cooperation. . The Nazi radio took the line up
at once, warning Britain'that if it continued
to fight it would end up as another Kansas In
the American system.
0, it was a great day for the Allies, all right.
It turned out, too, that Mr. William Phillips, the
President's special envoy in India, had asked
permission to interview Gandhi, and had been
turned down by the "Indian government;" India
suddenly developing a government when one is
required for such purposes as this.
Emergency action is needed to restore order in
the house of the United Nations. To start with
one of the smaller cases, there should be a
prompt repudiation by Mr. Roosevelt and Mr.
Churchill, both, of any suggestion that either
"pays" General de Gaulle. One can see that
French turn-coat, Marcel Deat, publishing a
gloating piece in his Paris L'Ouevre, or whatever
the devil he calls his rag these days, about how
de Gaulle is a "paid agent" of the Anglo-Saxon
world. De Gaulle's movement may be finan-
cially supported by Britain, as it certainly should
be, in the same sense in which Mr. Churchill's
movement is supported by us through lend-lease,
but that hardly constitutes "pay." That ar-
rangement would not make de Gaulle a paid
agent of Britain any more than lend-lease makes
'Mr. Churchill a paid agent of America, and these
points must be made clear at once.
It is highly unusual for any reporter to quote
the President directly, between actual quotation
marks, and one is compelled to ask whether Mr.
Pearson was handed this story by anyone within
the administration.
The Russian-Polish break is the first formal
break between any two of the United Nations.
This break tells us that Russia will work with
the other United Nations, if the other United
Nations will work with Russia, but, if not,
Russia is fully prepared to follow an indepen-
dent policy of her own, and withouit advance
warning, or hesitancy, or shyness, or coyness.
I would have much preferred to see Russia
make a direct appeal to the other United Na-
tions to help reshape the Polish attitude, before
taking this major decision. If the United States
had unilaterally broken off with one of the
United Nations, that criticism would certainly
have been heard. And Russia has a good case,
in the avidity with which the Polish government-
in-exile fell upon the German story that Russia
had murdered 10,000 Polish officers, and shouted

WASHINGTON, April 28.- It
seems inconceivable that war con-
tractors could conjure up any more
devices for swelling the cost of the
war than those already being com-
mitted under the head of "admin-
istrative expenses" in cost-plus
However, the shipping industry
has thought up a new one-charg-
ing charity contributions to the
Since last October, shippingj
companies have been charging
up to "overhead expense" their
donations to the United Sea-
men'e Service, an organization
which maintains rest homes for
torpedoed merchant seamen.
This "overhead expense" is
passed Gn to the government
through cost-plus contracts.
Amazing fact is that the War
Shipping Administration fully ap-
proves, even encourages, this prac-
tice. On Oct. 7, William Radner,
WSA general counsel, sent a confi-
dential "Legal Bulletin to all mer-
chant ship operators giving his
blessing. He said.
"Inquiries have been received as
to whether contributions made by
agents (shipping companies), un-
der service agreements, to United
Seamen's Service, Inc., are reim-
bursable, or may be considered as
part of the agent's overhead ex-
penses under general order No. 12.
"Although contributions by ag-
ents to United Seamen's Service,
Inc., are not reimbursable under
the provisions of the service agree-
ments, the amounts of such con-
tributions may be included in the
overhead expense of the agents in
calculating any adjustment of
compensation under the provisions
of sections 10 and 11 of general
order No. 12."
One of the companies which
stands to benefit by this order is
which Barbara Herrinton has
already supplied in these columns
give your reviewer a sense of re-
dundancy. Yet it must be said
that the Cercle Francais presenta-
tion of Pailleron's difficult play,
Ie Monde ou l'on s'ennuie, has
more than measured up to advance
billing. Professor Koella has again
shown that he is a past master in
play-direction, let alone the grim
task of training his cast to use a
foreign language with spontaneous
I have been told, with firmness,
to save my personal synthesis of
French literature for another day:
consequently, I shall even skip the
play. For that matter, the cast
could be dismissed with equal un-
concern, as the players must al-
ready have awareness of a job well
done. Suzanne, the most difficult
part in the play, was handled with
admirable naturalness by Shirley
Robin. Constance Taber gave an
intelligent interpretation of a part
somewhat less astringent than her
skillful acting a year ago in La
Belle Aventure; Sally Levy's Com-
tesse de Ceran was more subdued
than the resolute if unsubtle Mme.
d'Eguzon required last spring.
Warner Heineman deserves special
honors for transforming Pailleron's
stuffy male lead into a genuine
comedy personage.
OUTSTANDING among the other
players was Robert Berahya
for his able rendering of the pro-
fessorial hanger-on Bellac. Helene
Sieg and Frank MacLear pulled all
the proper stops as the politics-
ridden couple; Hazel Batchelor's

English girl showed especially well
in the final act; Richard Koppitch
carried his advancing years effec-
tively as the scholar-intriguer;
Holbrooke Seltzer gave a masterly
outburst of deep dramatic criti-
cism. -Edward B. Ham
warned the whole world of the
United Nations, in the harshest
possible terms, that Russia expects
her allies to be allies. Some of us
may still have a picture of Russia
as the great mendicant of this war,
cap in hand, still patiently tolerat-
ing the little games of the pre-war
period. It is a false picture. The
country which has beat the Nazi
armies has drawn the necessary
conclusions from reading of her
own exploits.
To those who may not want Russia
as an equal ally, Russia has given a
sharp reminder of her claim to equal-
ity. In that claim lies the entire
meaning of the break with Poland.

VOL. Ll No. 150
All notices for the Daily Official Bil-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its onubica-
tion, except on Satuiay when tbe no-
tires should be submitted by 11:30 a.m-
War Bonds: Buy your War Bonds for
April at University Cashier's office. Or-
ders may be sent through cnpis mail.
University War Bond ConARittee
Notice: It is no longer possible for the
storeroom at the University osital to
furnish special service for parties, recep-
tions, or other special -occaslonis at resi-
dence halls or to groups of faculty or stu-
dent personnel. The difficulties involved,
under the rationing system, in purchasing
food supplies, and the impossibility of se-
curing personnel 'for distributing and
accounting fbr such supplies make it nec-
essary to confine the food service here-
after strictly to the standard needs of
the Hospital, the Health Stvice. the
Michigan League, the Residence Halls,
and the Elementary School Cafeteria dur-
ing such periods only as the Elementary
School is in session. It should be uder-
stood that this notice applies only to re-
quests for special service. The dIscon-
tinuance of such service is inade with re-
gret and only after every effort to avoid
it. It is believed there is no other course
open. Shirley W. Smith
Seniors: The firm which furnishes di-
plomas for the University has sent the
following caution: "Please Warn graduates
not to store diplomas in cedar chests.
There is enough of the moth-killing aro-
matic oil in the average cedar chest to
soften inks of any kind that might be
stored inside them, resulting in seriously
damaging the diplomas."
Shirley W. Smtith
Note to Seniors, May -Graduates, and
Graduate Students: Please file application
for degrees or any special certificates (i.e.
Geology Certificate, Journalism Certifi-
cate, etc.) at one if yeu expect to receive
a degree or certificate'at Commencement
on May 29, 1943. We cannot guarantee
that the University will confer a degree or
certificate at COnimehcenment upon any
student who fails to file such application
before the close of business on Thursday,
April 29. If application is received later
than April 29, your degree or certificate
may -not be awarded until next fall.
Candidates for degrees or certificates
may fill out cards at once at office of the
secretary or recorder of their own school
or college (students enrolled in the College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts,
School of Music, School of Education, and
School of Public Health, please note that
application blanks may be obtained and
filed in the Registrar's Office, Room 4,
University Hall).
Please do not delay until the last day,
as all diplomas and certificates must be
lettered and signed, and we shall be great-
ly helped in this work by the early filing
of applications and the resulting longer
period for preparation.
The filing of these applications does not
Involve the payment of any fee whatso-
Shirley W. Smith
If you Wish to finahce the burehase of a
home, or if you have purchased improved
property on a land contract and owe a
balance of approximately 60 per cent of the
value of the property, the Investment of-
fice, 100 South Wing of University Hall,
would be glad to discuss financing through
the miedium of a first mortgage. Such fi-
nancing may effect a substantial saving in
To Students Graduating at Commtence-
ment, May 2, 1943:
Diplomas- not called for at the offices
of the Recorders of therseerl Schools
and Colleges, immediately following the
Commencement Exe'cises, or at the Busi-
ness Office by June 2, will be mailed C.O.D.
The domestic postage payable under these
conditions will be 27c for the larger sized
rolled diplomas and 36e for the book form.
Will each graduate, therefore, be cer-
tain that the Diploma Clerk has his eor-
rect mailing address to isure delivery b
mail? The U.S. Mail Service will, it is
expected, return any diplomas which can-
not be delivered. Because of adverse
conditions abroad, foeign Students 'hould

School by July 1, 1943, the enlistee will
be considered only for Midshipmen Train-
ing and not medical training.
If b, V-1 or V-7 medical enlistee finishes
his pre-miedical course by July 1, 1943.
aid is accepted by a Class A Medical
School by July 1, 1943, the enlistee must
immediately request that he be commis-
sioned in Class H-V (P). A letter of in-
strucetions will be sent from the Bureau
of Naval Personnel to all Ensigns H-V ()
telling how to -request transfer.
Thbse v-1 and V-7 enlistees finishing
Pre-niedical School after July 1, 1943, must
request medical training when their pre-
medical training is completed.
Ensigns H-V (P) have the option of
remaihing H-V (P) and completing their
schooling on inactive duty at their own
expense or resignitg their conimissions
as H-v (P) and going to a Naval Training
School as Apprentice Seamen. Class V-12.
It-V (P)'s may transfer to V-12 even
though they are married at the time of
Civilians who took the Navy V-12 test
on April 2, 1943, will be assigned to Medi-
cal School on the basis of their request for
such assignment at the time of enlistment,
the test score and the vacancies in the
V-12 medical quota.
V-12's who are assigned to medical
training may be ordered to active duty at
some Base Hospital pending a vacancy in
the school to which such applicant shall
li'e assigned for his medical training.
v-i pre-medical students who are ex-
cused from taking the Qualifying Exami-
nation on April 20, 1943, will be transferred
to V-12 upon completion of pre-medical
PrObationary commissions in the Medi-
cal and Dental Corps are still being is-
sued as of this date.
Since an individual is eligible fo H-V
(P) as soon as he has been accepted by a
Class A Medical or Dental School he may
request transfer to H-V (P) even though
he -will not complete his pre-medical
training prior to July 1, 1943. It is to be
noted that all-acceptances to Class A 1fed-
iMal Schools are upon the cfriditIon that
the student will meet the prescribed re-
quirements for entrance.
Pre-medical and pre-dental students will
be automatically assigned to medical or
dental shools in the Navy College Train-
ing Program as vacancies in quota exist.
"Pre-miedibal and pe-dental studnts will
be assigned to Pre-medical o~ Pre-der tfll
Schools inasmuch as such is indicated as
their major field of study.
- B. D. Thuma
Sophomore and Junior Engineering St-
dents: All sophomore and junior engi-
neering students, subject to selective
Service, who wish voluntary induction and
assignment to the Army Specialzed Tran-
g rogram are asked to leave their names
at 1508'Ractham Building as soon as pbs-
sible. -- B. 1. Thuma
To all staff members and employees:
All those who find it necessary to file
requests for supplementary gasoline ra-
tion for passenger cars ("B" or "0" Book)
for either driving to and from work, driv-
ing personal car on University business,
or to carry on other ocupations, should
mail their original applications or renew.
als to H. S. Anderson at the Buildings and
Grounds Department, University Ext. 317,
and not directly to the Local Gasoline
Rationing Board. These applications must
be approved by the Committee in charge
of the Organized Transportation Plan in
the University and transmitted b it to
the rationing board.
Any informatio cohcerning supple-
mentary gasoline rationing should be ob-
tained by callingrUniversity Extension 317.
L. M. Gram, Chairman,
Organized Transportation Plan
Seniors in Aeronautical Engineering:
There will be available in the Departneht
of "Aeronautical Engineering for the Sum-
mer Term of 1943, two Frank P. Sheehan
Scholarships. The selection of cadidates
for these scholarships is made very largely
on the basis of scholastic standing. Stu-
dents wishing to make application should
address a letter to Dr. A. M. Kuethe, B-47
East Engineering Building, giving a brief
statemenit of their qualifications and ex-
perience in regard to both -their scholastic
work and any outside experience they may
have had. A statement should also be
made giving their plans for further study
In Aeonauticl Engineering. Appliatins
will be received up to May 5, 1943.
Juniors and Seniors in Aeronautical En-
gineering: There Will be available in the

the Matson Line, which operates
many merchant ships for the gov-
ernment. By -"a pure coincidence,
WSA Counsel Radner, who issued
the order, formerly was connected
with the Matson Line's legal divi-
The fate of American fliers in
the Doolittle raid has raised the
question: What happens to airmen
who go down over Europe? Here
is the answer from an officer of
the U.S. bomber command in Eng-
If fliers bail out and get down
safely over France, Belgium or
occupied Europe, their chances
of getting back to England are
pretty good. They {become pris-
oners of war, but in the course
of exchanging prisoners, they
may soon get back to base.
If they bail out over Germany,

there's not much chance of get-
ting back. But so far as we know,
the treatment of air prisoners is
similar to that of other prisoners,
and varies according to rank.
There is one incident, how-
ever, that damns the German
record-the story of Paddy Finu-
cane. Most people suppose that
the famous RAF ace lost his life
because his Spitfire crashed into
the channel after being hit over
The truth is-though this has
never been published-thht -as Pin-
ucane was falling, he was strafed
by German machine gunfire, and
he was already dead when he hit
the water.
Thus a new meaning comes to
Finucane's famous phrase, "This
is it, chaps."
(Popyright, 1943, United Features Synd.)


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