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April 24, 1943 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-04-24
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' 1




W.Vi rmed forAl.
'Vermont w 4 w° V in! ore ft
Human Grasshopper in Action - Bill Vessie of Co- wearing KokewalkM A gratin Fletcher an
University-soars over the bar at the stratosphere Worn Ko1 e y-sn c r0ta d the Unvers of
level of six feet six inches to tie for high jumping hon- catsg f e e dow
ors at National A.A.U. track and field championships. COI~egjgr8 o SOy theydnt
Josh Williamson, Camp Pickett, Va., tied this mark. Photo by Gremot





> "

Typical Oregon Students - Every year University of Oregon students select their
ideal couple, "Joe College and Betty Coed" of the campus. This year honors went to
Polly Gordon, Kappa Alpha Theta, and George Dugan, Delta Upsilon. Polly is a mem-
ber of the rally committee and George was a varsity footballer. Digest Photo by Nelson




.4 '

Feather in the Cap of Mu Alpha, mu-
sic fraternity at Birmingham-Southern
College, was consent by Soprano Lily
Pons, center, to be honorary sponsor of
the organization. The group recently pre-
sented Gilbert and Sullivan's "The Gon-
doliers" before sellout houses. Gingod

... into perfect golf form
is Mary Lou Robinson, But-
ler University co-ed, who
is taking advantage of the
nice Spring weather to ex-
ercise out-of-doors.
Notable Visitor
Mme. Chiang Kai-Shek,
China's First Lady and
graduate of Wellesley
College in 1917, spent the
last few hours of her three-
day visit at Wellesley
walking about the campus
with Lt. Comdr. Mildred
McAfee, college president
and WAVES commandant.
Wearing slacks, Mme. Chi-
ang was cheered by stu-
dents as she made the
rounds. Acme

Work In Experimental Rubber Laboratory - Dr. Francis Owen Rice (right, head of the Department
of Chemistry at Catholic University, an authority on butadiene, is supervising Sister Mary Thomas in
synthetic rubber research in Washington. The Roman Catholic nun of the Josephite Order has been
summoned by the Government from her alma mater, the College of Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, to take
+k- L .. -4 # La. La..t. ..-L. -Acme

First Co-ed ever to edit the 113-year
old Middlebury (College) Campus is
Ruth R. Wheaton of Barrington, R. I.
Most of the male staff has been called
:nsn tk .:Photo by Walsh

Now Is That Ladylike? - The camera caught t1
sitting on her opponent's hip as she leaped into th
bound shot. Action took place during the Sophomo
University of Maine, where co-eds are taking up
phvsical trim. Coteia

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