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April 24, 1943 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-04-24
This is a tabloid page

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'umm I. - --

Photo Finish
Ross Hume (left) and
Dave Mathews, both of
the University of Mich-
igan, ran almost a
dead heat in the mile
run at the Western
Conference track meet
held in Chicago, but
Hume won by a stride.
Michigan won the meet
with 53% points, a rec-
ord score for the Big
Ten, by winning five of
the eight track events.
Ready, Aim, Fire -
Three Davidson College
(N. C.) R.O.T.C. stu-
dents get instruction in
firing from the prone
p o s i ti on. Their rifle
range is located out-
doors on a part of the
beautiful D a v i d s o n

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