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February 14, 1943 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-02-14

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Women May,
In New Groups
Drive Begins for Enlistment
Of 'Non-Nicknamed' Corps
For Service in United States
By The Associated Press
The Marine Corps opened a recruit-
ing drive yesterday for women.
Candidates for the new women's re-
serve of the Marines will be enrolled
at Navy and Marine recruiting offices
throughout the country and will be
trained in the schools of the WAVES.
Unlike the Navy's WAVES and the
Army's WAAC's, the women of the
Marine Corps will have no tricky
name coined from initials of their
service. They will be called Marines-
but probably not "leathernecks."
The organization is headed by Mrs.
Ruth Cheney Streeter of Morristown,
N.J., with the rank of major. Its ser-
vice is restricted to continental United
Women between the ages of 20 and
50 who have college degrees or two
years of college and equivalent busi-
ness experience or special qualifica-
tions in a particular field are eligible
for enrollment as officer candidates.
Soldiers Offer
Bereaved Poet
Sympathy GQift
By The Associated Press
Bewildered by the attention show-
ered on her, a 12-year-old orphan was
handed a $100 war bond and $20 in
cash here today by fellow passengers
on a train bringing her and her moth-
er's body east from Tucson, Ariz.
The story of Kathleen Sawyer's be-
reatement became known when her
train stopped in Kansas City.
A committee of service men formed
by Yeoman Don Spire of the Coast
Guard, a former Associated Press em-
ploye from Harrisburg, Pa'., bought
her a $100 war bond at the station
booth and stuffed $20 change in her
little purse. The committee had col-
lected the money aboard the train
after discovering a verse she was
writing was in memory of her mother,
Edith, who died in Tucson after an
Kathleen was scribbling busily
aboard the train when some service
men asked her what she was writing.
"It's a poem about my mother; she
passed away," she told them.
When reporters asked Kathleen
hjow long she head beep writing verse
and what kind, she said about two
years and "mostly short ones."

Soph Project
Petitions Due
Two Openings Will Be Filled
In Hospital Work Committee
Petitions for the two positions on
the central committee of Sophomore
Project must be turned in by tomor-
row, for interviewing will be held
from 3p.m. to 5 p.m. on Tuesday
and Wednesday. These two vacan-
cies may be filled by any woman stu-
dent who took part in the volunteer
hospital work last semester.
Students still interested in signing
up to do volunteer hospital work may
do so from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. tomor-
row, Tuesday and Wednesday in the
lobby of the League. However, the
committee advises that this be done
as soon as possible, for orientation
for students who have not had pre-
vious experience at this work will
take place at 3:30 p.m. and at 7:30
p.m. Tuesday.
Newuvolunteers may attend either
of these groups which will meet in
room 2432 at the hospital for a de-
tailed explanation of the work.
Evening hours from 7 p.m. tb 9
p.m. are open to volunteers this se-
mester, and special groups may sign
up to work certain evenings. Alpha
Delta Pi sorority has volunteered to
supply workers for every Wednesday
night, and Tuesday has been taken
by another group.
All other evenings are still open,
however, and any group wishing to
work one of these remaining nights
should contact some member of the
central committee.
A few clinic openings are still avail-
able for those students who would
prefer these jobs to general hospital
Honor Music Group
To Present Formal
'Musicale at League
Sigma Alpha Iota will hold their
next formal musicale at 8:30 p.m.
tomorrow in the League, with Mrs.
A. C. Furstenberg, Geddes Height's,
as hostess, assisted by Mrs. Wm. Mc-
Laughlin, Berkshire Road.
The program will include Mendels-
sohn's Violin Concerto, played by
Sally Titus, '44, of Martha Cook, ac-
companied by Elaine Rathbun, '45SM,
of Stockwell. Also a selection of
Strauss waltzes will be played by a
chamber orchestra made up of the
sorority members.
An error was made in the slate of
winners of last semester's WAA Phys-
ical Fitness program, which was' an-
nounced recently. As they stand cor-
rected, top winner is Collegiate Soro-
sis, followed by Delta Delta Delta, in
second place, and Kappa Kappa
Gamma, in third.

WAAC Officer
Mentions Skills
Corps Can Use
Lieut. Muncie Gives Answers
In Interviews with Students;
Local Recruiting Post Named
The visit this week of Lieut. Nina
Muncie, WAAC recruiting officer from
the Detroit Area, enabled about fifty
students to ask questions concerning
the requirements for joining, the
training, and the opportunities for
advancement in the WAAC forces.
The question that was mos fre -
quently asked was how previous train-
ing could be used. In answer, the
WAAC has its own complete set-up
and can therefore use all types of
Previous Training Helps'
Bookkeepers, stenographers, typists,
and clerks are needed in office work;
telephone, telegraph and radio oper-
ators can be used, in communication
work. Other opportunities include
transportation work, food service,
maintenance and sanitary work, and
professional work.
The WAAC also has officer training
facilities. All recruits must undergo
a four weeks basic training period,
after which they may apply for Offi-
cer Candidate School. They then re-
ceive eight weeks further training and
upon successful completion of the
course, are commissioned Third Offi-
cer which is equivalent to a 2nd Lieut.
All WAAC's receive the same basic
training after which they are assigned
to duties that will enable them to
use their previous training and ex-
Recruiting Places Named
One question that was frequently
asked was in regard to overseas ser-
vice. Foreign service is on a strictly
voluntary basis, and only those whose
abilities would be of special value
overseas are accepted.
Recruiting takes place from 9 a.m.
to 4 p.m. daily and in addition from
7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesdays and Fridays
at the OCD in the Armory, located
at 223 E. Ann.
WAB Alleys
For Bowling
To Be Opened
Here's good news for "roll 'em down
the alley" fans! The bowling alleys at
the Women's Athletic Building have
been reopened for play this semester,
according to Marion Ford, '44, WAA
chairman of the sport, and women
may invite men to bowl there during
the scheduled times.
The alleys, which had been closed
last semester, will be usable from 3:30
p.m. to 6 p.m. and from 7:30 p.m.
to 9 p.m. every day except Saturday
and Sunday. On Saturdays, they may
be used from 1 p.m. to 6 p.in. For the
exchang'e value of two of the lowest
priced war stamps, players can bowl
a line, so come down in couple for co-
recreation or in "hen party" groups.
An individual tournament for wo-
men is being planned, according to
Miss Ford, and all those interested in
participating are to sign up on th
bulletin' board at the WAB before
Fencing Club: 4:15 p.m. Monday
and Wednesday, fencing room of
Figure Skating Club: 3 p.m.
Monday, Thursday, Friday, Coli-

Swimming Club: 8 p.m. Thurs-
day, Union Pool.
Badminton Club: 5 p.m. Friday,'
Barbour gym.
Dance Club: No meeting Tues-
day. Will meet 7:30 p.m. Thurs-
day, Dance Studio, Barbour.
Club Basketball: 5 p.m. Tuesday,
Thursday, Barbour.
WAA Board Meeting-executives
and sports managers of this sea-
son only: 5 p.m. Wednesday, WAB.

Heels of Shoes, Colors, Styles
Limited for Duration byWPB

By The Associated Press
The Government has put a ceiling
on the height of heels for women's
shoes, ruled out leather-covered plat-
form effects, and restricted shoe col-
crs to four-black. white, Army rus-
set and town brown.
In the same order the War Produc-
tion Board prohibited entirely the
manufacture of men's patent leather
shoes, women's formal evening slip-
pers and metal-spiked golf shoes for
either sex.
Leather frills, bows and ornamental
tongues also were banned, in a general
overhauling of shoe restrictions to
conserve leather for Army use and to
spread the available supplies for the
rationed civilian population.
To Be Ample Variety
This year's output of civilian foot-
wear will be about one-fourth less
than the 1941 production, 335,000,000
as against 441,000,000, WPB estimat-
ed. Despite the restrictions, the agen-
cy promised that there would be
enough patterns to provide "ample.
style variety" along with staple foot-
Consumers will not feel the effect
of the shoe-streamlining order to any
extent until next fall, it was said, be-
cause the spring lines already are
being manufactured or are on their
way to dealers.
The restrictions on color, eliminat-
ing blue and turf tan, were adopted

to reduce the number of styles carried
by retailers and thereby increase the
number of shoes and sizes which deal-
ers can offer in a given style.
A limitation of 2% inches was put
on the height of the heels on women's
shoes, using size 4-B as the standard;
in other words larger footsizes would
have slightly higher heels. Platform
soles and platform effects were for-
bidden for all footwear having a heel
height of more than 1% inches, while
leather-covered platforms or leather
platform effects were forbidden on
any footwear.
Gold Satin Eliminated
Among the furbelows ruled out were
kiltie tongues, if made of leather;
such trimmings as pin tuckings, fancy
overlaps, and lacings; leather bows;
and rawhide or other leather laces on
street shoes. Women's gold or silver
colored satin or brocade evening slip-
pers were banned for the duration.
Most of the provisions are effective
immediately, but those which require
shoe manufacturers and tanners to
readjust their production do not go
into effect until April 30.

Hillel To Aid
With Bandages
For Red Cross
In an effort to exceed last semes-
ter's results in the making of surgical
dressings, Hillel Foundation will again
help the Red Cross reach its goal of
40,000 bandages this month by mak-
ing surgical dressings from 1:30 p.m.
to 5:0 p.m. Tuesday at the Founda-
Last semester 1,800 dressings were
turned out by Hillel women working
weekly, and good attendance was ex-
perienced throughout. It is expected
that each girl who volunteers to work
will do so for at least an hour during
the afternoon so as to produce maxi-
mum results.
It is advisable that all women wear
washable blouses and refrain from
using nail polish. Coverings for the
hair must also be worn.
Charlotte Kaufman, '43, chairman
of the social service committee of the
Foundation, is in charge of the surgi-
cal dressing unit. Rita Hyman, '44,
Marle Gordon, '44, Donna Weiss, '43,
Gloria Donen, '43, and Shirley Alt-
field, '43, are among the instructors
who will assist in the direction of the


Sand ..
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Wallace of De-
troit have announced the engagement
of their daughter, Peggy Jayne, '45,
to Stanley J. Winkelman, '43, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Leon G. Winkelman, '43,
of Detroit.
Miss Wallace is affiliated with Al-
pha Epsilon Phi sorority. Mr. Winkel-
man, a January graduate, who is now
working in California, was a member
of Zeta Beta Tau fraternity. The wed-
ding date has not been announced.
* -~ *
Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Searls an-
nounce the recent marriage of their
daughter Elinor, '42, to Aviation Ca-
det Malvin Burr in Oakfield, N.Y.
Mrs. Burr was affiliated with Alpha
Chi Omega sorority.
* * *
Noreen Phillips, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J. Phillips of Jackson and
Thomas M. Bradley, '41E, son of Mr.
Benjamin T. Bradley of Ann Arbor,
were recently married at St. Mary's
Catholic Church in Jackson.
A A *
Announcement has been made of
the engagement of Dorothy Kathryn
Dill, '43A, daughter of Mr. and'Mrs.
Albert E. Dill of Detroit, to James
Lee Coquillard, '45A, son of Mr. and
Mrs. James E. Coquillard of Jackson.
Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Baesler of
Grand Rapids announce the engage-
ment of their daughter, Jane, '43A, to
Lieut. Paul A. Waalkes of the U.S.
Air Force, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.
Waalkes, also of Grand Rapids.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Wagner of
Pittsburgh announce the engagement
of their daughter, Mary Louise, '43,
to Midshipman Franklin Parke, son
of Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Parke of George-
town, Ill.
Officers Announced
Theta Xi announces the names of
the new initiates to the fraternity.
Richard Drury, '46A, son of one of
the founders of the local chapter, was
president of the pledge class. The
other initiates are Robert Pitt, '45;
William Adam, '45; Lee Williams, '46;
Albert Hirsh, '46E; Richard Kelly,
'46E; Douglas Graham, '46; Jack
Schausten, '45; Warren Lindeman,
'45E; and Samuel Schaefer, '46.




rIei%n u leller.///41B/e




TO MEN in the U
letters from home
ahnost as important
ammunition. For men
government has made
get your -letters to h
But, you must wri
Uncle Sam's official
tionery to get this sp
Only a 3c stamp is nec
letter is photographe
film, town to its des
there reproduced and
the addressee.

. S. Services i I
are morale,
as food and
overseas the emg
it possible to
te them on
V-Mail sta-.
eedly service.
cessary. Your
d on '16 m.m
tination and
delivered to
om Australia
waii in 3 days
eks .. . from
nes can span

Crepe Dress
Wool and Rabbit Hair Jacket



Letters have come Ir
In 7 days. .. from Ham
... from India in 2 we
Africa as fast as plan
the Atlantic,





I 1i 'MX X'~X. E'II


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