7AIT TO I ,- 7%7i i f 4 I I- - - ~ ~' Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan ider the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Ttlesde du i grlT the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Assoolated Press is exclsively entitled to the use for republic m on of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited In this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 National Advertising Service, lic. College Publisers Iepresenative 420 MADSON A . NEW YORY. N. Y. efficAao , BosTON Los AMontes *SAn FNAwcII3co Frankly, Hermann-wwe don't know where our next meal is coming from Ii ill I'~ ..--,---- ----------- - ________________ WERRY-GO- ROUND By DR EW PE A R S ON WASHINGTON-U.S. experts ac- companying the President on his historic trip to Mexico found a new type of problems confronting the two nations far different from those Letters to the Editor I have been slightly nauseated, the past few days, over the hysteri- cal rantings occasioned by the Japa- nese execution of the American fliers who bombed Tokyo. Headlines :creamed of the "barbarous, inhu- man action" taken by the Japanese military hierarchists. Congress rose to its collective, titubating feet and proclaimed to the world the diaboli- cal barbarity. One Representative, Editorial Staff Bud Brimmer . . . Leon Gordenker Marion Ford . Charlotte Conover Betty Harvey Jlames Conant. . . Editorial Director * . . City, Editor, . . Associate Editor Asso ciate Editor S . Women's Editor * . , Columnist B~usiness Staff of several, years ago. minority leader Martin of Massa- Not many people are worrying chusetts, went so far as to say that much about oil, though that ques- "It is shocking to realize that any tion still remains unsettled. Nor is nation could be so barbarous." And so, my suspicions have been anyone bothering about the famous confirmed. The erudite Congress- tract of no-man's land, Chamizal, men who naively implied that he which Mexico and El Paso both have had been completely unaware that bitterly claimed for half a century such a cruel nation existed only .wnaserves to accentuate the lack of our and which was a controversial haven se of values and the realization for bootleggers back in prohibition 1hat, in northern Europe, there days. . is a nation known as Germany Instead, one of the most difficult (G-e-r-m-a-n-y). Here, Mr. Repre- among our problems is trying to per-I sentative-from-Mass., is a country suade Mexico to ration tires. Most which has systematically murdered Americans can sympathize with Mex- not eight, but over two million peo- ico in this. She raises her own rub- ple, not for dropping bombs upon ber, refines her own gasoline, and them, but for simply embracing the plenty of it-also has her own tire Jewish religion. Bromidic as it may factories. sound, "All's fair in love and war" So it is awfully difficult for the is, nevertheless, true. A measure of Mexican automobile owner, far re- justification, atomistic as it may be, moved from the war, to wax enthu- can be found in the execution of our siastic over putting his car in the fliers, in that we are at war with garage part of the week to provide Japan, and such measures are an more rubber for his Gringo neigh- integral part of the beastiality and bor to the north. Nevertheless, the stupidity that is war. We can grow, optimistic State Department is plug- red, in the face, become hysterically ging this. incensed over the act, bpt I main- tain that the flush on our cheeks, Techaical Probtems the anger, should not be over the fact that the pilots were executed; a funeral dirge?), uhparalleled in the blackest pages of history-a case so clear-cut it should draw its razor- like edge across the heart of every American. Can our execration of the Japanese perpetration stem from the idea that Americans are gods, protected from such Inhuman treat- ment? If we answer "yes" to this query we are admitting the theory of Racism. But no one (except, pos- sibly America First-ers) say that we are gods; instead we like to think that we Americans represent the forces of good, and any "inhuman, barbarous" destruction of them is a victory for the elements of evil-per- secution, suppression, etc. Can we regard the cattle-like slaughter of the Jews as being any less a victory for these forces of sin? Looking at the situation objectively, may we not, rhetorically ask, should not those helpless victims of Nazi insanity be entitled, as are the dead pilots, to the same amount of tears, anger, and vows of retaliation? Look at how unevenly the balances lie. On one side of the scale there are the eight American fliers who bombed a country and were executed in viola- tion of a hypothetical rule of WAR. On the other balance rest the corpses of millions of Jews (including women and children) who had rained death on no country, who were at war with no nation, who had no means of ,defending themselves, and whose wholesale execution breached the most sacred and valid of all laws- the inherent right of all persons to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of hap- piness." Can we reconcile the paradox of tearing our hair over the execution of eight American pilots at war, and, concurrently, whispering a meek protest against the European mass murders-can we reconcile this atti- tude with our war against totali- tarianism and its heinous ideologies? I doubt it. - Donald Shapiro Elizabeth Carpenter Pat Gehlert Jeanne Lovett Martha Opsion Sybil Perlmutter Molly Winokur Margery Wolfson Barbara Peterson Rosalie Frank . Local Advertising Circulation Service Contracts Accounts National Ad vertising promotion Classified , Advertising Women's Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: MARGARET FRANK 13ditorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. '1918 STUFF': 'PropagandaWary Citizens Perturb OWI A REPORT issuing from Washington this week indicated that the Office of War Informa- tion is perturbed about the manner with which Americans dismiss stories of enemy terrorism and cruelty. According to a recent OW survey, accounts of enemy atrocities are treaed as "propa- ganda" and classed as "the kind. of stuff we heard in 1918". People tend to rationalize accounts of terrorism as "you have to expect those things, in war," "the Nazis face a tough job handling the conquered countries and maybe sometimes they go a little too far," or "there's bound to be some brutality here and there," the Office explains. The OWI clears its own position as "propa- ganda spreader" by informing the American people that it is not possible to give. a true pic- ture of the enemy without presenting the legiti- mate and inescapable facts about audaciops cruelty. American newspapers are not drwna- tizing or adding horror to war stories, it says. They are reporting the facts straight as they happen on the front lines. "Atrocities have been ommitted in every country occupied by the enemy; this is no accident," the OW report continues, "they are an integral part of his strategy of war and scheme of political domination." The recent release of the story of Japanese execution of American fliers captured after the Tokyo raid a year ago is the type of "strategy", to which the OWI is referring. Another case appeared this week -in a story from Stockholm reading, "The secret Polish radio appealed for help tonight in a broadcast from Poland and then suddenly went dead. The broadcast as heard here (Stockholm) 'The last 35,000 Jews in the ghetto at Warsaw have been condemned to execution. Warsaw. again is echoing to musketry volleys. The people are murdered. Women and children defend them- selves with their naked arms. Save us T HE OWI believes that as soon as Americans realize atrocities are committed purposefully, as a deliberate means to a deliberately chosen end-the permanent destruction of the energies, spirit, resistance and national identity of people inside conquered countries-the "propaganda- wary" American will be a man of the past. Every day American newspapers carry authen- tic stories of devices employed by the enemy to carry out his plan of terrorism. These are stories of torture, violence, starvation, murder, fake justice, reprisals, hostages, and concentra- tion camps. These devices tie in with the "pre- meditated purpose". They are not merely "things you have to expect in war". The OWI further hopes to put across to the American reading and listening public "that atrocities are not forced upon the enemy by exigencies of war". This is an established Axis technique of political control to be used in this war and provided thw m tis ar ndproide tey i-after the war as a nermanent policy. "The eneiy is taught to use terror and brutality and is en- couraged in official philosophy and practice to hold in contempt humane principals," the report continues. The purpose of releasing accounts of terror- ism is not to shock the average man and woman, instill revulsion anxiety, and a frustrated: rage that cannot be expressed in immediate or direct action against the enemy, the Office contends. These reports are to awaken Americans to the fact that there will be other eecutons in RELIABILTY9 Does FR Guarantee U.S. Non~Imperialisn? IN the President's recent visit to Mexico, the mutual brotherhood of both the, United States and Mexico was procaimed. The desire was expressed for a peace "wherein no group in one country may exploit the resources and people of another". The most obvious reference which this proc- lamation calls to mind is the exploitation of the oil interests in Mexico by the Americans. Even before the war the Mexicans had struck out for themselves in order to change this situation. Now we are presented with a guar- antee that such exploitation will never take place i Mexico again. It is hard to ascertain when the declarations of non-imperialistic aims were being presented whether they were referring directly to the oil situatin or whether they were stating the fu- ture foreign policy of the United States. When Roosevelt declared, "We know that the day of the exploitations of the resources and the people of one country for the benefit of any group in another country is definitely ever", ws he for tlce moment carried away ,by ,visions ,q a beautiful future or were his words spoken sincerely.? The speech that the Presient presented was revolutionary in that he declared that the era of imperialism was over. It is for this reason that we should defi- nitely know if he- were only referring to the troubles with Mexico or presenting a new international policy. It is a good sign when the executive of such a pwerful nation as ours comes right out against imperialism. It shows definitely that the men who are leading the United States are thining constructively of the methods by which future wars may be averted. But there have been so many words given to us since December, 1941, that we cannot help but wvonder if this was just another flowery speech. N the many theories advanced as to what our position will be after this war, there is one which is distressingly logical. Since the en- trance by the United States into this World War, Great Britain has relinquished more and more her defense of the Pacific and a greater part of the Atlantic. As a result of this the countries of Australia, New Zealand, Canada and other smaller nations have come to rely upon the United States almost entirely for military and economic sunpdrt. Here we have a basis for a new imperialistic America after the war. If we achieve this position just think how much wealthier we will be. Are we strong enough to resist such power? For these reasons it is important to the peo- ple who are working for a world for th world's sake to know if the President was speaking sincerely. Such declaration must be carefully consid- ered and guarded for the time when the blows of international peace are struck. They must be so nowerful that the. extensive forces of greed and material aceumulation will be for once and for all overcome. -- Mary onay REVELATION: Tokyo T actics Awaken 4 mericnsa t Reality T AK YOU, Mr. Tojo. Your execution of the valiant American pilots who bombed Tokyo has done exactly what the Allied leaders I'd Rather Be Right BySAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK, April 21.-SNAPSHOTS OF WORLD AT WAR: The Italians are said to be "acquiring merit" for themselves by being osten- tatiously kind to Jewish refugees. They are being kinder than the Vichy French, which ought not be hard. The New York Times re- ports that all refugees who possibly can do so, go from France to Italy, preferring the minis- trations of the Italian army to those of French gendarmes. There are persistent reports that Spain's treat- ment of refugees is surprisingly good. More merit? When we were weak, these countries did not care much for refugees. Now we are stronger and they are kinder. If aUll this be true, then Allied pressure does make a difference inside Europe. If that be true, then the American-English refugee con- ference at Bermuda, which started out by abdicating, by announcing that only victory can save the refugees, ought to be disbanded, and its members put to more useful work, like folding tin cans. If some pressure has done some good, more pressure can do more good. Europe is not so insensitive. The Nazis, for example, have given up Wagner for the current celebration of Hitler's birthday, and have turned to what Artur Schnabel would call a civilian composer, Beethoven. They even had the bloody gall to play the chorale movement of the Ninth Symphony, whose refrain, of course, is: "All men are brothers." So the Germans, inside their fence, are taking the brother line, are they? Hitler seems to feel the need for brothers; the ersatz Wotan with the small mustache is tired of sitting aloie on his mountain peak. He wants to come down and huddle. A little more pressure and we might convince these specimens that brotherhood is here to stay. I don't quite believe the Algiers radio when it reports tht the Italians have issued a pamphlet to the civilian populace, calling on it to be "po- lite" to invaders when they come, and to use women, especially, as intermediaries and nego- tiators. The pamphlet is also reported to advise Italians that it is all right, even for fascists, to accept food if the invaders offer it. This might be a roundabout, consummate Italian fascist device for telling the Italian people that the Allied invasion means food, which is rather more than Hitler has ever meant. In any case (and even if there isn't any such pamphlet) the fact that there can be such a- rumor shows how ugely the climate inside Europe has changed, We used to get rumors of another sort. Our work in Africa does have an effect inside Europe. Maybe we ought to have a European delegate to that refgee - conference. There is a report that the Germans are con- centrating on building fighter planes instead of bombers, which would mean an admitted shift to the defensive. If fear of us can revise air- plane construction policy in Germany, why might it not revise the extermination policy as applied to Jews and others? Pressure works in mysterious ways, its political miracles to per- form. A declared policy of direct retaliation, perhaps from the air, for murder of hostages and refugees could not be without effect. Not when they are playing Beethoven and have iled Most present U.S.-Mexican prob- lems now arise out of the war-such as getting more railroad cars for Mexico, getting str-tegic materials to erect a high octane gasoline re- finery, whether Mexican oil tankers shall operate with the U.S. Fleet, getting Mexican workers for U.S harvest fields. Some of these are technically difficult, but do not arouse antagonism. So, on the whole, U.S.-Mexican relations never were better. Under- lying them, however has been a grow- ing Mexican fear that with our big Navy, our tremendous Army, we might develop the dictator-imperial- ist complex after the war and go berserk with our once "good neigh- bors". This under-current has been fanned by our policy of Vichy- Franco cooperation, and by our treatment of Spanish republican ref- ugees in North Africa to which Mex- ico will now give a haven. So the Roosevelt-Avila Camacho visit should do worlds of good at this time. Premium on Rad Behavior Diplomatic dispatches from Switz- erland indicate displeasure with U.S. policy which rewards pro-Fascist na- tions such as Spain, and indirectly punishes the friendly nations such as Switzerland. "We have been strictly neutral and well behaved," say the Swiss, "and consequently the Board of Economic Warfare, while pouring supplies into Spain, pays no attention to us." Chairman of the Board of Eco- nomic Warfare is Vice President Wallace, brother-in-law of the Swiss Minister to Washington. However, that makes no difference. The State Department sets the policy of ap- peasing Spain, and Wallace's BEW has to follow it. Food Conference Secrecy Assistant Secretary of State Dean Acheson did some fast back-tracking when called before a closed-door meeting of the House Foreign Af- fairs and Agriculture Committee to explain the reasons for the proposed banning of the press from the Inter- national Food Conference at Hot Springs, Va. He explained that 43 countries will be represented at the confer- ence, with five official delegates and five alternates each, making a total of about 430. Argentina would not be represented, he said, because the delegate list had been limited to countries which have broken rela- tions with the Axis and have sub- scribed to the "four freedoms'. "There might be some unfortun- ate consequences if we turned re- porters loose on these 430 people," the Assistant Secretary of State con- tinued. "A lot of feature stories might be written about their pecu- liarities of language and customs, and possibly their comments on the conference might be misinterpreted. We want to avoid anything of this nature from which other nations might take offense." Representative John Vorys of Ohio, Richard Kleberg of Texas, Karl Mundt of South Dakota, Victor Wickersham of Oklahoma and other "free press" champions of the two committees quickly pounced upon this statement, contending that it was inconsequential and not proper grounds for excluding the press from the Hot Springs sessions. "Do you want to keep the Ameri- can peonle from knowing wht ri .. but, rather, only that the act was a breach of international law. How else are we to look at it, when mil- lions of Jews are being cruelly, tor- - turously exterminated? Here is a case (yes, I know you've heard this song before; only have you ever . thought of how much it sounds like DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1943 VOL. L11 No. 147 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letIn are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. w- iesl War Bonds: Buy your War Bonds for April at University Cashier's Office, Or- ders may be sent through campus mail. University War Bond Committee Seniors: The firm which furnishes di- plomas for the University has sent the following caution: "Please warn graduates not to store diplomas in cedar chests. There is enough of the moth-killing aro- matic oil, inthe average cedar chest to soften Inks of any kind that might be stored inside them, resulting in seriously damaging the diplomas." Shirley W. Smith Notice: It is no longer possible for the, storeroom at the University Hospital to furnish special service for parties, recep- tions, or other special occasions at resi- dence halls or to groups of faculty or stu- dent personnel. The difficulties involved, under the rationing system, in purchasing food supplies, and the impossibility of se- curing personnel for distributing and accounting for such supplies make it nec- essary to confine the food service here- after strictly to the standard needs of the Hospital, the Health Service, the Michigan League, thehResidence Halls, iind the Elementary School Cafeteria d'ur- ing such periods only as the Elementary School is in session. It should be under- tood that this notice applies only to re- quests for special service. The discon- tinuance of such service is made with re- gret and only after every effort to avoid it. It is believed, there is no other course open. Shirley W. Smith To Students Graduating at Commence- inent.' May 29, 1943: Diplomas not called for- at the offices of the Recorders of the several Schools and- Colleges, immediately following the Commencement Exercises, or at the Busi- ness Office by June 2, will be mailed C.O.D. 'rhe domestic postage payable under these conditions will be 27o for the larger sized rolled diplomas and 36c for the book form. Will each graduate, therefore, be cer- tain that the 'Diploma Clerk has his cor- -ect mailing address to insure delivery, by mail? The U.S. Mail Service will, it is expected, return any diplomas which can- not be delivered. Because of adverse. conditions 'abroad, foreign students should leave addresses in the United States, if, possible, to which diplomas may be mailed. It is preferred that ALL diplomas be personally called for. Herbert G. Watkins, Assistant Secretary German Table for Faculty Members will. meet Monday at 12:10 p.m.in the Found- ors' Room Michigan Union. Members of all departments are cordially invited. There will be a brief talk on "Was ich in Indien nicht sah" by Mr. Wolfgang tKraus. School of Education Faculty: The regu- lar meeting of the faculty will be held on Monday, April 26, in the Universityt Elementary School Library. Tea will beI served at 3:45 p.m. and the meeting will2 fnonera Ct A 15 m m_ on the basis of scholastic standing. Stu- dents wishing to make application should address a letter to Dr. A. M. Kuethe, B-47 East Engineering Building, giving a briefstatement ofrtheir qualifications and experience in regard to both their scholastc work and any outside experil- ence they may have had. A statement thould also be made giving their plans for further study in Aeronautical Engi- neering. Applications will be received up to May 5, 1943. Juniors and Seniors In Aeronautical En- gineeri ng: There will. be available in the Department of Aeronautical Engineering for the Summer Term of 1943 student assistantships. The selection of candt- dates for these assistantships is made very largely on the basis of scholatic stan'ding- Students wishing to make application should address a letter to Dr. A. M. Kuethe, B-47 East Engineering Building: Letters should include a statement of courses taken in Aeronautical Engineering. Applications will be received up to May 10, 1943. Seniors in Aeronautical Enginee-ing, and Mathematical Physicists: A ipre- sentative of the McDonnell Aircraft Cr- poration, St. Louis, Missouri, will inter- view May and September graduates foi positions on Friday, April 30. Interested men will please sign the interview sched- ule posted on the Aeronautical Engln~eer- ing Building. Interviews will be held in Room 3205 East Engineering Building. AcadeIc Notices Bacteriology 312 Seminar will meet tues day, April 27, in Room 1564, East Medical Building, at 4:15, p.m. Subject: "Studies- of the effects of type-specificpneumooc- cus polysaccharides and gelatin oW the sedimentation rate of red blood cells." All interested are invited . Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet on Tuesday, April 27, at 7:30 panm. in Roomn 319 West Medical Building. "Biotir and Antibiotin (Avidin)" will be discussed. All interested are invited Biological Station: Applications for ad- mission to the 1943 summer session are being received. An announcement decrib- Ing the courses offered can be obtained at the Office of the Summer Session, or at- Room 1073 Natural Science Building. - A make-up for the Aptitude Tests given previously on Tuesday, April 13. has been scheduled for 7 o'clock Thursday, Aprtil 29, in the Rackham Amphitheatre Any freshman, sophomore, or junior wishing to take the make-up should register at. the War Information Center in the League. All registrations must be in by noon on Wednesday, April 28. Students will not.' be admitted to the examination unless they have registered for the make-up,. Preliminary Examinations for the D-o- torate In the School of Education will be held on May 12, 13 and 14. Anyone de- siring to take these should notify my of- fice by May 1. Clifford Woody, Chairman of Committee. on Graduate, Study in Education Doctoral Examination for John Wyn-- stra, Chemistry; thesis: "A' Study of the Polymers Formed in the Reactions of Cer- tal Triarylchloromethanes with Phenyl Lithium," will be held on Monday, Abril 26, in 309 Chemistry, at 2:30 p.m. Chair; man. C. S. hnenfIe kk, 44 i1i Is lp