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April 24, 1943 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-04-24

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Majority of Diplomats
Recalled from Finland
Relations Appear Close to a Showdown;
Only McClintok and Clerk Left in Helsinki

Bulldozer Cuts Out Pathway for Road

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 23. - The
United States withdrew all but a
skeleton diplomatic staff from Fin-
land today, and the long-troubled
relations between the two nations
appeared close to a showdown.
The capital eagerly watched to see
what bearing the American move
may have on the question whether
Finland is to go along with Germany,
or get out of the war and make a
separate peace with Russia.
indirect Notice on Finns
Both here and in London, there
was a belief in unofficial quarters
that the United States, by withdraw-
ing the main body of its diplomatic
staff, was serving indirect notice on
Finland to make a break with the
Axis while there was yet time. How-
ever, the State Department simply
described the move as an "adminis-
trative" one, and declined to throw
further light on it.
Six aides from the United States
Michigan Liquor
To Be Placed
Under Rationing
Individual Consumers
Will Soon Be Limited
To One Quart a Week
LANSING, April 23 .-(iP)-All hhq-
uor outlets in Michigan Monday will
be placed under rationing by the
State Liquor Control, Commission
which promised today that a pro-
gram soon will be established to ra-
tion liquor to Individual consumers
who meanwhile will be limited as
well as possible to one quart a week
per purchaser.
Chairman R. Glen Dunn said
Michigan has been allocated a defin-
ite quota of supply by liquor distillers
and that 70 per cent of this stock
would be earmarked for sale in the
"Detroit area," 25 per cent for the
rest of the Lower Peninsual, and five
per cent for the Upper Peninsula.
Retail outlets will be limited to pur-
chase of 60 per cent of their purchase
for the first four months of 1942, but
no store may purchase more than
$30,000 worth of liquor this year.
All drinking houses, hotels serving
liquor by the glass and club licensees
in Michigan may purchase their
quotas once a week, and only on a
day designated by the manager of
the state store from which the indi-
vidual draws his supply, the order
said. Specially designated distribu-
tors, the privately - owned liquor
stores, may purchase only once every
two weeks on a day designated by
store managers of his supply depot.
Churchill Calls
Jap, Atrocity
Day Anticipated When
Anericans and RAF
Will Attack Jap Cities
LONDON, April 24 (Saturday)-
(AM-~Winston Churchill denounced
today the "cold-blooded" execution
of American airmen 1y the Japanese
and declared the RAF "earnestly look
forward to the day when they will be
able to fly side by side with their
American comrades to attack Tokyo
and other cities of Japan."
Mr. Churchill said in a message to
General H. H. Arnold, commanding
general of the American Air Forces:
" I have heard with indignation of
the cold-blooded execution of your
airmen by the Japanese.

"This barbarous and unusual ac-
tion reveals in a pecularly significant
manner the fear the Japanese have
of having munitions factories and
other military objectives in their
homeland bombed.
"I cannot resist sending you this
message to assure you that the RAF

legation at Helsinki left by special
plane with their families and arrived
in Stockholm, Sweden. That left be-
hind in Helsinki only Charge d'Af-
faires Robert Mills McClintock and
one clerk, inasmuch as the Minister,
H. F. Arthur Schoenfeld, departed
for Washington last December. ,
For some days, reports from Stock-
holm had told of increasing German
pressure upon the Finns. Informed
persons in that capital had expressed
the belief the Germans were trying
to get the Finns to open an offensive
on the Leningrad sector in an effort
to reduce that city, second largest in
Russia. The Germans were said to
have threatened full occupation of
Finland, unless the demands were
No More Soldiers In Sacrifice
But Baron von Mannerheim, Fin-1
nish military leader, was reprsented
as determined to sacrifice no more
soldiers in offensives. As one ob-
server in Stockholm summed up the
situation last week:
"The Germans are no fools. They
sensehthe changes slowly developing
in the Finnish political line and
therefore are putting in demand af-
ter demand in an effort to jam any
efforts the Finns may be making to
remove German influences or gradu-
ally step out of the war."
Though officials here were silent,
it was believed entirely possible that
the newest American move may be
designed -to counteract such German
Score Fourth
Baseball .Win
Michigan Nine Takes
Advantage of Ilini
Errors in 5-2 Victory
Capitalizing on Illini errors, Mich-
igan defeated the Champaign nine,
5-2, yesterday afternoon at Ferry
field, in the first of a two-game se-
ries, the second of which will be
played at 2:30 p.m. this afternoon.
Pro Boim pitched the entire con-
test as did Andy Phillip for the Illini,
Pro allowing only six hits, while Phil-
lip yielded seven.
Dick Walterhouse led the batting
attack for Michigan, accounting for
two of the runs batted in, while Bob
Wiese, Howie Wikel and Elmer
Swanson accounted for one run
The first inning was uneventful,
neither side scoring, Wiese missing a
long high fly out in center field by
such a narrow margin that when he
fell the ball was right between his
The home half of the second inn-
ing found Michigan accounting for
two runs, the first coming when Wal-
terhouse scored after Swanson flied
out to Prentiss, and Lee Eilbracht,
the Illini catcher missed the throw
to the plate. Howie Wikel came in
a minute later on a hit by Boim to
left field.
Turn to Page 3, Col. 4

'It Is Not Pleasant Here
Berliners Letter Says
Describes Devastation in City after RAF
Raid in Writing to Friend, 'Dear Walter'
Associated Press Co tresponden t
ON THE TUNISIAN FRONT, April 23.-"Yes, dear Walter, it is
pleasant here, for we live in constant expectation of new and hea
That was the comment of a Berliner who wrote to a Nazi friend fi
ing in Tunisia. The letter, sei zed by the Allies, was signed Alfred
The writer described an RAF raid on Berlin saying: "Fires were ra
everywhere. Added to the blaze were many blocks of flats totally destro
by bombs and land miines."


This "bulldozer" is one of the machines which is being used
to push through the new Alcan Highway to Alaska. These machines
smash over trees and cut the primary roads.
Russians Drive Ickes Receives
Germans Back Full Power Over
In Caucasus Coal Production

200 Red Bombers
Strike at Insterberg in
Sixth Raid of Offensive

Interior Secretary Will-
Supervise All Branches
Of Solid Fuel Industry


By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, April 23.--P)-In
LONDON, April 24. (Saturday)- a broad extension of his powers over
German troops attacking repeatedly solid fuels, Secretary Ickes received
in the northwestern Caucasus again virtually blanket authority today to
I say how coal shall be produced and
were hurled back to their original distributed.
positions, suffering 500 casualties An executive order by President
and losing 36 planes, Russia an- Roosevelt empowered the Interior
nounced early today. Secretary to issue "necessary policy
Moscow dispatches suggested the and operating directives" to the solid
fuels industries "to assure for the
strength and frequency of the enemy prosecution of the war and the con-
attacks indicated a German offensive servation and most effective develop-
in that sector where the ground once ment and utilization of solid fuels."
again is solid. In addition to the grant of gen-
Interbure Hit eral authority - apparently broad

Casualties, the letter went on, in-
cluded 200 dead and 300 wounded,
"but the final figure will certainly be
considerably higher."
Had Heavy Raid
"We have just.come through a ve ry
heavy air raid from the first to tie
second of March. The sky simply
rained down fire and bombs and t'he
damage is correspondingly heavy.
Just opposite us a factory was burnt
to the ground.
"A big warehouse in which cars
were laid up was burnt out by 'the
'knee.' Six great warehouses ,ere
burnt out in the Marchstrasse. Eive
houses were burnt down and a :fur-
ther eight in the Berlinerstrasse t and
eight more by the Tiergarten station;
six by the Friendrichstrasse st tion
and 18 to 30 houses in the KPiser-
Revenge Is Only Thought
"When one sees all the misiry here,
how the inhabitants of devastated
homes wander through the streets
with little bundles-all their worldly
possessions - it fairly makes j one's
heart bleed. One comes blind, with
hate and has no thought but re-
venge, revenge. Alas, alas, we are
so deeply committed in the east that
the British can carry out unpunished
all these raids on innocent cities.
"When, oh when, will there be a
change? When shall we be strong-
strong enough to finish off in the
east and turn out full force against
England? When, oh, when?
"Hate, hate, and hate alone must
will every German's soul. There can
be no other answer."
'U" Hospital Unit
Needs 40 Nurses
Graduates Are Wiated
For Overseas Duty
Forty graduate registered nurses
are urgently needed by the University
of Michigan Army General Hospital
Unit No. 298, which is now stationed
somewhere in England, University
officials announced yesterday.
This unit went overseas last Oc-
tober and the hurry-up call for more
nurses comes as a result of a recent
increase of the Unit's hospital capac-
ity of 1000 beds.
The requirements for service with
the Unit are urgent and there will
be little time lost in getting recruits
into foreign service once their cre-
dentials and physical examinations
are cleared.
Any graduate registered nurse who
is apparently eligible for military
duty may apply for assignment to
Miss Rhoda Reddig, directo of nurs-
ing, University Hospital.

Doughton Say
Tax Bill Will

Go to House
Committee Fails To
Report Plan; Parties
Conflict on Reasons
WASHINGTON, April 23. - OP) -
Despite Republican intimations to
the contrary, Chairman Doughton
(Dem.-N.C.)tonight claimed suffi-
cient votes in the Ways and Means
Committee to deliver to the House
floor a pay-as-you-go bill taxing
1942 income at 1941 rates, and esti-
mated to produce about $3,000,000,-
000 additional revenue this year.
The committee today failed to re-
port the bill, and Republicans and
Democrats gave conflicting explan-
ations on the reasons why; the for-
mer hinting that there were not suf-
ficient votes.
Meanwhile, a Congressional tax
authority, who asked that his name
not be used directly, said this mea-
sure, supported by Democrats,. would
mean 1943 federal revenue from per-
sonal income taxes would jump from,
$10,000,000,000 to about $13,000,000,-
000. He expressed the view that the
increased collections would be ac-
companied by a "freezing" of pres-
ent rates, preventing any further
wartime increases.
The hike in revenues would come
about by collecting in 1943 on 1943,
incomes while taxpayers at the same'
time amortized the reduced obliga-!
tions on the 1942 income. A third of
the 1942 liabilities would be due by
Dec. 15, and the remainder in 1944
and 1945.
The measure includes a 2 per cent,
withholding levy against the taxable
portions of wages and salaries.
Doughton called another commit-
tee session for tomorrow, when the
body probably will vote on reporting
the bill.
Drive To Share Your
Smokes Is Ended
The five-day Union-Daily spon-
sored "Share Your Smoke" drive
came to a grand climax yesterday as
contributions from campus groups
began to roll into the Union Student
As yet there is little indication of
the total collected. However, Erwin
Larson, '45, chairman of the drive,
said late last night that he doubted
if the $500 goal was reached.
Mosher hall was reported to have
contributed 100 per cent. Collections
are yet to be made from dormitories,
league houses, and about 25 fratern-

Pilots Wipe
Out 20 Nazi
Enemny Planes Loaded
With Troops, Gasoline
Destroyed by British
By The Associated Press
NORTH AFRICA, April 23.-Allied
artillery barrages and determined in-
fantry attacks cracked open three
salients in Marshal Erwin Rom-
mel's Tunisian bridgehead today, and
fighter pilots celebrated another
smashing aerial triumph in their
destruction of an entire fleet of
20 mammoth six-engined German
transport planes loaded with troops
and precious gasoline.
Barrage Precedes
With furious fighting covering
two-thirds of the Tunisian front, this
was the Allied position at dusk to-
1. Preceded by the heaviest single
artillery barrage of the campaign,
British infantry attacked the Ger-
man "Verdun" of the Tunisian front
-Long Stop Hill, 28 miles southwest
of Tunis.
2. First Army infantry attacked on
a nine-mile front between Goubellat
The Swedish Foreign Office con-
siders the German answer to its
protest against the shelling of the
Swedish submarine Draken as un-
satisfactory, it was reported au-
thoritatively tonight.
and Bou Arada and advanced three
miles against stubborn opposition to
within about 34 miles of Tunis.
3. Gen. Sir Bernard L. Mont-
gornery's Eighth" Army stabbed six
miles north of Enfidaville along the
marshy coastline, while mountain as-
sault to the west which resulted in
the capture of Takrouna were slowed
by continuous counterattacks, ap-
proximately 40 airline miles from
Transports Wiped Out
In ten blazing minutes, British,
South African and Australian fight-
ers who caught the aerial convoy
over the Gulf of Tunis wiped out ev-
ery one of the 20 transports and shot
down ten escorting planes to carry
out what was regarded here as the
most important stroke against en-
emy supply lines since the fighting
(The War Department said in
Washington that the German trans-
ports were Merseburg's 323's-not
Messerschmitts as previously report-
ed from Africa-and described them
as power gliders with six engines, 700
to 800 horsepower, and a speed of
125 to 130 miles, capable of carrying
100 to 110 troops.)
Capital Moves
LONDON, April 24. (Saturday)-
(A)-The Daily Telegraph said in a
Stockholm dispatch today that Axis
headquarters had been moved from
Tunisia to Sicily and now were es-
tablished in a village on the outskirts
of Messina.

Coal Producton
May Be Halted
Negotiators for Miners
To Go Before WLB
NEW YORK, April 23.-V(M- Pos-
sibilty of a general work stoppage
in the nation's soft coal fields loomed
anew today as negotiators for
northern Appalachian bituminous
operators left for Washington to go
before the War Labor Board, and
John L. Lewis declared the joint wage
conference had been disrupted.
Part of the southern Applachian
owner's negotiating committee also
left to appear tomorrow before the
WLB, to which Secretary of Labor
Perkins has certifed the case, while
others remained to attend further
debate on the United Mine Workers'
demands in the morning.
Lewis, UMW president, refused to
say whether he would comply with

msteur "14
A- special communique announced
that a striking force of 200 Russian
long-range bombers battered the'
East Prussian railway center of In-
sterburg, on the German trunk sup-
ply line to the north Russian front,
for more than two hours last night
and left the entire city in flames.

enough so that Ickes could, if he!
found it advisable, tell a retail coal-
yard which sizes of coal and how
much of each it may stock-the or-
der specifically directed that ration-
ing authorities consult Ickes on any
plans or proposals for rationing of
solid fuels, and gave him the final
voice after advising with the War
Production Board.

I ,

It was added that a single bomber
was lost in this sixth raid of the big
Russian aerial offensive from theC
east which started April 10 with an
attack on Koenigsberg. It was the Attracts Crowd
first time the Russians had concen-,
trated on Insterburg. Previous tar- A burning electric motor in the
gets were Danzig and Tilset. heating tunnel below the Natural
Large Number of Planes Used Science building last night brought
Two hundred planes is the largest the city's fire equipment screaming up
number the Russians ever had men- to campus.
tioned using in the new wave of raids Ventilators in the tunnel spread the
keyed with the RAF and U.S. aerial smoke through the building and
onslaught to keep Hitler's citadels white-coated laboratory technicians
under fire from both sides. ran into the corridors to find the
Air forces of both sides were active smoke. A call from one of them to
over the entire area, and the mid- the fire department asked for a small
night communique recorded by the truck to put out the smouldering
Soviet monitor also reported the de- fire; two large red engines came.
struction yesterday of 20 German About 500 curious students gath-
planes southwest of Voroshilovgrad ered in front of the building, many
in the Donets basin. expressing hopes that "the whole
The Russian lines were declared thing burns down." But the fire was
still holding firm. out in about 10 minutes.

Reporter elso Landing at Ellice Islands
Reportr '-U

(Editor's Note: The Navy disclosed
in washington Friday that American
forces have established a base in the
Ellice Islands flanking the shipping
routesbetween the United States and
Australia. Navy censors then released
the following eyewitness story of the
landing there.)
Associated Press Correspondent
SOUTH PACIFIC - (Delayed). -
-United States Marines completed
the job of moving into the Ellice
Islands a few minutes ago without

ington Friday disclosed that the
United States had occupied Funa-
futi in the Ellice Islands group and
that enemy bombers had raided it
April 22. Secretary Knox told a
press conference "we've been there
for some time and we've got an
establishment there" but declined
to disclose the time of occupation
or the nature of the establishment.
Knox said the Funafuti base had
the same value as other island
bases guarding the line of com-
munications to Australia, but
noted that it was much nearer the

The only things missing were soft
strains of south sea music, waving
palms and an announcer's voice
taking a "reluctant" farewell.
But Americans ashore, in for a
rough time at best, had no time to
ponder such soft idyls. The Japa-
nese were only about 500 miles
away in the Gilberts and the Ma-
rines were busy preparing a recep-
tion for any attempt to dispute
their occupation.
The Marines went ashore on
Funafuti, a low strip of 'palm-
covered land shaped like a boomer-

bomb radius by several hundred
By beating the Japanese to the
Ellice Islands, the Marines and the
Navy. moved up as easily as the
Japanese had moved down into the
Solomons earlier in the war.
Guarded by cruisers and de-
stroyers, transports slipped into
the lagoon single file without a
sound except from cruisers cata-
pulting their planes to maintain
an overhead watch.
Behind the business of getting
there first lay an immense amount

ing men, equipment and supplies
they jammed their bows into the
beach while bronze-colored na-
tives looked on pleasantly, and
from there on it was just a task
of repeating the process until ev-
erything was unloaded.
Funafuti has a population of
about 350 light-skinned Samoan
type natives and normally only
one European-a British colonial
officer. Fliers from our cruiser who
alighted in the lagoon said the na-
tives were physically excellent, big,
strong and friendly. They started

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