Jii<~ NI U A l We~ikcr VOL. LI No. 146 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS U.S. o Blast Jap Cities Soon.. Doolittle ERG To Go on ActiveDuty in June D~oo littile PrepaIres 'Pre~sentI' for Japs 236 Deferred Students Will Receive Calls Statement Is First To Clarify Status of ERC Still Attending School A terse announcement from the Sixth Service Command revealed yesterday that the 236 men on cam- pus inethe deferred class of the Army Enlisted Reserve Corps would be called to active duty two weeks after the end of the present semester. Complete plans are now being drafted in Chicago to call the men to duty from their homes. The Uni- versity has been asked to forward details of the closing of this semester and the men affected will receive their orders not later than June 15. Of the 12,306 men in the ERC in the area of the Sixth Service Com- mand 8,790 have already been called to duty. These men reported during the month of March and were in service by March 20. 400 Men Receive Orders More than 400 University men were ordered to duty. and have since been placed in the service for which they were best fitted., The deferred class of the ERC comprises men in pre-medical, pre- dental, and engineering studies and was granted deferment in February to permit the men to complete the present semester. This order is the first definite Army statement on the status of the deferred dlass. Previous announce- ments failed to establish an exact date of induction. r. Burton Thuma, armed service representative, advised men "to stay near home after the term closes to avoid delay in receiving their orders." According to general Army an- nouncements of the Specialized Training Program, men in the re- serve corps of sufficiently high cali- ber would be selected to be sent back to colleges and Universities for ad- vanced training in their fields. Special Training Offered Any such selection would come af- ter the regular Army basic training course had been administered and after the eligible men had success- fully passed periodic screening tests. Under the ASTP a meteorology training unit, the 1694th service unit and the 1697th service unit have been established on campus for tech- nical training. The Army has indicated that it would consider the choice of each man concerning the school he wished to be sent to, but did not make def- inite assurances that these choices would be followed. Nazis Attack Kuban Valley LONDON, April 23 (Fri.)-(P)-So- viet troops mowed down hundreds of Germans still attacking their Kuban River Valley lines above the enemy bridgehead at Novorossisk in the Caucasus, and the Red air force made mass raids on Nazi military formations and other targets, Mos- cow announced earl today. Three hundred Germans were killed in attempting to take one hill- top and hundreds also fell in another sector, said the midnight communi- que recorded by the Soviet Monitor. The Soviet Baltic fleet's air force attacking enemy ports in that area was said to have caused serious dam- age to installations, shut down 12 planes, and destroyed a patrol ship and three troop landing craft. The constant German attacks in the Caucasus apparently were aimed at retaining a foothold there for fu- ture operations when the ground be- comes firmer and at the same time keep the Russians from employing their full strength elsewhere on the long front. Destination Unknown As 'Old 98' Leaves Army Base GOT A NICKEL? 'Share Your Smokes' Drive Will End Today The five-day "Share Your Smokes" drive to send one million cigarettes overseas will come to a grand climax when collections from fraternities, sororities, dormitories and league houses roll into the Union Student Offices. League, Union and Daily staff members will be stationed on campus until noon today to receive last- minute contributions. Quad Contributes $125 Erwin Larsen, '45, chairman of the drive, said reports had come from Peter Ostafin, resident advisor of the West Quad, indicating an approxi- mate $125 total contribution from Pay-As-You-Go Discussion Is Set for May 3 Conflict Along Party Lines Threatens New Tax Bill Before House WASHINGTON, April 22 -(IP)-A finish battle on pay-as-you-go taxa- tion, including the modified RumI plan to skip an income tax year, was set today for Monday, May 3, and the house decided to take an Easter recess until that climactic date-af- fording time for taxed tempers to cool. Members began leaving Washing- ton in large numbers and many, no doubt, will find among their home people the answer to the question of how they should cast their votes. Another battle along party line appeared inevitable with the leaders on each side lined up in this manner: Democrats-Behind a proposal to apply the much softer 1941 rates and exemptions to 1942 personal income. This would erase the last year's tax liabilities completely for about 7,000,- 000 persons and give others substan- tial reductions. The overall tax abatement would amount to approxi- mately 50 per cent of the total 1942 personal income tax bill - in dollars $5,000,000,000. Republicans - Backing first of all the modified Rum plan, as drawn in a bill by Rep. Carlson (R-Kas.) but if the skip-a-year proposition fails, ready with an alternate pro- posal to abate 75 per cent of last year's taxes for most taxpayers. Whatever bill is adopted, if any, it probably will include a 20 per cent withholding levy, effective July 1, against the taxable portions of wages and salaries. Speaker Rayburn (D-Tex.) told newspapermen a tax bill would be brought to the floor under procedure allowing the presentation of amend- ments. WLB Enters Wage Fight Accepts Jurisdiction After Negotiations Fail WASHINGTON, April 22.--(P)- The War Labor Board accepted jur- isdiction over the soft coal wage dis- pute today, and promptly called a hearing on it for 10 a.m. Saturday. Asked to attend were Charles O'Neill and Edward R. Burke, chair- man of the Northern and Southern Appalachian Operators Committees, and John L. Lewis, president of the United Mine Workers. The initial hearing, the board ex- plained, will be for the purpose of receiving from the parties a sum- mary statement of the issues in dis- pute and of discussing "the proce- dure and timing to be followed in the presentation of the dispute to the board." Secretary of Labor Perkins had epantifin h a sc toi the WIM arlier the houses in the Quad. William Wood, an assistant advisor, was largely responsible for the collec- tions, Ostafin said. Already five houses are reported making 100 per cent contributions. These are Sigma Chi, Phi Delta The- ta, Kappa Alpha Theta, Pi Beta Phi, and Phi Gamma Delta. Union members started yesterday to pick up contributions from indi- vidual houses. Total results of the drive will be available tomorrow, Lar- sen indicated. Shipped Without Cost Every nickel received from the drive will be used to purchase one package of cigarettes through the cooperation of a tobacco company agreeing to relinquish its profits. These cigarettes will be cartoned in 50-package lots and turned over to Army and Navy service departments at ports of embarkation. The service departments will send the cartons to American fighters abroad with munitions shipments without cost. A red, white and blue seal replac- ing the usual revenue stamp, in- scribed "Good Luck, Good Smoking from the University of Michigan Student Body, University of Michi- gan, Ann Arbor", will give the cigar- ettes a special campus designation. Ex-Governor Dickinson Dies At Charlotte Death Follows Heart Attack; Services Are Scheduled Tomorrow CHARLOTTE, April 22-(IP)-Luren D. Dickinson, 84, former Governor of Michigan whose life-long battle against sin, liquor and "high life" had made him a nationally known figure, died today at his Center Eaton farm home just a few miles outside this city, the victim of a heart at- tack. He had collapsed Wednesday morn- ing, and was only semi-conscious to the end. In his more lucid moments apparently was unaware of the grav- ity of his condition, said Dr. H. Allen Moyer, his personal physician and state health commissioner. Blood Clot Caused Collapse Dickinson had been in bed nursing a strained back since his 84th birth- day one week ago, when the collapse occurred, caused, Dr. Moyer said, by a blood clot in an artery near the heart, An old friend, Mrs. Bernice Curtis, a neighbor of the Dickinsons for many years, and Mrs. Marie Snow, his nurse, and Miss Della Patterson, the child of an adopted daughter whom Dickinson affectionately called "my granddaughter," were with him at the end. They reported he apparently suf- fered no pain in his last moments and simply ceased to breathe. Dr. Moyer said Dickinson was dead when he was recalled to the home, about 15 minutes after he had made a noon examination of his patient. The funeral of Dickinson, first man to attain the governorship of Mich- igan by succession at the death of an elected governor, will be held Sat- urday from the Lawrence Avenue Methodist Church of Charlotte. Wylie To Give Rites His body will lie in state at the church from 11 a.m.toethe hour of the funeral, 4 p.m. The Rev. A. W. Wylie, Pastor of Dickinson's Center Eaton Methodist Church, where the aged former governor had served as ao Sunday School teacher from young manhood until he was 80, will preach the funeral sermon. Assisting him in the service will be the Rev. A. L. Wagley, Pastor of the Hickory Corners Methodist Church, who preached the funeral sermon for Mrs. Dickinson in 1940, and the Rev. BtiItish Forces Hammer Axis South of Tunis Infantry Uses Bayonets, Grenades To Clean Out Enemy's Gun Stations By The Associated Press ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH AFRICA, April 22.-(P)- British Eighth Army infantry, using bayonets and grenades, smashed into Axis mountain nests south of Tunis today in an unhalted advance after the first army crushed a diversion- ary blow west of the capital by de- stroying 27 tanks and capturing 500 elite German troops. Fighting Is Hand-to-Hand The Eighth Army was reported to have gained three miles north and west of Enfidaville since the offen- sive began in that sector Monday night, and a spokesman said violent fighting, much of it hand-to-hand, raged all day. A delayed dispatch from Noland Norgaard, an AssociatedPress cor- respondent at the front, said the British yesterday seized Takrouna, three miles northwest of Enfidaville, except for mopping up operations, and were pushing into the salt mar.sh area of Sebkra Sidi Kralifa north of Enfidaville. British Blast Enemy Gunposts Farther inland in the Djebel Garci area the British, however, faced a formidable task of cleaning out en- emy gunposts on the sheer sides of those hills, and infantrymen and mules were carrying supplies into country too difficult for motorized transport. In the north Lieut.-Gen K. A. N. Anderson's First Army, including parachute troops, withstood a power- ful German counterattack aimed at easing the pressure on Marshal Rom- Turn to Page 6, Col. 3 Wheeler Objects To Size of Army Claims 18-Year-Olds Enough Without Dads WASHINGTON, April 22.-(AP)- Senator Wheeler (Dem.-Mont.) con- tended today the armed forces al- ready contain more men than can be sent abroad for the next two years. He commented when the Senate postponed action until next week on his proposal to exempt fathers from military induction for the remainder of 1943. Action was deferred at the request of Senator Vandenberg, (Rep.-Mich.) who said he wanted to await the re- turn of Senator Revercomb (Rep.- W. Va.) an opponent of the bill. Wheeler told reporters that 73,000 of 100,000 youngsters reaching age 18 each month are "first class fight- ing material" and constituted "ample replacements" for the armed forces "without the necessity for drafting fathers." "The papers report that we had an army of 6,500,000 men on April 15 and the most we can get abroad in all this year is 2,700,000," Wheeler said." Attaching a Japanese medal to a 500-nound bomb which soon after was dropped on Tokyo, Maj.-Gen. James Doolittle (right) prepares for the famed April 18, 1942, raid from "Shangri-La," now revealed to have been the U.S.S. Hornet, 20,000-ton aircraft carrier. (Associated Press photo from U.S. Navy.) Lone Fortress Fights Off Four Jap Attackers Enemy Planes Continue To Increase in Area Northeast of Australia ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN AUSTRALIA, April 23. (Friday)-I (A)-A Flying Fortress over Kaviengt New Ireland, fought off four Japa-e nese fighters yesterday in a battler which extended over 150 miles, thet High Command announced. Japanese positions at Nassau Bay, near Salamaua, New Guinea, werev heavily bombed and strafed in an-r other aerial action. . The Kavieng incident was the sec- ond in as many days to indicate in-r creased Japanese opposition in the air in the sector northeast of Aus- tralia. Yesterday's communique toldt of a single Fortress' battle with zeros near Rabaul, New Britain, in whicht the Allied plane shot down two oft the interceptors.f Today's noon communique said succinctly of the Kavieng action: "One of our heavy units on recon- naissance was intercepted by four enemy fighters and fought off the enemy in a running engagement which lasted forn150nmiles." India Rule No.26 Declared Inval i NEW DELHI, April 22.-(P)-The defense of India rule No. 26 under which more than 8,000 All-India Congress leaders, including Mohan- das K. Gandhi and Pandit Jawaharla Nehru, were imprisoned without trial and have been held since last Sept. 8, was declared invalid today in a judgment read in New Delhi federal court. The court held that the rule "went beyond the powers which the legis- lature though fit confer on the cen- tral government." It caused considerable flurry and embarrassment among government circles but while Gandhi and his col- leagues now stand illegally arrested they are still in jail tonight. OPA Schedule Will Cut Prices On Most Poultry Revised Price Lists Designed To Wipe Out Chicken Black Market WASHINGTON, April 22.-()- The OPA promised "substantial sav- ings" to the general public on chick-.. ens and other"poultry on the basis of new price schedules put into effect today. Spokesman for the agency said that although some of the new prices were higher and others lower than recent ceilings, "on the average the public can expect substantial savings in comparison with actual prices paid recently, since many of the prices were illegal." Primary purpose of the revision is to "smash the black market in poul- try," OPA said, and for this reason the new schedule provides a formula for determining exact maximum le- gal prices which farmers can charge in selling poultry to wholesalers and others. These prices will determine wholesale and retail prices, since they are, under OPA regulations, fixed on specific percentages above cost. The price-fixing experts of OPA said that "black market" activities had flourished to a large extent be- cause of confusion under the old price rules over farm prices, which had been figured not on cost at the farm but on costs when delivered to a dealer many miles away, and vary- ing according to the location of dif- ferent customers of the same poultry farm. Canadian Ford 'lant Strikes WINDSOR, Ontario, April 22,-(P) -A strike closed down plant No. 2 of the Ford Motor Company of Can- ada today and conferences between union leaders and company officials continued tonight with no indication of an agreement. Five thousand day shift workers stopped work this morning in plant 2, largest of three Ford plants here, and remained inside until 3:30 p.m. Three thousand night workers, re- porting at 4 p.m., found the power Ishut of f. President Roy England of Local 200 of the United Automobile Work- ers of America (CIO) said the work stoppage resulted from a company order requiring one man to complete an operation formerly done by two. RAF Attacks Ships In Continent Raids Will Avenge Execution of Yank Fliers Other Tokyo Raiders Express Wish To Join In Future Bombings By The Associated Press ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH AFRICA, April 22.-Shock- ed and angered by Japanese execu- tion of some of the American airmen he led against Japan last year, Maj.- Gen. James H. Doolittle declared to- day that "soon our bombers will be there again-striking at the heart of Japan until the empire crumbles and they beg for mercy." Bombs for Retaliation General Doolittle said he and the other American flyers here who bombed Tokyo "want to be on the next raid over Japan," and added "we will drop each bomb in memory of our murdered comrades. "Our bombs will not be missing their mark," he said grimly in com- menting on President Roosevelt's an'- nouncement of Japan's executions. A typical comment of the others who bombed Japan was that of Capt. Howard A. Sessler of Arlington, Mass., who said: "The day will come when these atrocities will be avenged and I hope to be among the aveng- ers." Citizens Recognize Foe Another, Maj. Rodney R. Wilder of Taylor, Tex., said, "Since I'm asked what I think of the fate of my bud- dies, all I can say is that now the people of the United States should realize the nature of our foes And should dedicate themselves to even greater efforts to support the war aims of our government." General Doolittle said: "After the first feeling of regret that such wanton barbarity could still exist in the civilized world I could only feel a deep loathing and resentment toward the war leaders who are responsible for the act. "Since the Japanese government has officially communicated the fact of the execution to our government there must be a futile hope in the perverted Japanese mind that the American people can be intimidated by such atrocities. Turn to Page 6, Col. 4 Japs Promise Warm Welcome To Yank Raiders By The Associated Press Japanese propagandists *declare American fliers who bomb Japan in the future will be riding on "a one- way ticket to hell," but the man who did it once, Maj. Gen. James H. Doolittle- and hopes to do it again- -predicts that avenging Yankees will batter the island empire time and time again until it "crumbles and they beg for mercy." Stressing ominously that Japan would "leave nothing undone" to prevent future aerial attacks, the latest English-language warning from Tokyo said: "and by the way, don't forget, America-make sure that every flier that comes here has a special pass to hell and rest as- sured it's strictly a one-way ticket." President Roosevetl's protest against the execution of some of Doolittle's men was countered by Domei with the assertion that the Japanese were perfectly justified in severely punishing American fliers who were found guilty of purposely carrying out wanton attacks on in- nocent civilians, hospitals and schools." 4. * Japanese Atrocities Spur Bond Sales WASHINGTON, April 22.-(R)- Stirred by the Japanese executions of captured American airmen, many cities and states todfiy overshot their quotas in the $13,000,000,000 Second War Loan Campaign or upped their goals. New York announced that the Sec- CODE ENFORCED: Majestic Won't Reopen Till It Meets Standards, Waite Says "Regarding any possible re-open- ing of the Majestic Theatre, I have no comment other than that it cer-I tainly must conform to the law be- fore it can be re-opened," Alderman John B. Waite, chairman of the Or- dinance committee of the Ann Arbor Town Cuncil, said in an interview yesterday. Alderman Waite, who is also Pro- fessor of Law at the University, and I believe that since he is a com- petent man he intends to perform his duty." When asked what effect he thought the influx of defense workers into Ann Arbor might have on pres- ent building standards, he answered, "I see no reason why this should cause any decrease in safety." Waite said that the City Attorney. had been asked to help the City In-