Fall Advisers, To Meet Today A meeting of all recently appointed freshman, transfer, and alternate orientation advisers will be held at 4:45 'pAm. tdpy, in the Lea'gue, ac- cording to Barbara Smith, '44, head of orientation advisers. All advisers are urged to attend this meeting since plans for next fall's orientation week will be made at this time. Advisers will also be divided into various groups which will plan their program for this spring. It will be assumed that any adviser who does not appear at the meeting is not interested in being an adyiser, and an alternate will be as- signed to take her place. A skit will be given at the meeting in order to present the new executive committee which was announced early this week. A short talk will also be delivered by Dean Bursley. Engagements Are Announced Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Herzog of Flint have announced the engagement of their daughter, . Ann, '43, to Capt. John It. McNicholas, '41M, Medical porps, .. Army, son of Mr. and Mrs. John R.McNicholas of Maren- isco. The wedding plans have been made for June. Miss Herzog is affiliated with Kap- pa Kappa Gamma sorority where she has, served as chapter president. She holds the office of Senior Class secre-, tary.. Capt. McNicholas is a graduate of Northwestern University and the itedical school of the University of1 Tdichi'gan. He is affiliated with Phi Delta Theta fraternity and Phi Chi- medical fraternity and a member of Galens, honorary medical ffraternity. He is now stationed at Camp Adair, Ore. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Wilson S. Morris. of Madison, N.J. have announced, ) :\I IL - -- -. -. -----'a-- -. - . a~ A. Ax a -. .a ba Housing List For Sumrmer Is Announced For the benefit of those women students who are planningto return !or the summer session, eitner the' full sixteen weeks or the eight weeks, an official list of dormitories, league houses and sororities is available at the Office, of the Dean of Women., Graduate students who are intend-, ing to be here for the eight week session may live at Betsy Barbour,1 Helen Newberry and University Hou- ses. Undergraduates may live in Jordan Hall.. For the sixteen week session, both graduate and under- graduate facilities are available in Stockwell Hall and in Mosher Hall. With the exception of University House, where no meals are being served, it .is required that all resi- dents board at the dormitories., A list of league houses and dormi- tories which .will be open for the summer can be gotten at the Office of the Dean of Women. About sixty- two houses will be open for sixteen weeks but many will take eight week students or those attending any of the irregular sessions. Twelve houses are available for the eight week ses- sion alone. the engagement of, their daughter Mary,.'43, toPvt. William H. Hart- wig, son of Mr. and Mrs. Felix W., Hartwig of Niagara Falls, Ont. Miss Morris graduated from the University in January. She is aS- fillated with Alpha Omicron Pi sorority and a member of Athena, honorary speech society. She par- ticipated in Soph Cabaret and JGP. Pvt. Hartwig attended the Uni-, versity where: he was a pledge 'of Sigma Nu fraternity. For the last, four months he has been attending the Army Air Force Technical School at, Goldsboro, N.C,, but was recently transferred to, the Army Specialized Training Unit at the University of West Virginia, Mor- gantown, W.Va. Swe01,1 e t Ce A. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . .... .... . . . . . ......A .Ax ~ . . * . By NANCY GROBERG Profundity has never been our line. We have stuck, naturally enough, to the lighter side of lIfe-and, in the face of conditions, etc.-such a side is worth sticking to. Everyonce in a while, however, we come across some- thing that merits more than gay, "pass-over-it-lightly" attention. That's the way we feel about lots of things we never mention here. That's the way we feel about the liberal arts. And what a sick bunch of liberal arts they are! What blows they have been forced to take! The sneer of the science student at the very thought of an English major-the chemical whiz who can't conceive of spending days in Angell Hall-the engineer who would not be seen dead with a lit school student-and, finally, the young writer who referred, in a recent Issue of the Garg,. to the "do-nothing followers of the liberal arts"-these are just a few of the fosterers of that venomous outlook. Oh, it's nothing new. People have been belittling the English major for.years. . Engineers have always been loathe to soil their shoes on the steps of Angell Hall. The lit school has never been safe. But lately the attitude. has taken on enormous proportions. Mere principles and theories have been looked upon as empty stuff. The test tube, the electron, the mechan- ical skill, have become very much "the thing". Perhaps, in the light of present conditions, this is to be expected. The demand for scientists, for skilled workers-ali such demands-have helped that attitude along. This new impetus, however, does not make it any less deplorable. To scoff at literature, to turn up the nose at anything which smacks even faintly of principle, to dismiss liberal education as outmoded or unnecessary-these are unforgivable paths of* action. Perhaps those who scorn the liberal arts are not quite certain about what they are. Perhaps they picture only vague abstractions, impractical discussions, ethereal, high-flown ideas. If this be the case, then they are sadly misiniforned. For the liberal arts are more than that-how much more it is hard to express. Those of us who go to classes each day to trace trendg, dissect essays, analyze theories-those of us who major in Econom- ics, English, Social Science-we who see our liberal arts education being threatened-we are exposed to the greatest minds that ever thought or wrote. We have lea-ned that in the most significant literature may be found the germsof the most significant ideas. In the trends of history we. may find the trend of the future. In the theories of economics we meet the theories which, applied, guide the civilized,nations of the world. The con- clusions of thephilosopher are the ones after which, consciously or uncon- sciously, we pattern our lives. We have mentioned only a few examples-but they are fairly repre- sentative-representative enough to show that the students who pour in and out of Angell Hall and Haven Hail and the poor old Ec building are not wasting their time. They are representaive enough to show that, among true students, there can be no such thing as a "do-nothing follower of the liberal arts". Please do not. misunderstand-We do not, by any means, turn our back to the pursuit of the purely scientific. We are aware that engineers have become very important men, that the physical sciences are vital. Granted, too, that the great scientific mind may be considered the most brilliant of all great mindis. Granted that chemists are needed. Granted that the laws of physics stilapply. Granted that the country wants skilled hands, skilled minds, skilled workers. Granted, moreover, that it is not the function of the lberalartsto producesuchworkers. What, then, is their function? Well, we guess it's this. We guess that it is the function of the liberal arts to keep us thinking, to keep us from becoming, with all our skills and specialized knowledge, mere automatons, fitted only for doing. We shall not "do" the peace before we think it. We .sjall not effect, Iprovements before we conceive of them. We shall not maintain a new era. before we plan it. Our theories, our principles-yes, bur ideals-they are the wares of the liberal arts-they are its durable prod- ucts. The test of time has left them untouohed and they are what will last. For even when we have become so skilled, so highly mechanized that we need give to actual physical labor only a minimum of attention, we shall turn around to find that man is still busy thinking, in one way or another, the same old thoughts. ________________ Dressings Unit Urges Women To Give Hour Senior Society Holds Initiation S .nior Society, honorar vgroup for independent women, held an initia-, All women who have not attended Lion ceremony Monday, at the the Surgical Dressings Unit this year' 'Leau-D are especially urged to come this le new juj iOr hiniLates are: Doris week, as special emphasis will be Barr, Jean Bisdee, Miriam Dalby' Jane Faggen, Alice Fretz. Edith Hel- placed on the instruction of new~ women. Those women who have put berg., Blanche Holpar, Mildred Otto. i srhCharlotte Papernick. Phoebe Scott, in at least six hours work should try Barbara Smith, Mahala Smith, Con- Alpha Xi Delta Holds Founders Ceremony With.Detroit Group Alpha Xi Delta held the Golden Anniversary ceremony for its Na- tional Founders Day Saturday, April 17, in Detroit, at the Statler Hotel. It was announced at the meeting that enough money had been raised by members of the Alpha Xi Delta to purchase a clubmobile which will be donated to the Red Cross. Last year Alpha Xi Delta members raised enough money to give a blood donors ambulance to the Red Cross. Miss Mary Helen Tyre was chairman of the drive. Altogether one hundred and sev- enty-five members attended. Alpha Xi Delta announces the pledging of Rose Mary Eden, '46, of Niles and Frances Phillips, '45, of Calumet. to get their instructorships this week, since there is an urgent need for instructors. The unit will be open only four mcre weeks and every woman on campus is expected to have spent at least one hour at the Surgical Dress- ings Unit during the year. Groups that have been especially invited to attend the Surgical Dress- ing Unit, open from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. today are Chi Omega, Pi Beta Phi, Alpha Phi, Stockwell Hall and Madi- son House. Collegiate Sorosis. Delta Delta Del- ta, Alpha Chi Omega, Mosher Hall and University House have received special invitations for Friday. NOTICE The following students have been appointed to the central committee of Junior Project, but were not included in the article which appeared in Tuesday's Daily: Barbara Heym, who is a mem- her of Delta Delta Delta, is in charge of songs and skits; Obeline Elser, a resident of Helen New- berry, will head dormitories; Jean Loree, of Chi Omega, is in charge of booths, and Rutlf Mary Pick- ard, Collegiate Sorosis, will handle contributions from league houses. Girls Work Outdoors Gardening, hoeing, hedge-clipping. and lawn-mowing are new tasks per- formed by the girls of Jordan Hall. Because of the lack of men to do yard work, the girls, under the lead- ership of Louise Schloss, '46, and Margaret Winter, '46, have volun- teered to work outside on the Jordan lawns on sunny spring afternoons. stance Tabor, and Helen Willcox. Recently elected officers for next year are: president, Miriam Dalby; vice-president, Phoebe Scott; secre- tary, Mahala Smith: and treasurer, Alice Fretz. The retiring officers are Gertrude Inwood, Leanore Grossman, Jeanne Cordell and Roberta Holland. I. No Military Secret hRILYH SHOPPG / / One thing the Army doesn't have to teach her is the import- ance of BEAUTY, especially in war-time. GROOMWELL BEAUTY SALON Her gas supply may be limited, but she knows that BEAUTY Sifl never be rationed. Al "A Record Makes 'Legend' Of Senir Coed 1W ALICI; FRETZ "She's the legend of the economics departmeht," any ec major will tell you without the least provocation when describing Margaret Garritsen, 143, economics assistant who was re- GENEVIEVE BEAUTY SHOP I 1205 S. University Pb. 4819' 611 E. University Ph. 4300 'Ii OAO 3rt 4:vt. U nA.,TP . cently lauded for her all "A" college record.I The winner of a national Phi Kap- pa Phi Fellowship Award of $500 is quite calm about it all. She swears she doesn't chant "Abracadabra" be- fore handing in an "A" exam, nor does she polish apples and bring them to the teacher, though she be- lieves the latter might be quite effec- tive nowadays, food shortages being what they are. "No," says Margaret, "I study the same as anyone else, and I'm sorry, but I have no interesting formula that will reveal the secret of my suc- cess." Though she says her favorite hob- by is being frank, Miss Garritsen also indulges in such light pastimes as philosophical writing and what she expresses as "poetry-with quotation marks around it." She plans to get her Ph.D. at the Massachusetts Institute of Technol- ogy, having been chosen as one of four people in the whole United States best qualified to be awarded the Phi Kappa Phi award. Her am- bition after attending the M.I.T. is to travel around the world, and she jokingly remarked that she once even wrote a dissertation entitled "A Trip Through Egypt." Though she has never once fallen down and gotten a "B" since she left high school, Margaret complains of having an inferiority complex from trying to keep up with the rest of her family. "They're all just a bunch of geniuses," she says. However, she says she never fusses about whether she will get an "A" or not. "If I don't, I don't that's all," is her comment, "I've taken subjects that I'm interested in and studied them with the idea of how I'll use the knowledge later on." Alpha Delta Pi announces the pledging of Marie Cassettari, '44, of Chicago and Shirley Sloat, '44, of Port Harbor. Martha Cook announces the elec- tion of the following officers: Helen Speed, '44, president; Dorothy Dar- nall, '44, vice - president; Mahala Smith, '44, secretary and Alma Niel- son, '45, treasurer. -ad get it, if you vead led /~' a -0-0% Irv VYQ has always been the time .1r quality fashions ...... ...... ... k-J, Marilyn's 25 to $3950 1295 to $ 2195 Coats, Suits,' and Dresses ) 25'to 13915 Get into these new, soft, flattering clothes.. . he still prefers you to look your most feminine! Get into a new little suit . . . tailored, but with a difference. Get into a softly molded dresS . . . or a popular casual coat. There's one thing the war hasn't changed... and that's fashion... you can still carry on "beautiful as usual!" I, I i w I