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April 22, 1943 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-04-22

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3u1rx13zn DaZiy
Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter,
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43

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Telephone' 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by 'members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.


Schoolmasters' Club
ignored Basic Issue
M ICHIGAN schooa teachers and educators are
very anxious that education play its role in
the war effort, or at least that is what one would
infer from a list of the topics of speeches and
discussions given at the Michigan Schoolmasters'
Club last week-end.
But some of the discussion indulged in by
the schoolmasters would indicate otherwise.
One of the discussion meetings to consider the
compatibility of a cultural education with the
war effort might well serve as an example.
Following a discussion of the meaning of a
cultural education, the various teachers present
cited examples of the changes being made in the
subject matter taught in their respective schools.
One instructor cited a case where English
requirements were being cut from four years
to two years. In other places economics and
sociology courses were being entirely eliminated
from the curriculum. Special war training
courses for both boys and girls were said to be
replacing such subjects as history and American
government. In one high school which nor-
mally sends a fairpercentage of its seniors on to
,college a poll taken this year indicated that not
one senior planned to continue his education.
These changes were such that they would affect
not only the upperclassmen in high schools who
will be graduated and holding jobs soon, but
freshmen as well.
Such incidents as these indicate that there is
at present a definite trend away from the tra-
ditional liberal education and toward an educa-
tion which enables young peopleto help to fight
the war in the immediate future.
But not for one second during the discussion
did, the schoolmasters get down to the basic
issue before them. It was not pointed out
that the question to be decided was whether
young people should be educated to take part
in the all-out war effort immediately after
they graduate, or whether they should be
given an understanding of our government
and its problems which will enable them to
become responsible citizens later.
After the meeting the chairman of the discus-
sion group agreed that the group had complete-
ly ignored the main issue. "But," he added,
"when you talk about what kind of courses
ought to be offered and what ought to be dis-
continued, you are talking about jobs-a per-
sonal matter which cannot be discussed in groups
such as this."
This editorial is not concerned with the type
of education which should be offered or what its
purpose should be. It does seem futile, how-
ever, for a group of people to gather to discuss
a vital problem, and then to touch upon a num-
ber of related topics without facing the issue.
If the topic wasn't one which could be ds-
cussed, tiae meeting need not have been held.
Probably the educators really are concerned with
playing their. role in the war effort, but they
certainly will not accomplish this without decid-
ing first what it is.
- Jean Richards
Railroad Profits Necessary
The railroads actually made $960,000,000 last
year after paying taxes and interest. And sure
as shootin' we'll have a clamor for rate cuts,
especially if the President's new "quick freeze"
process works with railroad-wage increases.

Take St

OP Xea*e fit
By Jason

Y ROOMMATE's been complaining that
"Take It or Leave It" is always insulting
somebody-if it's not fraternities, it's Gerald
L. K. Smith, he says. So, for his benefit, I'm
turning today from the troubles of the world to
those of 412 Greene House.
First, a little background. Beginning with the
slip we got early last September: "You are asked
to report to the Dean's office at once." That
wasn't enough; they phoned for us three times,
So when Don and I finally found ourselves
sitting in conference with Dean Bursley and
Miss Scanlon, we were worried. The room
shortage for the coming semester was acute;
maybe they were going to eliminate us from
the East Quadrangle on the basis of that
empty sherry bottle ...
A T THE SAME TIME, Lew Mintz and George
Lepofsky were quietly enjoying their summer
in Norwalk, Conn. They were looking forward
to Ann Arbor in the fall, and a nice double room
in the East Quadrangle.
Then the ultimatum came, in the form of a
telegram from the Dean's office: "For next sem-
ester you can room. four in a room in East Quad
or room in West Quad or else . . " Ahat wasn't
the exact wording, but that was the idea.
At that conference in Dean Bursley's office,
Don and I had been given the same proposition.
They were desperately short of housing space;
would we give it a try. Knowing Lew and George,
we had no objections. And besides, a whole
bunch of us had lived in Greene House, East
Quad, the year before; we were all getting back
there, and that's what counted.
So, as a result of that September conference
in Dean Bursley's office, began the history of
412 Greene.
Living four in a room is like nothing else. If
you get off on the right foot, it's great. And we
Don and. I were on the scene, of course, going
to summer school. We had a beautiful chance
to take both closets (there were two; the other
two fellows were scheduled to live out of lock-
ers.) But we decided, instead, to draw lots for
them when George and Lew arrived. After that
gesture, we were in.
There were, of course, moments when things
began to get confused. Four beds in one room
-a dormitory room-fills up the space. When
you start to put on a tux in what's left of that
space, and your three roommates are also
trying to do the same thing, it's tough.
Then you reach the point where you just don't
care any more. Your roommates' clothes are
bulging out of every corner, and you shovel your
way -in and out.
We fixed that, though, by a system of fines.
If you didn't make your bed, twenty-five cents
to the fund. Not as effective as Army discipline,
perhaps, but it worked.
Talking of Army discipline-maybe our four-
some doesn't stack up with barracks, or with the
six or eight they're jamming into an East Quad
room these days. But the Army boys don't have
to worry about tuxes, either.
Which' reminds me-412 had discipline, too.

I'd Rather
Be Right
NEW YORK, April 21.- A Georgia witness
before the House Ways and Means Committee
denounces Abraham Lincoln as a war-monger.
The poor man, whose name hardly deserves na-
tional circulation, had merely got himself worked
up opposing our reciprocal trade treaties. He
made his appearance a day or two after Repre-
sentative Gearhart, of California, had charged
that we helped drive Hitler to war by encircling
him through our trade treaties with other na-
Let us note that this big attack on the re-
ciprocal trade treaties (which are old stuff)
comes at a time when some Americans are
trying to work out an American participation
in a world police force.
Thus, while Messrs. Hill, Hatch, Ball and Bur-
ton are attempting to move into advanced posi-
tions on the international front, we are in danger
of losing some of our established bases. It would
be a curious thing if we found ourselves part of
a world police force but had no more trade treat-
Almost all Congressional Republicans are
fighting renewal of trade-treaty legislation,
with the same unanimity with which they pass
resolutions saying that isolation is dead. It
may be dead, but oh, my. A compromise is
talked about, whereby Republicans would
agree to extension of trade treaty legislation
which expires in June, but with the proviso
that Congress could nullify any reciprocal
treaty within 90 days after signing. That is
a very short lease for the world of the future.
The New York Journal-American discovers
"evidence" that "a clear majority of Congress
is at sharpest odds with the Administration's
commitment of nearly all of America's war
strength to Europe." That is news, indeed. The
Journal-American, a Hearst newspaper, finds,
all .by itself, that a change in "Allied grand
strategy" may soon be "compelled." This news-
paper belongs to that (ex-)isolationist school
which uses every device to depict the war against
Japan as being neglected; it is, like most isola-
tionist opinion, twice as interested in the war
that is twice as far away.
So while some of us are thinking in terms of
a world police force, we find a maturing attack
at tiome against even the policy of taking the
instant offensive against Hitler. Even that isn't
accepted as inevitable and unchangeable.
Our job isn't so simple as merely to win a
few new objectives in foreign policy. The very
ground that we have won is constantly being
eroded. It's a fight, mates.
Those who want a more stable world may
imagine they have only another hill or two to
storm, but we actually face continuous political
warfare on a long front.
The Office of War Information sends 300 spe-
cialists to Africa, to work on the mindof the
enemy, and an instant what-what-what! breaks
out, like the quacking of furious ducks.
That is part of the isolationist picture, too, for
the opposition wants to keep ideas out of this
war, and would delight to reduce it to a mean-
ingless struggle of bodies and bullets.
And the fight sizzles on every question, ab-

WSSF Misrepresentation
Recently The Daily has givenI
favorable publicity to the WSSF,
World Student Service Fund, i
preparation for their campus-wide
drive to raise $2,000. The informa-
tion as given to The Daily stated
that the funds were to be used for
those soldiers captured in warfare
who were formerly students and
instructors in universities. The
funds are to furnish these soldiers
with books, writing materials,
games, etc. This is a major func-
tion of the WSSF at the present
time. The article further stated
that it would help "students and
professors of thirteen nations, in-
cluding China, Russia, Australia,
unoccupied France, Spain, Greece
and India".
What failed to be mentioned was
that aid would go as well to the
Axis student soldiers. (Note the
subtle compromise to this fact by
the mention of Spain in the above
quote.) When questioned person-
ally, Chairman Barbara Smith ad-
mitted this.
Why was this additional infor-
mation deliberately veiled? Was
she afraid that mentioning aid for
fascists would be unpopular for
the campaign, and that Michigan
students would feel that it was
inconsistent to give comfort to the
enemy and fight him at the same
time? Was she afraid that the stu-
dents on this campus would feel
that they were not really aiding
fellow students but young men who
had been indoctrinated with the
perverse beliefs of the Fascist sys-
Or did she feel that people on
campus would think, even if they
conceded that it wasn't so terribly
awful to buy Nazi prisoners jig-
saw puzzles, that direct aid to the
victims of these same Nazis, the
peoples of Greece, Norway, Poland,
Russia, and others, was far more
imperative than sharing the funds
with Fascists?
Quite possibly some of these
thoughts motivated the deliberate
misrepresentation of the WSSF
At any rate it would have been
far better to have honestly pre-
sented all the angles to this cause,
than attempt to curry the favor of
the campus by completely empha-
sizing that Allied soldiers would
receive the benefits.
- Sylvia Savin
Clarification of WSSF
Misrepresentation means the un-
true, improper, or incorrect pre-
sentation of any idea, statement,
project, or as you would have it,
campaign. In order to meet such
a charge, it is necessary to look
back upon what has gone before,
so that what one says in the future
will be clarified. This I will do
I If you will recall the first meet-
ing of representatives of the vari-
ous organizations, you will remem-
ber that an outline explaining the
essence of the World Student Serv-
ice Fund was given to you. Did
you notice the emphasized sen-
tence, "It helps students of all na-
tions, is non-sectarian, and non-
In the first article of The Daily,
April 10, didn't you observe that
WED. Yo W0

can mother is hearing from her boy,
"Why don't you write? I haven't had
a letter from home for ages." And
she knows she has written faithfully
every day.
The explanation is the U-boat,
which the War Department regrets
to say caused the loss of "several
million pieces of mail" during the
first three weeks of March alone.
But still the mother wonders why
some of her daily letters don't get
through. Even if a third of them
were sunk her boy should have re-
ceived 20 letters in the month.
Unfortunately, it doesn't work
that way. If she writes 30 letters
a month all those letters may have
accumulated in the Port of New
York or some other port waiting
for a convoy outward bound. Con-
voys cannot leave every day or
two. So all 30 letters.might go into
one ship and if that ship is sunk
her son will have no mail for a
There is no solution to this prob-
lem except to keep on writing.
f rnvrin'ht 1943. TUnited Features Svnd'5


VOL. LII No. 145
All notices for the Daily OfficialBul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding is publia-
tion, except on Saturday when the ilo-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
War Bonds: Buy your War Bonds for
April at University Cashier's Office. Or-
ders may be sent through campus mail.
University War Bond Committee
Fellowship Plan: $500 a year toa grad-
uate student interested in professional
Scouting as a career and who takes her
field work in a Girl Scout office. Appli-
cations should be filed by May 7, 1943.
Further information may be had from our
office, 201 Mason Hall, office hours 9-121
ind 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
Michigan Civil Service:
Blind Transcribing Machine OperatorI
C; May 5, 1943; $110 to $125 per month.
Highway Engineering Inspector Al; May
5, 1943; $145 to $165 per month.
Further information may be had from
Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall,
office hours 9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
University Lecture: Dr. Horace R. Byers,
Secretary of the Institute of Meteorology,
University of Chicago, will lecture on the
subject, "Thunderstorms," under the aus-
pices of the Department of Geology today
at 4:15 p.m. in the Natural Science Audi-
torium. The public is invited.
University Lecture: Professor W. Carl
Rufus of the Department of Astronomy
will lecture on the subject, "Copernicus,
Polish Astronomer, 1473-1543" (illustrated)
in commemoration of the 400th annivers-
ary of the death of Copernicus, under the
auspices of the Department of Astronomy,
on Friday, April 23, at 4:15 p.m. In
Rackhamn Amphitheatre. The public Is
Academic Notices
ROTC Drill: Co. 'D' will 'Fall In' on
Hoover Street in front of the IM Building,
in uniform with rifles.
Preliminary Examinations for the Doc-
torate in'the School of Education will be
held on May 12, 13 and 14. Anyone de-
3iring to take these should notify my of-
fice by May 1.
Clifford woody,
Chairman of Committee on
Graduate Study in Education
Directed Teaching, Qualifying Examina-
tion: Students expecting to elect D100
(Directed Teaching) next semester are
required to pass a qualifying examination
in the subject which they expect to teach,
This examination will 'be held on Satur-
day, May 1, at 1:00 p.m. Students will
meet in the auditorium of the University
[igh School. The examination Ivill con-
3ume about four hours' time; promptness
Is therefore essential.
Teacher's Certificate, May 1943 Candi-
dates: The Comprehensive Examination
in Education will be given on Saturday,
May 1, from 1:30 to 4:30 in the auditorium
of University High School. Printed infor-
mation regarding the examination may be
ecured in the School of Education Office.
Doctoral Examination for Frank Jones
Lockhart. Chemical Engineering; thesis:
"Liquid-Liquid Extraction: Effect of Time
and Concentration on Over-All Transfer
Coefficients," will be held on Friday, April
23, in 3201 East Engineering, at 3:00 p.m.
Chairman, G. G. Brown.

positions by Vivaldi, Beethoven, Nees, and
3tephen Foster.
The Annual Good Friday Organ Recital
will be heard at 4:15 p.m., on April 23,
In Hill Auditorium.:It will be given by
Palmer Christian, University Organist, and
will include music in keeping with the day.
Dr. Christian wil be assisted In the pro-
gram by Sara Titus, violinist, and a wom-
rn's chorus from the Madrigal Singers.
The general public is invited.
The twentieth annual exhibition of
work by artists of Ann Arbor and vicinity
Is being presented by the Ann Arbor Art
Association in the Exhibition Galleries
of the Rackham Building, through April
23, daily, except Sunday; 2 to 5 after-
noons and 7 to 10 evenings. The public
Is cordially invited.
Exhibition, College of Architecture and
Townsite projects and housing plans
for the willow Run area showing photo-
graphs, drawings, models, and cost data.
Both professional projects and student
tudies are shown. Third floor Exhibition
Room, Architecture Building. Opeh daily
9 to 5 except Sunday through April 30.
The public is invited.
Events Today,
Mortar Board meeting for all old and
ew members tonight at 7:15 in the coun-
cil room ()f the League.
The Michigan Sailing Club will meet to-
night at 7:30 in room 307 of the Michigan
Members of the Post-war Council are
reminded of the meeting tonight at 7:15
in the Union.
The regular Thursday evening recorded
program in the Men's Lounge of the Rack-
ham Building will be as follows:
Bach: violin Concerto in D minor.
Wagner: Parsifal (Prelude and Good
Friday Spell).
Szostakowicz: Symphony No. 5.
Alpha Phi Omega, National Service Fra-
ternity, will hold a rushing meeting to-
night at 8:00 in the Michigan Union.
Moving pictures of the 1942 Michigan-
Notre Dame football game will be shown.
All $ormer Boy Scouts are cordially In-
A mass meeting of all transfer and fresh-
man orientation advisers and alternates
will be held in the League Ballroom today
At 4:45 pin. This meeting is compulsory
for all.
Surgical Dressing Unit will be open to-
day from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. in the Game
Room of the League. All women interested
in making surgical dressings for the Red
Cross are urged to come.
Michigan Dames home nursing group
will meet tonight at 8:00 in North Hall.
At the First Presbyterian Church the
Maundy ThursdaynCommunion Service
will be held tonight at 8:00. Students
who plan to become affiliate members at
that time should meet with the Session
which convenes at 7:15 p.m. in the Lewis-
Vance Parlors for the Reception of the
New Members.
Episcopal Students: Maundy Thusday
celebrations of Holy Communion will be
as follows: 7:30 a.m. in Harris Hall Cgpel;
9:30 a.m, in St. Andrew's Church; and 8:00
p.m. (choral) in St. Andrew's Church.
Coming Events
The Annual French Play: Le Cercle
Francais will present "Le Monde ou l'on
s'ennuie", a comedy in three act by

this same statement was again
brought out? If you have glanced
at our posters, you would realize
that there is no emphasis placed
on Allied student soldiers, but
rather on all students of the world.
For this is the ideal of the World
Student Service Fund, as has been
stated in every article, poster, and
speech made during our campaign.
However, this review need be
carried no further. Rather we can
now take the opportunity to eluci-
date those points which we have
only been able to mention hereto-
f ore.
Again I refer to the first meeting
and the first article in The Daily.
If you will recall, emphasis was
placed upon the fact that the
WSSF acts under authorization of
the Geneva convention of 1929,
which regulates the treatment of
prisoners of war and which permits
certain welfare agencies (one of
which is a branch of the WSSF) to
send representatives into the
camps. Yes, reciprocal.
If we were to look at one side of
it, we could say stupidly, "Keep the
Nazi prisoners of war in Canada
busy with jig-saw puzzles (of all
things), so that we are just under
the requirements of the conven-
tion and can give our own friends
aid." But we choose to look at it
in the light of international edu-
As the German censors allow no
books written by Jewish authors to

pass into the camps, so in Canada
books published in Germany since
1933 are barred entrance. How-
ever, all other accepted books are
sent because we look to the future.
Shortsightedness has been the
curse of our modern world; we
want to curb it now! Just as our
own army presents a picture of our
nation, so do these German prison-
ers of war constitute a cross-sec-
tion of the German people, which
includes both Nazi and anti-Nazi.
These are the Germans with
whom we are going to live in the
future world, for they are not go-
ing to be shot, but rather are going
to be sent back to Germany to aid
with the reconstruction which will
take place. And much of their own
re-education is being reaUzed be-
cause the World Student Service
Fund sees above their political ties
and treats them as students.
For as Robert Mackie, Gen. Sec'y
of the WSCF, says in speaking of
the WSSF., "The only way in
which to build future world rela-
tionships is to begin now by help-
ing two groups of our contempo-
raries to continue as students-
refugees and prisoners of war."
And this means all students.
Misrepresentation? No, rather a
misinterpretation of the ideals of
one of the most necessary of re-
liefs-that of education.
- Barbara Smith

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