?AC-~ ~Q A 1L.L 1 TAN .6 . ...................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84-Year-Old Dickiinson Is Seriously III Former State Governor Suffers Heart Attack ; Condition Improved, CHARLOTTE, Mich. April 21.-) -Former Governor Luren D. Dickin- son, 84-year-old Dean of Michigan politics, was seriously ill at his farm. home near here tonight, the victim of a heart attack, but his personal physician said he was "better than holding his own and had rallied from the situation he was in this morn- ing." Dr. H. Allen Moyer, who has been Dickinson's personal physician and friend for years, said he could better speculate on "the eventual outcome" in the morning. He disclosed Dickinson has suf- fered for several years from "an or- ganic" heart condition, although the doctor had informed members of the former governor's family of this weakness when hd discovered it. Emphatically,-Dr. Moyer said the heart dttack was not induced by any over-exertion, pointing out that Dickinson has been in bed "for the last five days" nursing a lame back. Dickinson suffered the attack at 7 a.m. and Moyer said when he ar- rived at the former governor's farm home, not far from his own, he found "no pulse at the wrist" and Dickin- son in severe pain. He said he ad- ministered opiates and the pain has been relieved. Dickinsondis one of Michigan's colorful political figures. A show- man by nature, he employed bizarre tactics after becoming governor in March, 1937, to advance the crusade he couducted since early manhood against what he termed sin and "high life practices." Seven times he had been elected lieutenant governor of his state, generally without much campaign- ing, and during the seventh term the sudden death of the then Gover- nor Fitzgerald automatically elevated him to the executive. chair. Jap Navy Vessels in Target Areea of TLokyo Raiders MICHIGAN VACATIONLAND: Kelly Will Head Delegation To Protest Travel Restrictions LANSING, April 21.- (R)- Gover-' nor Kelly said today he had arranged to lead a Michigan delegation to Washington to confer Tuesday, May, 4, with Joseph B. Eastman, Director of War Transportation, and seek a relaxation of federal restrictions on vacation travel in Michigan. - Kelly appointed a committee to prepare an appraisal of Michigan recreational and transportation prob- lems to present to Eastman who, he said, announced he would be "most happy" to receive the Michigan group. He said Michigan wanted the re- strictions made as liberal as possible "without interfering with the war effort," for the benefit of tired work- ers and the tourist and resort indus- try, which in recent years has reached huge proportions. Kelly said the group would .ask Eastman to relax an order which for- bids railroads to run passenger trains this summer which were not in oper- ation last Sept. 26. Railroad officials pointed out to the governor that their normal aug- mented summer schedules in Michi- gan were abandoned by last Sept. 26, and that summer trains which have operated for 50 years would not run this year if the order is not lifted. W. F. Doyle, Chairman of the Mackihac Island State Park Com- mission and of the Recreation Area Subcommittee of the State Defense Council, said the order conflicted with another statement by Eastman that war workers should be allowed vacations. The Office of Price Ad- ministration has banned additional gasoline allowances for vacations, he pointed out, so that railroads, busses and boats must carry the load. Railroad men told the conference they expected to be able to carry about half the passenger loads into northern Michigan they did last year. Bus operators said they would trans- port about the same loads, while steamboat operators said they could expand their service little because of the lack of proper dock facilities. Lack of vacation facilities will mean a rise in traffic deaths among children, John Reid, Secretary of the Michigan Federation of Labor predicted. He said thousands of youngsters who normally spend sum- mers at northern resorts would be restricted to a summer on city streets and "inadequate" playgrounds. Two sizeable Japanese naval vessels (left foreground) lay directly in path of bombs from Maj.Gen. James Doolittle's famous raiders fly- ing from "Shangri-La" base on ADrIl 18. 1942. Yokosuka naval base fills the view from the window of a raiding B-25 plane. (Picture from U.S. Army Air Forces.) W C VIEWING THE WAR NEWS: Hitler May Use New Army In Attempt To Crush Russia By GLENN'BABB Associated Press Correspondent Hitler obviously is using the weeks that Rommel and Von Arnim are" buying for him in Tunisia to muster another tremendous army and the belief is growing that he will use the MOAIEkPE VI EW At the State . . . ances in "He Hired the Boss" seem to bear out the fans. When a fellow goes all-out for na- "Stu" plays a mild bookkeeper who tional defense and his gal goes all- becomes an air raid warden and suc- out for him the result is the amusing ceeds in getting himself involved in a series of wild adventures. Evely comedy drama, "He Hired the Boss", Venableis i l fiend Ea lyn Venbleis isgirl friend :and she, due today at the State Theatre. learns that an air raid warden can The film features Stuart Erwin and accomplish quite a bit during a Evelyn Venable, two players whose blackout. appearances on the screen lately have been too few to satisfy their At the Michigan . . many fans. And, according to pre- The Aldrich Family of radio fame view critics, their expert perform- will come to the screen in "Henry .Vdrich Gets Glamor", opening at the Michigan today. Starring Jimmy Lydon as Henry Aldrich, the film includes in its fine supporting cast Charles Smith, John Litel, Oliver Blakeney, and Diana Lynn. As in his past adventures, Henry B ! N 'is in trouble. However, this time it is with women, among whom he has acquired the reputation of a "wolf". April 24 This reputation is enhanced by the fact that a beautiful actress follows him back to his home town and for a time it looks as if Henry might even have to marry her., best part of it for a third desperate attempt to crush Russian resistance before the western Allies land in Europe. Diplomats in Switzerland with Balkan connections say he is seeking a striking force of 5,000,000 men with an offensive against the Red Army the first item on the agenda. If this is his plan, it means that the Fuehrer is taking the gamble that there will be no major invasion of the continent until late summer. He can hardly hope that a few weeks will suffice to dispose of the Soviet armies which defeated him so thor- oughly last winter, wiping out all his 1942 gains and some of those of 1941. But he is confronted by desper- ate choices. Only by bringing off some long - chance adven- ture, bottling up the western end of the Mediterranean by a thrust through Spain or a successful invasion of Britain-can he hope to alter the trend of the war which isI turning so inexorably against him. Preparation for the summer's cli- mactic battles explains the tawdry procession of the satellites through the Fuehrer's headquarters which apparently is near an end. Boris of Bulgaria, Mussolini of Italy, Anto- nescu of Rumania, Horthy of Hun- gary and Quisling, the Norwegian who has given the world a synonym for shame, have received their orders. The Slovak president and Croatian puppet are under summons, perhaps already in Germany. Collaborators from conquered Greece, the Low Countries and France may bring up the rear. What tasks have been assigned this sorry company will be disclosed only as the battle unfolds, but experience and the logic of his situation must suggest strongly to Hitler that for another offensive in Russia he will have to rely on the flower of his own German army. His allies, especially the Italians, Rumanians and Hungarians, terribly mauled in the winter campaign, ob- viously have little stomach for going through the meat grinder again. Therefore they may provide-most of the armies for defense of Europe,'s southern coasts and suppressing re- volt in the rear, at least until such time as the Americans and British leap the Mediterranean and chal- lenge Hitler to produce the best he has to oppose them. The Russians have no illusions about the coming summer; they are preparing for another terrible or- deal. The western Allies are antici- pgting it also; aid to Russia in the form of weapons and supplies will form a major part of their war ef- fort even while they are straining with every resource to produce the only form of help that will really satisfy the Russians or themselves, the second front in Europe. organist Will Present Good Friday Recital Palmer Christian, University org- anist, assisted by Sara Titus, violin- ist, and the women's chorus from the Madrigal Singers, will present a Good Friday recital at 4:15 p.m. to- morrow in Hill Auditorium. "An Hour of Worship Through Sacred Music," Mr. Christian has prepared the program from a store of sacred music. Included in the program are the works of composers from the sixteenth century to the present day. This Good Friday pro- gram, since its inauguration several years ago, has come to be a tradition on campus. The program will begin with the "Toccata per Elevazione" by Fresco- baldi, which will be followed by two Bach Chorale Preludes, "0 Sacred Now Wounded," and "When on the Cross the Saviour Hung." Mr. Christ- ian' will play Karg-Elert's "Prologus Tragicus" and the organ and violin and women's chorus will perform Elert's "Fugue, Kanzone and Epi- logue." Also to be included on the program are Maling's "Golgotha," "Jesus Speaks to His Mother," by Dupre, and the "Crucifixion," also by Dupre. Churches Will 00 Hold Services Seven Protestant churches will celebrate Holy Week with special services today, tomorrow and Sunday in commemoration of those historic days for Christians-Maundy Thurs- day. Good Friday and Easter. The institution of the Last Supper will be celebrated tonight at a num- ber of the churches, including Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Trin- ity Lutheran Church, St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, the Congregation- al Church, the First Methodist Church. The Rev. Henry 0. Yoder, pastor of the Trinity Lutheran Church will speak on "The Communion of Saints" in the special service at 7:30 p.m. today. Services for the Episco- palian students will be conducted by the Rev. John Dahl; Celebrations of Holy Communicn will be held at'7:30 a.m. in Harris Hall Chapel, 9:30 a.m. in St. Andrew's Church, and 8 p.m. in St. Andrew's Church. Good Friday will be commemor- ated tomorrow with two and three hour services in all of the churches in honor of the last hours spent by Christ on the Cross. Zion and Trinity Lutheran Church services will be held from 1 p.m. till 3 p.m. St. An- drew's Episcopal Church will begin its service at noon and continue till 3 p.m. A union service from 1 to 3 p.m. will be held at the Congrega- tional Church with Dr. Brashares preaching at the one o'clock service. Seats in State House Are.Reapportioned, LANSING, April 21.-(A )-A legis- lative act reapportioning seats in the House of Representatives to grant Wayne and some other counties a I's fou louder voice in government was Ifu signed into law today by Governor findwh Kelly. findsoi Under it Wayne County rieceives 27 love is seats, an increase of six, effective with the election of members of the 1945 legislature; and Oakland five, an increase of three. Genesee, In- gham, Macomb and Washenaw Counties each would gain one more seat in the House. St. Clair and Bay Counties each would lose one seat, and other* compensating adjustments would be' made by regrouping counties into legislative districts to keep the total house membership at 100. The Upper Peninsula will lose two seats Sund AL IAR BONDS ISSUED HERE! DAY OR NIGHT ,ontinuous Shows from 1 P.M. NOW! STARTS TODAY 5KISSED/ r-alarm hen Stu ut what about! IT THE with STUART ERWIN * EVELYN VENABLE Extra Added %EDICINE RIGHT OF WORLD N GUARD WAY ) NEWS 1, .y! DEANNA DURBIN "Amazing Mrs. HolIlidayi - -I1 U, 4~ "I / rio Is that Long Distance call EXTREMELY, URGENT?2 "Iohat's the trouble, mister- Indian Underwear?". If you're a victim of underwear that creeps up on 1,01, fet next to some well-behaved Arrow shorts "WtII ii he specially constructed seamless crotch. Thiey're fal cut from durable fabrics. Sanforized labeled for permanent fit (fabric shrinkage less tli N1'/ ). Wbies and fancy, 75c up. Tops, 60c up. 41ENRY5 INO R- qirI we Please.. before you make a Long Distance call... ask yourself: "Is this call really urgent?" If it's not, please don't, make it, because Long Distance lines-particularly those to out-of-state points-are loaded almost to capacity with wartime calls. More lines can't be added because materials are not available. I MELT ~~i.