Li L iRRrt I1 Weather Light Rain VOL. LII No. 145 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS Japs Execute, Arnold Pleg American es 'Destruc Tokyo] tion 'in Raiders; Return Enfidaville Is Captured by Eighth Army Allies Take Axis Positions; Storm Takrouna Citadel By WES GALLAGHER Associated Press Correspondent ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH AFRICA, April 21.- The British Eighth Army has captured the Axis coastal pivot of Enfidaville, has swung five miles northwest to storm the mountain citadel of Tak- rouna, and also has gained two miles in the Debel Garci area farther in- land amid "very severe fighting," it was reported tonight. Eighth Army Scales Mountain Striking along a 10-mile front af-< ter a tremendous artillery barrage, Eighth Army infantrymen armed with knives for close-quarter fight- ing, scaled the enemy's mountain positions at some points only5 miles south of Tunis, while the British First Army gained slightly in the Medjez-El-Bab sector 35 miles west of the Tunisian capital. The Morocco radio- sometimes premature in its announcements- said tonight, in a broadcast recorded by the Associated Press, that the Diebel Garci, 10 miles inland from the coast, had been captured after a final 90-minute assault.) Allies Capture Enfidaville Allied Headquarters announced the capture of Enfidavile, 50 miles below Tunis, and said "all initial objec- tives" were captured yesterday after fierce fighting which began with Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery's tremendous atillery barrage Mon- day night. Turn to Page 6, Col. 5 Cigarette Drive To Make Final Push Tomorrow Larsen Reports Hearty Cooperation from All Fraternities, Sororities A final push in the Union-Daily sponsored "Share Your Smokes"I drive will be made today and tomor-I row by members of the Union, League, and Daily staffs to meet the $500-one million cigarettes-goal.t The staff members will be sta- tioned on the diagonal, in the engin- eering arch, and University Hall with special containers to receive contri- butions which will buy cigarettes for American fighters abroad. Through the cooperation of a to- bacco company each five cent con- tribution will send one pack of cig- arettes overseas. The cigarettes will have a special campus designation with a seal replacing the usual reve-' nue stamp inscribed "Good Luck, Good Smoking from the University of Michigan Student Body, Univer- sity of Michigan, Ann Arbor." The cigarettes which our contri- butions buy will be packed in 50 package lots by the cigarette com- pany and turned over to Army and Turn to Page 6, Col. 3 Allies Lose 12,000,000 0 9. Tons Shipping in '42, Committee Reports WASHINGTON, April 21.-(P)'-- The Truman Committee disclosed to- day that approximately 12,000,000 tons of Allied shipping were sunk last year-more than the total ton- nage built in 1942 by the United States and Great Britain combined. Calling the losses "heavy but not disastrous," the special Senate unit investigating war production prob- lems reported losses were reduced in the latter months of the year, and declared confidently: "The submarine menace can and wil hi-t ffetivplvi met." Tokyo Raider Takes Off from 'Shangri-La' Nippon Withholds xact Number of Prisoners Killed Air Commander Asks Redoubled Work To Retaliate for This Criminal Offense; Says Attacks on Japan Will Not Stop By WILLIAM T. PEACOCK Associated Press Correspondent WASHINGTON, April 21.- General Henry H. Arnold pledged the Army Air Forces tonight to the utter destruction of Japan's "inhuman war lords" in vengeance for the execution of American fliers captured after last year's raid on Tokyo. "We must not rest-we must redouble our efforts," the air forces com- mander said in a message to all his personnel a few hours after President Roosevelt disclosed the Japanese had acknowledged putting to death some of the eight Americans-they did not say how many-and were treating ______ other captured fliers as criminals, Blasts Japs Off to the Land of the Rising Army bomber leaves "Shangri-La", deck Qf the aircraft carrier U.S.S. Sun, a North American B-25 U.S. Tokyo under Maj.-Gen. James Doolittle on April 18, 1942. (Picture revealed April 20 to have been the from U.S. Navy.) Hornet, for the historic raid upon Local Cafes To Be Investigated Some May Get 'Out Of Bounds' Listing A four-man committee will begin an investigation next week of Ann Arbor restaurants to determine a possible Army and Navy 'out of bounds' listing Dr. John A. Wessing- er city health officer said last night. A statement by an Army represent- ative Monday night that conditions are not up to required standards necessitated the check-up. Major Dan J. Bulmer, chief medical offi- cer for Army forces on campus, said last night that he 'had no comment to make on the situation.' The committee will consist of Dr. Wessinger; Major Bulmer; Harold J. Barnum, City Dairy Inspector and Director of Food Sanitation; and Melbourne Murphy, Sanitarian for the University Health Service. In order to forestall the 'out of bounds' ruling the Ann Arbor city council last Monday night took steps to extend the sanitary licensing of eating places from May 1 to June 30.1 The city health department has been without a sanitary inspector since Franklin Fiske was called to duty with the U. S. Public Health Service early in March. FDR, Camacho Close Historic Conference fy The Associated Press public address system that carried CORPUS CHRISTI, Tex., April 21. to all parts of the station. --The Presidents of the United "I am glad that the cadets are States and Mexico said farewells to- hearing what I have to say," he as- day to their precedent-breaking con- serted, "because I want to tell you I regard this as one of the greatest ference after President Avila Cama- American historical meetings. cho had been welcomed at the vast "I think you will remember it just naval air training center here and as long as you live, for we are re- President Roosevelt had called the ceiving on American soil the Presi- occasion "one of the great American dent of one of cur Sister Republics." historical meetings." Mexican Cadets Present The President of Mexico and Mr. He said he was happy to greet Roosevelt inspected the multitudi- Avila Camacho at the training center nous activities at thebbusy training because a large number of Mexican station, and saw abrilliant aerial cadets are receiving flying insruc- display by a formation of Catalina tion there, along with other Ameri- patrol boats and a squadron of dive can nations. bombers. Finally they rode back to "From the point of view of conti- the. railroad siding and said their nental defense and unity of purpose," farewells in Mr. Roosevelt's private the President asserted, "this kind of car. military training means a wide and Camacho Repays Visit long step forward in the relations of President Avila Camacho was re- this hemisphere. Let the good work paying promptly a visit to Monter- continue." rey, Mexico, yesterday by the Ameri- Eat G. 1. Rations can Chief Executive, which Mr. The Presidents dined on regular Roosevelt described as "one of the flying cadet rations, with frankfur- highlights in my life." ters, mashed potatoes and string They ate with 250 cadet officers, beans as the main course. The pomp and Mr. Roosevelt spoke briefly and and ceremony of the Monterrey visit informally after themeal, through a was lacking. WSSF Will Sell Leaflets Today Booklet Has Messages From Ruthven and FDR Climaxing the annual drive for the World Student Service Fund, stu-- dents from sororities, fraternities, co- operatives, dormitories, and church guilds will sell pamphlets describing the WSSF at seven campus posts be- tween 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. today. The goal for the University has been placed at $2,000. and all money received in this nation-wide drive is cabled to central offices located at Geneva, Switzerland, and Chungklng, China. From there the money is distributed among all the war-torn areas of the world to help students and professors. The pamphlet which is being sold today contains a letter from a stu- dent who has received aid from the WSSF, a statement from Mme. Chi- ang Kai-Shek, a message from Pres. Alexander G. Ruthven, and a com- ment from Franklin D. Roosevelt. The posts for the drive will be located at the Engine Arch, the Li- brary, Angell Hall, Natural Science Building, the Medical School, the Union and the League. GEN. HENRY H. ARNOLD ... promises revenge. Ruthven Backs Drive "To the students of the free countries of the world, whether they are working in laboratory, library, and classroom or are fighting in theearmies of the United Nations, belongs the com- mon heritage of making acquain- tance with the inspiring thoughts of the past and present and of cherishing the ideals of cuJture and human brotherhood. Conscious of this universal community of interests, and op- erating through committees in the educational institutions of many countries, the World Student Ser- vice Fund is one of the means which the student generation has devised for cooperative action in a very worthy cause. The means which our own Committee is tak- ing to make the Fund's purposes better known locally are most commendable." Alexander G. Ruthven President denying them all rights as prisoners of war. More Tokyo Raids Arnold made clear that the Jap- anese inhumanity will not deter this country from further raids on Tokyo, underlining in his message the word "first" in referring to last year's bombing. Saying the victims of the Japanese died as heroes, Arnold told the Amer- ican Airmen: "Remember those comrades when you get a zero in your sight-have their sacrifice before you when you line up your bombsight on a Japan- ese base. "Let your answer to their treat- ment of your comrades be the de- struction of the Japanese air force, their lines of communication, and the production centers which offer them opportunity to continue such atrocities." 'Criminal Barbarity' President Roosevelt announced the American government had solemnly warned Tokyo that for this and any future "acts of criminal barbarity" just punishment will be administered to the responsible Japanese officials. "This recourse by our enemies to frightfulness is barbarous," Mr. Roosevelt said in a statement to the American people. "The effort of the JapaneserWaraLords to intimidate us willutel fail. It will make the Turn to Page 6, Col. 2Z World News 'In Brief.. By The Associated Press Allies Attack Jap Bases ALLIED- HEADQUARTERS IN' AUSTRALIA, April 22. (Thursday) -Ten Japanese bases were attacked in light raids by Allied bombers and fighters yesterday, the High Com- mand announced today. For the second straight day, a sin- gle Japanese raider attacked Morobe to the southeast of Salamaua but damage was negligible, the noon communique said. British Blast BalticPorts LONDON, April 21.-Sweeping out in force in perfect flying weather, British bombers last night blasted manufacturing and other war in- stallations in the Baltic ports of Stet- tin and Rostock, left Berlin alight with fires, and ranged widely over other sections of occupied Europe today in one of the war's biggest air assaults on German communications. Nazi Thrusts Beaten Off LONDON, April 22. (Thursday)- Soviet troops aided by airmen who "inflicted devastating losses" beat off another series of mass German coun- terattacks yesterday in the north- western Caucasus near the enemy's 'M' GRID STAR KNIFES WAY TO VICTORY: Harmon Relates Own Story of Plane Crash (Editor's Note: Here is Lieut. Thomas Harmon's own story of escape by para- chute from a crashing U.S. Army plane he was piloting over the Guiana jtini- gles and of his subsequent wander- ings until rescued. Two of his crew were killed and the other three are missing and are being sought by rescue parties. The story as released by the Antilles Air Task Force of the United States Army follows in Lieut. Harmon's own words.) By LIEUT. THOMAS HARMON A. U.S. ARMY BASE IN DUTCH GUIANA, April 21.-(/P)-I had been flying at 8,000 feet for nearly two hours through a heavy rain the ship wouldn't come out of that spiral. The dive became steeper and the bank increased. I yelled at the crew to bail out and away went Wolf (Second Lieut. Edwin J. Wolf of Philadel- phia), then Wieting (Second Lieut. Frederick 0. Wieting, Lansing, Mich.,) and I think Co-Staff Sergt. Bernard R. Coss, Mendota, Ill.) got out too. I couldn't see the others, but just then the ship snapped into a left-hand spin. All the instru- ments went crazy, the altimeter read 1,500 feet so I went out of but I salvaged a pair of pants, some shoes, a parachute, a jungle kit which was smashed but still good, and a few beat up cans of water. I had a bolo knife from the kit and I found a pistol. I also found my cigarette lighter and it still seemed to be working. I put my trousers on over my flying suit, tied my other things tip in a bundle and then started off due east towards the coast, us- ing a compass from the jungle kit. The jungle was terrible. Thick undergrowth and no trails. The country was hilly and every little valley was swampy. I had to The next day I started out again after eating a couple of small choc- olate bars from my jungle kit. All my drinking water had leaked out of battered cans during the night and from then on I had to drink water from the swamps. There were a couple of streams to follow but they turned south so I went on east. The jungle was full of lizards and birds and I saw a few big crocodiles but no other animals. That night I heard an animal that sounded like a dog barking and I hoped he would lead me to some natives, but he disappeared. and swimming along until finally I saw smoke and found two native huts down along the edge of the swamp. The natives didn't speak Eng- lish, but finally they understood that I was an aviator. They had a dugout canoe, and rowed me to a village where there was some sort of an official who spoke a little English. He gave me one of his uniforms and we finally got away in a little out-rigger canoe about two in the morning. Eventually we landed and went down a small path which finally wound up at the base of