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Air Raid Shelter At Ford Rouge Plant
(Continued from Page 4)
speak on "Experiences in the Petroleum
Industry" with special reference to hydro-
carbons under high pressures. Refresh-
ments. Public is Invited.
The Annual French Play: "Le Monde ou
l'on s'ennuie", by Edouard Failleron, will
be given on Tuesday, April 27, at 8:30 p.m.
in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
One-Act Plays: Under the auspices of
the Department of Speech, a one-hour.
program of one-act plays, directed and
put on by advanced, students in Play
Production, will be presented at' 7:30 p.m,
on Tuesday, April 20, in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre. There will be no ad-
mission charge.
Senior Society will hold its initiation on
Monday, Aprl 19, in the League Chapel.
All 1943 graduates will call for their ini-
tiates and report at the League at 8:45 p'.m.
Archery: For all those who are inter-
ested in archery, there will be a meeting
of the Archery Club at 4:30 p.m. on
Wednesday, April 21, at W.A.B., fair wea-
ther or foul.
The First Baptist Church: 10:00 a.m.:
The Roger Williams Class will meet in
the Guild House to study the Epistles of
11:00 a.m.: Sermon: "Hosanna", by Rev.
C. H. Loucks,
7:00 p.m.: At the regular meeting of
the Roger Williams Guild at the Guild
House, Mr. Loucks will lead a summary
discussion on "Our Responsibility in the
Establishing of a Just and Durable Peace".
Puitarian Church:
11:00 a.m. Church Service. Sermon by
Mr. Redman on "Seasonal Faith."
8:00 p.m. Liberal Students' Union. Dis-
cussion of the promise and limitations of
"Cooperative Democracy."
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
Wednesday evening service at 8:00 p.m.
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject: "Doctrine of Atonement."
Sunday School at 11:45 a.m.
Free public Reading Room at 106 E.
Washington St., open every day except
Sundays and holidays from 11:30 a.m. un-
til 5:00 p.m.; Saturdays until 9:00 p.m.
3tyrst Methodist Church and Wesley
Founiation: Class for people of student
age with Professor Carrothers at 9:30 a.m.
Subject for discussion: ",Livin* Intelli-
gently When Successful." Morning Wor-
ship Service at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. C. W.
Brashares will preach on "Ride On." Wes-
leyan Guild meeting beginning with re-
freshments at 5:45 p m A + - - -
gram. Mrs. Welthy Honsinger ishe V11)
speak on the subject: "Can North and
South America Unite?".
Bach's Oratorio, "The Passion of Our
Lord acccrding to St. Matthew," will be
presented In the sanctuary of the First
Methodist Church by the Senior Choir
under the direction of Hardin Van Deur-
sen, with Mary McCall Stubbins, or-
ganist, on Wednesday evening, April 21,
at 7:30 o'clock. Soloists will be Thelma
von Eisenhaur, soprano, of Detroit; Maur-
ine Parzybok, contralto, of Chicago; Clar-
ence R. Ball, tenor, of Toledo; and Fred
Patton, bass, of Lansing. John Challis,
of Ypsilanti, will play the harpsichord.
The public Is invited.
Lutheran Student Chapel:
Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Regular Service in
MichiganrLeague Chapel. Sermonby the
Rev. Alfred Scheips, "Taking an Attitude
toward the Crucified Christ".
Sunday at 4:00 p.m. Communion Ves-
per Service at St. Paul's Student Club, for
Lutheran Students and Service Men.
Sermon by the Rev. Alfred Scheips,
Supper Meeting at 5:30 p.m.
Zion Lutheran Church will hold services
at 10:30 a.m. Sunday with the Rev. Fred-
erick A. Schiotz speaking on "Sir, We
,Would See Jesus".
Trintity Lutheran Church services will
begin at 10:30 a.m. Sunday with the Rev.
Henry 0. Yoder speaking on "The Marks
of True Christian Fellowship."
The Lutheran Student Association will
meet for a fellowship dinner and program
at 4:30 p.m. Sunday. The Rev. Frederick
A. Schiotz, Executive Secretary of Student
Service for the American Lutheran Con-
ference, will talk.
First Congregational Church:
At 10:00 a.m. in the assembly room,
Symposium on "What I Think". Colonel
Ganoe will speak on "What I Think About
the Making of Tomorrow".
10:45 a.m. Church service. Dr. L. A.
Parr will speak on "Art Thou a King?"
At 5:30 p.m. Ariston League will discuss
"Christian Beliefs."
7:00 p.m. Student Fellowship and Disci-
pies Guild. Dr. Mary Van Tuyl will discuss
"Student Attitudes Towards Religion."
8:30 p.m. Luchnokala, "Lighting of the
Lights", will be held on Sunday. The pub-
lic is invited.
First Presbyterian Church:
Morning Worship-10:45. "Out of the
Depths", Palm Sunday Sermon by Dr. W.
P. Lemon.
Westminster Student Guild: Supper
and fellowship hour at 6:00 p.m. followed
by a Vesper Program of special music.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church: 8:00
a.m. Holy Communion; 11:00 a.m. Junior
Church; 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and
3ermon by the Rev. Henry Lewis. D.D.; Unity: Mrs. Russell Slimmon, Assistant
5:00 p.m. Choral Evensong; 5:45 p.m. H- to the Director of the Dearborn Unity
Square Club, Page Hall; 6:00 p.m. Rector's Center, will be the guest speaker Sunday
Question Hour, Tatlock Hall; 7:30 p.m. at the Michigan League at 11 o'clock. The
Canterbury Club for Episcopal students, Monday night study group will meet at
darrs Hall. Panel discussion (student 8 o'clock at the Unity Reading Rooms, 310
speakers) on "What I Believe". S. State St. Visitors are welcome.
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This is the entrance to an air raid shelter at the Ford Motor Com-
pany's River Rouge plant. Industrial firms throughout Michigan have
made extensive preparations in event of air raids.
Pan-American Celebration
Stresses Demato v n- u
-- 1
"Caramba la fiesta linda!" and
"Que bien lo estamos pasando!" were
the order of the day when the Latin
American students and instructors
gathered at the American Legion
Home Friday night in celebration of
Pan-American Day.
Edward Franzetti, graduate engin-
eering student from Chile and presi-
dent of the program, expressed the
essence of the meeting in, "We feel
that great leaders such as Lincoln,
Bolivar, Washington, and San Mar-
tin were symbolic of the liberation of
all countries, and tonight we have
tried to express here formally this
basic unity of the democratic spirit
in the Pan-American countries."
The first half of the program con-
sisted of speeches by representatives
of the republics of North, Central,
and South America and the Carib-
bean, who in discussing the history
of their. countries emphasized that
the Americas are united now by the
same ideals of democracy and lib-
erty, of culture and mutual coopera-
Dr. Raul Olivera was Master of
Ceremonies while Mr. Aloysio Pimen-
ta was the representative for Brazil,
Mr. Francisco Villegas for the Carib-
bean republics and Cuba, and Dr.
Jorge Simonelli for Argentina, Ura-
guay, and Paraguay.
Miss Gloria Bracho, representative
of Mexico, Columbia, andVenezuela,
and Dr. Jorge Vallarino, representa-
tive of Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and
Chile, gave a lively Ecuadorian dance
which brought many smiles of ap-
preciation from the audience.
Professor Avard Fairbanks of the
Institute of Fine Arts displayed a
small study of his bronze statue of
Lincoln, which was recently sent to
Hawaii, and said that "Lincoln was
the representative of not only North
America but rather of the ideas of
the Americas and is therefore a sym-
bol of this meeting to celebrate the
free spirit of the Pan-American
countries. His great political and
philosophical ideas are an expression
of all the nations which are fighting
List of Honor'
0 #
Students Given
(Continued from Page 6)
today against the opposite philoso-
phy of enslavement."
The second part of the program
was devoted to refreshments and
dancing in which the two hundred
Latin-Americans mingled in the
Conga and Fox-trot and Rhumba.
In a concluding remark, "Hurra,
nuestras naciones estan unidas de
polo a polo!" Edward Franzetti ex-
pressed the hope of all for unified
democracies from "pole to pole."
For Incentive
Pay-ment Killed
. . . . . .......
WASHINGTON, April 17.- ()-
The House voted today to bar the use
of funds in the $707,040,844 Agricul-
ture Department appropriation bill
for payment of so-called incentive
payments to farmers for producing
This prohibition was contained in
an amendment offered by Chairman
Cannon (Dem.-Mo.) of the Appro-
priations Committee, who contended
farmers want "no government hand-
outs, but fair prices at the market
When some members suggested
that the department might still re-
vive the Incentive Payment Program
and use funds from an approved
$300,000,000 benefit payment item
in the bill, Cannon offered his "safe-
guarding" amendment and the House
adopted it by a standing vote of 131
to 27.
Crippg-led Plane 4
Returns Safely
Fortress Fights Two
Airships, Downs One
LONDON, April 17.- (AP')- A Fly-1
ing Fortress with only one engine
working well and with only two guns4
and little ammunition left fought offI
two enemy planes and knocked down
one of them in its fighting return to
England after the raid on Lorient
and Brest yesterday, U.S. headquar-
ters announced today.
"I still can't believe we are here,"
was the first comment of the bom-
bardier, Lieut. James E. Montgomery
of Maud, Okla.'
Like other members of the crew,
he warmly acclaimed the pilot, Lieut.
James M. McDonald of Hamlet, N.C.,
who brought the craft over the chan-
nel only 20 feet above the water.
"We were well out to sea and on
the way home," Montgomery said.
"One engine was gone and two others
were damaged. All but the two top
turret guns had been jettisoned and
there were only about 50 rounds of
ammunition left.
"Then two Focke-Wulf 190's spot-
ted us. Inside the ship, we were all
set for a crash landing in the water.
We thought it was curtains for us."
As the two yellow-nosed fighters
dived at the apparently helpless
bomber, Staff Sgt. J. E. Brunskatter
of Saginaw, Mich., turned the top
turret guns on them and shot one
into the sea. The other fled.
Exam for Navy V-1,
Marines To Be Held
(Continued from Page 1)
dents) unfit for further training, the
British, French
Cut into Enemy
Line in Tunisia
Eisenhower Warns
That Advances Will Be
'Difficult and Costly'
NORTH AFRICA, April 17.-(V)-
Slashing attacks by British and
French troops today in the shell-
swept mountain heights of northern
Tunisia cut new wedges in the enemy
siege line which rings Tunis and
Bizerte from a distance of 25 to 50
Meanwhile, Gen. Dwight D. Eisen-
hower, the supreme Allied command-
er, warned of hard fighting ahead
and declared future advances would
be difficult and costly."
Slowly and stubbornly, two British
brigades exploited their capture of
the 2,000-foot Debel Ang and the
lower Djebel Tanngoucha slightly to
the east. Thrusting forward in strong
patrols, the British reached some
points only 25 miles from Tunis in
this general sector about Medjez-el-
Tackle Difficult Positions
Not since the ill-fated campaigns
in Norway and Greece have the Brit-
ish tackled such difficult mountain
Positions as those which tower beside
the 13-mile stretch of road to Te-
bourba where the plain of Tunis be-
gins. The canyons have been sown
thickly with mines. Heavy German
mortars with a range of 3,000 yards
and strong arrays of machineguns
defend the approaches to each en-
emy strong point.
Reviewing the entire North Afri-
can campaign at one of his frequent
press conferences, General Eisen-
hower told how the Germans had
been sowing land mines heavily and
disclosed that by command ig the
mine fields with mortar fire the en-
emy had turned the mine into "an
offensive instead of a defensive wea-
French Concentrate Assaults
French troops concentrated their
assaults about 30 miles south of Med-
jez-el-Bab against the southwestern
tp of the enemy's Tunisian defenses
in the mountains at the head of
Ousseltia Valley. The mountain tops
there average about 2,000 feet and
the canyons are even steeper and
narrower than those near Medjez-
Russians Gain
At Novorossisk
Kill 400 Germans;
Destroy Enemy Tanks
LONDON, April 18 (Sunday)-
Russian troops in a renewed fight
to oust the Germans from their re-
maining Caucasian foothold around
Novorossisk have killed 4,000 of the
enemy and destroyed or damaged 17
tanks in the last two days, Moscow
announced early today.
The midnight communique record-
ed by the Soviet Monitor also said
that 39 German guns, 31 mortars and
more than 100 machineguns had
been been destroyed.
Soviet forces last were reported
only 20 miles northeast of Novoros-
sick in the Abinskaya sector, and 30
miles north of the Black sea port in
the Anastasevskaya area.
In yesterday's fighting the Russian
communique said that the Germans
used Rumanian troops as a shield
in an unsuccessful counterattack
which was described thus:
"Under the deadly fire of Soviet
troops the Rumanians turned tail.
Then the Germans opened fire
against their 'Allies'-the Rumani-
"By a counterblow our men beat
the enemy and improved their po-
sitions. In this sector alone the
enemy left three damaged tanks and
300 dead on the battlefield."
Miracle Doctor
Faces Justice
(Continued from Page 1)
diseases and professor of child
health in the School of Public
Health, said, "Dr. Koch is confusing
the effects of his drugs with certain
spontaneous changes that naturally
occur in diseases which he has
claimed to have cured."
Although the drugs have never
been tested in the University Hospit-
al, specific tests In other laboratories
have not had the same results as
those suggested by Dr. Koch, Dr.
McKhann said.
"While the medical profession in
general does not'deny that the drugs
have curative effects, it does feel
that these claims made for its cura-
tive qualities in place of the life-giv-
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