ii Ait 4 4AL Weather Light snow and colder + e . . ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, FEB. 14, 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS _. Armed Russians Br E ncircle Po Kharkov Only 3 Railway Lines ALLI NORTH Open; Nazis Prepare troops, To Desert Rostov on the s nisia, h By The Associated Press attack, to the so LONDON, Feb. 13.- Kharkov, Ger- dueled many's defense hub for the entire the rear: eastern Ukraine, was within reach mel's Al of Russian artillery from three sides Allied guns no: and all its main railway communica- ed and s tions were cut by Red Army advances in the pounding into the suburbs, two com- the loss muniques recorded by the Soviet ra- up in t dio Monitor indicated tonight. cold, da The Red Army drove to the north- Planes shot dow west of the city where the railway to Bengazi Bryansk was cut 20 miles outside the its own city limits, and battered down bar- Italians riers on the north, northeast, south- In the east and south where it advanced to road be within 22, 15, 11 and 24 miles respec- baa, Fr tively, the communiques announced. tured 53 Kharkov's main railway comuni- "Succ cations to the north and south and out ove northwest were cut. Only three small- prisoner er lines branching to the west and muniqu soibhwest were left open. An Al Tighter Hold on Rostov on the activity The Russians also clamped a tight- there ha er hold on Rostov on the Don, where "The the Germans were reported to have continui applied the torch to the city in appar- ing for end preparation to withdraw their sides," f s .Italian In a 35-mile drive to the southwest a broad since capturing Belgorod, the Rus- ated Pre sians took Zolachev, only .about 20 and ma where they cut the Kharkov-Bryansk and in C railway line for the first time, a spe- ian mai clal communique announced. Axis bo 'With Kharkov thus more than half- anchore encircled, the Russians smashed for- good res ward In an arc about the city, captur- Amr ing Liptsi, 15 miles to the northeast, roeG Rogan, 11 miles to the southeast, The Kamennaya-Yaruga, 17 miles to the the heig southeast and Kazachye-Lopan, 22 the nigh miles to the north. These victories lieved tc were announced in the regular mid- mored u night communique which was broad- (The cast later. Rommel had bee] Taranovka Falls there "i This announcement also said that positions Taranovka only 24 miles south of c0 heavy Kharkov had fallen. Taranovka is on the railroad that runs to Lozovaya, already in Russian hands On the front menacing Rostov in a Vat tightening net, the speciol war bulle- tin reported the capture of Novocher- kassk, only 19 miles outside the city and the last large town on the railway to the north. The cutting of the railway to Bry- To ansk severed one of Kharkov's more "n important communication lines to the northwest. The Red Army thus had penetirated , x the German winter line to a point al- most directly north of Dnieperope- trovsk on the big bend of the Dnieper River wlhere, some observers believed, the Germans were preparing to form a second line of defense. Dniepero-. petrovsk is about 120 miles south and slightly west of Zolachev. Forces Will Take 12,000 a Day itish Hold sitions Tunisia By The Associated Press ED HEADQUARTERS IN' AFRICA, Feb. 13.- British clinging to their positions low lopes east of Ousseltia in Tu- urled back a strong German it was announced today, while outh the British Eighth Army with artillery patrols against guard of Marshal Erwin Rom- frica Crps. air force units bombed enemy rthwest of German-held Sen- trafed German troops in tents Pont Du Fahs area without of a plane as activity picked his theatre despite continued mp weather. s of the middle east command wn one enemy bomber west of Libya, and reported one of planes missing. Captured e hills north and south of the tween Pont Du Fahs and Ro- ench Algerian Spahis cap- Italian prisoners. essful patroling was carried r the whole front and many s were taken," an Allied com- e reported. lied spokesman disclosed that whole front there was more in the past 48 hours than d been for a week previously." cold and strong winds are ng, but dirt roads are improv- the motorized forces of both ie added. n high command reported in cast recorded by the Associ- ess that Allied planes bombed chine-gunned towns and pas- trains on the island of Sicily Calabria province on the Ital- nland. The same report said mbers attacked Allied ships ud at Bougie and Bone "with =alts.". d Support erman thrust, stemming from hts 75 miles south of Tunis on it of Feb. 11 and 12, was be- have been supported by ar- nits, Allied spokesmen said. Algiers radio declared that 's troops in southern Tunisia n forced to evacuate positions "i spine of the fact that these s were protected by a screen y tanks.") t. Kirk Will ak Today Lecture on Religion War-Time England ** * Bombers Assembled at Willow Run Plant McNutt, Hershey Give, Draft Facts In Joint Statement No Individual from 18 to 38 Years Can Be Deferred Unless His Work Is Essential and He Is Irreplaceable By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. - With cold, hard figures, the top man- power officials told the American people tonight that 12,000 men a day are going and must continue to go into the armed forces this year and that no man 18 to 38 can be deferred, regardless of dependents, unless his work is essential and he is irreplaceable. Paul V. McNutt, chairman of the War Manpower Commission, and Maj.-Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, director of Selective Service, disclosed thr actual rate of inductions in outlining the draft outlook in a joint broadcast One group of workers puts the final touches into the basic construction of center wing sections of B-24 Liberator bombers (foreground) moving down a production line at the Ford Willow Run plant. Meanwhile others start to install wheel mount, wheel and tire as the two basic lines merge into one assembly line which moves until it meet s a second, just lik plant on other side of a center partition (top right), thus maki assembly lines. Maximum Production Expected At Willow Run This Summer Ike it, coming parallel down the ng. four basic lines, two main By DAVID J. WILKIE Associated Press Correspondent DETROIT, Feb. 13.- (9')- "What's the matter with Willow Run?" You hear that question with in- creasing frequency these days and an accurate answer may be that there isn't as much wrong as many persons believe. Because of military necessity, much of the progress being made in the world's largest bomber plant must be shrouded in secrecy. But it may be said that the giant factory for which ground was broken 'less than two years. ago is producing and delivering some big Consolidated B-24D bomber planes to the United States Army air force; moreover it is delivering by truck and vanload complete sub-sec-. tions every day to factories elsewhere for final assembly into aerial battle craft. These sub-assemblies constitute an important phase of the work at Wil- low Run. When the plant was laid out, parts and sub-assemblies was the only output contemplated. But Henry Ford wanted to make complete bomb- ers and, after much negotiation, got a contract for their production. The public had expected that doz- ens of great four-motored bombers would be -flying from the factory each day in a matter of only a few months after construction operations began. As a matter of fact several dozen finished bombers already have been delivered to the Army air force at the end of the mile or more of assembly lines at Willow Run; additional doz- ens are represented in the knock- down parts that are packed into the vans and trucks every day to move out of the plant in an almost steady stream of shipments. But despite all the "know-how" which automotive engineers applied to the Willow Run project, the adap- tation of automobile mass production technique to its manufacturing pro- cesses and the combined advantages of standardized sub-assembly output, the huge four-motored bombers with their 115-foot wingspread and intri- cate mechanism just aren't turned out like, automobiles. They never will be. Turn to Page 8, Col. 3 Union To Hold Annual Smoker Campus Organizations To Tell of Activities Twelve organizations will introduce their activities to eligible second se- mester freshmen and sophomores at the sixth annual Activities Smoker at 8 p.m. Thursday in the Main Ball- room of the Union. Booths will be arranged around the ballroom, each decorated to suggest the activity it represents, and a pe- cuniary award will be made to the organization with the most attractive and original booth. Leaders of the various organizations will give informal talks explaining the functions of their groups, and Rich- ards Ford, '44, president of the Union. will act as master of ceremonies. Em- phasis will be placed this year on those functions which will further the war effort. Those organizations which have signed up to participate, bringing both a booth and a speaker are the Gargoyle, Michigan Technic, Man- power Corps, Interfraternity Council, Wolverines, Varsity Band, Men's Glee Club, Alpha Phi Omega, and the Un- ion. The Michigan Daily will have a booth and two speakers, one repre- senting the editorial staff and one the business staff. Congress, Independent Men's Organization, will bring a speaker. Eligible students, those who have maintained a 'C' average with at least one B or transfer students who en- tered with good standing must obtain eligibility cards from Room 2, Uni- versity Hall, to be presented to the organization head before they par- ticipate in any activity. Allies Approach Two Jap Bases In Huon Gulf Mounting Casualties Inflicted in Patrol Actions in Wau Area ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN AUSTRALIA, Feb. 14., Sunday-(/P)- The process of whittling down Jap resistance in New Guinea on the ap- proaches to the enemy's Huon Gulf bases of Salamaua and Lae is con- tinuing, with 32 more Jap dead added,- to the some 1,000 slain in recent weeks in that sector, the Allied high com- mand reported today. The latest casualties inflicted were against a Japanese patrol in the Wau area. That is the sector where the Japs on Jan. 30 attempted to capture an Allied airdrome and were rolled back. Earlier reports this week told of the Jap force, estimated to have once totalled over 2,000 men, retreating toward Mubo which is only 12 miles southwest of Salamaua. "Our ground forces ambushed and dispersed a patrol of 60 Japanese marines of the enemy's rear guard near Wandumi," the communique said. r "Thirty - two enemy dead were found in the area. Our attack units bombed and strafed the Mubo area." General Douglas MacArthur's noon communique also told of another three-hour harassing attack by an Allied heavy bomber on Rabaul, Jap base on the northern tip of New Brit- ain. This practice has been followed almost nightly for more than a week against Rabaul which has vital air- dromes and also an extensive harbor for Japanese shipping. In each case,g thebomber after cruising around has managed to slip in for a bombing. Today's communi- que mentioned the starting of fires. Americans Raid Air Base Area at Munda WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. - (P) - American bombers smashed a Japa- nese gun position and started fires in a series of raids on the air base area at Munda in the central Solomon Island Friday, the Navy announced today, continuing the intensive cam- paign to render that field useless to the enemy. A communique also reported that aerial attacks had been made against a Jap position on Kolombangara Is- land, where the enemy also has a landing field, but results were not reported. All American planes returned safely over the Blue Network. Heretofore, t City To Follow Detroit On Time Change Ann Arbor will continue on Eastern War Time until Detroit's "advisory referendum" tomorrow settles the fate of Detroit clocks, Mayor Leigh J. Young said last night. Washtenaw County, however, ob- liged to conform to the state law, will perforce make Monday a twenty-five hour day, and even the County Court- house-located inside Ann Arbor- will follow the new time change. Monday, Feb. 15, at 2 a.m. is the hour at which the Michigan Legisla- ture has decided the state's clock's must be turned back one hour. If anyone gets up or stays up to turn the clocks, presumably that's the hour at which confusion begins. The legislative act left a loop-hole, by permitting any community which declares a "war emergency" exists to retain Eastern War Time, which for many sections of the state is two hours faster than the time on which most cities operated until a few years ago. Most cities in the southeastern Michigan "munitions belt" where war-busy factories are operating around the clock, took advantage of this section and decided not to change to "slow" time. Most of them were influenced by their business connections with De- troit, which left its Eastern War Time ordinance untouched but decided to permit voters at a primary election Monday to cast "advisory" ballots on the question. New Manpower Drive Begun Realizing that campus registration booths have not proved effective, the Manpower Corps will concentrate on enlisting the support of all organized groups on campus during the coming week, Mary Borman, Manpower head, said yesterday. All fraternities and dormitories will be personally contacted by Corps members in an effort to successfully complete the current registration drive. Men who are not covered by these categories are asked to enroll in the Corps in their office in Room 303 Michigan Union. The Corps was organized at the be- ginning of last semester for the pur- pose of harnessing all available stu- dent manpower which could be put to effective use in alleviating labor shortages in many fields in this area. Hutcherson, Smith Are Slide-Rule Ball Chairmen William Hutcherson, '43E, and Keith Smith, '43E, have been made co-chairmen of this year's Slide Rule Ball, annual engineers dance, to be held in March. This all-engineer's dance is spon- sored by the engineering college pub- lication, the Michigan Technic. The exact time and all details will be an- his rate has been a closely-guarded secret but in the telling there was no comfort for the Axis. Emphasizing the tremendous size of this mobilization, McNutt said: "In a week's time, we are putting into uniform seven full divisions-in a month, 28 divisions. This year alone, the number of men inducted will ap- proach in size the entire AnericeA Army in ,the first World War." In depicting the inductions in terms of divisions he referred to draftees for the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard as well as the Army. Situation Summed Up Hershey summed this up as mean- ing "the great majority of the physi- cally fit, exceptmthe farmers, between 18 and 38 years of age must go into the armed forces this year. It is most important that those who have jobs in our war industries be left until they can be replaced in order to maintain production. The majority of men this .year must come from those with dependents." Statistically, the picture presented by these and past pronouncements was thit: a total of about 22,154,000 men 18 to 38 with 14,000,000,to 15,- 000,000 able to pass military physical requirements. About 2,500,000 defer- red for vital farm work and other highly important war jobs. About 11,200,000 in the armed service by the end of this year McNutt said he was presenting the facts "clearly and frankly" because he believed the American people wanted the truth and they had shown "they can take it." Control Ignored When he came to the question of shifting jobs, McNutt said nothing of direct government control. Another high official, who could not e quoted by name, said, however, that the administration had decided to oppose enactn ent of compulsory legislation such as is now pending in Congress. This measure, introduced by Senator Austin (Rep.-Vt.) and Representative Wadsworth (Rep.- N.Y.), would make both men and wo- men except mothers, subject to draft for war factories and f ams where necessary. The Senate Military Com- mittee is still awaiting reports from government departments on the mea- sure but the official said that the' adm istration preferred to continue on voluntary basis. e Government, CIO Denounce } Absenteeism WASHINGTON, Feb. 13.-()-The CIO and the government appealed to war workers today to stop absentee- ism, saying that the I'll-take-a-day- off practice had doubled since the start of the war. Philip Murray, president of the Congress of Industrial Organizations wrote to all affiliates requesting that "means be worked out for cutting pre- ventable absenteeilm to a minimum." "The nation," he said, "cannot af- ford the loss of man hours resulting from workers absenting themselves needlessly for trivial reasons from their jobs. Hours lost cannot be re- gained and hours lost mean produc- tion lost.". Murray noted that "absenteeism is also contagious," that "when one man takes a day off irresponsibly, others are likely to follow and the effect on those who do remain at their post is DR. WALTER VAN KIRK Dr. Walter W. Van Kirk, red net- work commentator on "Religion and the News," has again been brought to Ann Arbor by the Henry Martin Loud Lectureship Committee. He will speak at the morning worship ser- vice of the First Methodist Church today on "A Religious Close-Up of England in War Time." Dr. Van Kirk is Secretary of the Department of International Justice and Good Will of the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America. Last summer, at the invitation of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Van Kirk went to England to counsel with WMC Approves U' for Training WASHINGTON, Feb. 13.-(A')-The War -Manpower Commission today approved of the training of women aides as ordnance engineers by the University of Michigan for the -War Department. The University is one of 51 colleges and universities which have been ap- proved for use by the War and Navy Departments for specialized war training programs. This group is sup- plemental to the group of 283 schools announced a week ago. WMC said it would continue to ap- prove other institutions and in some cases additional training programs for schools already approved. "Therefore, no institution not ap- proved up to the present time should .conclude that its facilities will not be used," WMC said. "Representatives of institutions are advised not to make special pleas for their particu- i Nlew Incoe Ceiling Seens More Liberal Measure Passed by Committee WASHINGTON, Feb. 13,-(A)-The House Ways and Means Committee today; approved a measure to wipe out President Roosevelt's decree lim- iting salaries to $25,000 after taxes and substitute a more liberal ceiling. It was the first formal move in the new Congress to challenge an order issued by the executive under the sweeping War Powers Acts. Rep. Dis- ney (Dem.-Okla.), its sponsor, called the action "a revole against govern- ment by directive." The plan would peg salaries which exceed $25,000 net to their level of Dec. 7, 1942, while stipulating that salaries which did not exceed $25,000 before Dec. 7 could not rise above that now. It was attached as a rider to a .bill raising the nation's legal debt