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April 15, 1943 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-04-15

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Sigma Alpha Iota Will Premiere'
Original Compositions Tonght

Two original compositions will have
their premiere at Sigma Alpha Iota's
"American Music Program" at 8:30
p.m. tonight in the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre.,
"Eleventurous Dances" by Jeanne
Boyd and "A Prayer for the Old
Courage" by Eric DeLamarter have
been written especially for this oc-
casion and will be heard for the first
time tonight.
Also included in the program are
a sonata by William Stubbins, Al-
bert Stoessel's "Suite Antique", Ran-
dall Thompson's "Velvet Shoes" and
"To Rosemary", Carl Gehring's "Sea
Fog", and Powell Weaver's "Moon
The program is under the direc-
tion of Rose Marie Grentzer
In cooperation with the national
bond drive, admission is the pur-
chase of a war stamp or bond at the
Both the Alpha and Lambda Al-
$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional 5 words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
three or more days. (In-
crease of $.25 for each
additional 5 words.)
Contract Rates on Request
LAUNDRY -2-1044. Sox darned
Careful work at low price.
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Co., phone 7112.
TYPEWRITERS of all makes. Of-
ficeand portable models. Bought,
rented, repaired. Student and Of-
fice Supplies. 0. D. Morrill, 314
South State St. Phone 6615.
PAIR of dark-rimmed glasses near
Hill Auditorium. Write Box 87,
Michigan Daily.
LOST-Wire-haired terr~ier. White
with black spots. Answers to name
of Peppy. Liberal reward. Write
Box 82, Michigan Daily.
WANTED - Waitresses, experienced
if possible, for part- or full-time
work. Call at Brown Jug, 1204 S.
MAN'S high-speed gear bicycle in
A-1 condition. Balloon tires. Write
Box 85, Michigan Daily.
e5533 ai&
for Gibbs Secretarie
during te past year I
Many employers pecified college grls
for important positions in a wide
variety of interesting fields. Courses
exclusively for college women begin
July 6 and Sept. 21. Personal place-
ment in Boston, New York, and Prov-
idence. Send for booklet, "GuiBs
NEW YORK-230 PAnm AvEoor

pha chapters of Sigma Alpha Iota
are cooperating in presenting the
Mrs. John Davidson, national
founder, is in Ann Arbor for the
Miss Boyd is affiliated with the
American Conservatory of Music and
has made many concert appearances,
as accompanist for various artists.
She is vice-president of the So-,
ciety of Amercan Musicians and of
the MacDowell Society. She is also


an honorary member of
pha Iota.

Sigma Al-

Hromadka Will
Give Third Talk
Dr. Joseph L. Hromadka, well-
known European scholar, will pre'-
sent the third lecture of a series on
"What Is Dynamic Christianity's
Answer to the Present Crisis?" at 8
p.m. tomorrow in Rackham Lecture
Dr. Hromadka, who has studied in
Vienna, Basel, Heidelberg and Aber-
deen, was national president of the
Students' Christian Movement of
Czechoslovakia for twelve years. He
is also the author of several books,
and since the beginning of the war
he has been a guest professor at
Princeton Seminary.
Dr. Hromadka will deal with three
main issues in his lecture: The Pres-
ent Catastrophe-a Result of a Deep
Spiritual Paralysis, Can We Be Sure
of the Christian Theory?, and Chris-
tian Certainties in the Midst of a
Confused World.
Hillel To Elect
S~ tident Council
Polls Open Tomorrow
At Hillel and Lane Hall
Elections for positions on Hillel
Student Council, governing body of
the organization, will be conducted
from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. tomorrow at
the Hillel Foundation and from 1
p.m. to 6 p.m. in Lane Hall.
Balloting will be by the system of
descending choice, with each voter
listing his favored candidates in pre-
ferred order. Hillel members who
wish to vote must bring their Uni-
versity identification cards and Hil-
lel membership cards.
The candidates for the fifteen po-
sitions on the ballot are Shulamith
Atkin, '44, Marjorie Batt, '45, Jeanne
Barnett, '44, Fay Bronstein, '45, Hen-
rietta Browarsky, '44, Elaine Dorf-
man. '44, Grace Freudberg, '45, Marle
Gordon, '45, Maxine Hanchrow, 44,
Rita Hyman, '44, Judith Jacobs, '46,
Hannah Katz, '44, and Marilyn Katz,
Continuing, Sue Klein, '45, Edith
Kohn, '45, Shirley Levin, '46, Marilyn
Levinthal, '44, Esther Morgenstein,
'45, Lois Newman, '45, Doris Rosen-
shine, '45, Frances Rubenstein, '45,
Alice Reizen, '46, Joyce Siegan, '46,
Netta Siegel, '44, Selma Stone, '44,
Harriet Sacks, '46, Justine Travers,
'44, Beverly Wittan, '46, and Leonard
Nemerovski, '46, Bernard Eisenberg,
'45, Stan Wallace, '45, Louise Com
ins, '45.
Buy More
War Bonds Today

Enemy Agents.
Alienate Mexico
Toward U.S.
Axis Propagan'da Is
Responsible for Ill
Feeling, Says Speaker
"The Mexican people don't like
'Americans' but Indivldftal Ameri-
cans are generally greatly admired
by Mexicans," Mrs. Carolina B. de
Escalante, teacher of English in
Mexico City, stated yesterday in a
lecture sponsored by the Latin-
American Society.
"They don't like the idea of Ameri-
cans presented to them by the Nazi
propagandists which have been very
active in Mexico," she continued.
Mrs. de Escalante explained that
the United States is now taking steps
to counteract this German propa-
ganda by building libraries where
Mexicans can read books on Ameri-
can culture and literature.
"The Mexican people want to learn
English and get to know the Ameri-
cans. It will not take them long to
realize that we are people like them
with our own culture and our. own
civilization. When that day cbmes
it will be a happy day for Mexico as
well as for the United States."
Mrs. de Escalante also explained
the great reforms which ex-President
Cardenas started in Mexico in edu-
cation. "One of Cardenas's most
serious problems was that the com-
mon people did not feel that they
had any nationality at all." He tried
to awaken national consciousness by
constructing thousands of schools
throughout Mexico. He also took
steps to promote medical care for
the Indians who lived in the interior.
IFC Sponsors


Prif. Parer7
Speaks at Post
War Discussion
Says Friendship Among
Nations Necessary for
Enduring World Peace
Enduring peace must be based on
mutual friendship among nations,
and the arts can play an important
role in creating international under-
standing Prof. DeWitt Parker said
last night at a panel discussion spon-
sored by the Post-War Council.
Mr. Emil Weddidge of the archi-
tecture college emphasized that the
arts are a universal language which
can facilitate cultural communica-
tion among peoples of different
After the two faculty men ex-
pressed their opinions about the
topic, "The Arts For Peace," the
audience joined in the discussion.
The indifferent attitude of the pub-
lic toward the arts and the problem
of education in eliminating this atti-
tude was considered by the floor.
Elizabeth Hawley, '45, was studeni
chairman for this weekly public
meeting of the Post-War Council.
The next panel discussion will take
place at 4:30 p.m. Monday in the
Rackham Amphitheatre. Col. Wil-
liam Ganoe, Prof. Mentor William:
and Prof. Carl LaRue will discuss
"An International Police Force."
WSSF Drive To Open
Campos Campaign Today
The annual World Student Servic
Fund Drive designed to aid student
and teachers in war-torn areas, wil
open today on campus and will con.
tinue until April 21.
The goal this year for the Univer.
sity has been set at $2,000, Barbarf
Smith, '44, said. Students living ii
dormitories will be contacted toda
by speakers from the Internationa
Center. "World banks" for studeni
and faculty contributions will bi
distributed through department of

Spanish Club Meets
The Sociedad Hispanica will pre- 1
sent an "Argentinian Night" fea-e
turing Senor Gorge A. Simonelli of
Buenos Aires at eight p.m. today in
the League.
Senor Simonelli will speak on dif-
ferent aspects of Argentinian life
and customs.
Psychiatrist To Speak
Dr. Rudolf Dreikurs, professor of
psychiatry in the Chicago Medical
School, will present the fourth lec-
ture in the Third Annual Marriage
Lecture Series at 8 p.m. today in the
Hillel Foundation.
French Lecture Tomorrow
Madame Jeanne Vidon-Varney, as-
sistant professor of French .at Co-
lumbia University, will- lecture on
"French Pronunciation and Phonet-
ics" at 3:15 p.m. tomorrow in the
League at a tea sponsored by the
members of the American Associa-
tion of Teachers of French.
Teachers of French and graduate
students, as well as all others who
are particularly interested in French,
are cordially invited to attend.
* * *
Operetta To Be Given
The Schoolmasters' Club will pre-
sent an operetta, "Listen, Mr. Speak-
er", given by students of the Roose-
velt High School, Wyandotte, at 8
p.m. tomorrow in the Lydia Mendels-
sohh Theatre.
Hillel Panel Meets
Mr. Fred Butzel, Dr. Saul Cohen,
and Mr. Max Dresden will present
the weekly Hillel Fireside Discussion
at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Foun-
dation on the topic, "The Jew, The
War, The Peace."
There will bea short but very
important advertising meeting of
the Gargoyle Business Staff at
5:15 p.m. today. Everyone must
be present to receive assignments.


* We've been selling this suit to our
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A British Lounge Suit makes you look
taller, fuller-chested and slimmer
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*'It is a gentleman's suit of clothes and
not extreme.

On Campus...

Tribute To Be Given Rachmaninoff
As a tribute to Sergei Rachmani- ognition be given to the distinguis:
noff, the Russian pianist-composer pianist because of his many appE
who passed away recently, Vladimir ances in Ann Arbor during his 1
Horowitz will play Rachmaninoff's career, and particularly because
Piano Concerto No. 3 instead of the his participation in an all-Ra
Tchaikovsky Concerto which had maninoff program presented :
been scheduled for the Saturday aft- year," Dr. Charles A. Sink, presid
ernoon concert of the May Festival. of the University Musical Soci
"It is particularly fitting that rec- I said yesterday.


Your appearance is as important as
ever, even in these wartime days ...


100% Pure Wool Worsted


Sold only in Ann Arbor by-
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Sing on May 1
The annual Interfraternity Sing,
sponsored by the Inter-fraternity
Council has been scheduled for 7:30
p.m. Monday, May 1, this year and
will be held, as in previous years, on
the Library steps in the center of the
Tryouts for the Sing have been
set for Thursday, April 29.
Arrangements are being made with
the sororities to act as cheering sec-
tions. for the different fraternities
according to custom while guest ar-
tists for the event will be the Wo-
men's Glee Club and Kappa Kappa
Gamma, sorority winner of last
year's Lantern Night. Sections will
be reserved for the different houses.
Business Students Will
Debate Wayne 'U' Today
Four students of the School of
Business Administration will debate
the Wayne University team today at
the Detroit Leland Hotel on the ques-
tion of the "Renegotiation of War
The students who will take the
negative of the question .include
Stanley Auwers, Gertrude Inwood,
Joe Schroeder and Raymond Chen

Fill up your

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WAR SAVINGS STAMPS don't earn money-but a War
Savings BOND does! A partly-filled stamp book isn't
collecting any interest: A War Savings Bond IS -
from the minute you enter it in your name. Why not
fill up the stamp book now and put your money to
work in the form of a Bond, earning more money
for you?
Every three dollars you invest in War Savings Bonds
brings you back an extra dollar in ten years. After
the war, you can use these funds to good advantage,
helping to buy the things you are now unable to get.
In the meantime, your money is helping to win the
war-furnishing the planes and guns and tanks
needed by our fighting men on battle fronts all over
the world. This equipment is vitally needed: You can
help to supply it,
Don't delay-fill that partly-filled stamp book now
and convert it to a War Bond. Both you and Uncle
%A12FL -"9t r ,

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There's more than meets h eeye in Arrow Ties-
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perfect knots. (Incidentally, Arrow ties o espe-
cially well with finC-fitting Arrow shirts!) $1, $1.50.
Men in uniform: See your Arrow dealer for

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