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April 15, 1943 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-04-15

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-P Air,

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Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular UnIversity year, and every morning except Mon-
rlay :ind Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43

'The Trojan bull.

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Karpinski on. Rum!
An open letter to the
Economic Club of Detroit.
Having received a letter com-
plaining of "criticisms of the dis-
courtesy" that I am presumed to
have shown at the meeting of the
Economic Club of Detroit in honor
of Beardsley Ruml", I venture to
reply. The President, one Allen B.
Four one-hundredths of 1 per cent
comprise the total losses of the Air
Transport Command of the United
States Air Forces during February,
the heaviest month to date for de-
livery of aircraft to the battlefronts.
Behind this cold figure reported by
Major Gen. Harold L. George, chief
of the command, lies an almost in-
credible story of skill, resourceful-
ness and expert achievement.
It reflects high honor upon the
joint accomplishment of the com-
mand and of the American flag air-
lines which have contributed planes,
men, equipment and priceless know-
how to the extension of this service
on a global basis. For the planes of
the Transport Command have been
operating not on the well-lighted:
familiar airways of continental
United States or the trade routes
that lead to the other Americas,
guarded by elaborate systems of
radio aids and meteorological serv-
ices. They have been operating day
and night over lands and seas rela-
tively uncharted for wings. They
have pioneered, in a matter of weeks
or months, routes halfway around
the world, to bring new equipment as
well as material and important per-
sonnel to our fighting forces every-
Planes under General George's
control span the South Atlantic to
Africa and cross the Dark Continent
to serve Cairo, Russia and even
Chungking. They are equally at home
on the skyways from Maine above
Labrador to Britain and in the broad
reaches of the Pacific from the Gol-
den Gate to Diamond Head and
thence down the chain of island
stepping-stones to Australia. They go
wherever armed men eagerly await
new weapons with which to beat
down the threat of the Axis; wher-
ever medical supplies or emergency
rations or repair parts are demanded
by the insatiable appetite of war.
Not one has been lost on the long
Pacific ferrying route as the result
of enemy action.
-The New York Times

Crow, does not indicate whether
the discourtesy was to the Club or
to Mr. Ruml. Apparently Mr. Ruml
did not feel any discourtesy in my
having a printed pamphlet enu-
merating objections to the plan
which have been clearly stated by
the President of the United States
and by U.S. Treasury officials.
Mr. Ruml stated that he would be
glad to have the pamphlet. I gave
him four copies. At the speaker's
table I noted some fifteen mem-
bers reading the pamphlet and
apparently these gentlemen sensed
no discourtesy.
The fact that there is a war
on that has taken billions of dol-
lars and may take millions of
lives of our sons and daughters
impresses me far more than any
niceties of discourtesy to a man
who has attempted to divert the
public funds from the treasury
into the pockets of the rich. Bil-
lions of dollars under the nefari-
ous plan of RumI would. have
gone into the pockets of the
rich, some goodly portion of it
into the pockets of men at the,
I happen to know the boys of
quite a few members of the Eco-
nomic Club, boys who are in our
armed services. One son of mine
is in Africa and another is a flier
in the Navy. Some of these boys
might lose their lives if we allow
swindlers to divert tax money from
the treasury into the pockets of
those already enjoying fabulous
profits out of war gains. Some of
you gentlemen of the Economic
Club might write your sons in the
service and ask them whether it is
important to give millionaires and
people of incomes above $25,000 a
bigger share of their unholy profits
or use such profits to prevent the
death of our sons in the active
There is no nicety, for exam-
ple in Monday's Detroit paper,
which attacks in a dirty, mali-
cious manner the Honorable
Robert L. Doughton, Chairman
of the Ways and Means Commit-
tee, an old man, a patriot who
has devoted tremendous energy
into securing proper taxes to.
protect the lives of our fighting.
men. The "freedom of the press"
to delude the public has been,
overworked in the opposition of
the wealthy to any just plans of
Future generations will not hon-
or those Congressmen who, took
off the $25,000 limit on salaries
and who have thus far refused to
put that limit on incomes. These

Congressmen seem determined to
protect the rich and to extract
from the poorest taxpayer money
that he needs for bread.
In England the effective limit
on all Incomes is about $20,000,
andathose who love liberty and
the lives of our boys should see
to it to electing Congressmen
who put blood ahead of dollars
in their thinking.
For the reason that I know that
the life of an American boy is
more precious than rubies. I did
forget the professorial dignity
which commonly weighs so heavily
upon me, and I personally dis-
tributed these pamphlets giving
my opposition to the RumI -plan.
I regret only not to have reached
all those who were there. I regret
deeply that so many wealthy can-
not face the realities of the tax
situation without thinking first
about their pocketbooks and a very
poor last about the defense of their
sons. My desire is to see that prof-
its of the war and the income of
the nation, even to the last cent of
the rich, is placed at the service
of these boys who are fighting our
If that be treason or discour-
tesy, make the most of it.
Louis C. Karpluski
Ap*logies to Drake
T HE DAILY slipped Tuesday
when it headlined a news item
"'U' Draft Evader Arrested". Ac-
cording to American standards of
law and fair play, a man is not
considered guilty of a charge until
so declared in court after an open
trial. You owe Drake an apology.
Incidentally, the charge is a bit
silly in this instance anyway. Mr.
Drake has not tried to "evade the
draft" at all. He is refusing mili-
tary (not civilian) services as a
religious conscientious objector and
has kept the authorities informed
of his whereabouts at all times"
His present .difficulty arises from
the failure of Selective Service
authorities to recognize the sii-
cerity of his conviction-but since
when has one man been able reli-
ably to determine the sincerity. o
another? So, to demonstrate his
sincerity, Drake will probably have
to spend three to five useless years
in a Federal Penitentiary at public
expense, rather than the duration
in a Civilian Public Service camp
at his own expense doing useful
work for his country.
R..Frederick Christnian
(Editor's Note: Thi, Dlily. is
sorry. We apologize to Mr. Drake).

Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff --"
and represent the views of the writers only.

WSSF Sets High Goal
'i Ioelp World Students
T HERE ARE bond drives and cancer fund
campaigns; there are drives for Russian War
Relief, and University Tag Day, but today a new
drive will open for the benefit of the World
Student Service Fund,
This campaign, which is carried on annually
among students, faculty, and educational insti-
tutions of the United States, will attempt to
collect $300,000 to aid students and internees
in war-torn areas of the world.
All the money collected from nine nations of
the world is cabled to international headquar-
ters at Geneva, Switzerland, and in China where
it is used to furnish food, clothing, books, schol-
arships and medical care to students and pro-
fessors whose lives have been upset by the war.
This year the goal for the University of
Michigan campus has been set at $2,000. One-
thousand dollars in American money would
help furnish books for a devastate4 library of
a medical college in Russia. In China $600
would equip and operate for a year one Stu-
dent Center with facilities for bathing, recrea-
tion, and study. One dollar would be enough
to provide soy bean milk for a month to a
Chinese student. In Greece $2 will buy and
transport enough powdered milk to supply a
tubercular student for a month.
We, as American students, have been fortunate
in being able to study at colleges where we have
no fear of nightly bombing raids and invasion;
let us help those less fortunate by contributing
to the WSSF drive this week. - Virginia Rock
Labor Education Opens
Up Wide Post-War Field
ILAST WEEK Willard Martinson, A.B. '36, Edu-
cational Director of UAW-CIO Local 50,
spoke here on campus at a meeting of the Ameri-
can Association of University Professors. The
theme of the meeting was "What the Public Will
Demand of the University in Post-War Educa-
tion?" On this subject Mr. Martinson discussed
labor's point of view on the subject, posing sev-
eral pertinent questions which could allow much
thought and planning.
Mr. Martinson asked, in effect, that labor get
a fair deal by the institutions of higher educa-
tion in the post-war days. He asked for some-
thing similar to a training program for labor,
and made a very good point about the usage to
which universities and colleges have been put in
the past. Education serves as a servicing center
for business, agriculture, and most all of the
professions. The business administration school
yearly turns out a goodly number of well-
trained, qualified leaders for business; agricul-
tural colleges, such as Michigan State, turn out
enlightened leaders for that field but very little
is done about the laborer and his leaders.
"Workers do now have a defined-enough place
and an important enough job to also need and
merit this type of servicing," Mr. Martinson
stressed. He made a very true point here. Labor
has been going through a rough transitional
period but it must be recognized for the impor-
tant place that it holds.
In connection with this, the unions are realiz-
ing more and more the importance of education
in their work.
Illustrating this point there was an article in
last week's "CIO News" which said, "To combat
misinformation and misunderstanding leaders in
labor education have been experimenting with
new techniques to meet our present day prob-

Take 9t

OP' Xea'e f49t
By Jason

F YOU'VE heard anyone speak bitterly of the
newspaper "PM" in the last month, he's prob-
ably either a close relative of Lieut.-Gen. Brehon
Somervell or a student of German 32.
Because PM, through its columnist Frank
Sullivan, has unloaded a verbal barrage
against the native tongue of Hitler and Goeb-
bels. German, Mr. Sullivan thinks, is an in-
sult to the vocal organs. He characterizes it
as "ear-splitting jaberwocky."
The particular German student who button-
holed us was so incensed that he wrote PM about
it. The letter was deeply sarcastic, but a trifle
on fhe laconic side-one sentence long, to be
exact. Just in case the editors of PM don't get
it-we didn't, when he read it to us-we thought
this would be a good place to elaborate.
Of course, Mr. Sullivan has already received
complaints, pointing out that German was spok-
en by Goethe and Schiller as well as by its pres-
ent exponents. Some of PM's correspondents go
so far as to bring in Mr. Sullivan's Irish ancestry.
Others just call him a "low-brow," and leave it at
But PM gave Sullivan the last word, and he
countered with another blast against lovers of
the language. It was this second piece which
particularly irritated this member of German
"Certain innocent and kindly remarks this de-
partment directed at the German language re-
cently brought a small flood of letters," Sullivan
starts out. "Two sadistic critics even wrote their
tirades in German, which comes under the head-
ing of cruel and unusual punishment."
PM's columnist goes on to quote at length from
Mark Twain; "one critic," he says, "wrote
sternly that Mark Twain was only fdoling when
he wrote that essay, The Awful German Lang-
uage. Well, if I may adopt the German practice
of ending a sentence with a verb-the hell he
After a healthy dose of Twain on the German
language, we come to remarks by Sullivan on the
same subject:
"For one thing, no word of more than 14
syllables should be allowed . . . Secondly, the
German verb should be unhitched from the
end of the sentence, where it has been dang-
ling heavily since the time of Emperor Dago-
bert the Dudelsackpfeifer."
Never having gotten past German 2, perhaps
this column shouldn't undertake to contradict
the learned Mr. Sullivan. But there is an an-
cient language called Latin which employs a
verb at the end of a sentence with consistent
effect. Men like Caesar and Cicero used it. But
perhaps they lived too long ago to impress PM.
So you can understand the startled, hurt look
on the face of our friend the German student
when he read this essay in his favorite news-
paper. He was sore, and with plenty of reason.
T HERE'S another thing that someone
should point out to Mr. Sullivan, to get
serious for a minute. We're fighting a ruth-
less gang of bandits, not the German people;
certainly not their language.
One of the best ways to win such a war is to
impress the public with its grimness, to pound in
the fact that our enemies are tough and ca'pable.

I'd Rather
L Be Right
NEW YORK, April 15.- Chew betel nuts and
win the war. A return to states' rights will win
the war. More planes for MacArthur will win
the war. Which war? The war in Tunisia?
Have a nut? Labor stays home and won't go
to work; that's reason we are not producing.
Look at our wonderful production record; that
shows our way of life is the best. Keep calm.
This is your Congressman, screaming.
More betel nuts will win the war. More
rationing will win the war. Less rationing will
win the war. This administration doesn't plan
enough. What does this administration think
it can do, plan the whole future of the world?
We have to learn to stop pushing people
around, and also wipe out overtime pay. Have
a nut?
We need to put one man in charge of every-
thing. Why should that man be in charge of
everything? Anyhow, it is perfectly silly to try
to work out the details of the post-war world
until we know what Stalin wants. But, sir, I
raise the question: Who gets the airlines?
The soldiers are going to finish off these glob-
aloney planners when they come back. The sol-
diers are going to demand that a future be
planned for them when they come back. Have
a nut?
We can't control the skies until we have a
separate air force. We are doing so well in Tuni-
sia because we control the skies. You have to
keep civilians from interfering with the mili-
tary. What does the-military mean by wanting
an Army that big? This Army still doesn't
understand anything about airplanes. Stop tell-
ing the Army when to make an offensive, it
knows best. Keep LaGuardia out of Washing-
ton; we don't want politicians as generals. Let
MacArthur run for President, we want generals
as politicians. Wheeee! How about a nut?
More betel nuts will win the war. Taking
the offensive will win the war. Keeping men
home as farmers will win the war. The Ameri-
can home will win the war. Spending money
on housing won't win the war. And, rememn-
ber, the soldier doesn't want to find anything
changed when he comes home, and how about
throwing out all those federal farm agencies
right away?
Have a nut? Keep cool, and win the war.
Trouble is the American public isn't excited
enough. A return to local self government will
win the war. What does this administration
mean by having different draft rules in different
This administration didn't do anything about
the farm problem until it was too late. But if
Washington tells us when to sow and when to
reap, we shall go hungry. Want a nut?
Paying more taxes will win the war. For-
giving a year's taxes will win the war. There's
too much money in the hands of the public;
that's what makes inflation. The public
doesn't have enough money to pay its taxes,
that's why we need the Rum plan. The main
thing is, this government doesn't know where
it's going. The real danger is that it has a
secret plan to change the American way of
life. Sound sleep will win the war. Wake.-up,
Less name-calling will win the war. And not
only that, but Washington is a lunatic asylum
run by its inmates. Sacrifice will win the war.
Good food will win the war. Wouldn't you like
a nut?


VOL. LIII No. 139
All notices for the Daily official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tiees should. be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
War Bonds: Buy your War Bonds for
April at University Cashier's Office. Or-
ders may be sent through campus mail.
University War Bond Committee
Honors Convocation: The Twentieth
Annual Honors Convocation of the Uni-
versity of Michigan will be held Friday,
April 16, at 11 :00 a.m. in Hill Auditorium.
Classes, with the exception of clinics, will
be dismissed at 10:45 a.m. Those students
in clinical classes who are receiving hon-
ors at the Convocation will be excused in
order to attend. The Faculty, seniors, and
graduate students are requested to wear
academic costume, but there is no proces-
sion. Members of the faculty are asked to
enter by the rear door of Hill Auditorium
and proceed directly to the stage, where
arrangements have been made for seating
them. The public is invited.
Alexander G. Ruthven
Naval Reserve Class V-1: Unless they
have already done so, all V-i men who
regard themselves as pre-medical or pre-
dental students must register at the War
Information Center, Michigan League
Building. This registration must be ac-
complished before April 17 if exemption
from the v-1 qualifying examination is
B. D. Thuma,
Armed Services Representative
School of Education Convocation: The
eighth annual Convocation of undergrad-
uate and graduate students who are candi-
dates for the Teacher's Certificate during
the academic year will be held in Lydia
MendelssohnTheatre today at 4:15 p.m.
This Convocation is sponsored by the
School of Education; and members of
other faculties, students, and the gen-
eral public are cordially invited. vice-
President Yoakum will preside at the
Convocation and Dr. Karl Bigelow, Direc-
tor of the Commission on Teacher Edu-
cation of the American Council on Edu-
cation, will give the address.
Michigan Schoolmasters' Club, April 15,
16, 17:
Thursday, Friday, Saturday: Univer-
sity Hall.
Fridav and Saturdnv: Ractham Bild-

at the beginning of the fall term on the
Combined Curriculum must file an appli-
cation for this Curriculum in the Office
of the Dean of the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts, 1210 Angell Hall,
on or before April 20. After this date
applications will be accepted only upon
the presentation of a satisfactory excuse
for the delay and the payment of a fee
of $5.00.
Mail is being held at the. Business Of-
fice of the University for the following
Robert L. Barton, Joan Clarke, Bernard
Patrick Collins, Jane Cooke, Private Frank
A. Depweg, Private Edward R. Hamilton,
Private George Johnston, F. N. Hamer-
strom, Jr., Ellen Montgomery, Private.
George F. Reynolds, Eleanor Sandiford,
Ann Schumacher, Lamar R. SmithH. E.
Tompkins, Oliver Woods, Muriel Yaberg,
Leonard W. Zingler.
Senior Engineers: Representative of
General Electric Company will interview
for prospective positions with their com-.
pany in the Electrical Engineering Depart-
ment on Monday, April 19, and in the
Mechanical Engineering Department on
Tuesday, April 20.
Interview schedules are posted on the,
Bulletin Boards of both Departments and
interviews are available to Engineering
Seniors. Application blanks which in-
clude a Faculty Rating are to be returned
to the interviewer in either Department.
Lecture: The third in Hillel's annual
marriage lecture series will take place
Thursday evening at 8:00 at the Hillel
Foundation. Dr. Rudolph Dreikurs, Pro-
fessor of Psychiatry at the Chicago Med-
ical School, will discuss the topic, "Prob-
lems of a U.S.O. Hostess." No admission
charge. Everyone is invited.
Academic Notices
ROTC Drill (Thursday Section): Com -
pany D will 'Fall In' on Hoover Street in
front of the IM Building in uniform with
street shoes.
Doctoral Examination for Leonwrd Ed-
ward Miller, Chemistry; thesis: "The Syn-
thesis of Substances Related to the Female
Sex Hormones," will be held on Friday,
April 16, in 309 Chemistry, at 4:00 p.m.
Chairman, W. E. Bachmann.
By action of th'e Executive Board, the
Chairman may invite members of the
faculties and advanced doctoral candi-
dates to attend the examination and he
may grant permission to those who for

The twentieth annual exhlhlition of
work by artists of Ann Arbor and vicinity
Is being presented by the AnP Arbior Art
Association in the Exhibition Oalleries
of the Rackham Building, through April
23, daily, except Sunday; 2 to 5 after-
noons and 7 to 10 evenings. The public
Is. cordially. Invited.
Event iToday.
Phi Tau Alpha meets tonight at 7:30 in
the, West Lecture Room, of the, R~ckharn
Building. Professor John P. Winter head
of the Department of Latin, will pX~sent
an illustrated lecture on "Tunisia." T'he
public is cordially invited.
Sociedad Hispanica will feature its Ar-
gentine Night" tonight at 8:00 in the
League. Everybody welcome.
The regular Thursday 'evening reorded
program in the Men's Lounge of the Rack-
ham Building tonight at 8:00 will be as
Handel: 'Defend Herl HeaVei, Where
e're you Walk..
Schubert: Aufenthalt, Ave Maria.
Brahms: Two Songs for Alto.,
Debussy: La Mer.
Hanson: Lament for Beowulf.
Prokofieff: Peter and the Wolf.
Michigan Dames home nursing group
will meet tonight in North Hall a't 8
A mass meeting of all women- who hve
signed up or who wish to sign- up' for
mowing, raking, and planting around the
University grounds will be held a' 5:00
p~m. today In the League. Any woman
planning on participating in this project
should attend this meeting.
Coming Events
Research, Clubt: The Memorial Meeting
will be held inthe Amphitheatre of the
Rackham Building, Wednesday evening,
April 21, at eight o'clock. Robert Koch
will be memorialized by Professor Fred-
erick 0. Novy, and Thomas Jefferson b y
Professor Dwight L. Dumond.
Graduate Outing Club will meet at the
west entrance of the Rackham Building
at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, April 18; for a
hike. All graduate and professional stu-
dents are welcome.
Hilel Student Council election will be
held on Friday, 10 a m.-7 p.m. at Hillel
Foundation and 1-6 p.m. at Lane 'Hall.
The election will be conducted under the
war q.w - ,zm --a_.m _.-f





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