W-0.4 WM 4 4 w aug Weather Continued Cold VOL. LIII No. 139 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS Stephan's Hanging Is Postponed IFootball St - -- ----In Latin Ai ar Lost nerica Execution, Is Stayed 2nd Time U.S. Supreme Court Extends Time Only Few Hours after Date Of Hanging Was Reset DETROIT, April 14.-- (A)- The United States Supreme Court today extended the borrowed time, of con- victed traitor Max Stephan by grant- Ing a second stay of execution only a few short hours after federal judge Arthur J. Tuttle had reset the date of his hanging for April 27. Stephan, 52-year-old German-born restaurant owner, was convicted by a federal court jury of aiding the flight of a Nazi flying officer who escaped from a Canadian prison camp. He was sentenced last August to be hanged Nov. 13, but was granted a stay pending an appeal to the high court, which last week refused to review his case. Tuttle Sets Date Today Judge Tuttle set the new execution date despite protests from the condemned man's attorney, Nich- olas Salowich, who had sought fur- ther delay on grounds that he was appealing, to the Supreme. Court for a rehearing. Salowich said also he would appeal to President Roosevelt for executive clemency.I The Supreme Court's new stay of execution was given under rules of the high court which allow 25 days for the filing of a rehearing applica- tion. Thus Salowich would have until April 30 to make the rehearing appeal. Petitions for Stay In his petition for the stay of exe- cution, which the Supreme Court re- ceived by mail, Salowich said an application for rehearing would be filed "not for the purpose of delay but for the purpose of placing before this court the fact that this is a cap- ital case, the first treason case to be tried and brought to this court in 150 years'' Stephan's former arrogant confi- dence was completely broken as he sobbed violently throughout the hour he was in court today, handcuffed to two deputy marshals. Shortly after his conviction eight months ago he had boasted, "Germahy will never let me hang." . Petitions Due For Manpower Heads Today Applications Must Be Turned in at Union; Jobs for 56 Men Open Petitions for the important stu- dent offices of Manpower Corps dir- ectors must be turned in today at the Union. The Student War Board will begin interviewing prospective directors to- night. Mary Borman, who has directed the Corps since its origin last fall, will retire to an advisory position and leave the actual direction of the group to the new directors. One of them will become head of the organ- ization. Corps To Carry On Spring Project The many spring projects being carried on by the Manpower Corps has made advisable the splitting df responsibility, and one director will be chiefly concerned with campus projects and the Big Ten organiza- tion. The other will be in charge of local projects. Under the community head will come the newest project, the estab- lishment of a High School Manpower Corps which will take over more of the collegiate group's positions. Members of the Student War Board commended the work of the Corps thus far this year and stressed the extreme importance of qualified workers tilling the positions. Any member 'of the student body may apply-whether he is a freshman or graduate student. "Just state your qualifications and we'll try to select the best men for the job," Borman said yesterday. Fifty men are "desperately" needed to harvest corn this Satur- day. Transportation will be pro- vided to the farm, and the work- ers will receive 14 cents per bushel of grain harvested. Four men answered the call of a local defense plant for workers yesterday. There are two positions yet to be filled who will be paid the hourly wage of 65 cents. The supervisor of the buildings and grounds department needs two students to help with the spring cleaning on campus. Students who can work on any of the projects should call the Man- power Corps office in the Union im- mediately and get full information about the jobs. Planes, Army Featured in Bond Parade Local Drive Reaches One Quarter of Quota; Collects $1,529,345 Zooming, speedy Navy fighters and giant Army Liberator bombers from Willow Run provided an added at- traction to the War Loan parade which marched through the streets of Ann Arbor yesterday to convince faculty, students and townspeople of the merits of bond buying. The parade, which displayed dif- ferent types of mechanized might, included all divisions of the various Army schools on campus. Ypsilanti Bugle Corps Marches Most colorful unit was the high stepping girls' drum and bugle corps from Ypsilanti. Other martial music was furnished by University band, the Ann Arbor High School Band and? the NROTC drum and bugle corps. The local bond committee was "very enthusiastic" yesterday as? they reached nearly one quarter of their quota in the second day of the drive. Warren F. Cook, chairman of: the War Finance Committee, warned that more effort must be put into the drive if the county's goal of $6,380,- 000 is to be raised. Drive Collects $1,529,345 While the drive has been on of- ficially for only two days the $1,529,- 345 collected represents all contri- butions made during the first two weeks in April. This means that the remaining 75 per cent must be at- tained in the remaining 15 days of April. On campus the University organi- zation under Gordon Griffiths plans to contact every member of the fac- ulty, but he urges that students and faculty buy all the bonds they can without being contacted. Bonds may be purchased at the University's cashier's office in the South Wing or at the information desk at the University hospital. Morgent hau tAsks '20% in War Bonds By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, April 14.- As the nation passed a $4,000,000,000 total on the third day of its $13,000,000,000) war loan drive, Secretary of the? Treasury Morgenthau told Congress today that individuals should invest from 15 to 20 per cent of their earn- ings in war bonds, instead of the 10 per cent previously suggested by the government. In Washington, meanwhile, Secre- tary Morgenthau appeared at a joint informal session of six Congressional committees to explain the bond drive, which opened Monday. Regent Cook Passes at 79 Funeral Services Will Be Held in Hillsdale A member of the University Board of Regents since 1933, Franklin M. Cook, 79, of Hillsdale, died at noon yesterday in the University hospital after a long illness. The funeral services will probably be held in the Presbyterian church in Hillsdale, according to a member? of the family on campus. He leaves, of his immediate family, his widow, Lulu, a daughter Laura, state DAR regent, and a son, John B. Cook, all of Hillsdale. Cook was a member of a pioneer Harmon and His Bomber,'Old 98' War Department Telegram Reports Flyer Missing in Actlioi Since April 8 Lieut. Thomas Dudley Harmon, football star at the University in 1938, 1939 and 1940 and the greatest scorer in gridiron history, is "missing in the South American area," but*his shocked parents were clinging staunchly tonight to the hope that he is still alive. Faced with a terse telegram from the War Department which expressed "deep regret" that their pilot son had not been heard from since April 8, Tom's parents waited in the house he built for them here and voiced their faith that he would bob up before long-" somewhere"-and safe. "Tom is strong and knows how to take care of himself," said his father, Louis A. Harmon. "We can only pray now." The 23-year-old former All-American of 1939 and 1940 entered the ~------Army Air Forces a year ago. He received his silver wings as a twin- Jap Bom bers engine bomber pilot at Williams Field, Ariz., Oct. 30, 1942. Last Letter Dated April 4 Raid Milne Bay A fortnight ago, Tom's parents received a letter from him saving he Standing beside the plane which carries the same number on its side as his football jersey did on his back, is Tom Harmon, who has been reported missing in the South American theatre since April 8. His parents, however, have not yet given up hope. Press Protests To FDR About Conference Ban Correspondents Say Public Needs News About Food Meeting WASHINGTON, April 14.-(R)-i In a letter to President Roosevelt, the standing committee of Washing- ton correspondents today said that restriction placed on newspaper re- porters at the forthcoming Interna- tional Food Conference constitute "a denial of legitimate news to the American public and hence an abridgement of the freedom of the press." The committee, which represents 560 American and foreign corre- spondents with membership in the Congressional press galleries, said it had been, advised that newspaper re- porters would be excluded from all contact with the delegates, and from all deliberations except for prefunc- tory opening and closing sessions, of the conference starting May 18 at the Homestead hotel in Hot Springs, Va. "By these arrangements the Amer- ican people will be denied news to which they are entitled and prevent- ed from exerting any influence in shaping the decisions which will af- fect our nation in the future," the committee said in a statement made a part of letters sent to the Presi- dent, Secretary Cordell Hull and El- mer Davis, director of the Office of War Information. House Fight Opens Again Over Farm Bill Move Farm Starts for Abolition of Security Board New Opposition WASHINGTON, April 14.-(P)-A new farm fight broke out in the House today over the appropriations committee's recommendation for ab- olition of the Farm Security Admin- istration and threatened to riddle the $707,040,844 supply bill for the Agri- culture department for the fiscal year starting July 1. Opponents of the FSA abolition move scored a major strategic vib- tory by persuading the Rules Com- mittee to diecree procedure under which many provisions in the con- troversial measure may be removed by a single objection. At the request of the Agriculture committee, which accused the Ap- propriations Committee of usurping its legislative prerogatives, the Rules Committee refused to safeguard the bill from parliamentary points of order. The effect of this action is that any member-and there were many waiting to do it-could raise a point of order against any legisla- tive provision not directly dealing with appropriations and thereby re- move it. Recalling that the House spent ap- proximately ten days last year dis- posing of the Agriculture appropria- tions bill, Representative Lambertson (Rep.-Kas.), a critic of FSA, declared "the fight's on. We are going to have another grand time on this agricul- ture bill," while Representative Dirk- sen (Rep.-Ill.) commented that the House could have "a Roman holiday" with the bill and send it to the sen- ate "with just about the enacting clause" remaining. In New Attack Allied Ships, Ground Installations Are lit; 30 Planes Shot Down ALLIED HEADQUARTERS INI AUSTRALIA, April 15.-(Li)-For the second time in less than a week, the Japanese unloosed a massive air as- sault against a vital Allied New Guinea base as a force of between 75 to 100 medium bombers, dive- bombers and fighter planes attacked Milne Bay shipping and ground in- stallations yesterday for half an hour during daylight. Thirty of the enemy planes were shot out of action. The swarm of attacking planes was met by Australian-manned P-40's which were engaged through the battle, by American-manned P"38's and by anti-aircraft batteries. Allied fighter losses "were moderate," said the Allied Headquarters noon communique. The raiders struck three "small Allied vessels," causing damage and casualties, the War Bulletin report- ed, but fires on two of the ships were quickly controlled and the third, heavily hit, was forced to beach. Of the 30 enemy planes shot out of action, "22 were bombers and eight were fighters," the communique said. "Of these, 15 were actually seen to crash, nine were seen falling after being hit and six were seen to receive bursts and left the action. It is un- likelyi that any were able to return to their base." Forty-six ,planes of the attacking formation were medium or dive bombers, and five fighters. Coal Miners Reject, Government Plai NEW YORK, April 14.- (/P)- Southern soft coal operators rejected today a government proposal for an annual six-day work week guarantee as a basis for negotiating a new con- tract with the United Mine Workers and called again for certification of the dispute to the War Labor Board, Accepted in principle by John L. Lewis, president of the UMW, in lieu of a $2 a day wage increase demand, the proposal was turned down yes- terday by northern operators who today described it as "wholly mac- ceptable." was in the cari~Dean area, out oi tne was in the Caribbean area, out, of the country for the first time. It was dated April 4. Four days later he vanished. Harmon left the country in a plane which bore the legend, "Old 98- Little Butch" after the number he carried to fame on the gridiron. "I'll get that first Jap for Michi- gan," he wrote a friend here recently. His scoring record-larger even than that of Illinois' Red Grange- was 237 points In three years of col- legiate competition. His 33 touch- downs were two more than the total scored by the "Galloping Ghost." Harmon Builds Home for Parents A native of Gary, Ind., Harmon moved his parents to Ann Arbor and built a $17,000 home for them with his earnings after graduation. After his graduation in June, 1941, Tom obtained a job as sports broadcaster for a Detroit station and described the Michigan games from a radio booth that fall. When Tom came to Ann Arbor in the fall of 1937 he was proclaimed by Fielding H. Yost as "the greatest high school athlete of the year." Thefame that preceded him was achieved at Horace Mann High Turn to Page 3, Col. 3 World News In,,Brief Aid t Axis Refused By The Associated Press STOCKHOLM, April 14.- Hun- gary has refused Axis requests for troops to help defend the Balkans and at the same time is withdraw- ing soldiers from Russia, usually reliable sources said today. According to these quarters, Mussolini asked Premier Nicholas Kallay of Hungary for troops dur- ing the latter's recent Rome visit, but Kallay was reported to have clung to the official line an- nounced weeks ago that no Hun- garian forces would be sent across the southern borders. De Gaulle Considers Plan ALGIERS, April 14.- Unification of the French Empire overseas under a council which would be committed to surrendering its powers to the French people after their liberation is the basis of the "Giraud Plan" which General Charles De Gaulle, Fighting French leader, is consider- ing in London, Allied circles said today. * * * SEND 'EM CIGARETTES: Campus Sare Your Smokes' Campaign To Begin Monday "Share your Smokes" with our fighters! -Every five cents contrib- uted to the drive to be sponsored by the Union in cooperation with The Daily from April 19 to 24 will send a pack of cigarettes to service men overseas. With its goal set at $500, or one million smokes, the Drive will call on every student on campus to make his contribution, and thus help an- swer General" MacArthur's request, "Send 'em cigarettes." Greeks Asked for $250 Fraternities and sororities will be asked to give in all $250, or one half the campus total. The dormitories, League houses and service men in the East and West Quads on campus are also ex- pected to do their share. At the end of this week coin collection contain- ers, marked with the insignia of the Drive, will be distributed to these groups as well as all fraternities and sororities. In.addition students will be posted with containers throughout the length of the Drive at the Diagonal, seal will be placed on the student contribution reading, "Good Luck, Good Smoking from the Michigan Student Body." In order to facilitate League hous- es in giving to the Drive, the Union will pick up all contributions which they make, on call. OPA Suspends Meat Ceilings WASHINGTON, April 14.-(R)- OPA hinted strongly it will order lower retail prices for meat in sus- pending today for a month new dol- lar-and-cents ceilings on beef, veal, lamb and mutton, originally sched- uled to become effective tomorrow. In accompanying actions, the agency clamped ceilings on horse meat and approved corn transporta- tion subsidies intended to hold down prices of dairy and poultry products and encourage increased production ef lnoae yhv f3Aiz 0mf 723 Students To Be Honored At Convocation Paying tribute to 723 students, the twentieth annual Honors Convoca- tion will be held at 11 a.m. tomor- row in Hill Auditorium. Dr. Waldo Gifford Leland, director of the American Council of Learned Societies, will be the featured speak- er at the exercises. He will address the the Convocation on the subject "Scholars in Government." Dr. Le- land has been active in American ed- ucation circles since his graduation from Brown University in 1900. Of the 723 honored students at the Convocation, 207 are seniors in the upper ten per cent of their class; 70 juniors; 84 sophomores, and 125 freshmen. The underclassmen have maintained a half A half B average Schoolmasters Club Opens 57thI Annual Conference on Education The fifty'-seventh annual Michi- gan Schoolmasters' Club opens its three-day "Education for Freedom" program today with the meeting of two educational institutes. The fourteenth annual conference on Teacher Education will convene at 9:30 a.m. today in the University High School auditorium under the direction of Chairman J. B. Edmon- son, Dean of the School of Education. David M. Trout director of the Miehiv~rrn . 1A Tnf Tmn~chpr !Eduir- Meeting also tomorrow in conjunc- tion with the Schoolmasters' Club is the ninth annual conference on Cooperation. Chairman George E. Carrothers, director of the Bureau in Cooperation with Educational In- stitutions, will open the conference at 2 p.m. in the Union. Implications of the war for college and high schpol relationships will be discussed by Principal Walter R. Clenminson of Grosse Pointe High Rommel's Planes Smashed I ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH AFRICA, April 14.- The Allied high command' announced today histunning 84-to-3 aerial victory which shredded Marshal Rommel's sky cover and further menaced his thin supply line on the eve of the climactic fight for survival by his cornered Tunisian troops. American Flying Fortresses led a tremendous assault on Rommel's rear bases in Sicily, destroying 77