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February 13, 1943 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-02-13

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3 To Run for Municipal Judge

Three Reptubiicanis wijicotet
Monday in the Ann Arbor primary
CJctiOnl for the newly ceaied position
Of Mviiinicipai Judge.
Justice Court Judge, Jay if. Payne,
Albert W. Hooper and William M.
Laird will run for the Republican
Offices of mayor, city clerk, and
president of the Council will not be

voted on, Primazies wlli be held, how-
ever, for the offices of constable, sup-
ervisor and alderman in the various
Polls will be open election day from
7 a.m. until 8 p.m.
The office of Municipal Judge was
created by the Common Council last
fall as one of a series of measures to
streamline city government.




Batk by Mail
Member Federal Reserve System
and Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
> nin r4TTE 0o anh
330 Soy iii STATE ." . 101 SOUTH MAIN

Heifetz Will
Here Tuiesda
Noted Volinist To To1p
Last Year's Record
Of 60 Performances
Acclaimed throughout the world as
a master musician, Jasch Heifetz will
again present a violin concert in Ann
Arbor at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in Hill
Auditorium as the eighth program in
the current Choral Union Series.
Heifetz has made four world tours
and many annual tours of the United
States and Canada. Last season he
made an historic tour of South Amer-
ica, playing more than 60 concerts.
He is not only performing more con-
certs this season than last but is play-
ing as many concerts at Army camps
as his route book will permit.
Plays for Relief
Born in Russia, Heifetz has re-
turned to that country only once since
he left during the World War with
his family. He has not been able to
play to them again, but he has played
for them. In addition to contribu-
tions to the various American agen-
cies for Army, Navy and civilian relief
Heifetz has given concerts for Russian
Relief which have netted large sums
of money and have helped keep medi-
cal supplies flowing back to the Sov-
iet forces.
On the concert stage Heifetz balan-
ces the classic with the contemporary.
He has commissioned several impor-
tant present day conposers to write
major works for him, and he includes,
whenever possible, music of Ameri-
cans, Gershwin and Robert Russell
Bennett on his program.
Recordings Made
Some of Heifetz's best performan-
ces have been for recordings. Records
have been made of him playing the
Beethoven Violin Concerto under Tos-
canini, the Brahms Concerto with
Koussevitsky, as well as the Glazou-
now, Prokofieff (G minor), Sibelius,
Tschaikovsky and Mozart A major
Houses Mark
Valentine's Day
Valentine's day will be thoroughly
celebrated at several of the houses
today, in spite of the fact that recent
weather suggests a comfortable chair
and a good book.
Mosher dormitory will hold a Val-
entine Dance from 9 p.m. until mid-
night today, complete with refresh-
ments. Those working on the com-
mittee are Mary Horan, '44Ed, Phyllis
Huntley, '44, Barbara Matz, '44, and
Marian Hrebek, '44.
* * *
A house party chaperoned by Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Moore of Detroit and
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lipnik will be
held by Kappa Nu from 9 p.m. until
midnight today.
Theta Xi has planned a dance from
9 p.m. until midnight at the chapter
house to be chaperoned by Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. Joy of Detroit and Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Cooper.
A Valentine's day dinner will be
given today at Martha Cook in wel-
coming new residents. Pat Potter,
'44, is chairman of the affair.

More Women
To Combhat Sl toiia e
Women are crowding the field of
business administration these days in
an effort to get ready to fill in the
manpower shortage in business, with
an 87% increase in enrollment of wo-
men in the School of Business Admin-
istration this semester, according to
Prof. Merwin H. Waterman, secretary
of the school.
This increase is attributed by Prof.
Waterman to the new program de-
signed for women which permits them
to enroll in the school at the end of
their sophomore year and take two
terms of study which will fit them for
work in the business field. If followed
up for four terms, however, the pro-
gram will lead to a degree in Business
Most of the women now taking this
special training plan, however, to fin-
ish the full four terms, if possible,
Prof. Waterman believes.
Due to the fact that junior stand-
ing is a prerequisite to the course,
only a few women were expected to
enroll this semester. The size of the
group came as a great surprise, but a
"very pleasant one," according to
Prof. Waterman.
Mrs. Okkel her g
Will present !
Piano Recital
Maud Okkelberg, o the School of
Music faculty, will give a piano re-
cital at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Mrs. Okkelberg's program will be
varied with selections by contempor-
ary composers and with well known
favorites of classic music lovers.
The recital will include a theme by
Paisiello with Mozart variations,
"Eight Ecossaises" by Schubert. "Fan-
tasia," by Haydn, "Sonata, Op. 70" by
Other selections to be included on
the program are from the worlds of
Brahms, Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Voor-
molen, and Milhaud.

Victory Books
To Be Collected
All Next Week'
Depots To Be Loeated
On Campus, in Stores
For Local Campaign
The 1943 Victory Book campaign,
organized to collect books suitable for
use in military camps by members of
the armed forces will be carried on in

C Tree nibers of th a
Control of Stuident Pilblictaion. Ei:
Union vice-presient , and a 2matn
committee to stage a combined Frosh
Frolic-Soph Prom dance will be elec-
ted in an all campus election Tuesday,
Feb. 23.
All persons except those currently
connected with any student publica-1
tion are eligible for the Board posi-
tions. A nominating petition contain-
ing a statement of qualifications must
be turned into the Business Desk of
The Daily or the Union Student Offi-
ces not later than 4:30 p.m. Thursday.
The combination underclass dance
was approved by the Student Affairs
Committee Thursday, and members
of the freshman and sophomore clas-
ses may petition to be placed on the
ballot for one of the 12 positions.
These petitions may be obtained from
9 a.m. to 12 noon today and through

All-Campus Election To.Be Held



m Arbor next week, it was an-

5 p in TWedey in the tudent
Ofie; Ti 4 iif i~tlw filled Gii U 1i-l
il i'PiCS ali rtu n iii d 1o 1th Student
Offices not later th.In 4:30 p.m.
Any student in good standing in
the University is eligible to petition
for the six Union vice-presidencies.
According to the constitution of the
Union, men may be nominated by a
Union nominating committee or by
filling out a regular petition includ-
ing 200 eligible voters' names.
Bought, Rented
314 S. State St. Phone 6615

nounced yesterday.
Miss Frances Hannum will assume
chief responsibility for the campaign
in the city, Mr. F. R. Harrell will
take charge in Washtenaw County,
and Prof. W. G. Rice will be responsi-
ble for the University.
Collection depots for books will be
set up in schools, book stores, theatres
and the offices of public utility com-
panies. University collection centers
will be located in the General Library,
in departmental collegiate libraries,
Angell Hall, the League and the Un-
Due to the shortage of gasoline and
manpower, the problem of transpor-
tation is difficult and the full cooper-
ation of all contributors is requested.
Books must be at the main collection
centers not later than noon Saturday,
Feb. 20. They may be brought direct
to North Hall, where they will be
stored until sorted, at any time, and
will be received there both before the
beginning of the campaign and after
its close.
The main object of the campaign
is to collect books which will be inter-
esting to men in the service. Recent
fiction, biography and travel, as well
as discussions of current political and
social problems are especially accep-
Ann Arbor Girl Scouts will assist
in the collection of books at the
schools. Boy Scouts will aid in trans-
porting and handling the books con-
Books received which are not suit-
able for use in camps will be sent to
defense areas to increase library fa-
cilities there.
Post Offce Closes
The campus postal station in the
Arcade will be closed this afternoon
and each Saturday afternoon until
further notice. The Post Office at
220 North Main St. will be open for
the mailing of parcel post and the
purchase of stampl.

Speak to Her of Love
with Valentine Posies

- a a S a a - a

Stop at the
Sunday 7-12 P.M.
Week Days and Saturdays 9-12 P.M.
Three doors north of State Theater

* Roses
* Plants
*' Corsages

Because she's working harder
than ever to help win a war
. . . let her feel pampered,
cared for on February 14!
Thrill her with a Valentine
bouquet of Sweetheart roses
. . . or a lovely corsage from
The Chelsea Flower Shop!

203 East Liberty . . . Phone 2-5616

There will be a short meeting
for all eligible second semester
freshmen and sophomores wishing
to try out for the business staff of
the Gargoyle at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday
or Thursday at the Student Publi-
cations Building.



Ii. .1

tIAith the2ffe1ic
We are serious about
even when we sacrifice
them like this!
You'll find no special purchase eking
out our stocks with last minute flashy
prices added for effect. All our furs are
regular Zwerdling-quality backed by
our reputation for honest dealing. We
save you money, but you'll never feel
the pinch in quality, style and service.
NOW is the time to invest in furs be-
fore world conditions makes it impos-
sible to even get certain types of skins.
Liberal Allowance for your old fur coat
Insured Storage Free - Terms

. ', lii,


C0. ,OME TO (
Church: 306 N. Division St.
Student Center - State and Huron Streets.
The Rev. Henry Lewis, D.D., Rector
The Rev. John G. Dahl, Curate
George Faxon, Organist and Choirmaster.
8:00 a.m.-Holy Communion
9:00 a.m.-Teacher's Meeting, Michigan League
11:00 a.m.-Junior Church
11:00 a.m.-Morning Prayer and Sermon by Dr.
5:00 p.m.-Evening Prayer
5:45 p.m.-H-Square Club. Page Hall
7:30 p.m.-Canterbury Club. Speaker: Mrs. David
Covell, social worker, Episcopal City Mission,
Tea, Tuesday and Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Evening Prayer, Tuesday, 5:15 p.m., Harris Hall
Holy Communion, Wednesday and Thursday,
7:30 a.m., Chapel
Intercessions, Friday, 12:10, Chapel
Confirmation Class, Saturday, 2 p.m.
120 South State St.
Ministers: Charles W. Brashares and Ralph G.
Music: Hardin Van Deursen, director.
Mary McCall Stubbins, organist.
9:30 a.m. Class for University students. Wesley
Foundation Lounge
10:40 a.m. Church School for Nursery, Begin-
ners, and Primary Departments where young
children may be left during worship service
10:40 a.m. Worship Service. Dr. Walter W..Van
Kirk of New York will speak on "A Religious
Close-Up of England in War Time." Dr. Van
Kirk has recently returned from a visit to
4:00 p.m. Wesleyan Guild Tea
4:30 p.m. Wesleyan Guild Meeting for University
Students. Dr. Van Kirk will speak on "Pro-
testantism" fn the series of "Religions of the
7:00 p.m: Newly-Weds Discussion Group meets
in Parlors.
Sponsored jointly by the Zion and Trinity
Lutheran Churches.
E. Washington and S. Fifth Ave.
10:30 a.m. Church Worship Service. Sermon:
"Jesus' Glory at His Transfiguration" by
Rev. Elmer Christiansen.

-, 1iiI



TUES., FEB. 16, 8:30
Hill Auditorium
Choral Union Series

(Missouri Synod)
Rev. Alfred Scheips, Pastor for Students
Sunday at 11: Divine Service for students in the
Michigan League Chapel. Sermon topic, "The
Joy of Worship."
Sunday at 6: Supper Meeting and Valentine Kid
Party at St. Paul's Church, W. Liberty at
Third. Meet at Lane Hall at 5:30.
409 South Division St.
Wednesday evening service at 8:00
Sunday morning service at 10:30
Subject: "SOUL"
Sunday School at 11:45
Free public Reading Room at 106 E. Washington
St, open every day except Sundays and holi-
days from 11:30 a.m. until 5 p.m., Saturdays
until 9 p.m.
State and William Streets
Minister: Rev. Leonard A. Parr, D.D.
Director of Music: Arnold Blackburn.
10:45 a.m. Service of Public Worship. Dr. Parr's
subject will be "That Royal Day-Tomorrow"
5:30 p.m. Ariston League, the High School Group
will have a discussion on "Mexico, our Neigh-
bors Across the Border," led by Ray Steiner.
7:00 p.m. Student Fellowship will meet in the
Assembly Room of the Congregational Church.
Dr. T. T. Brumbaugh of the Detroit Council of
Churches will speak on "The Future of Chris-
tianity in the Orient."
512 East Huron St.
Rev. C. H. Loucks, Minister
Mrs. Geil Orcutt, Associate Student Counselor
10:00 a.m.: The Undergraduate Class will study
the work of Luke: Luke and the Acts, in the
Guild House, 502 E. Huron St. The Graduate
Class will discuss "What Can We Believe
About the Sacraments?" in the Church.
11:00 a.m.: The Church at Worship
'Sermon: "Sons"
7:00 p.m.: Evening meeting of the Roger Wil-
liams Guild in the Guild House. Mr. Gale Potee
will discuss "What Christianity Is Meaning
to India Today"
Washtenaw Avenue
Ministers: William P. Lemon, D.D.,
Willard V. Lampe
Mark W. Bills, Director of Music
Franklin Mitchell, Organist
9:30 a.m. Church School. Classes for all ages.

SI :1 - ;t





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