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April 14, 1943 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-04-14

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Mac rthur

WVarns of Attack

Military Units
Will March To
Sell U.S. Bonds
Greatest Parade in
Local History Will
Begin at 4:15 P.M.
Bands, soldiers, sailors and civilian
orkers-in short all of Ann Arbor's
,;ar might-will turn to the import-
ant job of selling bonds in the gigan-
tic, colorful military parade today.
The greatest military show ever to
be staged in Ann Arbor will begin
promptly at 4:15 p.m. and will fea-
ture every branch of the service plus
their fighting equipment. The hour
long review will show its audience of
prospective bond buyers just what
their loans will purchase for the war
Massive aircraft from the Army
and Navy will zoom overhead as an
aerial escort for the war loan parade.
The giant Liberator bombers plus
Navy pursuit planes from Grosse Isle
will provide the air pageant.
Navy Air Squadron To Come
Lieut.-Comm. Harry Kipke, form-
erly Michigan football coach, has ar-
ranged for the Navy air squadron.
In the parade the pride and joy of
the Army mobile units will be driven
by local Red Cross drivers. The first
demonstration of the monster am-
phibian commando which can trans-
port fifty men will be held here.
Besides the Army drab and Navy
blue the parade will feature the bril-
liant uniforms of four blaring bands.
An all-girl drum and bugle corps
from Ypsilanti will provide a colorful
unit. This group has gained state-
wide fame for its precision mieroh-
Patriotism Is Keynote
Patriotism is the keynote, and so
the people making the supreme sac-
rifice-the men in the Army-will
be a major portion of the parade.
All of the Army schools now on cam-
pus will march together for the first
time, making up one-third of the
From the Army of all officers-the
Judge Advocates school-down to
the youngest unit in the ROTC every
branch will be represented. Lieut. C.
D. Vaughan will be marshall of the
Floats, beautiful and bright or
gaudy and gay, will portray other
groups not marching in the parade.
The University band will lead the
parade which forms at Washington
and State.
The line of march will be south on
State to Madison, west to Packard,
then down to Main, north to Huron,
east to State, south on North Uni-
versity and finally back to Univers-
ity Hall.
Mexico To Be T opic I
Of Lecture Today
Mrs. Caroloina B. de Escalante,
Grad, will speak on "Everyday Mexi-
co" at 8 p.m. today in the Rackham
Amphitheatre in the fourth of a
series of lectures on Inter -American-
ism sponsored by the Latin-Ameri-
can Society.
The lecture will concern the eco-
nomic and social aspects of Mexico
today, stressing the tendencies of the
Mexican Revolution and their reflec-

tions in the popular education of the

War Loan Parade

Will Be Held H

Manpower Petitions
Due Today Tomorrow

Two students are destined to take
over the important work being done
by the Manpower Corps when the
Student War Board selects the new
directors this week.
Petitions should be turned into the
Union today and tomorrow, and in-
terviewing will begin tomorrow
night. These directors will actually
supervise the organization when the
present head Mary Borman retires
to an advisory position.
One of them will soon become head
of the organization. Duties will be
divided between the two to speed up
the spring projects. All campus ac-
tivities plus working with the Big
Ten organization will be under one
The other student will supervise
community activities. His greatest
project will be the establishing of the
high school junior organization
'Arts for Peace'
To Be Discussed
Post-War Council Will
Sponsor Panel Today

which will take over much of the
work done by the college group.
"These jobs are really important,"
Borman said yesterday, "and we
H~elp Wanted
Fifty men are needed by the
Manpower Corps this Saturday to
husk corn.
They will be paid 14 cents for
every bushel they husk. "The men
are desperately needed, because of
this crop isn't harvested soon it
will be a total loss to the nation's
grain supply," Mary Borman,
Manpower head said yesterday.
Another "urgent" call came from
a local war plant engaged in the
manufacture of essential war
products asking for six men from
6 to 10 p.m. six days a week.
They will be paid the regular
hourly wage of 65 cents.
Any men who have the free time
are urged to contact the Manpower
Corps office in the Union immedi-
want enough men to petition so that
we can make good choice." In order
to get the best men for the job the
Board is opening the positions to
any person regardless of his classifi-
Tryouts are to submit their peti-
tions, giving their qualifications, to
the mail box in the Union.

The Post-War
a public panel
Arts for Peace"

Council will sponsor
discussion on "The
at 8 p.m. today at

the League.
Prof. DeWitt Parker of the philos-
ophy department, Prof. Glenn Mc-
Geoch of the music school and Emil
Weddige of the architecture college
will participate. Elizabeth Hawley,
'44, will act-as student chairman.
Audrey Bratman, '43, was in charge
of arrangements.
The panel will discuss the contri-
bution music, fine arts, philosophy
and literature can make in creating
an international post-war world. Fol-
lowing short talks by the faculty
members, the audience will partici-
The Council is sponsoring a special
panel discussion on "An Interna-
tional Police Force" for men in
arnied service stationed on campus
at 4:30 p.m. Monday in the Rackham

Rationing or Not-
Garg Is.,Out, Today
Rationing may have hit the cam-
pus-at least for the duration, but
you'll get some good advice on how
to meet it in the April Garg on sale
J. Baroque Wormsley has stopped
off in Washington where the ration-
ing problem is really bad, he says.
Featured in the issue is a short story
by Bill Kehoe, a photo-crime story
on the "Candy Bar Murder Case,"
informal shots of the Slide Rule Ball,
and the monthly Album of Beauty. .

Axis Bridgehead
Shrinkis; Allies'
Trap Tightens
Armored Units Punch
Through Weak Lines
50 Miles from Tunis
By The Associated Press
NORTH AFRICA, April 13.- The
Axis Tunisian brid-gehead was'
shrinking rapidly today under pres-
sure of general Allied advances at
the south and northwestern sides of
the envelopment box being drawn
up before Tunis and Bizerte, and no-
where along the front had the enemy
shown any disposition to attempt a
decisive stand.
Everywhere, the Allied forces were
making progress.
The British Eighth Army and part
of the British First Army, moving up
inexorably from the south, beat on
beyond Sousse and Kairouan, smash-
ing at Marshal Rommel's rearguard
while his main bodies were with-
drawing through the Enfidaville
Line, which runs inland and north-
west from the sea.
Armored Units Attack
Battlefront advices late this after-
noon said Allied armored units
punched through meager enemy
rearguard defenses below both En-
fidaville and Debebina, towns 17
miles apart and 50 miles south of
(The Allied-controlled Algiers Ra-
dio broadcast that the Allies had
occupied Enfidaville, 27 miles north
of fallen Sousse. Substantially all of
the Italian Vittoria Division had
been captured, it was said.)
As British First Army advance
patrols drove north in the direction
of Djebebina, an important inland
road junction, French troops mop-
ping up the Grand Dorsal Range
captured Debel Kerachoun, 12 miles
southwest of Debebina-
The Eighth Army, advancing along
the coastal highway from Sousse,
pushed back the enemy rearguard
which attempted resistance near
Lake Kelbia.
1,000 Prisoners Taken
The French forces announced the
capture of almost 1,000 Axis prison-
Today's Allied communique men-
tioned specifically the operations of
the British Eighth and First Armies
and of French troops, but made no
reference to American ground troops.
To the north, other units of the
British First Army, striking out in
the Medjez-El-Bab sector only about
40 miles from Tunis, swept over a
number of hill vantage points.
(In London it was estimated that
in pulling back into a rough rec-
tangle before Tunis and Bizerte
Rommel and the northern Tunisian
Axis commander, General Von Arn-
im, would have at their command an
aggregate of about 210,000 men, 150,-
000 of them Germans.
105 Dental Students
Donate Blood in Drive
The Dental School went all out for
the war effort when 105 students
gave their blood to the Red Cross
Bank last Saturday, Cecil Sink, '45E,
Union War Committee Chairman in
charge of the Blood Bank, an-
nounced yesterday.
A total of 320 pints were given on
Friday and Saturday to the Bank.

Battle for Tunis
...B IZE
W haouac b
Be a II T
,~du Fa
Le Kef Enfi
44 Robaa 4
The Allies, sweepng past
inland, have punched throug
tighten the box' around Rom
now hold an area as small as t
direction of drives toward Tuni
DETROIT, April 13.-- P)-
United Automobile Workers (
disclosed today that it plans to
a master wage agreement throu
te automotive, aircraft and re
industries on the basis of equa
for equal work.
In making this announce
Walter P. Reuther, vice-preside
the union, said he had notified
eral Motors Corporation that
UAW-CIO is invoking its rig
reopen wage clauses of the a
ment between the union and th
Reuther said a meeting o
National General Motors Negot
Committee would be held shor
plan procedure on the wage qu
and also a 1943 vacation alloA
Reopening of wage negot
with General Motors is provide
in the contract between the cor
tion and the union signed las
19. The UAW-CIO notice wa
Miners Ask
WLB Settleme
Coal Operators Unit
To Break Deadlock
NEW YORK, April 13.-
Northern Appalachian soft coal
operators today joined souther
ducers in asking that their co
dispute with the United Mine
ers be certified to the Nationa
Labor Board.
While operators contended
the negotiations for a wage in
for 450,000 soft coal miner
reached a deadlock, John L.I
UMW president, announced th
ers had accepted, "what the
lieved to be an authoritative"
sition from the government,"
would have meant a $2.25 daily
increase, "despite the little ste
mua or any other restriction."
Meanwhile, Edward R.I

president of the Southern Coa
ducers Association and spokE
for the southern operators, sai
operators had received no re
yet to a telegram sent Pre
Roosevelt yesterday, asking
steps be taken to place the d
before the War Labor Boar
taking it out of the handsc
John R. Steelman, head of th
Conciliation Service.
Six-Day Week Guaran
Ag.Ie.iinted hv 1. L Ie

on Australia
ere TodayCaims Allies
ia Nearing Showdown Comnand
...... 'Western Pacific Battle
El Aouaia Will Be Won or Lost
..........~ ......
..... By Proper Application
...Of Air-Ground Team'
By The Associated Press
AUSTRALIA, April 14 (Wednesday)
General Douglas MacArthur,
avil e whose planes have blunted two big
Japanese aerial thrusts at New Gui-
nea by shooting down 76 of the en-
emy, warned today that powerful
Japanese Naval Forces are within
A..... striking distance of Australia which
KMahdcan be held off only if the Allies keep
ondoukh k
command of the skies.
... . Naval Forces Will Count
"The Allied Naval Forces can be
counted upon to play their own mag-
nificent part but the battle of the
0 - 25--Western Pacific will be won or lost
4 SAX N STATUTE MILES by the proper application of the air-
ground team," his statement said.
Sousse on the coast and past Kairouan He asserted that "the first line of
h weak Axis defenses near Enfiaville to Australian defense is our bomber
Mel and Von Arnim. The enemy armies line" and "the range of our air force
he state of Connecticut. Arrows indicate
is and Bizerte. over surrounding waters marks the
stretch of no man's sea which'is the
measure of our safety."
His statement, coming on the heels
of a warning by Gen. Sir Thomas A.
eek M iaster w a_ Blamey that the Japanese have
massed 200,000 first line troops in
the arc of islands above Australia,
on Equaity Basis was issued on a day when the com-
_--- -- -- -- munique from his headquarters made
The warded to General Motors under clear that once more the Allies held
CIO) date of April 5. Reuther said today the aerial initiative.
seek that it would stand despite the wage- No Mention of Jap Thrusts
freeze executive order issued by Today's communique told of a
ghout President Roosevelt on April 9. heavy raid at low level by Allied
lated Approximately 300,000 workers in four-motored bombers on Japanese
1 pay 100 General Motors plants are cov- shipping in Hansa Bay on the north
ered by the UAW-CIO contracts. coast of New Guinea, during which
ement Industry-wide wage stabilization, a 10,000 ton ship was left sinking
nt of Reuther said, "offers the only way and an 8,000 ton ship set afire.
Gen- of correcting the present wage differ- No mention was made of Japanese
t the entials and inequalities, aerial thrusts such as those on Sun-
ht to day against Oro Bay and on Monday
Lgree- against Port Moresby, New Guinea.
e cor- furLB S tnds General MacArthur's statement
pointed out that a primary threat to
f the m , Australia does not require a great
iating Firm on H old initial concentration of naval strik-
tly to . ing power.
estior The Line ilan "As a matter of fact, Japanese
wance Naval Forces in great strength, al-
WASHINGTON, April 13.-1)-In though now beyond our bomber
ations its first decision since the President's range, are within easy striking dis-
d for hold-the-line order, the War Labor tance of Australia.
pora- Board refused today to correct what Secretary Knox Comments
t Oct. it conceded is a wage inequality, and (In Washington, Secretary of the
s for- declared it intends to observe the Navy Knox, commenting on General
"literal meaning" of the anti-infla- Blamey's observations, had said:
tion order. "You must remember that an attack
Following up this decision, it dis- on Australia must be accompanied
patched policy instructions to this by a tremendous sea force and there
Ant effect to its 12 regional boards. Offi- is no indication of a concentration
cials said the result would be a denial pointing to that.")
of about 10,000 of some 17,000 pend- Commenting upon the strategic
Le ing requests for approval of proposed potentialities of the war in the
increases to which maiagement had southwest Pacific, General MacAr-
agreed. thur said, "The Japanese, barring
up__ Labor, industry and public mem- our submarine activities which are
)mine bers rendered a unanimous decision not to be discontinued, have com-
in eJ in the case of the Universal Atlas plete control of the sea lanes in the

ntra- Cement Company, Universal, Pa., Western Pacific and of the other
Work- where a referee had recommended approaches towards Australia."
I War an increase of 51/ cents an hour to
bring rates into line with two other et G
that plants of the company and with the Soviets am
crease pattern of steel industry wages
srhad which they have followed since 1937.
Lewis, The company is a subsidiary of U.S. At Sm olens
eiSteel Corporation.
y be- The Board instead allowed only Patrols Slash Nazis
y op- two cents, which the company con-
ceded is permissable under the 15 At Leningrad Front

Yank Meets Tommy

-Associated Press Photo
U.S. Army Sgt. Joseph Randell (right) of State Center, Iowa, and
British Lance Sgt. William Brown of Holdsworthy, Devonshire, England,
were the first soldiers to meet as units of the American and British
Armies joined forces on the Gabes-Gafsa road. Picture from Cairo via



Michigan Schoolmasters 'Club To Meet Tomorrow

The fifty-seventh annual meet-
ting of the Michigan Schoolmas-
ter's Club will officially get under
way at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow in the
University High School auditorium
with the opening of the fourteenth
annual conference on Teacher Ed-
The ninth annual conference on
m 0h1crn in shoonnand cr1ollege co-

the annual business meeting at
8:45 a.m. in the Rackham lecture
hall. Ballots will be cast for the
election of a new Club president,
vice-president and one member of
the executive committee.
Meeting Friday also in connec-
tion with the Schoolmasters' Club
are the annual conference on
Teacher Supply and Demand and

director of the American Council
of Learned Societies, will talk to
the group on "Scholars in Govern-
Group conferences scheduled for
Friday afternoon are art and edu-
cation; biological and general
science; business education; clas-
sical; deans of women and counse-
lors of girls; English; geography;

ence. The play,'"Listen, Mr. Speak-
er," a patriotic revue, will be pro-
duced by a cast of 150 students
from the Theodore Roosevelt High
School, Wyandotte.
The third and final day of the
conference will open with a gen-
eral session at 9:30 a.m. in the
Rackham lecture hall. Prof. Ar-
thur B. Moehlam, University pro-

V wageper cent Little Steel formula.
el f or-
Alcatraz Convicts
l Pro- Fa*1 in m jailbreak
.esman aI ra
id the SAN FRANCISCO, April 13.-(/P)-
ply as Four convicts sought freedom in a
sident spectacular break from rock-bound
that Alcatraz Penitentiary today and be-
lispute fore nightfall all were believed ac-
d and counted for-one dead, two recap-
of Dr. tured and the fourth evidently
ie U.S. wounded and swept to his death in
the waters flowing swiftly past the
island prison.
The notorious Harold Martin Brest
tee and Fred Hunter were recaptured.
WiS ,Brest is serving a life term from!

LONDON, Wednesday, April ,14.-
(IP)-Russian patrols thrusting for-
ward on the Smolensk front dis-
lodged the Germans "from fortified
positions of great importance," Tues-
day, while to the north on the Len-
ingrad sector the Soviets have turned
back an outbreak of Nazi tank and
infantry attacks with "heavy losses"
to the Germans, Moscow announced
early today.
Several score Germans were killed
by Russian patrols that pushed
across a river and snaked through
mine fields in the heavily fortified
Smolensk sector west of Moscow to
seize the strategic but unidentified
positions, said the midnight com-

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