~c-~ r~i~ 11 E I ~ ~ iAu t.) AL Cordell Hull Urges Three=Year Extension of Reciprocal Trau de Plan G0P Allacks Stir Anger Of Secretary of State 1ull States That Reciprocal Trade Is Basis F'or Essential International Cooperation By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, April 12.-Secre-! tary Hull motored up Capitol Hill to- day to urge continuance of the Re- ciprocal Trade Treaties Program and found himself the brunt of a Repub- lican attack which stirred his Ten- nessee anger to the point where he acknowledged himself "fed up." The 73-year old secretary presented a 3,000-word statement to the House Ways and Means Committee. He said any curtailment or repudiation of the trade treaties would be a clear indication to other countries that the United States does not intend to bear its full share of responsibility in peacetime. Then Republican members of the committee started questioning Hull. Rep. Gearhart of California declared the trade agreements are an economic failure and have won this country the nickname of "Uncle Sap." For an hour, Gearhart tried to draw from the secretary an assent to the Californ- ian's contention that other nations have taken undue advantage of the trade plan, first authorized in 1934 and close to Hull's heart. Hull, urging a three-year extension of the trade plan, said it "is the cen- tral and indispensable point in any feasible program of international co- operation." "Theionly alternative," he said, "Is for nations to travel the same ex- tremely narrow road that was travel- ed so disastrously during the years folowing the last war. "The many peoples who look to- ward this country with hope are watching our action on this act with profound interest. Repudiation of the Trade-Agreements Program, or the curtailment of it in scope or time by amendment, would be taken as a clear indication that this country which, in war, is bearing its full share of responsibility, will not do so in peace." Hull's mention of possible curtail- ment of the program "in time" was an apparent reference to sentiment, expressed in some congressional quar- ters, to renew the President's author- ity to negotiate such mutual treaties --but for less than the three-year period requested by the Administra- tion. Under the program the President is permitted to lower tariffs in re- turn for concessions from other countries. Third Marriage Talk Scheduled Romance in Wartime Will Be Discussed Dr. Rudolf Dreikurs, professor of psychiatry in the Chicago Medical School, will speak on "Romance and Marriage in Wartime" in the third lecture of the Annual Marriage Lec- ture Series at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the Hillel Foundation. Dr. Dreikurs, formerly of Vienna, is a noted psychiatrist and neurolo- gist and until recently was an associ- ate of the Nobel prize winner, Wag- ner-Juaregg. Dr. Dreikurs will speak on "The Responsibilities of the USO Hostess" in the fourth lecture at 8 p.m. Thursday. H1illel To Hold Student Council Election Friday Hillel's Student Council election will take place Friday, April 16, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Hillel Foundation and from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Lane Hall. Petitions may be turned in at Hil- lel until 10 p.m. tomorrow night, and must be signed by 25 members. Student identification cards and Hillel membership cards must be presented in order to vote. [rodmaka To Speak On Religion Friday ."What Is 'Dynamic Christianity's Answer to the Present Crisis?" will be the subject of the third lecture in a series by Dr. Joseph L. Hrodmaka, European scholar, when he speaks at 8 p.m. Friday in Rackham Lecture Hall. Dr. Hrodmaka. who has studied in five European universities, is a well- known editor and author and guest professor at Princeton Seminary. This lecture is sponsored by the Committee for Dynamic Christianity, a non-sectarian student organiza- tion. Cordell IHull . . . Secretary of State urges con- tinuance of reciprocal trade treat- ies. Highlights On. Campus.. "The Arts for Peace" will be the topic discussed at a panel discussion sponsored by the Post-War Council at 8 p.m. tomorrow at the League. Prof. DeWitt Parker of the philos- ophy department, Prof. Glenn Mc- Geoch of the music school and Emil Weddige of the architecture college will participate. Following a brief discussion by the faculty members, the topic will be thrown open to the audience. The panel will include a discus- sion of what contribution music, fine arts, philosophy and literature can make in creating an interna- tional post-war world. S * * * The University Women's Glee Club will give a concert at 8 p.m. Sunday in the Ballroom of the Michigan Union in the last of a series of Sun- day evening programs sponsored by the International Center. An informal social hour with re- freshments will be held after the concert. As both Prof. 3. Raleigh Nelson, Director of the Center, and Mrs. Wilma Nye are retiring at the end of the semester, this will be their last Sunday evening program. * * * Eight members of the University of Michigan Band will attend a town music festival April 19 at Hartland, Mich. The festival is an annual 'affair, and in previous years the entire band has gone to Hartland. However, this year lack of transportation has made it impossibletfor more than a few to make the trip. Prof. Revelli will act as guest con- ductor, and the students who accom- pany him will play in thetownband. Mrs. Frieda Op't Holt Vogan will present the final organ recital in this semester's series at 4:15 p.m. to- morrow in Hill Auditorium. Her program will include compo- sitions by Marcello, Bach, Vierne, Franck, Liszt and Eric DeLamarter, visiting professor on the music school faculty. Mrs. Vogan, instructor of theory and organ in the School of Music, recently returned from Chicago where she appeared in a program sponsored by the Chicago Club of Women Organists. The annual Good Friday program will be heard at 4:15 p.m., April 23, with Palmer Christian at the organ. Japs Attack Port Moresby (Continued from Page 1) Mrs. Escalante Will Speak on Mexican Affairs Lecture Will Concern Social and Economic Tendencies in Mexico Mrs. Carolina B. de Escalante, Grad., will speak on "Everyday Mex- ico" at 8 p.m. tomorrow at the Rack- ham Amphitheatre in the fourth of a series of lectures on Inter-Ameri- canism, sponsored by the Latin- American Society. The lecture will concern the eco- nomic and social aspects of Mexico, stressing the tendencies of the Mexi- can Revolution and their reflections in the popular education of that country. Mrs. Escalante, a native of Geor- gia, explains that she went to Mex- ico for a six-week vacation after a long and hard political assignment. The six weeks lengthened into six years, during which she learned Spanish and acquired a knowledge of the country and its people. Today she speaks of both the United States and Mexico as "my country." High Schools Will Debate Students To Discuss Post-War Government Bloomfield Hills Cranbrook and Lansing Eastern High Schools will compete for the Interscholastic De- bate Championship of Michigan at 7:30 p.m. Friday in Hill Auditorium. The debate, one of the highlights of the speech section of the School- masters' Convention, will have as its topic "Resolved, That a Federal World Government Should Be Es- tablished." The negative team is composed of Howard Cole and Bill Hanley of Lansing Eastern while Hugh Neale and MerrillnHunter will represent Cranbrook on the affirmative side. Prof. Lionel Crocker of Denison Uni- versity, and Prof. Carl G. Brandt and Prof. G. E. Densmore of the Un- versity speech department will judge the debate. Regent Alfred B. Con- nable has been named chairman of the event. Other activities scheduled for Fri- day include sectional meetings re- lated to various speech problems and the annual business meeting of the Michigan Association of Teachers of Speech, which will follow a lunch- eon in the Union. Speech 31 Finalists Wil Compete Today Seven Speech 31 finalists were chosen from a field of 15 to compete in the annual Speech 31 contest to be held at 4 p.m. today in the Natural Science Auditorium. Those participating in the contest are Charles Adams, '44, Ace Cory, '45, Charles Mack, '45, Betty Nitch- un, '4, Joan Selmier '45, John Shockley, '46, Eleanor Webber, '45. Allies Plunge Northward in Nazi Pursuit (Continued from Page 1) destroyed at least 84 enemy planes of all types in the past two days. With the captives of the last few days, the Eighth Army now has taken more than 100,000 prisonsers since El Alamein, and the enemy has left a trail of thousands of graves over a 2,000-mile stretch from the flat sands of Egypt to the grassy hills of Tunisia. About 80 per cent of the prisoners are Italians, left behind by the withdraw- ing Germans. The Americans, French, and British First Army have seized several thousand more prisoners, many of them Germans. Rommel's Army is but a battered skeleton of the powerful fighting ma- chine that he sent into the Nile Val- ley last summer, but it is still resist- ing. Now the Axis grasp on Africa is reduced to a small corner of north- east Tunisia, and the question is only how long it will take to extermi- nate those last remaining enemy troops. Wit, satire and comedy compose the theme of the French play. "Le Monde ou' P'on s'ennuie" by Edouard Pailleron, to be given at 8:15 p.m. April 27, in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Wit is shown in the remarks of La Duchess, a shrewd old woman of the world, played by Connie Taber, '44. She understands clearly and ridicules the motives of the three aspirants to the government posi- tion and the vain coquetries of the women who surround the young phi- losopher, Bellac, played by Robert Berahya. Satire is apparent throughout the whole play. The characters, philos- ophers, pedants, poets, politicians,, aristocrats, the motives which dom- 4'tfititim gffb.gf(il ' Sessj*Ol, ON THlE LIGHTER SIDI: French Play, To Be Held 27th Will Highlight Comedy, Satire Microtomic VAN DYKE The Drawing Pencil that experienced draftsmen acclaim superior. For smoothness, durability, and accuracy of degree. At your supply store. Buddy Brennan's foxhole fugitives get into the groove with Buddy at the ivories when their truck got jammed up in ruts and mud on Guadalcanal. The band gives with a swing interlude while trekking from camp to camp on the battle-scarred South Pacific island. Good American Jazz mixed with a little swing drowns Aut the whine of plunging planes, and relieves the strain of Yankees fighting far from domestic dance bands and ballrooms. T Inate them and their comments all show the nature of the fashionable French salons and ridicule them. Roger, the "savant", played by War- ner Heineman, '43BAd., Bellac, the philosopher and opportunist, the su- perficially dignified Miss Watson, played by Hazel Batchelar. '46, and the misbehaved Suzanne, played by Shirley Robin, '45, who lends gaiety to the play, are all examples of the affected attitude of the characters Pailleron has depicted. Humor is evident in the attempts of Frank Maclear, '43E, as the Sous- Pr6fet Paul Raymond, to teach his wife, Jeanne, played by Helene Sieg, '44, to be proper and serious before the other members of the salon. 10 Th MICHIGAN 11: presents 4' '40 ~. I / 'S ~ A.. ~ )'.< ~ y~*..' 4~ ~ ITS *~*~< ~ / I ~ (~ ISSUE I ..- -. A Wewak and in a 30-minute running battle knocked down seven of them with only "negligible" damage to itself, the communique said. Bitter dogfights swirled over the airdrome areas of Port Moresby as Allied planes shot up to intercept the attacking formatiofts-evenly divided between combat and fighter ships- and downed 29 of them, 19 bombers and 10 fighters. Sharp-shooting anti-aircraft bat- teries destroyed two additional bombers and probably destroyed six more, for a total of 37 enemy ships "destroyed or so badly crippled that thev couildl ner reach base. Our RATION I TO NG is HERE I There will be a short, but im- portant Gargoyle meeting of the combined business and editorial staffs at 5:15 p.m. today. FROM 151 COLLEGES STAY' Sold All, Over Campu's 20c per copy