v AN EDITORIAL JGP Petitionsj W E ARE ALL aware that the labor shortage has created an important prob- For lem here on campui and in Ann Arbor. With this in mind, the newly or formed Personnel Administration division of the Woman's War Council has A undertaken a campaign to have women students fill the vacancies and is A re Due TOday requesting them to sign up in the Undergraduate Office of the League for r various crews which will take care of grooming the -campus in addition to Interviewing To Begin Tuesday, signing up for-kitchen work at the League, for hospital work and for jobs For Positions in Central Group available here in town. The work is not menial by any means nor is any student required to Of Bond and Stamp Project render her services. The basis for the plan is purely voluntary and no girl All petitions for positions on the is obligated in any way. However, each student is urged to help out, and central committee of Juiior Girls whoever does take part will be paid for her services . . . Girls who sign UP Project for next year must be turnedI for the different "grooming" crews will be paid sixty cents an hour and in by 5 p.m. today at the League, ac-. those who are interested in kitchen work will be paid fifty cents an hour. i cording to Ann MacMillan, '44, presi- dent of. Judiciary. Council. TJHIS CAMPAIGN is probably one of the most ambitious and one of the Interviewing. for the eleven posi- most necessary that has been launched on campus as yet, but it cannot tions on the committee- which will succeed unless it receives the full cooperation of as many women as possible, head the sale. of bonds and stamps: so it is up to every woman to make.it her personal business to sign up her again next year will be held fromJ services. 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tuesdayl However, the idea of working should not be regarded as just working through, Friday. Students are re- for these positions con be fun as well. especially the crews which will be quested to sign up for their interview doing their work on the campus itself. Each crew wilhave a standardu-on the bulletin board in the Under- doing graduate Office of the League when. iorm of blue jeans and shirts and will be. under the direction of a foreman they turn in their petitions. picked from the group. It's not just a case of filling a vacancy, rather it The eleven positions inlude gen- should be thought of as doing a job for the the war effort, earning money eral chairman, assistant chairman, for it, and having fun in the bargain. secretary, treasurer, and publicity: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PAGI Dance at Union xx WiltFmphasizeI Informal Policy Continuing its policy of informal- ity, the Michigan Union willI hold a, dance from 9- p.m, to midnight Fri- day entitled "Don't Give A Darn," for which Bill Sawyer and his band will provide the music. "Informality makes for fun and, not being inhibited makes for in- formality so I recommend that the ogre of social pressure be forgotten, for an evening," Chuck Dotterer, '44E; social director of the Union, announced yesterday. "If people want to dance bare- footed, the Union boys 'don't give, a darn'-if people want to come in blue jeans and plaid shirts, they 'don't give a darn'- -if ypu want to sit oA the flopr or sing, they 'don't give a darn'," he continued. The Union boys maintain that they neither know what Sawyer and., the band will wear or play nor-,da they 'give a darn.' WAA SCHEDULE Softball: 5:10 p.m. tomorrow; Adelia Cheever vs, Alpha Phi. 5:10 p.m. Tuesda-y; Jordan vs. Martha I Cook, Chii Omega vs. Gamma. Phi Beta, Collegiate Sorosis vs. Delta Gamma. 443W p.m. Wednesday; Alpha Xi Delta. vs. Alpha Epsilon Phi. 5:10 p.m. Wednesday; Alpha Omicron Pi vs, Pi Beta Phi, Alpha. Delta PI vs. Helen Newberry, Kap. pa Kappa Gamma vs. Mosher, 4:30 p.m. Thursday; Kappa AJIbha Theta vs. Alpha Chi Omega, eta Tau Alpha vs. Hill Street League House. Archery: 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, PRidgirpgs Election Announced by Sorority Alpha Gamma Delta announces the recent election of officers: presi- dent, Anne Adams, 44;vice-presi- dent, Elva. Stokinger, '4f'; recording secretary, Ruth Brand, '44; treas- urer, Carolyn Reese, '44, and rushing chairman, Marion Baskette, '44, and the pledging of Nancy Tressel, '46, of Lincoln, Park and Marjory Weiss, '45 of Taroma. Park, Md, EngagementAnnounced Mrs. J. J. Vanderworker of Calu- met has announced the engagement of her daughter Dorothy Larson. '43, to Dr. Francis Aderson, '43M, of Miss'Larson is affiliated with Al- pha Gamma Delta sorority. She has been president of her sorority this year. Dr. Anderson was a member of Phi Chi, and Alpha Sigma Phi medical fraternity. He was also a member of Galens. I,'. -a DROWN OUT THE BAND, WE I I I I Hi everybody:-Just got an- other touch of, spring fever. How aboi.t you? Only thing to do is brush it off with a new dress, or maybe A DASH 0' NAVY RED That's one o' the sparkling lip- stick shades by Harriet Hub- bard Ayer. Ever hear of Cher- ry Poppy by Yardley . . . Rosy Future by Revlon . . . Crimson by Houbigant, or Damask Rose by Chanel? Drop into the Mademoisellc Shop for your appropria~e, shade. They're all bcautifWy , scented wvith per- fun. You'll love Coty's new velvety shade . .. Cassis. I r -Mary Rosmarin, &q hI* Celebrate Easter in the old-fashioned way. Send flowers. They always please! ihe CHIELSEA FLOWER SHOP 203 EAST LIBERTY STREEr SUNNY DUOS. for Happy Collegiates, BERMUDA KNITS . . Gems Regina ... Knubby Knits . softest, wooliest, prettiest sweaters you ever did see! Cardi- gans 'n pullovers in all luscious colors . . . peach, beige, lime, cherry, baby blue, maize, white, raspberry, orchid. 6.5-0 and 7.95. SKIRTS with plaid appeal. pastels running riot! Glen plaids in spriny combinations of beige, green, and yellow . . blue, aqua, and violet. Mix 'em and match GABARDINES . . . 5.95 PURE WOOLS . . 5.95 to 9.50 Come in and see our complete cosmetic assortment chairman. Women will'also be selec- ted to take charge of purchases made by sororities, league. houses, and dor- mitories. The other positions which will be open will be chairman of booths, corsage committee chairman, and chairman of skits and songs. Appointments for these positions are being made this spring in order to aid the- current United States] Treasury Department drive to double the amount of stamps and bonds 'sold during the moAth of April all over the country. It is also to relieve the junior women who have recently taken other positions. National Bond Drive Begins (OoltinueLfrom Page 1) in April alone as they have during the past two years. Every citizen is urged to buy extra bonds-above and beyond his regular purchases. The big factor is that John Q. Citi- zen in 1943 will have about $45,000,- 000,000 more to spend than he can find to spend it on. That's because: (1) he. is earning more generally at war jobs, and (2) so. many things are being made for war purposes that far fewer are being put- on the market for civilian con- sumption Not only is the average earner making, more money, Bank deposits and currency holdings are at record levels, representing more pent-up buying power. It could tax 4t out of the, people, as the Axis, would do, or it could, ask it as. a gift from patriotic citi- zens. Instead, it offers them an in- vestment in their country's future- and their-own. Army To Train Engineers Here (Continued from Page 1) of all military units in the Ann Arbor area, will direct the housing, mess- Ing and'health' of the students. The training' program is divided into 12% week terms and only those men who do acceptable work in the first ,periocwill' be permitted to con- tinue. Men:' will; live under strict military disciplinein the barracks in the man- ner of the other service. units sta- tioned here. Uhder the AST academic program, 25 hours per week- of classroom and '1 laboratory work will be included plus an equal number of periods of super- vised study. Each week's routine will include six hours of physical and five hours of, military training. VA.P . . .q crapm irginolly r,.rated- by a doctor who devoted years of study and,'researcK to the basic principles. of skin care and treatmept Now available tp everyone in two formulos ... one for dry skin, the othej with a grease- less base . . . plus a lipstick with the sorne.heolthfulbase, VAI proyid s especily fine, gre for youthtfql skin andips. 7 A BAFFLING SKIRT Wh4 next? This time it's a trick skirt over at Dillon's. Wrap it up in all sorts o' ways, and it will cone out with lusci- ous pleats the whole way round. They're made out of poplin in. the springiest pastel shades. Add this to your wardrobe . .- .for only $5 and -1 $6.50 ! lil . 2 K XA Cream . . . unique 1ecause it contains Cod. Liver Oil . . . delicately scented4 And Cod Liver Oil, you know, is a rich source of Vitamins A and D. It spreads with ease, helps keep the skin silken-surfaced, clear and fresh. Two sizes: 1.50 a41 2.50 VAD Lipstick . . . a boon, to beauty in 5 exciting colors. It has the same Cod Liver Oil base as V" creams ... scented exquisitely. Smooth to put on. Wonderful for cracked and dry lips! 1.00 Prices plus 10% Federal Tax .4 r CO " ..- Want to know some thing? . . . The Hat Box has some of the cutest hats in town! It's the place to buy your new spring chapeau. Anya has straws and pastel felts galore, bothl plain WEARABLE ANTIQUES That's what those beautiful la- pel pins at Mr. Foster's Re- membrance Shop turned out to be! Hand peilted, too-with flags or flowers., Why npt hold your papers down with some- thing breath-taking? Glass paper weights by the Belgians, have all kinds o' bubbly flow- ers in 'em nSomething new! STOCKI!NGS GALORE Stop worrying your pretty head! The Smatest Hosiery Shop has everything you'll ever need in, hse. Stunning for sportswear . . . fine lisle mesf. Only $1.35 a pair. For those specia dates, treat yourself to a pair of spun, rayon hose. They're advertised in Harper's n'realjy are exclusive. VICTORY GARDENS IN PRINT That's one, way of doing it! Wahr's bargain counter fea- tures all sorts of information for the amateur gardener. Close outs in children's books-his- tory b~ok-- sailing- n' just having fun! Excellent fiction is there, too-ever read Ma- dame Curie? Don't miss this opportunity! A~ El V Il I