- - - .--.~ - - - -- 'V - - 17- PAGXE PDVR BOMA% ArAM ilK - -~ a -~ *~ -. -- - 1Iy i$idjigaut &ait Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 AIEPRESEWIZ ZFOR NATON.L ADVERT1AING ,Y National Advertising Service, Inc. Collese Publisbers Representalive 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORX. N. Y. CHICAGO * BosTon - Los ANGEL3S . SAN FOANCISCO Editorial Staff Bud Brimmer . . . . . . Editorial Director Leon Gordenker . . . . . . City Editor Marion Ford . . . . . . Associate Editor Charlotte Conover . . . . Associate Editor Betty Harvey . . . Women's Editor James Conant . . . . . . . Columnist Business Staff Elizabeth Carpenter . . . Local Advertising Pat Gehlert . . . . ., . Circulation Jeanne Lovett . . . Service Martha Opsion . . . . . . Contracts Sybil Perlmutter . . . . . . Accounts Molly Winokur . . . National Advertising Margery Wolfson. . . . . . Promotion Barbara Peterson . . . Classified Advertising Rosalie Frank . . . Women's Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: JEAN RICHARDS Starting The Buin's Rush Iomiie Says DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETI' N UNDERSTANDING of personal growth within our present soci Continued from Page 2) structure is a major for religion a.i Marine Reservists: There will be a meet- well as for education or statecraft. ing on Tuesday, April 13, at 8:30 p.m. in Jac Maritain, one of the outstanding the Union. French scholars now in the country. Greek 166 (Mythology): The mid-term insists that "What Christians ought test will be held on Thursday. April 15. most certainly do during this period Campbell Bonner of the liquidation of liberalism is to form a network of centers or cells cf Concerts genuine Christian life." This Catholic Carillon Concert: Percival Price. Uni- thinker believes that the totalitarians, 'rsity Carillonneur, has planned a series tf spring recitals for Sundays and Thurs- while wrong in their sadism, militar- .ays at 7:15 p.m. His program for today ism, racism, and similar abuses, are will include compositions by Gounod. co b nLefevere. Prokofiev, and a group of Negro correct in one basic inference; that spirituals. "The Free Person" can never be at- 7:00 p.m.: At the regular meeting the Roger WillIams Guild, Mr. Louis Ho kins will speak on "Plans for Post-W Reconstruction." First Church of Christ, Scientist: Wednesday evening service at 8:00. Sunday morning service at 10:30. Subject: "Are Sin, Disease, and Deal Real" Sunday School at 11:45 a.m. Free public Reading Room at 106 Washington St.. open every dy excej Sundays and holidays from 11:30 a. until 5:00 p.m.: Saturdays until 9:00 pa Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily sta and represent the views of the writers only. DO YOUR BIT: War Bond Drive Should Stimulate Steady Sale THE NATION is concentrating on a "buy bonds" week. Everywhere throughout the state and the nation emphasis is being placed on the part we all can play in financing this war. All of us are becoming accustomed to seeing movie shorts, reading advertisements, hearing radio programs that inevitably ent with some statement like "They give their lives; you can give your money. Buy bonds." In fact it has become so common that we don't think much about it any more. The bond drive is an intensifi- cation of this approach. A WAR BOND drive with a colorful military parade, speeches and rousing cheers shouldn't be necessary to awaken the American people to the necessity of buying war bonds. But if this drive is to be of any effective help, it must not be just an intensified period of patriotism, but the starting point for regular, effective bond buying. It takes money to fight a war and to win it; we have the soldiers doing the job, but it is our task to keep buying bonds so that they can keep fighting. THE SHOWDOWN: FDR Gives Notice To Farm Bloc and Labor NOTICE HAS been served at last on the farm bloc and labor that Roosevelt means business in his fight against inflation. His 'hold-the-line' order virtually indicates that he is going' to put a stop to the wangling of the two opposing factions, and that any demands for further concessions will be met with the strongest sort of Government resistence. However, John L. Lewis, still obstructing the nation's war effort, has declared his intention that he is not giving any ground as a result of the President's order concerning his $2 a day wage increase demand for coal miners. This can mean only one thing. The long awaited fight between the Administration and Lewis that has been brewing since.the Little Steel Decision will come to a showdown. And the President is determined to win the fight. T HIS FACT alone should allay the fears of the farm bloc that the President is going to con- tinue 'soft' policy toward labor at the expense of the farmers. The President's order should pave the way for cooperation between agriculture and the Administration, and if this should come to pass, labor will not have the demands of the farm bloc to fall back on as excuses for their own de- demands. This order, with stabilization placed on both factors, means unity will be achieved. Con- gress has viewed the executive order as an ab- solute necessity, and the nation as a whole is staunchly behind it. The two remaining angles for completion. of the stabilization policy, rationing and control of excess purchasing power, have also been given due consideration. Is it purely coincidence that the Presidential order, which has caused a marked drop in the stock market, came just at the start of the na- tional $13,000,000,000 bond drive? I'd Rather Be Right By SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK, April 11.-Maybe we could make it a custom that on two days a week, say Monday and Tuesday, nobody discusses domestic issues, either shortages or rationings. In addition to the old idea of a Meatless Tuesday, we perhaps need a don't-talk-about-meat-Tuesday. That would be no attack on freedom of speech. Freedom of speech includes freedom not to speak. Or perhaps Congress might set aside one day a week as foreign affairs day, during which all speeches must concern themselves with such to ics as the rising tide of revolution in France, the need for unity among Yugoslavs, and why is Goebbels crying? I should dearly love to hear Representative Cox, of Georgia, denouncing Dr. Robert Ley of the Third Reich for his brutal treatment of labor. There must be somebody besides union leaders who misuses labor, and this would gie a kind of balance to Mr. Cox's oratorly. Thibet to Roosevelt Mr. Hoffman, of Michigan, would probably have to be watched. His gifts are such as to let him go into an oration about the yield of midges per acre of goats in Tibet, and bring M*r. Roose- velt in before the end of the first paragraph. I like old-fashioned political oratory, and I would walk to Washington to hear any five of dtfxbetterfinger-shakers do a job on Adolph Hitler. Be quite a thrill, too. Imagine the excite- ment, as word traveled through the cloakrooms that Senator Wheeler was on the floor, de- nouncing Mussolini as a dictator. Also appropriate, at a time when Congress is anxious about the state of respect for representa- tive institutions, would be a number of masterly addresses on the fate of the German Reichstag and the French Chamber. In memoriam ceremonies for these bodies, conducted sincerely and soberly by our own Con- gress, should make a hit among the people of the world. Nye, Yish Might Speak For just as newspaper men, as newspaper men, and preachers, as preachers, have a direct, pro- fessional interest in the defeat of Hitler, so Con- gressmen, as Congressmen, have one also. I play with the thought of a one-hour oration by Ham Fish, extending the hand of brotherly greet- ing to the democratic menibers of the old Ger- man parliament, and denouncing the Fuehrer for disrupting it without regard to seniority rights. He could be followed by Senator Nye, who might say he has it on good authority that Hitler is tied up with the German munitions trust, and has, in fact, been financed by it. We all know how Senator Nye hates munitions makers. He could do a 'marvelous job on the most arrogant group of munitions makers in the world, those of the Ruhr. There is reason to suspect that every one of these German arms makers is an interventionist. Some Short Speeches Also At this point there could be inserted a series of short, informative speeches, one pointing out that Hitler definitely thinks we ought to concen- trate on the war in the east, and a second estab- li.-,jring thp, fantf itaWitlpr i- firmv nf ip n+1a n- Take S9t Oy Xea&ew 69t By Jason YOU CAN get into some pretty good arguments on this question of Negro instructors at the University of Michigan, and on the wisdom of discussing it all. "People have been talking about things like that for years, and they never got anywhere." That's one attitude you run into, for instance. It's in the minority, but it's there. I'd call it defeatism, myself. It's the belief that the only way things are done is by pulling strings behind the scenes, and that the best the little fellow can do is to sit back and take his medicin. It's the conviction that there's nouse in putting up a kick, even a tactful kick, because people won't listen to you anyway. It goes without saying that the kids who run a student paper feel differently. If they hadn't, they'd never have gotten up the energy to try out for The Daily in the first place. It's interesting that the leaders of the campus-Dave Matthews, Dick Ford, Mary Jane Hastreiter, Norton Norris- agree with The Daily, not with those who say "I have no prejudice myself, but... WE THINK that we have accomplished some- thing more, by bringing up the case of Bill Claytor, than letting off some steam. From here in, it's out of our hands. But we hope that by opening the subject up for discussion, by demon- strating that students of the University would support the appointment of a Negro to the facul- ty, we've set the stage. "Why bring it up now, while we're fighting a war?" That's the next question, and it's a serious one. But it can be answered.' We've been told that this war is different- that it's more than the same old dog-eat-dog set-up. That makes us think of ideals as more than phrases in a history book. And so we look for more than lip-service to democracy from the great University we're attending. As I've indicated before, we're getting more than lip-service. This campus is cosmopolitan; there are all races here, all creeds. Negro students get a better break than at most other institutions. But they, don't get the break they deserve. No matter how brilliant they are, they don't get appointed to the University faculty. NEGROFS ON this campus know what's going, on. (When I think of the swell fellows that I mean by that statement, I'm ashamed to group them like that, with the discriminating phrase, "Negroes on this campus;" but I hope they won't mind if I do it for the purposes of this column.) There are good Negro graduate students here at the present time. One's a Hopwood winner; an- other took over a Poli Sci class for one period, and did a swell job of it. But they all feel that they can't even apply for a position-they'd just be putting the faculty on the spot, and what would be the use. So this isn't an academic question. If you think it is, go around and ask a few of these fellows. And, by the way, they didn't start this; the pampaign has been The Daily's from start to finish. But, if you ask them, they'll tell you. tained and guaranteed until the com- munity is adequate. Within any so- ciety struggling to attain democracy, the community must be such that it is more easy to grow the Christian vir- tues than to miss them. When the child finds it more interesting to pre- serve the peace and advance the se- curity than to steal propertycreate discord and clash vits with the law, then normal growth will cure juvenile delinquency. The question then of living the social science we profess is not a major but a must. In correspond- ence with his emphasis, there are in the Catholic fellowship in the Americas to use but one illustration, various direct attempts to create community. One of the rewarding efforts is demonstrated by the ministry of a rare man, now seriously ill, Father LeFevbre of Ypsilanti, formerly of the Strathmore area, Detroit. In his use of the St. Vincent de Paul society, he has lay support. He has travelled among the people of these two par- ishes, interpreting, planning, plead- ing and joking as well as praying, until his influence has reminded leaders and people of these commun- ities of St. Francis. A second approach is within the labor movement. Priests have been named and trained to offer a Christian Interpretation to those in the Unions, to live the life and unify the person. How shall we understand such movements? How lower the walls of sectarian criti- cism which prevent community? How spread the influence of these "centers" to which Maritain refers? To stretch such minor illustrations to a national scope is the stagger- ing challenge before democracy. To make it international is the ideal. However, there are experi- ences in these local attempts which have significance. EVERY community which expects to guarantee unity of the person- ality to its members would seem to need: (1) to have that disinterested- ness which is apparent in the research laboratory at its best, applied to each social enterprise; (2) possess a pur- pose which is emotionally effective as well as significant in the objective worlds; (3) need to be capable of being understood or at least readily accepted by other sectarians or parties or disciplines; and (4) need to accept, as all going social recon-' structions do accept, the existence of an adequate norm, an ultimate. "The course of history," "the law of economic existence" "our Fuehrer can not be wrong," "our emperor is the one born of heaven" - are the norms in vogue and these are inade- quate. Democracy originally accepted God as viewed by the Judeo-Chris- tion tradition as its norm. Every ef- fort to create community and thereby give unity and completeness to per- sons must reach a religious depth or stop short of its goal. E. W. Blakeman Councelor in Religious Education Equipped with new American ma- chinery, India is producing as much gun ammunition in a month as she produced in a year prior to the war. Student Recital: Sara Titus, violinist, will give a recital in partial fulfillment a the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music at 8:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 13. in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. A pupil of Wassily Besekirsky Miss Titus will be accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Maud Okkelberg. The program is open to the public. Organ Recital: Frieda Op't Holt Vogan, Instructor In Theory and Organ, will con- .lude the Wednesday afternoon organ re- ,ital series at 4:15 p.m. on April 14, in Hill Auditorium. Her program will include Lwo compositions by Eric DeLaarter. visiting professor at the School of Music. The public is cordially invited. Exhibitions Exhibit: Museum of Art and Archaeol- .ogy. Newberry Hall. Arts and crafts of a Roipan provincial town in Egypt. The twentieth annual exhibition of work by artists of Ann Arbor and vicinity is being presented by the Ann Arbor Art Association in the Exhibition Galleries Af the Rackham Building, through April 13, daily, except Sunday; 2 to 5 after- noons and 7 to 10 evenings. The public Is cordially invited. Events Today varsity Glee Club: Broadcast this morn- ing. All members are to meet at Morris Hall at 8:00 a.m. sharp. Open -ouse: Lane Hall will be open today for all service men and students who wish to listen to the New York Phil- harmonic Broadcast, 3:00-5:00 p.m. Graduate Outing Club will meet at the vest entrance of 'the Rackham Building on Huron Street at 2:30 p.m. today for a hike. Ai graduate and professional stu-i dents are invited. Coming Events The English Journal Club will meet Tuesday, April 13, at 7:45 p.m., in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Build- Ing. Mr. Ralph Eberly will read a paper entitled "A Critical Test for Poetry: Is It Truthful?" Graduate students and mnem- bers of the faculty are cordially invited. Phi Beta Kappa: The Annual Initiation Banquet