PAGE TWO THEi XTTC7T(A N -, AILY -f .'.a. St"N'Titf- Aflftn 11, 1943 stv*7~u1~r w t~t Ii. WAR BONDS ISSUED HERE Continuous from 1P.M. STARTS TODAYI plI DF F ''I aTHEM1.. BAIl WITI IT iE - Guerr' il heroes of a nation that refuses to die.! Violin Recital DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN To Be Given SUNDAY, APRIL 11, 194-A VOL. LIII. No. 136 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 of the day preceding Its pubhilca- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should,be submitted by'11:30 a.m. Notices Faculty Tea: President and Mrs, Ruth- yen will be at home to members of the faculty and other townspeople this after. noon from 4 to 6 o'clock. Cars may park in the restricted zone on South University between 4:00 and 6:30 p.m. To Members of the University Council: There wiil be a meeting of tie lniversity 7levator Operators (Passenger and Freight. .xcluding Industrial freight elevators isrdeIn connection w ith production); 3ardcners; Greens Keelpers; Grud 'icepers: Messengers. Errand Boys, Office 3oys; Porters (other than those in rail- -oad train service), Shirley W. Smith German Table for Faculty Members will neet Monday at 12:10 p.m. In the Found- rs' Room, Michigan Union. Members of Ul] departments are cordially invited. rhere will be a brief talk on "Der Bever- dge Plan" by Mr. Julius Wolf. Choral Union Members: There will be a ull rehearsal of the Chorus on Monday wening, April 12. at 7 o'clock at the 3chool of Music Building, instead of Tues- lay evening as originally scheduled. School of Education' Convocation: The ighth annual Convocation of undergrad- ,iate and graduate students who are candi- lates for the Teacher's Certificate durIng -he academic year will be held in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre on Thursday, April i.5, at 4:15 p.m. This Convocation is spon- icred by the School of Education; and :nembers of other faculties, students, and the general public are cordially invited. lice-President Yoakum will preside at the 'onvocation and Dr. Karl Bigelow, Direc- '-Or of the Commisslon on Teacher Edi- Sara Titus Will Play At Lydia Mleudelssoh Sara Titus, violinist, accompanied by Maud Okkelberg, will present a public recital at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The recital is being presented in partial fulfillment of the require- !ments for the degree of Bachelor of Music. For the past three years Miss Titus has been a. student of Prof. Wassily Besekirsy. Miss Titus will begin her recital with Corelli's "Sonata in D," which she will follow with "Concerto, Op. 64." by Mendelssohn. She will play Paganini's "Caprice XIII" and Szym- anowski's "Chant de Roxane." I i lissouri River On Rampage OMAHA. April 10.- iP- The flood swollen Missouri River. ;ts muddy waters already spilling :Ver thousands of Nebraska and Iowa farm acres, threatened the metro- politan areas of Omaha and Council Bluffs tonight with the biggest de- struction wrought by flood since the disaster of 1881. To meet that threat hundreds of workers strengthened dikes, Red Cross and Salvation Army officials prepared to care for evacuated fam- ilies, and civilian defense workers stood by to answer any emergency calls to duty. CLASSIFIED DIBECTORY CLASSIFIED RATES Non-Contract $ .40 per 15-word insertion for one or two days. (In- crease of 10c for eaci additional 5 words.) $1.00 per 15-word insertion for three or more days. (In- crease of $.25 for each additional 5 words.) Contract Rates on Request WEAR WHAT YOU LIKE, WE Don't Give a Darn!. WAR "MOVIE * MEXICO BUILDS A DEMOCRACY e PEOPLES OF CANADA * GREAT LAKES A truly American film. A study of Canada's answer to Hitler's doctrine of race superiority. An excellent survey of Canadian life. Marvelous discussion of the shipping over the Great Lakes and the effect of this on our war effort. Educational and informative. Kellogg Auditorium': Dental Building SUNDAY, April 1II8:15to9:15 Contributed by the MICHIGAN UNION 4 Council, Mondpy, April 12, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Univer- .;ity Senate Member' are invited. Note to Seniors, May Graduates, and Graduatc Students: Please file application for degrees cr any special certificates (i.e. Geology Certificate, Journalism Certifi- cate, etc.) at once if you expect to receive adegree or certificate at Commencement on May 29, 1943. We cannot guarantee that the University will confer a degree or certificate at Commencement upon any :tudent who fails to file such application before the close of business on Thursday, April 29. Tf application is received later than April 29, your degree 'or certificate may not be awarded until next fall.* Candidates for degrees or certificates may f!ll out cards at once at office of the \Tccretary or recorder of their own school \or college (students enrolled in the College PIP Dof Literature, Science, and the Arts, PILIP D O R NSchool of Music, School of Education, and A NN A STEN'School of Public Health, please note that Directed by LO UlS KING A 'pplicaticn blanks may be obtained and Produced bySOLM.WURTZE1: flied in the Registrar's Office, Room 4, Screen Ploy by Jack Andrews University Hall). Please do not delay until the last day, as all diplomas and certificates must be' Extra Added lcttered and signed, and we shall be great- ly helped in this work by the early filing ALAN MOWBRAY of applications and the resulting longer period for preparation. "The Devil with Hitler" The filing of these applications does not involve the payment of any fee whtso- THE LATEST I ever. -Shirley W. Smith NEWS OF THE DAY -To Those Concerned: Tn connection with recent publications by the War Manpower Commission with & respect to requirement that men of draft Coming Thursday age shall either be in essential industry or be subject to draft, I am advised by a ANDREWS SISTERS representative of the War Manpower Com- mission that the University of Michigan "HOW'S ABOUT IT" classified by the Commission as an essential industry. The following kinds of positions are, however, stated to be non-deferrable regardless of the general WAR BRNWDSA iactivity in which they may be found: BADCharmen and Cleaners; Dish Washers; MO'tIE' III At the State . . .ation of the American Council on Edu- The little-known tactics of the ;ation, will give the address. world's boldest warriors are revealed for the first time in "Chetniks!" Aeronautical, Cvi~, and Mechanical En- The Fighting Guerrillas, the' stirring gineering Senfors: Mr. Charles Woodhams story of a nation that refuses to die, and an Engineering Representative will opening today at the State. visit the Cam~puson Thursday. April 15, Among the thrilling scenes shown to interview May and September gradu-I ates for positions in the Engineeiing De- are the blowing up of an anmunition partment of the Fort Worth Consolidated- dump and the waylaying of an en- Vultee Airci'aft Corporation, Fort Worth, emy motor convoy. The film fea- Tex. Interviews will be held in Room 3205 tures Philip Dorn, John Shepperd, East Engineering Building.,Interested men Anna Sten, Virginia Gilmore and will please sign the interview schedule Martin Kosleck. posted on the Aeronautical Engineering Bulletin Board, near Room B-47 East Engi-j neering Building. At the Michigan ... Syracuse University Luncheon: There Mickey Rooney sells his famous will be a luncheon in honor of the new jaloppy and starts for college, amid Chancellor of Sypacusc University, Dr. hilarious trials and tribulations, in William P. Tolley, at thle Michigan League "Andy Hardy's Double Life," opening on Wednesday, April 21, at 12:15 p.m. It today at the Michigan. is hoped that all alumni and former ';tudents and faculty members of Syra- He is "framed" by a girl who in- !use University will make a special effort sists he proposed to her. When he to attend the luncheon. Phone 2-1176 for finally gets his tangled affairs reservations which must be in by April 17. straightened out in time to get the Kenneth L. Jones train for college he finds a pretty coed bound for the same place. Candidates for the Teacher's Certificate There's more trouble ahead for for May, 1943 are requested to call at the ff- _ +1'-"Q-1A-1, -F- IMthey 11- LOST and FOUND 11 SIT ON THE FLOOR, WE Don't''Gie a XDarn! 10 1-. I FOOD for Fair Wea ther and i0inyt ''' It makes no difference what the day -is like. Our food is always the same-GOOD! Take advantage of our appetizing dinners, good lunches and wholesome breakfasts, as well as the friendly atmosphere of office of the School of Education Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, April 11-14 to take the Teacher's Oath which is a requirement for the certificate. Mechanical Engineering Seniors: Mr. E. W. Oldham of the Firestone Tire & Rubber Company. will interview Seniors for employment on Tuesday, April 13, In Room 214 West Engineering Building. Interview schedule is posted on the bul- letin board at Room 221 W. Engineering Bldg.; interview's for May and September graduates. Dhiner' in honor of Professor A. 'H. White's 70th Birthday: Reservations for this dinner must be made through Pro- fessor G. G. Brown's office by April 15. Any friends inadvertently omitted from the invitation list are cordially invited, and man obtain particulars by calling extension 454. Women. students are needed to help with raking: mowing, trimming hedges, and planting on the University grounds. Pay is 60c per hour-hours are voluntary. Any- one interested may sign up immediately In the Undergraduat, Office of the League. To 'HpWood' Contestants: All nlanu- scripts must be. in the English Office, 3221 Angell Hall, by 4:30 p.m., Monday, April 12. R. W. Cowden Lec tures University Lecture: Professor W. Carl Rufus of the Department of Astronomy will lecture on the subject, "Copernicus, Polish Astronomer, 1473-1543" (illustrated) in commemoration of the 400th ahnivers- ary of the death of Copernicus, under the, auspices of the Department of Astronomy, on Friday, April 23, at 4:15 p.m. in Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is invited. Lecture: Dr. Horace R Byers, Secretary of the Institute of Meteorology, University of Chicago, will lecture on the subject, "Thunderstorms," under the auspices of the Department of Geology, on Thursday, April 22. at 4:15 p.m. in the Natural Sci- ence Auditorium. The public is invited. Lecture: Mrs. Carolina de Escalante, of Mexico, will give the fourth of a series of talks on Latin America on the subject, "EVERYDAY MEXICO," under the auspi- ces of the Latin American Society of the University of Michigan. on Wednesday, April 14, at 8:00 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Faculty, students and townspeople are welcome to the lecture, which will be de- livered in English and without charge. Academic Notices Bacteriology 3i2 Seminar will meet Tues- day, April 13, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1564 East Medical Building. Subject: "Lymph- ocytic Choriomeningitis." All interested are invited. Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet ,n Tuesday. April 13. at 7:30 p.ffi., In Room 319 West Medical Building. "Snie' Prob- lems of Plant Chemistry and Physiology" ,ill be discussed. All interested are in- x'ited. Mathematics Club will meet Tuesday wening, April 13, at 8 oclock, in the West conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Profes- 3or Rainville will speak on "Differential Equations Related to a Problem in Elas- (dicity." (Continued on Page 4) LAUNDRY- 2-1044. Sox darnec Careful work at low price. FOR SALE LOST: 1 pair of shell-rimmed glasses. Reward-Call Mase Rumney at 2-4509. LOST-Big, brown reversible over- coat. New. If found, please call Alex Trout-2-2541. Reward. HELP WANTED WANTED - Waitresses, experienced if possible, for part- or full-time work. Call at Brown Jug, 1204 S. University. ARTIST-Defense work-Must be able to make perspective drawings from blue prints. Apply 1510 David Stott Building, Detroit. MISCELLANEOUS MAKE MONEY-on your used cloth- ing by phoning Claude H. Brown, 2-2736, 512 S. Main. VWASHED SAND AND GRAVEL- Driveway gravel, washed pebbles. Killms Gravel Co., phone 7112. TYPEWRITERS of all makes. Of- fice and portable models. Bought, rented, repaired. Student and Of- fice Supplies. 0. D. Morrill, 314 South State St. Phone 6615. LAUNDERING 11 FOR SALE-Palm Beach once-size 38. Inquire Church St. Suit-worn Apt. 5, 721 BUY WAR BONDS--INVEST IN.VICTORY "FAVICRN Cafeien'ia 338 Maynard I Reasonably Priced I GET IN THE SWIM WITH TH E FUNNIEST HARDY HIT OF ALLI 71 11 I1 THIS EASTER -- Serd Greetfing Cards and Snapshots This year, your loved ones may be far away. Remember them on Easter Sunday by sending them a lovely card accompanied by snapshots of you, your friends, and your surroundings. Come in and select a card from our particu- I I 11 NEW