u rtm
British Drive RomL
Into 'Coffin Corn c
General Montgomery Spurs Men To F
I1atterel A frica Corps Back into the
Associated Press Correspondent
by their commander's orders to make the Axis "endure a
kerque on the beaches of Tunis," the British Eighth Army
Sfax, the second largest Tunisian city, and drove on nort
pursuit of Marshal Rommel's bomb-wracked and bleedin
which was newly menaced on -its
hinterland flank as well.
Bombers Rip Romniel
With heavy Allied bombers ripping
and tearing at his retreating col-
umns, Rommel appeared to be aban-
doning all Central Tunisia and mak-
ing with all speed for a new defense
line on a ridge in the Enfidaville
area, some 100 miles north of Sfax
and only 50 miles from the capital,
(The Morocco Radio said planes
from Allied aircraft carriers had
Joined the massive Allied desert air
fleet in the assault on Rommel's
weary columns.)
American twin-motored Lightning
fighters, ranging out over the ap-
proaches to northern Tunisia, inter-
cepted a great aerial convoy rushing.
fuel to the beleaguered Axis forces
and shot 27 planes into the sea, it
was announced.
French Forces Advance
(A French communique broadcast
by the Algiers Radio said French
forces in central Tunisia had ad-
vanced more than nine miles north
of Pichon and in the mountainous
region of the Djebel Zela, "which
commands the plain of Kairouan.")
Four infantry divisions and arm-
ored units of the Eighth Army pur-
sued the retreating Axis forces with
such crushing power and speed that
for the first time in their 1,500-mile
backtrack across North Africa Rom-
mel's sappers had little or no time
for mine-sowing to delay Gen. Sir
Bernard L. Montgomery's victorious
WSSF Drive
To Be Opened
Fund Aids Teachers,
Students in War Areas
With a view toward helping stu-
dents and teachers in war-torn areas,
the annual World Student Service
Fund drive will open on campus
Thursday, and will continue until
April 21, Barbara Smith, '43, chair-
man of the WSSF committee, said
yesterday. .
The goal this year for Michigan has
been set at $2,000, she pointed out;
and the national total has been raised
to $300,000-three times the amount
set last year.
This fund, which is supported pri-
marily by students, faculty and edu-
cational organizations, provides di-
rect relief for students and professors
in China, Russia, the Far East, Aus-
tralia, Canada, Switzerland, unoccu-
pied France, Spain, Greece, and
India, where American prisoners held
by Japan are now receiving books
from the WSSF. All money which is
received by this non-secretarian, non-
political organization is cabled to cen-
tral officers in Geneva and in China.
Nine nations besides the United
States contribute to the fund.
* *i T
Axis Top
mel Nationwide i
.3 r War Finance
orce Drive Begins
Bond Purchases Will
Absorb Excess Funds
il 10.- Spurred To Prevent Inflation
first class Dun-
charged through By JAMES D. WHITE
hward today in Associated Press Correspondent
g Africa Corps, WASHINGTON, April 10. - The
biggest war financing operation in
Man? history begins Monday.
Uncla Sam wants to borrow $13,-
000,000,000 from you and me.
War costs money. We are taking
the offensive. The Treasury esti-
mates that current war spending ap-
proximates $6,000,000,000 per month.
The 13 billion dollars sought in the
Second War Loan, plus current
monthly bond purchases, taxes, and
othr revenue, will thus finance the
war for about three months, it is
But there's another purpose-
to drain off current surplus income
into war bond savings to avoid
Remember that inflation-an in-
nocent sounding word-got the Ger-
mans to such a point after the last
war that their currency was worth
less than the paper it was printed on.
(And it wasn't very good paper.)
Inflntion today has forced prices
Giovanni Messe in ChungL*g up to 60 or 80 times
ew commander- their prewar levels in some kinds of
ia, supplanting goods.
and Rommel, Imagine those conditions in
America, and you can understand
the serious tones in which our
economists tell us we have all the
I makings of Inflation in this coun-
trwe try-now.
That's why Americans are asked
k., H it to buy nearly as many war bonds
Turn to Page 5, Col. 3
Ships Hobbs Bill Arouses
UARTERS INO osition in Senate
11. (Sunday)-
nsport ship was WASHINGTON, April 10.- ()-
ntman destroyed Powerful opposition developed in the
hich dropped 30 Senate today to the House-Approved
ewak, New Gui- Hobbs Anti-Racketeering Bill but
nand announced supporters of the measure insisted
they will push it to an early vote and
enemy base on exhibited confidence in the outcome.
uinea some 450 ' Providing for federal prosecution
the Allied base of anyone interfering.with the move-
ment of goods in Interstate Com-
at Wewak were merce, the bill passed the House on
a 207 to 107 vote despite the opposi-
ers struck along tion of labor leaders, who contended
New Guinea at it might be interpreted as infringing
nd Madang. on what they regard as established
used recently by rights under federal statutes.
feeder base to
bases of Lae and Sub Sinks Merchantinan
it is considered bSnsM rhnia
)f Allied fighter In Sneak Raid Off Coast
KEY WEST, Fla., April 10.- ()-
A submarine sneaked into heavily-
onvicted guarded coastal shipping lanes early
Lter Counts in April to make a hit-and-run at-
I tack and sink a merchantman in
W.- ()- Barnett waters off the eastern coast of the
s owner of the United States for the first loss re-
as convicted to- ported there since last summer.
of manslaughter Forty men were lost, among them
a holocaust that the gallant skipper who chose to go
e nght club last down with his blazing ship, a medi-
um-sized United States craft.
%zw,,,, P.$r-W*..74h
Uncle Sam
$6,500,000 in Bonds
Is Goal for County
And University Drive
Dimes and dollars from a coed's
pocketbook or her boy-friend's bill
fold are the same as any others, so
when Uncle Sam says he needs "your
help," he means Michigan students as
well as 130,000,000 other Americans.
In the Second War Loan Drive
which begins tomorrow our county
wants to borrow $13,000,000,000 from
us, and Washtenaw County-which
asked to furnish $6,5000,000 of the
Within the next three weeks a Uni-
versity committee headed by Gordon
Griffith plans to contact every stu-
dent and faculty member in an ef-
fort to make bond-buying a campus
But don't wait to be asked. Grif-
fith urges you to go to the Univers-
ity cashier's office or the University
hospital's information desk of your
own accord and buy as many
stamps or bonds as your budget will
allow. Then buy some more. Checks
are to be -made payable to the Uni-
versity so that all bonds will add to,
the campus total.
A special military parade is sched-
uled for Wednesday to provide im-
petus to the bond drive and to show
students and Ann Arbor residents
what their money will purchase. Every
military and defense organization in
the city-including an escort of Army
planes-will participate in the hour-
long review.
Warren F. Cook, chairman of the
county's War Finance Committee,
said there would be more than 700
"Gallants" canvassing Ann Arbor this
Cook praised this group for being
"completely enthusiastic and co-
operative-but we have a long way
to go before we reach our goal."
He said that every series of bond is
being sold, but that the "E" series is
expected to be the most popular. This
is the $18.50 bond, which is the low-
est denomination sold by the govern-
ment. Cook expects this type to raise
$1,300,000 of the county quota.
For Those W ho Die-Lend Y
our Money Students' Help Engineers
Is Needed By In Army To
Italian General (
has been named ne
in-chief in Tunisi
both Von Arnim
London hears.
At Wewaj
Two Jap
(IP)-A Japanese tra
fired and a mercha
by Allied planes wl
tons of bombs on W
nea, the High Comr
Wewak is a key
the coast of New G
miles northwest of
of Port Moresby.
Shore installations
Other Allied raidE
the north coast of
Bogia, Alexishafen a
Wewak has been
the Japanese as a
its Huon Peninsula 1
Salamaa because,
out of the range c
Club Owner C
On Manslaugh
BOSTON, April 10
Welansky, listed a:
Cocoanut Grove, w
night on 19 counts
which resulted from
took 490 lives at th
November 28.
Students May
Still Apply for
Aptitude Test
Blanks Have To Be
Filled and Returned
Tomorrow Afternoon
Students wishing to take the all-
campus aptitude test to be given at
7 p.m. Tuesday in Hill Auditorium
may still do so by securing applica-
tion blanks at the War Information
Office in the Michigan League.
The blanks must be filled out and
returned to the office by tomorrow
These examinations are the first
of their kind to be given by the Uni-
versity and are designed to give each
student a comprehensive objective
measurement of his basic abilities.
Students who did not enter the
University as freshmen, that is,
transfer students, will be asked to
write a second test at 7 p.m. Thurs-
day in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
For Seniors
!Is Stll1 Open
Graduate Record Test
To Help Students Find
Places in War Effort
The annual Graduate Record ex-
amination for literary college seniors
will be given at 7 p.m. tomorrow in
the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Students who wish to take the
examination and have not yet ap-
plied, may still do so by calling at the
War Information Booth in the Mich-
igan League and filling out the ap-
plications by tomorrow afternoon.
The examination is divided into
two periods, the second of which will
be given Wednesday evening.
It is primarily for literary college
seniors, but is open to seniors and
graduate students of other schools
and colleges.
No fee is charged by the Univer-
sity. The examination is part of the
policy to help students find their,
proper place in the war effort.
Study Here
First Contingent Here;
Complement of 500
Will Be Filled Later
An Army engineering training unit
>f 500 men, one of the first to be
stablished in the country, will be
rganized here, the Sixth Service
,ommand disclosed yesterday.
The first contingent of men has
rrived and has taken up barracks
in the East Quadrangle where the
veather school and the 1694th serv-
ice group are housed.
The program began last Monday
and the men will fill in the comple-
ment of 500 as they arrive.
Training Has Begun
This announcement from Maj-Gen.
Henry S. Auraud, commandant of
the Sixth Service Command, comes
after weeks of negotiation between
Army Specialized Training Program
officials and the University.
The first contingent of men has
already begun training in chemical,
electrical, civil, and mechanical en-
All the men in this program as
well as the others under $he ASTP
are selected from the ranks carefully
chosen on the basis of academic abil-
ity and aptitude.
In order to come to school for
specialized training, all men had to
temporarily relinquish the rank they
held before this special assignment.
First Unit Set Up
The engineering group is the first
such contingent to be established in
the area of the Sixth Service Com-
mand and one of the first units of its
kind in the country.%
The University will provide techni-
cal training and physical instruction.
Col. William A. Ganoe commander
Turn to Page 5, Col. 3
Initiation Rules
Are Adopted
Fraternity Pledge Date
Sets Initiation Time
Eligibility of all fraternity men for
initiation will be determined by the
date of their pledging as recorded in
the Office of the Dean of Students,
the Committee on Student Affairs de-
cided yesterday in accordance with a
petition presented by Interfraternity
It is extremely important that all
fraternity presidents turn in the
name of each man immediately after
he is pledged, Dick Emery, '43E, IFC
president, pointed out.
The resolution adopted by the
Committee on Student Affairs speci-
fied that men pledged to fraternities
after March 4, 1943, may be initiated
one month after theirnames have
been recorded in the Office of the
Dean of Students, if they are under
the following classifications:
(1) Freshmen, in their first term at
the University, whose grades at the
end of the five week period are satis-
(2) Any student who has been in
the University for one or more terms
and who has a scholastic standing of
C or better.
(3) Transfer students, in their first
term at the University, who were ad-
mitted with a clear record.
Also announced as a result of the
meeting was the decision that any
man who feels his case warrants per-
mission for special initation must pe-
tition the Executive Committee of In-
terfraternity Council.
Navy Flier Saved
In 'Chute Tangle
MIAMA, Fla., April 10. -(P)- A
Navy flier who fell unconscious from
a crashing plane was saved yesterday
when the lines of his partly-opened
parachute became entangled with the
shrouds of a parachute with which
another flier was floating to safety.
The men dropped into the ocean
100 yards offshore, but Aviation Met-
alsmith Ernest L. Elwell of Wichita,
Kan., managed to keep Ensign Harry
T. Gibson, of Whitehall, Md., afloat
Nila Magidoff Gives Personal
Account of the Battle of Moscow
Captivating her audience with a
magnetic personality, Mrs. Nila Mag-
idoff, wife of NBC's Moscow corre-I
spondent, described in broken Eng-
lish the story of the battle of that
"On that fateful Sunday when the
Germans unannounced attacked our
country, peaceful Moscow changed
in one hour," she said. "We had a!
complete blackout the first evening
. . . women and children rushed to
the subway; they slept there from
StudentPost- WarPan els Outline Broad Pr~oposa is
8 p.m. to 6 a.m. for three and one-
half months. There was no panic,
everything was under control."
Exemplifying the careful 25-year
preparation of the Russians for a
great war, she said, "For years it
was difficult to buy women's gloves
in Moscow. On the first day of the
war, every person was equipped with
special fire gloves."'
Women Are Heroes
Mrs. Magidoff pointed to the wo-
men and - children as the "greatest
heroes of the war." "This year the
women gathered the harvest, kept
the factories going; two thousand of
them became emergency pilots at the
front lines. Eleven and twelve-year-
old children work six hours a day
in the factories during study-free
summer months . . . Such great un-
derstanding and responsibility among
children has never been seen before."
Proudly speaking of the determi-
nation of the Russian fighters, she
declared, "We are determined be-
cause all of our 150 nationalities are
living and fighting for a common
cause-our country. We discovered
it; we built it; we have it; and now
we must keep it. No one person got
it for us; we all got it, now we are
all fighting for it."
Art Will:Live
Mrs. Magidoff said she was asked
many times by Americans what Rus-
sia would do with the Germans after
the war. Her reply is always, "First
we must win the war. Then Hitler,
the Gestapo, and Fascism will be
destroyed, but we can never destroy
World News
In Brief
LONDON, April 10.-The giant
Krupp armament works, one of the
mainstays of Adolf Hitler's war ma-
chine, is almost completely idle as a
result of the RAF's shattering 900 and
1,000-ton bomb raids on Essen, the
Air Ministry announced today, shortly
after another big night attack on
Duisburg and other Ruhr Valley in-
dustrial objectives.
The Air Ministry said that the lat-
est evidence of the damage done the
Krupp works was obtained in recon-
naissance photographs 'taken two
days after the big attack the night of
April 3-4.
S * * *
LONDON, Sunday, April 11.-
(Russian troops mowed down 300
Germans attacking their Donets
River line yesterday near Balakleya,
35 miles southeast of Kharkov,
boosting their two-day toll of the
enemy to 1,500, Moscow announced
early today.
The midnight Russian communi-
que recorded by the Soviet monitor
said successive German efforts to
crack the Red Army positions were
repulsed. These attempts were
weaker than those on Friday when
the Germans were said to have lost
1,200 men-approximately half of
the three battalions hurled into ac-
* * *
WASHINGTON, April 10. -P)-
The first United Nations Conference
on post-war planning, to deal with
food and agriculture, was officially
set today for May 18 at Hot Spring,
Va., and Judge Marvin Jones( who as
a member of Congress helped push
through much of the New Deal's farm
legislation, was named chairman of
the five-man American delegation.
S* *
NORTH AFRICA. Anril 10.-One of
The following resolutions were
formulated by students in the three
Post-War Panels that were held
Objectives and Measures
International Control
1. There shall be a period of
transition which shall provide for:
a. A military police force under
a civilian board composed of three
men from each of the four United
Nations. This board will have a
maximum rule of five years, and
the police force shall gradually be
absorbed by the permanent world
police force.
15 .Economic administration, di-
ra-fd vP. nwriP-qA hmighwe1 in the
period which shall provide for:
a. Military function on an In-
ternational Police Force with per-
sonnel from all the United Nations
under the control of the board in
1-a. These four United Nations
shall have predominance of power
over the International Police Force
for a period not to exceed seven
years after the transitional period.
b. Economic organization by each
nation of its own choosing subject
to the following restrictions: (1)
there shall be no tariffs, and to
aid less developed nations, subsi-
dies will be granted; (2) communi-
cation and transportation shall be
free and unfettered from national
restriction and (3) there shall be
an international stabilization board
both majority and minority groups
in a given area.
2. Frontier demarcations, there-
fore, can be secure only within the
framework of an international or-
ganization for the maintenance of
3. The importance of frontiers
may be lessened by recognizing the
difference between political units
for defense, for social and eco-
nomic, for cultural and for other
purposes. These need necessarily
4. Self-determination, alike for
European and colonial areas, is
approved in principle and should
be resorted to wherever possible
andras soon as possible.
b. Aim toward economic security
for all people, toward peoples' gov-
ernmen t oward free movement of
peoples from one country to an-
other and toward education against
2. There should be a Central
Organization Committee made up
of representatives from all coun-
tries. This committee should pro-
vide for:
a. The exchange of students
and teachers from one country to
b. Research in education in or-
der to understand every country's