PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY S ATMM, APRIL ", Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of \ichigai undier the authority of the Board In Control of Student Publications. Puis-hedeery morning except Monday during the rcgulir Uiest year, and every morning except Mon- (lay and Tuesday during the simmer session . Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use or ropublicaonioft all news dispatches credited to it or riIredt In this new.spaper. All rights of repub- lict ion)T of all other matters herein also reserved.' Endered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second -class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $.5by ail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 M- EM:0 FOR NAT t"DN L A U..AI IJ NG OY NaLional Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADisoN AVE. NEW YORK, N.Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON * LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Spots before his eyes. zetn to th, 6dtto* 06 Editorial Staff Bud Brimmer . Leon Gordenker Marion Ford. . . Charlotte Conover Betty Harvey James Conant . . . . Editorial Director City Editor . . . Associate Editor * . .Associate Editor . . . Women's Editor Oolumnist Business Staff, Elizabeth Carpenter Pat Geiert Jeanne Lovett Martha Opsion Sybil Perlmutter Molly Winokur Margery Wolfson Barbara Peterson Rosalie Frank . Local Advertising Circulation * . . . Service Contiacts Accounts, . . National Advertising . . . . Promotion * Classified Advertising Women's Business Manager xfr; -~' ...~' - ~ 2 ~ ~ ---.i., Food for Europe? . THOUGHT that this summer would put an enld to all debates upon the subject of whether it would be sensible and profitable to feed-Starving Europe. At that time (The Daily, August 15, 1942), Mi- cromegas, long since gone to war, brought up the same subject but contrary to Mr. Monroe Fink's ar- gument, upheld sending food to Europe (China, Russia, and India, too!). And like all those who know little about the" actual conditions prevailing, yours truly lambasted Micromegas all over the lot. And after I finished, I found in The Daily an answer to my arguments against feeding Europe. In fact I found more than an answer: Mi- cromegas changed my viewpoint from that of an outright "blockade artist" to that of an outright "send 'em food artist!" Now that Mi- cromegas has gone to war, I would like to uphold his beliefs to the best of my ability. Mr. Fink has two points which he adopts as sufficient reason for ending the shipment of all food to Europe. The second point is that he doubts whether suffi- cient food is available. This argumentis mere trivia, and not pertinent to the main question. It does not have the slightest bearing upon the problem, for if we can get any food at all, the little -we can get would help someone. The real question, the obvious problem, is "Who will get the food, the Germans, or the deserving oppressed?" That is the essence of Mr. Fink's first point. MICROMEGAS answered this question last summer when he said, "It would be silly to send food to Europe and not to insist that one's own representatives dis- tribute it. Both the International Red Cross and the Quakers have enviable records of distributing food under agreements, and both have withdrawn help immediately when occupying troops have acted in bad faith." Continuing his arguments, Mi- cromegas pointed out that it would be -silly to abandon the plan without even giving it a trial. Mr. Fink cited Greece as an example where the plan was tried and failed, but qualified his statement by saying that "great work has been done in relieving the people's suffering." He fur- ther stated that while this suf- fering was being alleviated, al- most 40 per cent of the food was leaking into enemy hands. Evi- dently the plan has not the Red Cross supervision it needs. But that does not detract from the fact that some suffering has been relieved. And every Greek who drinks a bottle of Red Cross milk will be that much more grateful, and that much more willing to arise when the time comes to strike the conquerors from within. Instead of assuming that "the only effect which feeding the con- quered nations could have would be to keep the people from the verge of starvation, while prolong- ing the trouble which is responsible for thir plight", which is Mr. Fink's viewpoint, we ought to realize that as long as the United Nations make, life unbearable for the Europeans, we are losing the battle., For it is as sure as the day is long that ev- ery starving person in Europe is, just that much more susceptible to German propaganda. AND THIS TIME IT WOULDN'T BE PROPA- GANDA - IT WOULD BE THE TRUTH! Knowing that the food they eat comes from the United, Nations (and if they didn't know it, they would be blind), it is only common sense to realize that by this means we are helping further, our own ultimate victory. It was done in 1914, and was SUCCESS. FUL. It can be done again - it must be done again. Al Raymond. German Education.. R ADIO announced this norning (April. 9) that in the opinion of a professor of pedagogy in the University of Michigan we shall have to train a great many teach- ers to re-educate the German youth. To carry out this admirable pro- gram by employing an army of Americans trained in pedagogy, it would be necessary first of all. to decide between using the an- alphabetic Indian sign language, or deaf and dumb gesture lan- guage, on the one hand; and sim- plifying the German language so as to adapt it to the average mind without frustration. In the latter case, the article could be reduced to one form, DIE, and gender could be abolished. A teaching job of this kind requires knowledge and skill; and these are acquired by sub-- stance education. Unfortunately, we do not live In the Dr. Doolittle world. In .Germany even littli children .use German, in their innocent play. If Americans in large numbers are going to try to teach Germans In Germany, they will not make friends and influence people. Our standards are nothigh. In American news- papers the average for German quotations Is one word, one mis- take, two words, three mistakes. LIEBESLIED appears as LEI- BESLEID. The German-Americans in gen- eral are no better, and are often worse. Creating a large, number of jobs for jobsters would not in- crease the number of Americans capable of using German. That sort of competence Is the result, of years of education of the old- fashioned kind that cares nothing about frustration, social adjust- ment, and leadership. W. H. Worrell Tclcphone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: JANE FARRANT Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are wrilten by members of The Daily staff and represent liw views of he writers only. 19n4.).Chtcago Timcs. lnf. CIIANGE HALTED: Creal Proposal May, Weaken Building Code rfIE two proposed amendments to Ann Arbor's building safety code were temporarily tabled at Thursday night's meeting of the Town Council.I The reason for taking this action arose from the passage of a new proposal by Alderman Cecil Creal. This new plan provides that the Ordi- nance Committee investigate the possibility of separating the ordinances regulating hotels from those dealing with theatres. Thus, since the two pending amendments had grouped hotels and places of amusement in their provisions, it be- came obvious ,that any consideration of them would have to wait until the committee could have a chance to report on Creal's proposal.I The temporary tabling of the second amend- ment, which would hae allowed the Majestic Theatre as well as a host of other "firetraps" to reopen, marks a victory for public safety in Ann Arbor. HOWEVER, there is this great danger in Alder-- man Creal's new'roposA.l It is that in pro- posing amendments to the city building ordi- nances necessitated by any separation of its hotel or theatre provisions, these provisions in undergoing the transition may unconsciously or perhaps intentionally be weakened. It is not enough that Ann' Arbor have safe places of amusement. It also, as was well illustrated by the tragic fire which took the life of Agnes Day- Gilson, should have safe housing for its inhabitants. The tremendous influx of war workers into this area, whose safety is a national necessity, makes'thiseven moie imperative. In its attempt to clarify the building code, the Ordinance Committee should be careful lest simplification become just another means to achieve a relaxation of the code: - Monroe Fink HOUSE DIVIDED* Politicians Must Change To Wartine Thinking OLITICIANS in the United States have not yet converted to wartime thinking. Last week a Southeastern Governor's Confer- ence was held in Tallahassee. Fla. The governors of the five states represented devoted their dis- cussion to the question of whether or not their particular states should continue to support the Administration. Constructive criticism on the part of the opposition is a valuable function of political parties. However, the governors of Ala- bama, Louisiana, North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia and Florida are apparently uninterested in offering criticism which will bring about administrative reforms in the conduct of the Three of' the main issues considered at the conference were: New Deal "meddling" with the Negro problem, New Deal labor legisla- tion (which conflicts with the open-shop pol- icy of the South), and the farm policy and .rri(e control (which Southern farmers dis- like. 0 FAR as Georgia is concerned, we are going to thee who offer us the most, declared ' E G. Arnall. In other words, Arnall and others like him are not trying to answer the questiori. "What can we contribute to the war effort?" but "What party will give us the most?" Sectionalism belongs in the same class as 4 POST-WAR HOPE: U.S. Experts Must Act As Leaders in Europe T AE American people have begun to express a growing awareness of the problem of find- ing potential leaders for the post-war recon- struction program of Europe. It has been proposed that certain qualified Germans, now cooperating only by compulsion with the Nazis, be allowed to take over the im- mense problem of carrying on the administration of a totally disrupted and prostrated Germany after the war. These potential leaders living through the Nazi regime and knowing inti- mately all its developments, will be able, as no others, to suggest and direct plans for a tem- pdrary and then permanent government of a chaotic Germany beaten to her knees. The German people are ninety per cent be- hind the Nazi regime, and with the defeat of this super political structure will come a wave of cohfusion and certain psychological changes. Only leaders who know the people-who have lived 'vitl then through the war years-can diagnose and formulate with any clarity a program of lasting value which will have its root'in the minds and beliefs of the German people. THIS solution is, without doubt, one of the best proposals, but there are obstacles in the way. It is not often realized that few-very few-of these qualified people will be left out of the present systematic German executions. There is a feeling now among the National Socialists whih can' be summed up in the famous words of Louis XIV, "Apres-moi le deluge." If the Nazis are to be defeated, they want to destroy every- thing within reach: and since this cannot be carried out on an international scale, they are directing their energy to those people within reach-certain conspicuous people around whom oppositional blocs might form. We must not expect to shift too much of the burden of recon- struction administration upon the shoulders of these people, for there will be few left who were not 200% Nazis. Another 'plan for finding potential leaders for Germany has been suggested by Louis' Adamic; prominent foreign-born author. He has pro- posed that after the war certain American-born citizens of German descent be sent back to Ger- many for there would be a certain racial and linguistic bond in their favor. However, they could raly have a small, indi- rect influence in using this bond as an assump- tive basis of kinship on which to win the confidence of the people they are to help. There would be a certain resentment against them). The German ped ple would feel that they had left the country during'a period of need-whether it was fifty or twenty years ago-and that they were 'intruders. This plan would have little real value. O THERS have suggested a program which would use the thousands of German refugees as a nucleus for the post-war administration of Germany. From these would be chosen the most able ones. But are they really capable? Are they well-balanced? There would be a certain bitterness of the refugees toward the people who had expelled them and there would be a corre- sponding bitterness on the part of the German people toward the refugees. The Nazi govern- ment is not a superficial structure laid over the German people. The German people are for their government almost 100% and would resent these people also. The refugees cannot go back to retrieve what they ran away from I'd Rather Be -Right BySAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK, April 10.-If I were a teacher, sent into Germany afterthe war to "re-educate" .erman youth;' I should insist in using Meffi Kampf as a textbook. I know I should be hated, as a foreign usurper, and I would figure'I might as well make them hate Mein Kamf too. German youth will hate whatever the for- eign teacher teaches, because he will be a for- eigner; the visible symbol of 'German defeat. There-isno getting around this point. In the' long caravan of war aims, that for foreign supervision of German education is the' flat- test tire of-them all. THERE IS NO ANSWER Where, then, do we go from here on the "prob- lem of German 'education"? We go nowhere. It is a blind alley. Sometimes the answer is that there is no answer. We 'can solve the German- edudation problem only by solving the German problem. When we take one splinter out of the German problem, that of education; and isolate it, ad try to solve it by itself, it turns outto make 'no sense. Naturally, for the approach makes no sense. The average liberal, in contenplating a "fu- ture for Gcimany, is both curiously soft and' curiously butalU The suggestion that we are making war on the German people, as well as their leaders, pains him. In this field 'he is soft. But then he skips lightly to a plan for taking over the German schools, which is ex- &ndisitly cruel, a plan for the greatest humili- ation any country could undergo. By comparison, a straight ultimatum to the German people that we consider them all our enemies until they show lnough spunk to make a democratic revolution, knock over their lead- ers, and clean house, is kindness itself. That is a ' kind of compliment to the German people, for it holds them, in some degree, respon- sible for their own plight' and their own futures. It is democratic to that extent. LIKE IDIOT CHILDREN The other view, that' the German people are purely victims of misfortune, that we are com- ing clippety-cop, to save them from bad men, and that when we finally arrive we shall treat them kindly, but like idiot children, with demo- cratic schools and hot lunches and everything, is not in the least democratic. It takes all re- sponsibility from the German people for what they are doing at this very moment, and it prom- ises them a future regardless; except that it shall be a future we shall invent, while they lie inert, like a mattress, and wait for it. We will write the textbooks. The seemingly harder approach is actually much kinder. It denies that the Germans are mental delinquents who have to be the wards of somebody, either Hitler or us. It says to them: "You got into this, now'get out of it," We' have' set' revolutionary tasks for the Czechs, the French" and the Poles. We do not in the least say that we love those Czechs French and Poles who are content with Hitler. We say quite frankly the reverse. To set the Germans the same revolutionary task is to invite them into the same brotherhood. The way to bring' the Germans back into society is not to tell them that we love them, regard- less of what they do, but to tell then quite frankly that we have the same feeling about a DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETINI SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 4943 VOL. LIII No. 135 , All notices for the aily official Bul- letin 'are to be sent t the Office of the President in typewritten form by' 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, excelt on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices Faculty Tea: President and Mrs. Ruth- ven will be at home to members of the faculty and other townspeople Sunday afternoon, April 11, from 4 to 6 o'clock, Cars may park in the restricted zone on South University -between 4:00 and 6:30 p.m. To Members of the University Council: There will be a m'eting of the University Council, Mondpay, April 12, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Univer- sity Senate Memberr are Invited. Seniors: The firm which furnishes di- plomas for the University has sent the following caution: "Please warn graduates not to store diplomas in cedar chests. There is enough of the moth-killing aro- matic oil in the average cedar chest to soften inks of any kind that might be stored inside them, resulting in seriously damaging the diplomas." Shirley W. Smith SyracuseluUniversity Luncheon: There will be a luncheon in honor of the new Chancellor of Syracuse University, Dr. William P. Tolley. at the Michigan League on Wednesday, April 21, at 12:15 p.m. It is hoped that all alumni and former students and faculty members of Syra- cuse University will make a special effort to attend the luncheon. Phone 2-1176 for reservations which must be in by April 17. Kenneth L. Jones Seniors and Graduate Students, who have been invited to be guests of honor. at the Twentieth Annual Honors Convo- cation, are requested to order caps and gowns at the Moe Sport Shop immediately. It is necessary that they be ordered this week to be delivered in time for the Con- vocation on April 16. Ira M. Smith, Secretary, Committee on Honors Convocation Dinner in honor of Professor A. II. White's 70th Birthday: Reservations for this dinner must he made through Pro- fessor G. G. Brown's office by April 15. Any'%friends inadvertently omitted from the Invitation list are cordially invited, ands may obtain particulars by calling extension 454. Choral Union Members: There will be a full rehearsal of the Chorus on Monday evening, April 12, at 7 o'clock at the School of Music Building, instead of Tues- day evening as originally scheduled. School of Music Students expecting de- grees in May must complete and return to the office of the School of Music not latr than April 20 the applications for such degrees which were recently re- ceived by mail. Individual records are not complete until the completed: blanks are on file. Students who plan to enter one of the following professional schools: Medicine, Law, Dental Surgery, Nursing, Business Administration, Forestry and Conservation. at the beginning of the fall term on the Combined Curriculum must file an appli- cation for this Curriculum in the Office, of the Dean of the College. of Literature, Science, and the Arts, 1210 Angell. Hall, on or before April 20. After this date applications will be accepted only upon the presentation of a satisfactory excuse for the delay and the payment of a fee of $5.00. Sophonmore Women: Petitions for the central committee of your Juni' or Girls' Project are due by 5:00 p.m. Monday, April 12. In the Undergraduate Office of the League. Interviewing will be held Tuesday, April 13, through Friday, April 16, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Sign up for time of interview when you bring in your petition, and bring eligibility card to the interview. To Hopwood Contestants: All manu- scripts must be. in the Enggish Office,. 3221 Angell Hall, by 4:30 p.m., Monday, April 12. R. W. Cowden Academic Notices Bacteriology 312 Seminar will meet Tues- day, April 13, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1564 East Medical Building. Subject: "Lymph- ocytic Choriomeningitis." All interested are invited. The Provisional Rifle Company will meet this evening at 7:30 at the old ROTC Fidqs. for a night problem. Any Univer- 31ty student who is interested in army' field work may enroll, and, reservists, ROTC and NROTC cadets are strongly urged to attend. Dark clothing suitable. for field work will be worn. Greek 166 (Mythology): The mid-term, test will be held on Thursday, April 15. Campbell Bonner Exrhibitions Exhibition, College of Architectuen Design:, Drawings made, by Pu ebl o ndlin children of the Art Department In ( the Indian School. at Albuquerque, New Mex- ico. Ground floor corridor cases, Archi- tecture Building. Open daily 9 to 3. except Sunday, through April 10. The public is invited. The, twentieteU .annual exhibition of work by artists of Ann Arbor an vielity Is being presented by the Ann Arbor Art Association, I nthe Exhibition Galleries of the Rackham Building,,. through April 23, dallyj except Sunday; 2 to 5 after- noons and 7 to 10 evenings. The public is cordially invited. Events Today The Angell Hall Observatory will be open to the public from 8:30 to 10:30 this evening if the sky is clear. The moon and the planet, Jupiter, will be shown through the telescopes. In case the' sky is covered or: nearly covered with clouds, the Observatory will not be open. Chil- dren must be accompanied by adults. Phi Delta Kappa membership meeting will be held In room 3206 In Univermity High School at noon today. All mnembers are urged to attend. First PrebyterianbChurch: From 830 to 11:30 there will be a. special Saturday night program for the soldiers. Coming Events The English Journal Club will 'meet Tuesday, April 13, at 7:45 p.m., in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Build- ing. Mr. Ralph Eberly will read a paper entitled "A Critical Test for Poetry: EU It Truthful?" Graduate students and mem- bers of the faculty are cordially invited. A.I.Cl.E. will meet at 7:30 p.m. on Mon- day, April 12, in room 3Q2, Michigan Un- ion. Professor K. K* Landes will speak on "Petroleum Reserves." The Annual French Play: "Le Monde ou l'on s'ennuie", by Edouard Pailleron, will be given on Tuesday, April 27, at 8:30 p;m. in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Churches St. Andrew's Episcopal Church-8:00 a.m. Holy Communion; 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon by the Rev. John G. Dah; 11:00'a.m. Junior Church; 5:00 p.m. Choral Evensong and Commentary by the Rev. Robert M. Muir; 5:45 p.m. H-Square Club (for high school students), Page Hal; 6:00 p.m. Rector's Question Sour, Tatlock Hall; 7:30 p.W. Canterbury 'Club for Episcopal Students, Harris Jail. First Baptist Church: 10:00 a.m.: The Roger Williams Class will meet at the Guild. House, 502 E. Huron St., to study the Epistles of John. The Graduate Class will meet in the Church. 11:00 a.m.: Church Services. 7:00 p.m.: At the regular meeting of the Roger Williams Guild, Mr. Louis Hos- Doctoral Examination for Fred Ray Ca- gle, Zoology; thesis: "The Growth of the Slider Turtle, pseudemys scripta elegans," will be held today in 3089 Natural Science,, at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, N. E. ,Hartwig, By action of the Executive Board the, Chairman may invite members of the- faculties and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examination and he may grant permission to those whofor suffi- cient reason might wish tq be present., C. S. Yoakum Concerts- Carillon Concert: Percival Price, Uni- versity Carillonneur, has planned a series of spring recitals for Sundays and Thurs- days at 7:15 p.m. His program for Sunday, April 11, will include compositions by Gounod, Lefevere, Prokofiev, and a group of Negro spirituals. Organ Recital: Frieda Op't Holt Vogan, Instructor in Theory and Organ, will con- clude the Wednesday afternoon organ re- cital series at 4:15 p.m. on April 14, in I